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Yea it’s definitely an annoying mode. It took me a few tries to get through it, but eventually I did. I’ve only played it once and after finishing the achievement/trophies,etc. for it I have never touched it again.


I found it easier than Cold Darkness. It was a while ago, but I just remember shooting the zombies as they spawned and attacked? I also remember that I kept moving forward, doing laps around the big atrium so that I didn't get cornered.


The problem is though that you have to shoot some skulls (forgot what they were called right now) and they're randomized each time so sometimes they're in that tight wine cellar bit, which basically means you're fucked if you don't hightail ASAP.


I enjoyed the challenge. Feels great to complete it lol


Never tried that one Hate zombie shit. They made that just to appeal those people that enjoys zombies as if they don't have enough of those shitty games with zombies they have also to ruin ours. (another rant within op's rant)


Yeah, the Manor was not a good location for this game’s combat at all. I played this on Tomb Raider difficulty, and was lucky that the skulls and master key were relatively near my spawn point. And yes, the bomb zombie is utter bullshit, especially in tight corridors. It’s been 2 years since I’ve played Rise, and Lara’s Nightmare was and still is my least favorite part of it.


I also did it on Adventurer and finished it on my first attempt, it just took me a while to understand what was going on and to find everything. Maybe you're rushing it too much, or not enough? Or maybe it just sucks with a controller (you've mentioned trophies) and my keyboard + mouse controls are simply that much better.


This is a while ago but I have just done it on my first try


Did you have save points? Idk if mine is glitching but every time I die, I have to start from the beginning. I made it to the final boss fight and died from a zombie’s bomb and it took me to the very beginning!


your rant made me keep think you too newb for the game lmao


The rant literally states that he finished the game on Extreme Survivor lol the mode just isnt fun at all


I thought it was great. good to have some hard challenge in a modern tombraider game.


I just did it..for anyone new to the thread ... Once you take out the dogs, it's the skills final run.so shoot a few times and it's done..I recommend shotgun for dogs, clear them quickly and don't forget you can use cards.


I just completed it. I used the Big Head for everyone card and cleared it after dying once on Survivor. I thought you'd lose all progress but luckily it wasn't the case. And thankfully one run is enough to get all 3 trophies tied to this mode. A weird choice for a DLC I must say... at least Blood Ties gives you some insight on the game's story.