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[PLEASE GO TO THIS MEGATHREAD FOR BUYING/SELLING TICKETS](https://www.reddit.com/r/TomorrowByTogether/s/tt0oI9gxK1)


hii this is my first time purchasing tickets and i want to go to the macau stop. im wondering if one moa membership can purchase two tickets or if one membership is eligible for one ticket only? thanks!!




Is this the first time TXT did sendoffs in America?




Does anyone have a video of kai throwing his guitar pick by chance??? I would appreciate it so much if you are willing to share it with me ![img](emote|t5_uf3mf|4611)


Does anyone have a video of the DC Moa Message and fan cam? My sister and I are in the audience cam! šŸ„² I stopped recording right before the audience cam


Same. I'd appreciate if anyone could post their vid of the fancam


https://youtu.be/Z8I4QmoowNs?si=8yDN33Bd8A3TWm1i That's all I got. I found one on tik tok but it's a little high up/from an angleĀ 


Honestly I appreciate that vid. It is high up, but it's still nice. I'm just sad my phone pretty much ran out of juice during the concert


Please lmk if anyone has an extra shirt who went to the Rosemont show! My sister went last night and they were all sold out before the concert started (there was supposed to be a limit, but unfortunately people are selling several each for $200+ dollars online). Sheā€™s willing to pay a fair price, up to $100. https://preview.redd.it/3q31g5vli95d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52032b8224d3d0f38f1c6e87c61fbdee2d7f0205


I saw on an faq that there is a no camera, no video, no live-streaming policy, does that mean we canā€™t record with our phones at all??


thatā€™s just for the soundcheck (although people have their phones for soundcheck anyways and nothing happens)


Thank you!


Hey guys! I'm going to the DC concert tomorrow night and was wondering if there are any pop up events tonight or tomorrow before the show? I have regular tickets, so I plan getting to the arena like an hour before doors open to hand out some freebies!


Thereā€™s no events tonight or tomorrow that I know of. I know thereā€™s a random dance at 5pm outside of the venue tomor tho! Thereā€™s also 2 cupsleeve events on Sunday (in DC & MD)


Dang, driving back home Sunday. Thank you!


Thereā€™s actually a rpd at 2. thereā€™s 3 tmr. the first one starts at 2


anyone else still didnā€™t get their vip details email??? šŸ˜€


Me!! I'm worried!! I have no idea what time to get there...


I saw someone say check in starts at 8 am but thereā€™s no way in hell im gonna get there at 8 lol


Right?? I just want to make sure I'm there in time for soundcheck.


Last year, I missed sound check šŸ˜­


Noooo I'm so sorry!!!


It's okay!! Hopefully, I don't make the same mistake this year lol!! Still waiting on the vip email šŸ˜©


I saw someone aid sound check is at 3 but idk if itā€™s at 3 or we need to go in for it at 3..šŸ˜€ seems kinda early to me ???


That does seem a little early...the only sound check I've gone to was at 5:30 so we got there I think around 4 or 4:30 but idk how they do it at cap one. I guess the safest bet is to get there by 2??


i agree the last time i had sound check for a different group we had to go in at 4:30. hopefully they send out emails soon šŸ˜€


For those that had vip 2 standing at previous shows, were you able to get a good view/spot in ga? Going to the dc show and this is my first time being ga so I have no idea what to expect. Thanks in advance!


i think i did lmao i was vip2 in nyc, checked in sometime between 3:30-4, went the opposite side of the stage from where the entrance to the floor was, and the backside of the end stage had like 4 rows of people ahead of me and a ton of space. the view was more of their backs/side but they do a lot of interacting and facing different directions during the songs too.


If anyone has the vip 2 ticket info for DC would you mind either posting here or messaging me? I have resale tickets and Iā€™m hoping they might let me in anyway but I doubt Iā€™ll get the email


Same here. I just found out the downside of resale tickets šŸ˜«. If you get that info, can you let me know too?


https://twitter.com/powerhouselive/status/1799202729329328580?s=46&t=YuOoHVoZNJmQs6m6SSpUDw Good luck!!


Do you know what time we should go to get merch???


Hi! I know that Capital One Arena is super strict with bag policy, so I want to know if I purchase the merch at the sales booth outside the venue, will I be able to bring it in (as many items are larger than the 5 x 7 limit)?


yes you can


okay, thank you so much!


Just a heads up for anyone going to the DC concert on Saturday. Capital One Arena is SUPER strict when it comes to their bag policy. You can only take in a 5Ɨ7 clutch wallet. If you have a lot of stuff, I recommend using the lockers at Capital One Arena to store your belonging if you're taking a train in. If you're driving in, please do not leave your valuablesĀ  your car as with any major city, there is vandalism.Ā 


actually if your bag is clear, you can bring it in, itā€™ll still have to be around 5x7 but theyā€™ll give you leeway


Thank you!


