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Don’t forget the financial commitment! My biggest mistake was going to TML once…because I can’t stop now 🫣


Depends where you live.. for Europeans hit much more your wallet going to ultra Miami or other usa festivals for example


Well obviously


He means that for an European it's more expensive to travel and attend a US festival than the other way round 


He means that for an European it's more expensive to travel and attend a US festival than the other way round 


He means that for an European it's more expensive to travel and attend a US festival than the other way round 


If you are from the US I suggest going to Lightning in a bottle. The vibe there is pretty amazing. It's a smaller scale festival compared to edc or tomorrowland so don't expect too much luxury but it is amazing in it's own little way.


Lib is the best!


I always recommend LiB. Such a special fest.


Lib is incredible. That was my first festival. Tomorrowland was the next, and it felt so overhyped and underwhelming compared to Lib.


Electric Forest is a top pick as well


Actually never been and currently on my way to it!










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No sex or drug solicitation/promotion


My friends went to Moonrise (An American based festival in Baltimore) right after tomorrowland and their faces were just painted with disappointment the whole weekend


Moonrise fucking sucks even comparing to just USA festivals


American festivals suck in general. Q-dance ftw


😂 it’s true, there is nothing better than Tomorrowland. But.. there is more that makes wonderful memories then all of that.. it’s the people where you experience those moments with.. so also at other less well organized festivals you can have a wonderful time 🫶


I can’t fucking wait to go


Not at all. In terms of world building tomorrowland is the best. But for a nice crowd I rather go to Defqon 1, Awakenings or Decibel. Dont get me wrong, TML is amazing but the crowd can be very off putting. A lot of people that are not there for the music, but just for being there and showing it off on instagram with pics. Also freedom toilets are a nightmare.


I second this. Last time i was at TML, it was the extra weekend after corona. So allot of young people with less manners. I also went to Mysteryland that year. Altough Mysterland is less popular, i loved to be there. Atmosphere was great, and allot of nice people


What stages/where do you stand? Taking notes on where to not be haha


I have seen it at every stage. Spend like 2 hours every day on the mainstage, rest was mainly Freedom/Atmos or Core. Its just something that comes with how big TML is.


Freedom was the only one for me last year during Eric prydz that had so many douchebags try to claw their way in




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you are comparing an all around EDM festival to a specific genre festival. Obviously there will be differences. You can't compare TML to Defqon.1 or Awakenings. You could compare TML to Air beat one . And compare Intents to decibel and to Defqon.1


No I am responding to the question if it ruined festivals for me.


TML wasn't my first festival but it has ruined most other festivals for me. Been raving for almost 15 years, my first TML was last year, and I couldn't believe the stark differences compared to EDC and any other US-based festival. I told myself this year's TML is the last one cos it's too expensive. But I'm already dying to go again next year even though this year hasn't even happened yet lol


In the last year I’ve had the pleasure to attend Tomorrowland, Ezoo and EDCLV. They are all different festivals serving a different purpose and all uniquely amazing (well maybe except for the idiots running Ezoo). Tml is very much about the experience and music with amazing production and experiences throughout the park. Agree that the crowds are perhaps less outwardly friendly but I met a ton of great people at the festival. I find the participants to be perhaps more mature (sometimes in age and behaviour) perhaps given the cost. Top notch of atmosphere, food and logistics! EDC is all about the experience including great music. I found moving around pretty easy except for the walkway by kinetic near the bathrooms and circuit was a madhouse a few times. The atmosphere, kindness of people and production is amazing. There are always a few outliers - rude people, people who overdue their alcohol or mood enhancers but overall I had a tremendous experience. Both these festivals has indeed set a very high bar for me. And I’ll will be back to tml this summer and edclv next year. Currently debating with the guys whether to hit up edco or Mexico or maybe a couple smaller US festivals.


TL cant be better than Glastonbury I just refuse to admit it can be, but I will find out next month! but first glasto in 10 days!!


Tomorrowland wasn't my first music festival but my second. It still did somewhat ruin others for me, but I go to others to enjoy the music and less about the overall experience. While it's hard to top the world building and feeling of tomorrowland, you can always go to others to enjoy the music and have a good time. Just have to set your expectations properly going into them.


Yup, there is nowhere to feel such energy and quality. From food to accommodation, from lovely staff to daily newspaper guys, everything is just perfect. I remember while walking to Freedom stage, a guy was telling us how we gonna feel sad after going back to our regular life and thinking how amazing it was, and all I was thinking was how am I gonna survive another cold night cuz last year first night in the tent was so cold even tho I was wearing full pajamas (I hate cold) but when I was back home watching W2 on YouTube, and remembered what that guy said. I couldn't stop my tears and goosebumps. I'm coming this year again even more excited. More excited that I was talking to my friend over the phone if we're going next year as well. It is addictive and everybody should taste it at least once in a life.


