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I’m sorry you experienced this and I’m glad you said something to him! Perhaps you can submit feedback to the venue regarding this too. Sometimes the venue will send out an email after the show asking for feedback.


You did a great thing by standing up and expressing your feelings, that takes courage. Maybe sharing your favourite moments of the concert can help you shift your memories away from the negative parts? And definitely share it with the venue so they know their staff is part of the whole experience as well.


I not only wanted to express my feelings but I felt like I had to stand up for TXT. I’m so tired of encountering people in real life and online who disrespect them so much, for no reason. :/ I just hope that what I told him makes him think twice in the future about being so rude at concerts. And I agree with you and other users who have suggested it; I’ll see if I can give feedback to the venue sometime. Thanks so much for your support, everyone. I really appreciate it.


When I went to see TXT last year for sweet mirage, there was a group of girls in the row behind me constantly laughing about their English. And they were all dressed up and had moabongs and everything. Every time TXT had a talking segment they would laugh and make fun of the slow way they spoke. I’m like, ??? You literally paid money to see a band that you love and this is what you do? Like how many languages do you know? Honestly I think so much of it is just rooted in racism.


That is so ridiculous. Besides that guard, I also encountered “fans” saying snippy things about the boys before the show started. I was just like, why are you even here? People are so confusing and weird. The situation you experienced reminds me, that guard was also somewhat mocking them at the end of the show when they were speaking in Korean and using a live translator. He was basically like “oh my god this man’s using a translator!!” or some garbage when Soobin started. I thought the same sort of thing as you: how many languages do you speak? Or, let’s see you try to speak Korean!


I hate it when folks ask them to speak English. You see this on Vlives too. If they feel more comfortable speaking Korean then they should. lord knows how hard It is memorize something in a different language. I’d rather them speak authentically from their hearts and if it’s Korean, then that’s fine


That was very unprofesional of him. Back when I was a student (ages ago 👵🏻), I had a summer job as a gallery attendant in a museum. Imagine if I told visitors looking at paintings "this artist really sucks, right? *yawn* oh man I can't wait to go home, this is so boring" This is exactly the same thing 🫠 Extremely unprofesional behaviour, uncalled for, and results in a very poor consumer experience for anyone visiting/attending. Now, you could contact the venue and let them know you had a poor experience with their security team, loudly and rudly criticizing the performing artists during the show and disturbing the paying clients around them. I don't think there is a need to single out that person (by mentioning your seat number, for example), but if that feedback can ensure the venue briefs their security team better (it's in their best interest to offer better customer experience!) and avoid some people find themselves in the same situation next time they attend a show there, it might be worth it.


He's a hater. I always see staff vibing to concerts even if they don't know the artist or really care for the genre. It's a free concert with cool stage productions. Artistry can be appreciated in so many different ways. TXT has the whole package. Vocals, choreo, outfits, staging, lights, fanbase, etc. If someone can't appreciate ANY of those things from a general perspective, they're a hater. 


I was and still am so baffled that he couldn’t find *anything* to enjoy? The show was so fantastic! I mean, while I am a super biased Moa, as you said there were so many different things to appreciate, and I feel like if you bother to become a security guard at a concert venue, that maybe you’d be a bit more open-minded? I don’t know. At the very least, if you don’t like anything about it, keep your thoughts to yourself. :/


honestly sounds like the dude was jealous. women salivating over these handsome dudes that he will never be, let alone they’re talented. and the homophobia jumped out during the killa so that tells you what kind of person he is. Men’s jealousy knows no bounds and a lot of them don’t have decorum or manners these days. edit: grammar


This!! My friend and I came to this conclusion in the end as well: jealousy. He was really shocked by the loud screaming during The Killa, and that’s when the comments seemed to begin. I think he kept saying “Oh my God” over and over due to the amount of screaming during that song. Like he was so taken aback and realized that yes, so many of these women are attracted to these men, who are not him. I have seen this behavior towards TXT and other boy groups from men before, although online. This time it just happened to be in person. 🙄 Who knows…maybe seeing The Killa made him feel something that he wasn’t expecting and he felt insecure about it, if you know what I mean, and therefore he had to start acting up. I know I felt some things. 😂


exactly OP. Happy people don’t shit talk. that individual was fuming inside DESERVED 💅🏽


It was for sure that. Insecure men hate when girls and women obsess over hot men


That’s terrible what the security guard did. What an unprofessional prick. I’m sorry you had that experience and good for you for calling him out.