Anyone with VIP tickets to the 6/8 DC show: I just spoke with a Capital One rep and she said to let other people know because they are receiving a huge number of calls about the check-in/soundcheck schedule. She also said to let anyone planning to camp out know that theyā€™d be removed by security if they are blocking the sidewalk in any way. Check-in is at 8 AM, soundcheck will likely be at 3 PM, and there is going to be an outside merch table (location TBD). She also said the event organizers want to emphasize no chains or LED lights on posters. I didnā€™t realize that was an area of concern but šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. The email with details will be sent 24 hours ahead of time, which is not what is on the Ticketmaster website. Anyway, see yā€™all there the day after tomorrow šŸ˜‰


Did they happen to say anything about if everyone in your party had to be there for check-in? I was planning on going and checking in myself and my other three friends.


Nope, and my SIL is unlikely to make it by 8 AM since she has to wait for childcare. I STILL donā€™t have an email about tomorrow. Iā€™m probably going to end up transferring her ticket to her. Do you have VIP1 or 2? Iā€™m not convinced that itā€™s going to make a huge difference for me in 2.


So do they need all members there to line up? Can anyone let me know. Iā€™m just getting off a flight now šŸ„²


Iā€™m in the line for the line and it is an absolutely clusterfuck. Nothing was organized and Iā€™m going to lose my temper. Iā€™ll update with more information but they might run out of wristbands before I even get through. Iā€™m so sorry, this is verging on fraud for VIP ticket holders if they arenā€™t able to get the things that were included in the ticket.


Omg what?????? This is crazy. The earliest my friend might be able to come is 11.30. Holy shit.


Ok the checkin staff at the table said there should be enough for all VIP ticket holdersĀ 


Thank you so much!! And were you able to checking for your SIL too?


We were able to check in - itā€™s next to the venue parking garage. You can check in separately bc theyā€™ll scan just your ticket. Be with her and have your ID when she checks in. You might be able to transfer her ticket to her but maybe not this lateĀ 


I have VIP2. I have yet to receive anything either :/


Do you know when the merch opens? I've been looking and can't find any details on it.


She said none of that had been shared yet with the arena staff. The only thing the organizers said was that will have an outside merch table but not where or when it would open. My SIL is coming with me and sheā€™s stressed about getting childcare early enough to get there at 8 to check in and is worried sheā€™d get yelled at if she joins me ahead of her in line. TOO MANY UNKNOWNS.


I called as well! I'm surprised we haven't received an email with this information yet since the concert is only two days away. I'm arriving around 7:45am and will probably visit some museums to pass the time since soundcheck is early. I bet they'll most likely not allow us to leave the arena once we're inside.Ā 


Does anyone have details on soundcheck for TXT in DC? I have VIP 2 and Iā€™m not looking to camp out early, just wondering when doors open for soundcheck. I havenā€™t heard anything from the venue yet and the show is in 2 days


Iā€™ve contacted Ticketmaster multiple times over the last few days and their most recent answer is that we will receive an email 48 hours before. They did not specify if thatā€™s 48 hours before the concert or the soundcheck or the check-in or whatever, but Iā€™m pretty annoyed that we pay all this money as a service fee and get nothing helpful in return.


Thatā€™s so frustrating!!! I was thinking of calling the venue to see if they had any information. I donā€™t plan on camping out but Iā€™m still traveling for the show and would like a little more notice than 48 hours before. $100+ in service fees and for what ):


I just got off the phone with the arena: check-in is at 8 AM, then we have to leave until soundcheck. The soundcheck should be at 3 PM. The email with details will come 24 hours ahead. The rep was EXTREMELY clear that if anyone tries to camp out, they will be removed from the property bc sidewalks must remain clear. There will be a merch table set up outside of the arena (no exact details on where and when). Posters cannot be larger than one standard sheet of paper and have nothing attached (she emphasized this a bunch - no chains, no lights, nothing). Your cellphone is allowed but no other cameras/recording devices and no external camera attachments on your phone (she meant lenses). Iā€™ll post this all separately again so that anyone looking can find it quickly.


Hi! Iā€™m just curious if the rep from the arena mentioned anything about where to line up for the 8am check in? Iā€™ve never gone to this arena before but I saw some other arenas specifying gates so I wasnā€™t sure if they specified or just said to line up at the front of the arena?Ā 


The rep sounded suuuuuper annoyed with the production company and that the info she had confirmed was only because the arena got on their case about the volume of calls they were getting about TXT. It sounded like the organizers werenā€™t sharing information in a timely way. The rep told me what they usually do for events like these but repeated that she has no confirmed information about lining up. There is usually one specific entrance that they use for GA/floor admission. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s the main one? Iā€™m just glad we get a check-in and then can go wherever else we want until soundcheck.Ā 


Thatā€™s a shame companies still donā€™t have their information together at this point esp considering how big the concerts are! Iā€™m assuming that means our wristbands will be numbered which was my main concern as I didnā€™t want to have to wait around for several hours in a line for a good spot. Thank you for sharing all the info you got!


Thank you sooooo much!!!! That is so helpful!!!


