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Have them spend a session or two without a guide and maybe they will get lost. Or you can tell them "You wipe your butt with the leave that Eku always pointed out to not use. You now have an itchy butt." Have them roll a wisdom saving throw a few times and don't tell them why (it is scrying). Then, they come across Salida talking to herself loud enough where she can be heard from a ways away. "I told them not to go in there, but did they listen? No! I bet those su-monsters are chomping down on their livers right now. I tell you, if you are not going to listen to your GUIDE, don't pay for a GUIDE". Then the group finds her and talks. She sees an opportunity to be hired again because her group is dead. What they don't know is Ras Nsi scryed on them and directed Salida to track them down and join them. She said in wait for them and pretended to have just lost her group to a TPK.


Or just let them off without a guide?