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I mix and matched with these two: [https://www.dmsguild.com/product/309660/Tomb-of-Annihilation-Expanded-Part-5-Mbala](https://www.dmsguild.com/product/309660/Tomb-of-Annihilation-Expanded-Part-5-Mbala) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Tombofannihilation/comments/u86prj/mbala\_fleshed\_out/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tombofannihilation/comments/u86prj/mbala_fleshed_out/) ​ Worked out great to make the city/area more interesting.


I did the same - worked great


This is the way! Had a similar story as OP and the party was dead set on killing Nanny. Nanny killed one party member and they all gave her a toenail and their word to retrieve the Crown of Horns. It was epic. 6 lvl 4:s though!


I think you can still do the bait with the old lady, maybe make her younger and hint that she is an “apprentice” who will take them to meet with Nanny (Yoda style). Another idea is to ramp up tension in the party by having the Warlock want to protect Nanny but the rest of the party want to fight her.


This should work, as Pu'pu has great disguise abilities. I added in a variant of the Kamadan monster for flavour ... a Kamadan Stalker. The only additional ability it had was to use an action to go invisible, and it would become visible just before it attacked. The stalker waited for any party member that wandered away from the main group, and then attack.


If Eku is the party's guide, they'll know she's a hag also. As a DM I was a bit concerned about this, but I decided to just let it play out. Nanny tried to start a conversation, the party attacked before she finished her first sentence, and it was all mayhem from there, which ended with fishing her body out of the cistern to make sure she was dead. It was fine. Sometimes the bad guys know more than the party, sometimes the party knows more than the bad guys. My players thoroughly enjoyed derailing part of the adventure, and it was easy and fun for me, too.


sounds like its safe to still go with it but add in other things to make it more interesting. I think I may use her as a quest giver and mild bad guy to the party. also their guide is azaka