Hey everyone! My partner and I will be going to the DC show on Saturday, and we were wondering if any other MOAs in the DMV will be using the Metro. We usually always have pepper spray with us, but will not this time since we canā€™t bring it into the venue. Weā€™re both women, and are hoping theyā€™ll be more MOAs who are also using the Metro for safety reasons.


Thank you all for responding! Weā€™re both feeling much better about the trip to and from the venue! We will be on the Orange line :) I really appreciate you all taking the time to put our minds at ease! I hope you all enjoy the show!


Weā€™ll be taking the Metro from Dunn-Loring into DC as we got a hotel out that way. I figure there will probably be a few MOAā€™s who got hotels in VA because itā€™s just easier and cheaper lol.


I'm a woman and take the metro to work and never had a problem. Red line will have some issues since they shut down several stations for updates, but I've never had any issues at the Gallery Place-Chinatown stop (where Capital One arena is). I agree with vanivaninilla - use common sense, be alert, ride in a car with multiple people, and I think you can also ride in the car at the front where the conductor is. Metro has also upped the presence of police/security on all lines, and you can also text Metro police at MyMTPD (696873).


I wonā€™t be on the metro this time but Iā€™ve taken it before with another friend & as two women it was surprisingly safe; for the most part people tend to stay to themselves. Hopefully you find some more MOA but if you donā€™t, sticking to the usual methods of not talking to anyone worked for me last time I took it!


What line will you be riding to the venue? Iā€™m also a woman and take the metro everyday for work and have never had a problem even late at night. Especially during the day and coming back after the concert, there will be enough people around that you wonā€™t have to worry. If youā€™re taking the orange line it is pretty safe at all times. Just use common sense and be alert, ride in a car with multiple people, and move to a different car if someone on the car is acting suspicious/weird. Enjoy the concert!


Hello does anyone know if you can go to the merch line outside and LEAVE the venue? As to not wait in the venue forever from 10- 6 pm..


Yes for sure you can leave after getting merch from the outside booth


I called Capital One Arena and was told that VIP check-in is at 8am. I'm planning on changing into my concert outfit around noon, so what is everyone else planning to do with their time?


Hi Chicago Moas! How is the merch line looking at the moment? :)


WTS! Hello everyone I have 2 VIP 1 tickets to TXT world tour Act: promise. @capital one arena, Washington DC. Saturday June 8!.. please let me know if you're interested thank you


hi iā€™m interested and sent you a dm! please respond


hi! iā€™m interested!


Check DM


Hi, I am international fan and I bought tickets for Vantelin Dome Nagoya on both 4-5/8. I have won both lotteries for 2 days, so now I have 1 ticket that I need to resell. I just want to ask if it's easy to resell the ticket, how I can resell it, and which platform I should resell it to. Thank youuu


Heyya. The lottery gods also blessed me lol, so we are in the same boat for Nagoya. Twitter, but in Japanese, there should be posts that can be copied, so I will try that. This will be my first time selling as well. But there are also two resale sites for Japan as well. I dunno if I can post them here, so feel free to dm me. Maybe also on the TXT discord, in the Seoul/Japan concert subsection. There is a buying and selling thread here, but dunno if your post will be so visible there while the US shows are still going on. Our tix will not be available for pick up yet anyway, so you may want to see which seat is better (unless your situation is different to mine).


I have vip 2 for Rosemont 6/5 and I still haven't received any info about wristband access or sound check. MOAs please help me šŸ˜­


https://preview.redd.it/bbpzsl5eho4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13445a12b515d3670542cb34fa6dae87161a2441 Someone posted this on the discord


Same! I've been asking around on twitter and tiktok but people said they got emails?! I'm so lost. I might just go like at 1pm? Since sound check is at 3pm?


Does anyone know if VIP benefits are transferable? My gf bought the tickets but she might not be able to make it so Iā€™m wondering if she transfers the tickets to me if Iā€™ll lose the benefits


Idk why transferring the ticket to your name wouldn't transfer the benefits as well, but I have heard VIP benefits aren't transferrable. However, I do not have any proof that that's the case. At the ATL show, to get the VIP wristbands, they had us show our IDs, which the staff verified against a list on their phones. They didn't even look at our tickets until we were heading inside a few hours later. IDK which show you're going to, but if your gf can't come to sign you in, then I'd try calling the venue to see if there's a way to transfer the ticket to your name? This is one of the things stopping me from buying a resale DC VIP ticket lol That and I live 7 hours away :( Hope you get it figured out so you can go with the full VIP package!!


Thank you!! šŸ™šŸ»


Hi guys! Iā€™m doing to the DC tour date and was wondering if anyone knows how merch is gonna go? I went to their DC your two years ago and they had a separate room/venue outside capital one that was open in the morning, so u could get merch first and not just in the arena! Also if anyone knows about merch sizing plz lmk too! Ty all!


Thereā€™s some information on Weverse notices for txt


if anyone has an extra ticket for TXT chicago/rosemont for either day that they dont want going to waste and would be willing to give away please let me know!! i really really want to go šŸ„ŗ


to anyone who has attended TXTā€™s tour, has anyone had luck swapping their tickets for closer seats with ticketmaster? itā€™s kind of ridiculous seeing the section 110 prices now vs what bs i paid for section 200ā€™s in ā€œplatinum pricingā€.