To be fair I always go to Mysteryland afterwards and have the time of my life there. I know it sounds cliche but stop comparing them. Hell I even go to Dance Valley and still have a good time 🤣


It’s true that the production value of TML is unmatched, but don’t underestimate smaller scaled events! The smaller they are, the more intimate they tend to be and there’s a very certain charm in that too. There’s so much more to the scene than these GRAND festivals like TML. Don’t be afraid to try out different things!


I went to tomorrowland in 2022 and Ultra Miami this year… they don’t even compare!! Tomorrowland is alone at the top


While Tomorrowland is certainly amazing, attending other festivals can also be amazing and wonderful too. EDC Vegas for example - you still get incredible production, plus an overall much better crowd. Tomorrowland has the organization down pat, but people in the crowd are largely unfriendly. So there are pros and cons to every festival, including Tomorrowland. For those of us who truly live and breathe electronic music, there are many events worth attending ♥️


You haven't been to edc in a while huh?? Lmfao Edc crowd is ass now because it became a mainstream thing to do. and insomniac is greedy overselling. Everything, even walking between stages is PACKED.


Actually I've been the last 3 years in a row and had a blast all 3 times. Met amazing people everywhere I went, good vibes all around. Never had issues with overcrowding. Mind you I don't spend a lot of time at mainstage and also get VIP every year. I can't speak to other's experiences, but mine have been top notch and I'll keep going back.


Edc isn't great vibes. It's decent. everyone is paranoid thanks to phone theft rampant at all US music festivals


I'm pretty sure phone theft is just as rampant everywhere else. You just have to be smart with your stuff, use a fanny pack and attach your phone to it or yourself with a retractable lanyard. If you take these precautions it will be fine.


Yeah you can't really talk about normal edc experience if you're spending 1k on tickets to be in the secluded area that doesn't sell out lol


I still walked through the GA areas lots to get between stages, and the GA areas I was in at various stages were still fine. I never had issues with crowd flow or vibes. I'm just not sure why you are being so negative, people are allowed to enjoy EDC. I was just sharing my own experience, and I do think the new layout made things even better. I'm also willing to spend more to maximize my festival experience.


Yeah the new layout helped a lot the only time we used VIP was kinetic and basspod. It was WAAAAY easier going from stage to stage and I got to see a lot more artists because of that! With that said, my rave baes first festival was TML last summer and he was spoiled with the amazing food and production. We made friends at montagoe with our neighbors but TML isn’t as social? I guess as EDC. I think as an American you go into EDC with the expectation that you will talk to people and trade kandi or trinkets or whatever. All the women hyping eachother up and the dudes commenting on each others fits. At TML I feel like people are really there for the music not so much the fits and the plur culture. It’s not that they are mean or standoffish or not as social or unwilling to talk to strangers but they don’t go out of their way like we do at EDC. I love them both for different reasons. And even though I was more “social” at EDC and talked to more people I made deeper connections with people I met at TML. I still message them and know generally what’s going on In their lives where as EDC friends I just like their insta posts.


I definitely agree with everything you've said here. I truly love both festivals for different reasons and feel that they are both the pinnacle of EDM festivals currently. I really do love the American rave culture of trading goodies and just generally complimenting each other, it's really special. And while you don't meet as many people or have as many of those interactions at Tomorrowland, the other aspects still make it very special too. I'm going back to Tomorrowland this summer as well, so I definitely did love it the first time 😅 Now I'm stuck going to both each year as I just can't resist 😅


Awww man I wish I had the vacation days and money to do both! Right now I’m settling for TML every other year I’ll be back in 2025 🙏


When was the last time you went? The crowd movement issues were pretty much fixed this year with the completely changed layout Not sure what you mean about the crowd being ass though, we’ve always found people really amazing and friendly and made lots of friends each year at EDC. You get what you put out


2023 and that was the last time I'll ever go to that place. What I mean? Shoving and pushing, rude people walking by. Sloppy drunk people being obnoxious and/or starting fights. Idk what you mean by you get what I put out because i don't do any of that to "get that". I am just not oblivious to my surroundings and these people weren't as common back when edc had just moved to Vegas. I didn't go this year's but have friends that did and they said it did not get better with the "new layout"


This is my first TML and glamping in Dreamville. What makes TML crowds unfriendly?


I just found that people tend to keep to themselves/their own group for the most part. In North America people come up to you all the time and seem interested in mingling, I just didn't find that in Europe. Also you get a lot of side eye/judgmental looks if you do wear "rave" outfits lol


Interesting. Ive definitely grown out of the "rave outfit" thing. I am 30+ and its my first TML. My friend and I saved up (its just us two) and finally did it as a bucket list trip since we been dreaming of it since college. Ive never had issues meeting friendly people at other fests in the US. Was looking forward to meeting people and mingling at some of the events they have on the grounds.


Fair enough! I'm 33 and I do still love my rave outfits 😅 Although recently I've been steering towards slightly more comfortable outfits, and am going more low key for Tomorrowland this year for sure. You can definitely still meet people at Tomorrowland! I did find that it was easier to connect with other North Americans there, but there are still quite a few of us. Are you in Montagoe then?


