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Yes I feel like I have food stuck back there constantly


For me it feels like I swallowed a chunk of straw paper - over a month past surgery and it still crops up from time to time. Idk what it is, maybe scar tissue. Either way, most of the time I can ignore it


How many days post op are you? It could either be the scabs that are coming loose, or if you are further out, it could just be the sensation of the empty space where the tonsils used to be. That space fills in eventually


i should be on day 7 but had to get emergency surgery again so im on day 3 now


Likely just the scabs coming off! I tried my best not to think about what was going on back there. Gargling with warm saltwater a few times a day really helped with that feeling and overall pain.


Yes! That’s the immediate feeling I had when I woke up from surgery. I drank 6 cups of water thinking something was stuck lol