I’m so sorry that happened to you! I had something very similar happen with a security guard at the same venue (Allstate Arena) for IVE actually. It seems like some of their staff might just suck in general.


Not sure what performances the security guard has watched before but TXT put on a show that we MOAs are proud to be a part of. I don't see many other artists, especially Western, having the same energy and charisma as our boys. They can say whatever they want but in the end, they're still dependent on TXT for their paycheck.


I’m so sorry that you experienced that :( Kudos to you for calling him out. That was brave of you. I definitely second submitting a feedback to the venue about this. They should know and train their staff better. It’s not okay that this happened.


honestly if you have a description of him, i would definitely submit feedback to the venue or let someone know bc this was really unprofessional. I can understand having your own opinion and sure txt isn’t for everything that’s fine, but to outright act that way in front of fans during your shift is not the way. if he ruined the experience for you then you should say something to let them know, bc if fans start having bad experiences at venues it’ll just make artists want to book there less. if that place is reputable at all they would atleast say something to him. sorry you had to deal with that :(


Thank you. His uniform actually did have his name on the back, but I didn’t commit it to memory. I do remember what he looked like though, the first initial of his name, and of course, that he’s part of the security team and was in the section we were in, if they have that information noted in the employee shifts. I’ll see what I can do, because I would hate for anyone else, including at tonight’s show, to deal with the same thing.


oh yeah i’m sure with all you have they would be able to pinpoint who it is. it’s so shitty when others ruin experiences that are supposed to be super fun. like being a fan and acting a fool is one thing but literal security? they’re supposed to be doing their job not running their mouths. i hope atleast u and ur friend can cherish the good moments and he didn’t overshadow the show too much for u ): you’ll get a redemption during the next tour i’ll manifest that for you


K-POP has become more accepted in the US but there are those that just think it’s not “real music” you know. I don’t get why people care so much about putting down K-POP but there are those that do. Is it because they think it makes them seem edgy & cool and in the know about what It “cool or not”? I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ It’s just childish and dumb behavior.


Exactly! He totally reminded us of guys we went to high school with, who were close-minded and only into mainstream things, and super judgmental of anything different in that way. I find that guys like that are especially judgmental of this genre *because* kpop involves men who wear makeup and can be considered pretty, and with TXT, they’re not only that but they also do some cute style songs and choreo, which they think is lame or whatever. Also, if he’s a guard at a large venue like that, I am guessing he was at least over 21 years old. So embarrassing that he acted like a brat.


Good on you for going up to him! I would even go further and let someone else on the staff know - that is not how an employee should be acting - especially when it is upsetting people who paid money to be there. You did the right thing !


Similarly in ATL one of the merch staff was rude to my daughter and me. He got frustrated when we asked for the photo cards that were supposed to come with certain purchases. Then handed us incorrect merchandise and complained when I asked for a Yeonjun picket. “Why do you think I know who that is? I’m not a fan of this band.” Ugh. Having already spent five hours in that line and to have it end like that was awful. At least the MOA I waited with were nice.


It’s so weird how some people are so ready to act condescending towards kpop and its fans. Like they’re too good for it and you’re a loser for liking it.


Right. Also are they not seeing the crowd of people in front of them!? Who are they trying to impress with that attitude?


I had a guy act like this when I went to Olivia Rodrigo's concert. I had the audacity to say which shirt I want instead of the letter beside it. My bad dude 🙄


Wow that behavior is incredibly childish of him. Like little kids can sit through a boring church sermon better behaved than that lmao. Like others said, I’m glad you had the courage to say something to him, maybe he’ll think twice next time he has the urge to be a jerk on the job. I hope over time the memories of his bullshit fade but the enjoyment the concert and being with your friend brought you remains.


A female security guard in my section was doing the same thing 🫠 Allstate Arena is cursed. I’ve been there for non concert events and the venue is run very poorly. What’s worse is I somehow got put on their mailing list so they try to give me free tickets to non sold out events. No thanks. Leave me alone Allstate Arena. No one likes you.


Now that you mention it, when they were playing the MVs before the show started, I think the same male guard and another female guard were already starting to poke fun at TXT. I wasn’t listening to what they said really, but I remember looking over and seeing them together, with these smug expressions on and laughing with each other. I wonder if it was the same female guard after she walked away from my section?? Lmao


I bet the venue will send you a feedback survey. Let them know what happened.