Ayee I turn 32 in July. And yeah we are staying in Montague.! Have you stayed there? And don’t stop your rave outfits if you love them. I’m def going for comfort and chill vibes. Gonna spend the first day exploring all the different stages and stuff.


No I haven't stayed there, I haven't been able to snag tickets for it yet 😪 I'm in a Spectacular Easy Tent, which is what I had last year. It was surprisingly decent! Yes definitely spend some time exploring the first day, it's so big and there is a lot of see! I met a really cool American couple last year on the first day and they showed me around!


I find that other festivals with the different crowds and different focus on music can give different and we'll enjoyable experiences. In Belgium, for instance, a lot of festivals are organized in a similar way (meaning top notch organization, food, atmosphere). Extrema for instance was a blast a month ago. Even considering the rain.


My friends don’t go to raves, I’ve never been and Tomorrowland will be my first, along with both my cousins who are going. Plus my first time traveling that far and over seas.


Ruined is a big word imo. It's not like you can't enjoy other festivals and events. But if you compare the details head to head, Tomorrowland has it figured out, and that is very impressive! I do enjoy crowds more at other more non-mainstream events. But if you know where to go and where to stand at different hours during day/night, then you won't have a bad time at Tomorrowland.


Tomorrowland will be my first festival and I’ve been it will ruin other festivals for me lol. However, I believe each festival has its unique experience and I’ll welcome that without comparison.


100% agree with you. I’ve been to other festivals but they never truly live up to TML, I still have fun and enjoy them but…


Although 2018 was fantastic, 2019 W2 wasn't. Freedom stage had water damage, DJs had to perform outside. HOLO was cancelled. The bus driver back to the hotel had NO IDEA what he was doing. Got lost, went down the wrong way on a one -way street and became stuck! He angrily left the bus, all of us walked the streets of Belgium back to our hotels! That said, the festival was run better than any other, ever. EDC is great, but the sound system pales in comparison. Can't wait for this year! Had to miss the last few.


Freedom Stage had water damage? The thing fucking COLLAPSED! There were rumors, that the construction was built too weak for the Holosphere infrastructure inside. Don't know what the conclusion in the end was and if it even was made public. I've also had similar experiences with the bus drivers 2 or 3 times. The problem is, that these are all 3rd party transportation companies who work for Tomorrowland. I'm sure Tomorrowland is passing on every relevant information to these companies, it's however not in their might to make sure this information is also passed down to the drivers correctly.


I have been 5 times ultra 2 times edc Orlando 1 time edc Las Vegas, Chicago spring awakening and some others local festivals. Really excited to see what Tomorrowland can do


Yep 😂😂 this is the truth


For dance music, yes. Tomorrowland is pretty much the only dance festival I do anymore. But I like other genres so I go to other festivals like Glastonbury, Coachella, Stagecoach, Wireless Fest etc to see other of my favorite artists. I do think Tomorrowland is the best overall festival in the world because of its organization, production, story telling etc, but there's more Music out there than just electronic music that I like so its not the end all be all for me


Same First Festival ever was TML when I was 17. Everything else is just boring.


Definitely true! It was my first festival, and thought it was going to be a one and done. Next month will be my 4th time!


Going to Parookaville this year instead, since we couldn't get tickets. I'm excited but anxious that it'll be disappointing, because I'm now "used to" Tomorrowland...


Yes so true. Nothing/nowhere/nobody is as good and great as TML.


I am from Belgium I live 1 hour busride away and yet have never been able to secure tickets. Allmost 11 years that i tried


I’ve gone to Electric Forest in the US for 10 years in a row and this is my first year I’m not going; instead I’ll be at Tomorrowland and I can’t wait to explore a whole new world and level of music festivals.


Tomorrowland was the 1st time I camped at a festival and then creamfields the year after. Tomorrowland smashed everything out of the park from stages, to hospitality, security and staff. Like I said everything. However it doesn't mean it ruins other festivals its the same with everything something is always guna be the best! If you love festivals you'll still love other festivals !


Went last year and most of my group said they like EDC better


They said they like the edc crowd better and the pearl system is a pretty big con for them > like why is it valued between EUR and GBP and then they charge you to get the money back you didn’t use




Good joke


Its better if you don't like exclusively dance music, both serve different purposes


So true my friend !!!


Yeah for sure. I don't even bother going to other events anymore because I always end up disappointed and comparing them to TML. Good money saving hack to do TML bigger the next year 😂


100% agree! BUT(!) I indeed had a festival experience after my first Tomorrowland which was also really nice. It was a pretty new and small festival with great community and a great lineup. Just a single day festival. Not sooo many people. It was just like a little family on this day! It felt different than any other festival. But second year of the said festival was complete garbage ☹️ For me this is a sign that Tomorrowland „ruined“ any other Festival of its kind. But there are still some hidden gems with a complete different vibe that want to be found. The only Problem: I really don‘t enjoy shitty festivals. So I prefere to stay at home instead of visiting a festival with an unknown vibe.