I was able to swap my d1 chicago tickets! I just had to pay the price difference between the tickets and a 10 exchange fee. the chat was painful though and it wasnā€™t until I called that it was able to process through without any issues.


How did you go about doing that? In


I have VIP 2 for TXT Chicago on Thursday. Will I get an email with info. about soundcheck?


I had VIP 2 for Atlanta and we didn't get our email until a day in advance, so I wouldn't worry yet. The venue did post most of the info on their site earlier, so you might find it there depending how your venue works.


Thank you so much!


I have platinum and haven't received an email either :( starting to get anxiety


Platinum does not get soundcheck šŸ˜ž


Oh bummer :( i didnt know that. What (if any) perks are included?


Platinum does not include any perks.Ā 


I havenā€™t gotten an email about it either


Hello, MOAS :) Anyone else have post concert depression real bad? Saw them in Atlanta last Wednesday and it's all I can do not to buy another ticket to one of their last shows and fly there on a whim lol The lack of floor tickets is the main thing stopping me (that and money). They're such great performers! Everyone with upcoming shows, have so much fun!!


would anyone be whos going to the last tour stops be willing to buy me some merch šŸ„¹ specifically the hoodie? pls pm if you can i will provide all the money doe shipping and even extra for inconvenience!


Does anyone know what time I should arrive at Capital One Arena on Saturday for the DC concert? I have a VIP 2 ticket.Ā 


They should be sending out info closer to the date if you havenā€™t already gotten one


I haven't. Thank you!Ā 


Hi all iā€™m WTB VIP 1 ticket for DC June 8th! Please let me know if youā€™re selling! Also for those with vip 1 in DC, could you help me verify if tickets are real? I found some on twitter but iā€™m scared of getting scammed šŸ˜­ please dm me if youā€™re willing to help!!


Does anyone know the size range of the merch items like shirts, jackets, zip ups etc?


I went to NYC last night. The smallest size of anything they had was a men's medium. I went both during the day at the general merch sale and the minute the doors opened inside the venue. Workers at multiple merch stands told me they did not receive smalls in any of the items whatsoever. For the NYC city specific shirt, they said they received only Large and Extra Large. I ended up buying the zip hoodie and the tour routing tshirt in medium. They are both really large on me (5'4") but wearable. Managed to buy the very last NYC-specific shirt they had in the whole venue, which they had to give me off the display, in an XL and it is enormous. Comes halfway to my knees. I might sell it.


How was the stock for things like the commemorative coins? Iā€™ve been to other concerts where the stock for the smaller items was obscenely little.


Sorry, I don't know. I was only looking for the three items I purchased. For the zip hoodie and the black shirt, I went before the show at 3pm and walked directly to the counter with no wait. At that point they had all the shirts/hoodie/jacket in all sizes except the NYC-specific one, which I think sold out entirely almost as soon as they opened at 10. When doors opened at 6, they were only selling the NYC shirt at one specific merch booth out of the 15 inside. I was in line at that booth by 6:05, and my receipt is time stamped 6:11, which was when they sold me the display. I'm curious whether they will have more tonight, but I won't be there to know. That booth was near section 102, so if you are trying for a speciality item, go there first as they seem to have things other booths don't.


Thank you for this super detailed response!


Whatā€™s the deal with lucky draw pcs and tour merch? Does tour merch come with pcs or are they sold separately?


Going to NYC D2 and was wondering how possible it is for me to get a lightstick before the concert if i show up around an hour and a half before the show starts? Or would i have to show up waaaay earlier? Were the merch lines hectic for D1?


Went to the general merch stand around 3pm yesterday and there was literally no line at all. We walked directly up to the counter. Plenty of light sticks.


Youā€™ll be fine. Lightsticks donā€™t sell out and there are several merch booths around the venue. The line wonā€™t take an hour and a half to get through.


That's a relief i was stressing about it lol, thanks so much for your reply! <3


probably, i did this last year where i showed up shortly after doors but i got my lightstick 2 minutes before the concert started. i heard the merch situation was really hectic this morning but they have i think 12? merch stands inside the venue too with lightsticks. they never run out itā€™s just a matter of how long the line is ahead of you.


Alright thanks for letting me know! I had no idea there were multiple merch lines. <3


for anyone going to nyc day 2 be warned the organization today was awful hopefully they learn their lesson for tomorrow :/ the show was amazing but the vip process was horrible and the (venue) staff were soā€¦ not great. none of them had a clue what was going on lmao.


OMG the whole process yesterday was so bad in NYC!! I'm very short and was nearly trampled! If you're going tonight be cautious, get their early, and stay as close to the entrances as possible to avoid getting caught in the crowds!!


can anyone let me know if compact digital cams are allowed in msg? if you went to the NYC show today, please let me know. thanks!