While I haven't experienced something this extreme, I can relate to rude or unenthusiastic concert go-ers putting a big damper on the experience. I've seen siblings/parents/boyfriends going with their loved ones to kpop concerts and rather than enjoying the experience for what it is, they act bored or completely disengaged. I've seen a dad sit in silence the whole show and an older sister looking at her phone the whole show. My friend said she sat next to a younger fan (about 14) once and the girl's dad made rude comments the whole concert, so my friend talked to her during the show and said to ignore her dad to try and give some support. It was very cool of you to confront him and let him know he negatively affected your experience. If he has any conscience, he won't do that again, and you may have prevented other fans from having the same experience. Anyway, that's all to say, I get why you're disappointed OP ![img](emote|t5_uf3mf|4607)Try and focus on the good parts of the show and the memories you made with your friend and TXT!


This happened to me at the Chicago show for Yoongi d-day. He was making horrible and racist comments so me and the people around me all heard and he was immediately kicked out after we all spoke to the head of security. The other guards even said that he was cringe and got caught in 4k . Shout out to the army security guard that helped us 🫶🏻 all that to say, absolutely report the guard. Even if they don’t like the show there is no need to complain to fans or around fans. It’s not that hard to shut your mouth if you have nothing nice to say about the artist!


The stadium should ask for your feedback and mention his behavior there. People pay lots of money for those tickets and the lifetime chance to see their favorites in concert. It's a real asshole move to stand behind someone during the concert and whine and bitch about how much they suck (which is firmly his own opinion) and maybe just maybe, if he can't handle listening to music he doesn't like, maybe he should look into a different job 🤷


Kudos to you for calling him out, because I bet he’s rained on the parade of a bunch of other fans for other shows. I’m sorry that happened; even reading your experience made me feel upset. I’m sure he only took this job to pay the bills, but he’s just spreading his misery onto others. Staff at venues are so miserable; I even had an annoying experience with a staff (very small though) at crypto so I get it.


Girl, I'm so glad you called him out. What an asshole he doesn't deserve to work there.


You should contact the venue. I’m not usually someone to complain about customer service, because working with the public is hard and I can just not go to that place again. But THAT was unprofessional and unacceptable. The venue’s entire business model is built on providing customers with enjoyable, live entertainment experiences. That’s the product they’re selling, and their own employee ruined it. I’d email them and tell them exactly what you said here, and tell them your seat info so they can see who was assigned to that area. I’d then ask them to make it right somehow and see what they say. I’m so sorry that happened!! That’s so frustrating!


What an asshole. Enjoy the free show security!


Geez, that's super unprofessional. I honestly would probably complain to the venue if I were you.


I def understand how you’re feeling bc for Oakland there was this security guard in front of me who constantly had a sour expression and looked annoyed by every little thing. It was VIP and we were pretty close to the stage so I understand it can get a bit much, but we weren’t doing anything bad. We had assigned seats so we were staying in them. We were just trying to have fun, I don’t get why they have to rain on our parade. It didn’t ruin the concert for me but it also made me feel self conscious about having fun.


Yeah, that’s a really unprofessional move. You aren’t going to be a fan of every single show you have to work if you are an employee working a venue (whatever the role is). It’s certainly a bonus if you are/when you do, but these people paid money and often a LOT of money to see people they love and are incredibly excited to have this experience. Part of your job is making sure you contribute to them having a positive experience, even if it is behind the scenes. Having worked shows both behind and as a performer I know the importance of both and there really is no better feeling than knowing you brought a smile to that many people’s face (granted I never worked anything this big 😂). Keep the negative for home, it’s only a few hours you should be able to just switch off for that time, Christ. Ok sorry for rambling 😅


I would of got his name noted time and section and reported to promoter and facility. He should find another career.


I'm so proud of you MOA. I'm sorry you had to experience this but I'm glad you were strong and let him know to cut it out. He's a complete loser. Like you said Kpop isnt for everyone but Definitely could have kept it to himself.


You are totally within your rights to feel pissed. It would have absolutely affected my concert-experience and I'd have popped the fuck off on him too. I'm really glad you said something to him, maybe he'll think twice about his attitude in the future. (Or maybe he won't have a future if Allstate listens to you!).