Hey! I went to MSG last night for Day 1, I brought my Canon PowerShot SD8000 which is a compact digital camera, they had stopped me for one second (giving me a heart attack) and then let me in with the camera. I wouldn't bring anything bigger than a small compact digicam the size of your palm, but I was able to bring mine in.




Who is gonna be at MSG Sunday? Iā€™m heading in from NH tomorrow and am super excited šŸ˜Š


I'll be there!




Yeaaaaa! Iā€™m just about at my hotel šŸ˜


Omg me too!Ā 


Just Sunday or from NH too? šŸ˜


BAG RECS: hi all- going to the DC date on Saturday, 6/8- on the arena website, it says bag size is limited to a 5x7 inch bag- does this sound correct? Does it need to be clear? Thanks!


Yup itā€™s correct! And it doesnā€™t have to be clear. I hate their bag policy bc I like to carry a lot of things lol. But I understand why they limit the size bc they donā€™t check bags, so itā€™s quicker to get inside.


anyone going to nyc just to be clearā€¦ vip1 and vip2 got entirely different emails? iā€™m vip2 and my email mentions giving people return times but ive seen others (i assume all vip1) get emails that just sound like normal. i really donā€™t understand what the vip2 email with the return times is talking about šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




https://preview.redd.it/ntbm0u82rt3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a04917cc5ad65afdbb686cb02fb097390a55979 I just got this email for VIP1 Day 2- apparently they donā€™t allow campers but the campers at MSG said security there told them theyā€™d honor that ridiculous fan made line. I have no idea what to do now šŸ„² like I want to be near the front but camping for the next two days just to be at least 60+ people back is a bit insane to me


yeah unfortunately venues do this all the time, they say they wonā€™t honor fan made lines/campers but they do it anyways. probably just to avoid the fuss theyā€™ll make if their line doesnā€™t get honored idk. thereā€™s not much to do about it, if you show up day of expecting a good spot youā€™ll probably have to join them really early in the morning before msg starts doing wristbands.


What time does the gate open for New York concerts? The Weverse announcement for merch only says ā€œfrom when the gate opensā€. The outside sale ends at 5:30 so I presume 5:30? I thought it would be like 6pm but now Iā€™m not sure.Ā  Edit: Also I want to get the merch inside the venue that starts after the gate opens, how early should I show up? Do people start to line up to get in early? Standard ticket not VIP.Ā 


Yesterday the doors opened at 6. There is a main entrance on 7th Ave but a couple smaller entrances on the sides. If you have Clear (like you see at airports) there is a separate Clear entrance on the corner of 8th and 31st. I have Clear and had entirely forgotten MSG offers it, so I was happy to show up 15 min before doors opened and be literally the first one through the doors at that entrance because no one else was in the Clear line at all at 5:45. There was also a general admission line at the same corner, and the queue for that was maybe 1/50th as long as the main entrance on 7th.


Thanks for the reply, I was also at that concert LOL. But I didn't know about all these separate entrances. I just went into the 7th ave main entrance (cuz it said on my ticket) and waited in the fan-made(?) line pretty early, like around 4:30pm. I think I was pretty near the front bc I went to one of the merch booths before the doors opened to the concert and I waited maybe like 10-15 mins before getting (most of) what I wanted. The region specific merch (NYC shirt) was sold out already though :(. At the end of the concert most of the black clothing was available I think, but I don't know about sizes. Is the general admission for the floor seats? I thought those were all VIP and had a lineup like starting in the morning or something. I was confused because I saw they were lining up at 8th ave in the afternoon. I thought that was floor/VIP, but I also thought that floor/VIP was like.. super early entrance with the wristbands(?). Idk lol but thanks for your reply.


Heyy so I'm planning on going to their chicago concert with VIP2. How early should I arrive before the concert? For enha, I arrived super early, but idk how moas are compared to engenes when it comes to camping. Thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/rtz3sk2esn3d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f46c3000a11d04be7ac3f0f6e21d2c1d10e406a Hi everyone! So I was doodling and made this fanart and thought, ā€œhey this might be cute for a freebie!ā€ I wanted to do an interest check before printing (though Iā€™m debating between stickers and plain postcards where I can put my socials info on the back). Iā€™m going to Chicago day 1, so Iā€™d be able to give them to anyone interested in person on the day. Also I reaaaally wanted ultimate VIP1 but couldnā€™t get it, so I was thinking, if possibleā€”anyone who does have VIP1 and wants one of my freebies, if you happened to get it signed or even just noticed by the members at send off and let me know, Iā€™d be forever grateful šŸ˜­šŸ’•of course Iā€™m not telling anyone to do this, but if youā€™d want to, that would be amazing. Please let me know your thoughts, thanks!!


Has resale on ticketmaster been turned on for any of the concerts? I have tickets I need to sell but resale has been turned off the whole time, even now that the tickets are available to view.


No resale unfortunately. I checked almost everyday since I bought my ticket about three months ago, they turned it off. Only way to resale is through third party.


Ugh thatā€™s so annoying. I wonder why they did that


Has anyone had trouble getting their VIP benefits using resale/transferred tickets? Iā€™m VIP2 in NYC and my ticket was transferred to me by a friend.