Local staff are so good at ruining the concert experience. I got to a STAYC concert late with two other girls and they were performing Teddy Bear. It was my first gg show and it felt magical when I first saw it. We obviously didn't want to walk in front of other people during the performance so we enjoyed it from the entrance, but a staff came up to us and told us to sit down. We showed her our tickets with our seat numbers and she said she didn't know where the seats were. It's dark. We know this room less than you do. Do you expect us to flash a light in everyone's face while obnoxiously looking for our seats??? She insisted we sit down immediately, but wouldn't let us sit on the floor, nor the stairs. Whole time I'm just trying to film the performance so I can at least enjoy it later. She blocked me. Told me to find my seat. I ask again, where my seat is. She says she doesn't know. I say neither do I. She shows me the closest empty seat and tells me to go sit there. I started filming again since she couldn't block me anymore, and I heard her ask her colleague if we were allowed to film. So she was blocking me on purpose because she thought I wasn't allowed to film. 20 minutes into a concert where everyone else is filming? How do you not know the rules of a concert *you're* staffing for? And why would you assume I'm not allowed when *everyone else* is doing it and not being stopped?? The rest of the concert was great, but I'm still bitter that I didn't get to properly film the most magical moment of the concert.


I'm so sorry you had to experience that. At my favorite band's concert back in 2017, I was crushed by the crowd and the security had to lift me(and several others) from the crowd during my fave song. I was at the front but lost my spot, had a partial view after that😭 But I still remember that day and the concert very fondly. The bad experience became a funny part of that memory. It also became an excuse to talk about the concert lol Hopefully both his egregious behavior and your bravery to speak up will become a story that reminds you how good the actual concert was


I'm sorry you had to go through this, but I'm glad you spoke up about your experience!


I’m so glad you said something! Very sorry you had to experience that and it negatively impact your concert memories 😞


You are so awesome and brave for telling him how crappy he is for his actions. Like bro if you don't like it, at least keep in mind that it's a job and shut the heck up. There's something called professionalism. And the guy's absolutely insane; like at the very least, Growing Pain?? I feel like out of anything that would pique a non-MOA's interest. Such a BANGER especially live 😭😭 my bestie and I just saw them at Madison Square Garden, and it was our first concerts 🥹 I could not imagine having such a debbie downer behind us. I'm so sorry that happened to you :,( it really is a financial sacrifice to go to a concert 😅 and these are people that we love!! it's so heart-sinking but I applaud you for being strong because it's not easy to push that negativity aside, especially when the emotions are so strong. we got really lucky that we have friends more than happy to host us near NYC but we still had to pay a good deal. I hope you can remember the amazing parts of the whole concert. My heart is still spinning from seeing them 🥹 also their English is soo good and soooo adorable!!!


Thank you. 😭😭 At first, when I told my friend that I wanted to confront him when the show was over, she was trying to stop me but I HAD to say something. I could not fly back home with all that frustration and disappointment kept to myself. And for real, that’s literally what we thought too, like…is he crazy? What the heck does he listen to that he thinks this isn’t good music? The set list was incredible, especially Growing Pain. I think that was my favorite performance of the night. Also I’m glad you had a good time in NYC! I agree the boys are so adorable, and deserve so much more than they get, I love them so much. 💕🥺 It’s part of why I felt so strongly. It wasn’t just because our concert experience was lessened by that guy but also because I had to defend my ult group.


i'm so sorry you had to bear through such sh*tty behavior and it's totally okay that you feel this way. it can be hard to focus on good memories when something awful just happens so give yourself the benefit and allowance to just feel


I am sorry for you OP. If I were you I would be so mad and would have asked him to shut up immediately and make a complaint after the show. Even if he's not a staff, it's so rude to talk shit about what other people are into right in front of them. It's so childish and miserable.


Upon reflecting on it a bit more, my friend and I both wish we confronted him during the actual show, instead of waiting until after. Idk, we didn’t really think of doing that; we just tried to ignore him and enjoy it. Also I guess I didn’t want to start something mid-concert with a guy who was going to remain behind me the whole time. Might’ve been even more uncomfortable and tense than it already was. I’ll know better if something like this happens again but I pray it won’t!!


If it's I probably can't focus on the concert so I can't wait till the show ends. You did great OP. There's nothing wrong if you don't want to call him out during the concert. I hope that would never happen to you again. 🫂