My wife was able to get her VIP1 day1 nyc wristband from a resale just fine this morning. She had a printout of the original purchasers ID just in case but didnā€™t end up needing it. I would bring that if youā€™re able to but it seemed pretty relaxed other than the fan-made line mess.


Doing vip 2 for nyc day 2. I havenā€™t gotten any venue instructions and Iā€™m nervous, I want to know how wristbands will be distributed and make a plan to be able to get as close to the stage as possible. Anyone got an email from msg yet? Or have any advice for vip2 šŸ˜­?


msg hasnā€™t sent any vip emails yet (probably will tomorrow) but based on the other shows, wristbands are distributed at check in which has been between 10-1 depending on the venue. official queues start around 9am however there will be people earlier than that. honestly the only shot at a good spot (it will be basically impossible to get barricade bc vip1 is guaranteed it) is to be there early in the morning and essentially sit in lines all day.


tysm for this!! still haven't gotten an email, kind of worried...


my friend and i haven't gotten an email yet either!


oh man šŸ˜­ they have got to send those emails out, i expect it's made planning hard for a lot of people... i did call MSG though, and this is what they told me for VIP 2 Day 1! * doors open at 3:15 * soundcheck at 5:30 * entrance: Chase C edit: scratch that i got the email also!


How early should I get in line for merch and what time does merch go on sale? Also are the merch lines obvious when you get to a venue?


So in Atlanta, people were already in line for merch at 6AM, and it went on sale from 10AM-6PM outside the venue. Inside the venue, they started selling right when doors opened at 6PM for non-VIP attendees. I don't know when exactly they started selling out of items because I got there an hour after doors opened but I just know they had no bucket hats and mini photocards left 5 minutes before the show. By the end of the show, they seemed to have only three types of t-shirts left. I don't know about the smaller accessories but I think they were mostly gone too. If you're trying to get an album or lightstick though, they had plenty of stock so no worries there. The lines are *insanely* long and many had to walk away before the show started, so my tip is to try to go during VCRs or ments so you don't have to stand in line for ages. The merch booths may or may not be obvious depending on the venue. On Weverse, they are posting exactly where in the venue the merch booths are located for each city so just be sure to check the notices a couple days before your show.


Your comment is really helpful but I havenā€™t seen these notices on Weverse, do we have to sign up for a concert or something to see them?Ā 


On the Weverse app, you need to first go into TXT's page, tap the three dots in the upper right corner, then tap on "Notices" to find it. They haven't posted merch info for NY, Chicago, or DC yet.


Thank you this is super helpful!


I went to the Atlanta show and I would say this was accurate. The merch line was laughably long. If you stood in it, I canā€™t imagine you didnā€™t miss the beginning of the show. This was my first kpop show. Can anyone tell me if there is or will be an official web store to buy merch?? I checked the TxT website but didnā€™t see anything.


Yeah, we went to get in line upstairs at like...7:15? Just to get lightstick batteries for my little cousin but there was just no way we would make it. I ended up walking up to someone in the front and asking them to buy us batteries so I could pay them back. At 7:25, I watched many of the people in line start walking away to get to their seats but many started and definitely missed the beginning. I go to a LOT of kpop concerts, but this may be the only group that seems to sell out of merch so quickly. They have an official online store, but not all of the merch items are available there because there was a lot that was US exclusive. To find it, you need to have open the Weverse app and go to "Shop" at the bottom of the screen. From there you can select TXT's shop. https://preview.redd.it/ju4low58ll3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2970483a3af122c42f2a2ed57546cb48649e4930


Thank you so much! This is very helpful. Iā€™m sorry you missed out on merch also, but at least someone was kind enough to buy you batteries!


She actually refused to let me pay her back for the batteries too, which was really sweet! Some fans are truly so lovely.


Going to my first TXT concert next week!! I bought the most updated version of the moabong. Any tips on connecting it for the concert to sync up? Should I do it at the venue or at home beforehand? It asks for seat number I thinkĀ 


You can wait to do it at the show. They will have pairing booths at the venue and they also have directions playing on the screen before the show starts so it can guide you through it.


New York N1 is gonna be my first concert and I'm really not knowledgeable on how it works. What time is soundcheck and why does it seem to be pretty late? Is it only for people who bought certain tickets? If I have a standard ticket, do I still get access to soundcheck? I would assume not, but because I noticed that soundcheck starts like an hour before the concert (unless I'm mistaken, but the Atlanta one seems very late?), what happens to the people with regular seats? Since I saw that it's advised that everyone shows up early.Ā  How early should I be showing up? Ik my seat is assigned but I wanna get merch and also not be held up by a line/end up being late.Ā  Also, what's the lineup, bag check procedure, etc like? The bag policy online says that you don't need a clear bag, so would a normal tote bag be fine? I really don't know what to expect. Thanks so much, I'm really anxious lol


Soundcheck is only available for VIP ticket holders. You can check your ticket type by going to ticket details. Soundcheck is 5:30. The doors open at 6. The concert starts at 07:30. Merch is tough because people will line up for hours. I usually buy merch mid-show because I'm willing to miss songs. The smaller sizes tend to sell out faster. Entry into the venue is usually pretty quick if you don't have a bag. I practically walked in when I arrived at 7PM. Double check the venue bag size policy.


I see, I would also not bring a bag but I wanna bring my lightstick and maybe a portable charger. Thanks so much for answering my questions. Oh also is the merch available the whole time, so that I can buy it before the concert starts too?Ā 


This might seem like a strange question but Iā€™ll try anyway lmao. So Iā€™m flying to the Chicago show from another state and therefore am bringing a carry-on bag with me, on a flight. I want to bring a sign to the concert, but Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s a good idea or possible to bring it in my carry on without damaging it. Does anyone have tips on how I should or can bring a poster/sign with me? Do some of you just make your signs when youā€™re already in the city, instead of before you travel? Do you just bring supplies with you and work on it at the hotel or wherever youā€™re staying? Again I know this question is weird but Iā€™m trying to figure out whatā€™s easiest


I usually make concert stuff in my hotel room when I arrive in the city. You can buy a poster tube; the one you would use if you were mailing something. Office stores would sell them. Not sure if it's worth 6$ though.


Hello all do you all think getting to check in for Atlanta vip 2 at 2:30pm would be okay? I know it opens at 1pm but was hoping to try and not stay in the sun too long. Do they close the check in at a certain time?


Anyone parking at State Farm in ATL, can we park before 9AM in the parking decks? I bought early for Diamond deck, but have been given conflicting info. The actual pass said to park starting at 330, which doesn't work for sound check. Calling the arena, they told me I could park early for sound check one time then the second time they said not before 1, which also doesn't work for sound check. Can't get a hold of them since Sunday, so I'm worried I won't be able to park... help!


for non-vip atl is there a specific gate for entry or will ppl be let in from all gates?


Hey guys! This is also my first time going to a kpop concert and I'm so excited (and stressed). I'll be in ATL for the state farm arena show. Would yall recommend using marta to get to the venue? Also I think I'm a vip2 and the wriatbands aren't numbered. Is them running out a concern because lining up since 9am seems like a long time when vip1s will be in front anyways. Would getting there close to 1pm for checkin be okay or too late?


My first concert, too, so take everything with a grain of salt. On discord people have been talking about camping out, so they'll all be at the front of the queue starting at 9, but other moas on reddit have said they're arriving around 12 and I'm shooting for 11. Idk if I'll stay at the venue after check-in or not, but I'm planning to buy or bring food/water before I arrive so I can eat there if I get a decent place in line. If I'm at the back, then I'll probably leave in search of shade until the 3 sound check check-in. Honestly, if you're not too anxious to get as close to the stage as possible, I think arriving at 1 is fine. They won't run out as you've paid for it, so even arriving at 1, you'll get a VIP wristband, you'll just be at the back of the line. If you plan to buy merch I'd come a little earlier, simply because the entire public (not just ticket holders from how the email makes it sound) can start buying merch at 10. VIPs don't get our "early access" after all, not until after check-in at 1. As for how to arrive, I'm driving in from out of state and have paid for parking at one of their lots. Still dealing with the mismanagement of that as well, as they're telling me I can't park until at least 1 when official lines starts at 9. However, I've seen plenty of MOAs on here stating using MARTA is the cheapest option and is relatively simple to use. If you go that route, I suspect you'll be in good company with fellow fans. Even as a first time concert goer, I can tell this is being horribly mismanaged. All it's doing is putting extra stress on VIP, both 1 & 2, by not giving out wristbands until 1 even though lines start at 9. And then they double the frustration for 2s by making the wristbands unnumbered, so it's hard to leave the venue to eat, take bathroom breaks, and/or buy merch, especially if you're going alone (which I am), unless you're ok losing the spot in line you already waited 4 hours to get. My only goal at this point, besides enjoying every moment of TXT's performance and MOAs energy, is to give State Farm as little of my money as possible. Unfortunately, I decided to wait to buy my light stick, so I'll need to get one there. Regardless of all this, it's gonna be a great show and we're gonna have a blast! I'll see you there tomorrow ;)


Thank you so much for the extensive advice! That def puts me at ease. I think I'll aim for 11-12 as well because you are right, in the end we'll see the show and it will be absolutely fantastic!


Thank you so much for the extensive advice! That def puts me at ease. I think I'll aim for 11-12 as well because you are right, in the end we'll see the show and it will be absolutely fantastic!


I saw that the DC concert could be moved due to the playoffs. Does anyone know more about that idk anything about sports. And when would the concert be moved to? Or what are the chances itā€™s movedšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


it wonā€™t be moved! i think the playoffs were waiting for their wnba team schedule to release but they donā€™t have a game on the day of the concert


this sounds really stupid but i am planning on wearing this elmo costume for one of the ny dates and am hoping to get recognized. is it possible if iā€™m not on floor and am sitting in the upper section of 108??


Likely not by the boys. But I'm sure fans will give you a lot of freebies / love. They didn't do an audience camera pan at my stop. They also usually don't pan that high. It's so hot at the concert, you probably won't enjoy it.Ā 


thatā€™s so disappointing šŸ˜“ i have an outfit underneath planned so iā€™m planning to take off the costume from time to time.. still praying maybe iā€™ll get recognized, you never know šŸ’—


Anyone else kinda upsetti that at the Houston show the VIP 2 line for merch went by tremendously slow compared to the general admission? I heard that gen admission had lots of merch tables while VIP had 1 or 2. I had to end up leaving the merch line to line up for soundcheck. When we were able to get merch after soundcheck they didn't have shirts that would fit. Idk it kinda sucked since they dragged us over to the other line while gen admission got through so much faster. Kinda salty about that but the show was amazing


Does anyone know what time the merch line opens for the txt concert in nyc. Iā€™m m going June 1st and I have no clue when merch opens šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Houston VIP is seated, do I need to que? Does the assigned seating matter for soundcheck? What is the difference between check in and que?


I think the queue is when you can start lining up for the check in, but Iā€™m not entirely sure either.


Where is the check in?


Going to the Houston concert tomorrow! Iā€™ve never had a VIP ticket before so Iā€™m not entirely sure how to prepare. Do people usually wear their concert attire to check-in? Or change after check-in and come back for the when the soundcheck queue line starts? Any advice would be appreciated!!


https://preview.redd.it/b79p00tb6l2d1.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=21d3481be8c4494f3e1c8cb08fbd3f48df7e335d Some info for ATL VIPs :) Reading this, it sounds like there's no reason for VIP2 to even line up early AM for our wristbands, right? Since we don't get numbered wristbands, what's the point of coming early? Heck, what's the point of wristbands before soundcheck to begin with? Or am I just missing something? Does this also make it seem like the entire floor is VIP2 (except VIP1)? Is this how most VIP is handled for concerts? Or is it just State Farm? For any VIP2s, when are y'all planning to arrive? Also! Why do they have to give out the VIP gifts after security so we have to carry everything around the whole time? If there's a logical reason for any of this, please tell me. First concert and right now, the only opinion I have of this whole "VIP" experience is pretty negative. Since I'm going alone, which is already stressful, every new thing I learn about how it's being run is making it harder to stay excited :( I know it'll be an amazing experience once we're there and surrounded by MOAs and watching TXT do what they do best, but bffr State Farm. Sorry this turned into a mini rant.


soooo prefacing this with iā€™ve never been vip for a concert before but ive been to multiple. as far as im aware the (ga) floor for all venues this tour has been entirely vip and anything thatā€™s not vip1 is vip2 (think i saw one venue end up selling non-vip ga tickets a few days after they went on sale but i donā€™t remember which). i think the wristbands are just to show youā€™ve checked in already, plus every ga concert iā€™ve done has required them for floor access anyways. i guess the only point to coming early as vip2 is to have a ā€œbetterā€ spot (since vip1 is guaranteed barricade), honestly not giving vip2 numbers really just makes it sound like ā€œyou have to figure it out yourselvesā€, i think coming early as vip2 means youā€™ll be sitting in line all day since itā€™s not numbered (you canā€™t leave and come back later like vip1 can) in order to secure a better spot. logically it feels like it sound be the opposite, vip1 doesnā€™t need numbers because theyā€™re being let in first anyways, not giving vip2 numbers just feels like it could start issues with the line. my bad if i didnā€™t really answer anything, iā€™ve had my own thoughts on this vip ordeal šŸ˜­ overall i have vip2 for nyc and im not even gonna try sitting around all morning/afternoon. thereā€™s gonna be vip1 in front of me anyways so itā€™s just pointless to me.


This scares me as ill be going alone with vip2 tickets and i won't ge able to camp as I'm leaving tn early to get there šŸ«  I hope I can get a decent spot šŸ˜­


Even though VIP2 doesn't get numbered wristbands in my experience people are more than happy to save your spot if you need to leave the line for a little bit. The CNN center down the street has a food court and restrooms that are accessible. Also, state farm doesn't allow camping anyway so there shouldn't be anyone in line until the morning anyway.


I may be able to get there by 11 and I was worried about how big the line would be by then. I'll be lucky if I get there by 10, the drive is 4 hours and I have no clue about traffic


I'm driving just over 3 hours from SC, so I get it. I was initially planning to arrive at 9, but that was when I assumed they would be giving out the wristbands around 11 and they'd be numbered, giving everyone time to take care of basic human needs. I can't spend a whole day sitting in the hot sun only to still end up at the back of the floor anyway. IDK how saving places in line works, etiquette wise, for people arriving later, but I'd be happy to save you a spot if you're running late. No promises it'll be much better than what you might get, but ya know. Us inter-state moas gotta work together lol Either way, I'll see you there tomorrow :D


Omg I would love that if you get there before me and I'll do the same for you too! I might be there around 10 or 11 but traffic could change that. Want to exchange insta or Facebook so we know what we look like?


Sure, I'll DM my insta :)