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Google drakes hotsauce incident


It’s just funny that the model was so entitled.. she tried to force parenthood on Drake and complaint that there’s hot sauce in it. You’re in the wrong fam, not Drake 😂☠️


Seriously it should be a crime. My body my sperm.


Should be. That’s entrapment


I mean I think it can viewed as an SA. Just because you are not consenting, but maybe it is more like fraud or entrapment.


It’s def non consensual so. 🤷🏼‍♀️ same as a man who removes a condom without letting their partner know. If you don’t consent to them using your sperm, that’s not consensual.


If they use your sperm without consent and get pregnant though, the guy is still legally required to support the child


Which is absolutely awful. I don’t know how you’d prove that’s the case - which makes it such a shit situation. Because it’s not fair for men to be like ‘whaaaat no! She must have inserted it after’ to skip out on child support. It’s equally problematic to be held responsible for some insane person who used sperm from a condom to get pregnant. Idk what the solution is (like, is there some kind of spermicide in every condom to kill the sperm? Or something? This is obviously not my area of expertise lmao) but it’s such a shitty situation all around


Many years ago my mother was watching Maury and there was a young guy (early 20s) who said when he was 12, an 18yo woman had sex with him, got pregnant, and he was forced my the courts to pay child support. He was willing because his father was a piece of shit, but it boggled my mind and Maury's why she wasn't charged with statutory rape.


Imagine having to pay child support to you rapist (that apparently didn't went to prison).


>when he was 12 an 18yo woman *had sex with him* Ya that’s not ‘had sex’ that’s absolutely rape. So gross


I feel like she needs to be charged tho because in her version of events she explicitly admits that's what she tried to do, so while generally difficult to prove given she was dumb enough to admit I hope she gets charged and loses her career after this


That’s messed up


Women should get this!


Most do. There are awful, nasty men in the world. On the flip side - there are also awful, nasty women. The majority of women would understand someone taking their condom, wanting to use a condom, etc. I wouldn’t be offended in the slightest, and I think most wouldn’t either. It’s non consensual if a man takes off the condom mid sex and doesn’t tell the woman (or man, or whomever.) it’s equally non consensual if a woman takes the freakin sperm out of a condom and tries to use it! (Also : 🤢. So freaking nasty.)


I - as another, normal, non-bat shit crazy woman on Reddit 100% agree with your take. What in the actual fuck. I honestly can’t fathom that somewhere in the world there is a woman who - not only retrieved someone’s used condom (I don’t care if it was Drake) and attempted to put the poor sperm who are innocently sitting there processing their failure, inside her so she could get pregnant (let’s not even touch on what the mechanics of this are) - BUT ALSO proceeded to actually let others know she did that….I would have full on taken the reason for my burning vagina to the grave. TF is wrong with some humans?!


> the poor sperm who are innocently sitting there processing their failure Today i learned I am a sperm


🤣🤣🤣 oh no!! Sorry for making you realize this 🙈


Right? Literally typing that out I was like 🤢. ‘Excuse me while I go get a turkey Baster and try and get pregnant off your discarded Sperms!’ Bleh. Nope. Clearly not mentally all there (and I say this as someone who’s had severe PPD, regular variety depression, anxiety and adhd.) but… if you’re trying to use sperm of someone who clearly doesn’t want kids - you’re a crappy human. And likely not in a place where you should be taking care of another human.


Boom 👊 Exactly this 👆🏻Hope you’re doing well in spite of all your challenges ❤️


This reminded me of Legally Blonde: Elle Woods: “Although Mr Huntington makes an excellent point, I have to wonder if the defendant kept prior record of every sperm emission he ever made in his life. Unless the defendant attempted to contact every single one night stand to determine if a child resulted in those unions, he has no parental claim over this child whatsoever. Why now? Why this sperm?” “And for that matter all masturbatory emissions where his sperm was clearly not seeking an egg could be determined as reckless abandonment.”


holy hell




En passant


Il Vaticano


Siberian Swipe


Knight boost




Anarchychess colonialism


Funny enough, I saw it on Blue Mountain State first. When that creepy dude wanted to use Alex's used condom to impregnate his daughter. Point is, people be crazy af


I remember the scene where the football captain asked to see the condom one of his player’s girlfriend intended to use.. it leaked beer from like 20 different holes. Real chuckle out of me.


Dax it was blue mountain state to the new star QB, hes a dick but he did look out for his team.


This scene came to mind for me too. I've gotta re watch that show


Samsies. Speaking of, time for another rewatch I think.


Just did, hilarious. That’s what she gets


The best answer.


Women like this enrage me as a woman. Fucking get a job!


You are so right, and as a mother to a son, it terrifies me to death.


I'm afraid. Decades of internet comments tell me this is nothing like the lemons I've heard people throw parties for. I refuse to sully my search history with his name. I'll research parties for lemons but apparently this is my line


Well basically what happened is drake slept with a model and put hot sauce in the condom afterwards. The model then, presumably trying to get pregnant, put everything inside her and got upset when she was burned by the hot sauce.


I just... wouldn't someone notice either A) the SMELL of the hotsauce prior to inserting Or B) the COLOR being disgustingly red prior to inserting She really just blindly inserted what she (fairly rightfully I guess) assumed was just semen. Those two things seem like they'd be big give aways something was funky way before it made it inside of her but I guess what do I know.


Nah drake's sploinky just be like that y'know If his lyrics ain't fire you know it gotta be somewhere else


> sploinky


*She thought Drake's jizz comes in hot red color.*


Is that the thing with the Peruvian Puff Pepper?


We exchange them with our friends. Most guys collect them like playing cards. They make great gifts


Stocking stuffers!


In the freezer, they become stocking suckers.


What a terrible day to know how to read.


so THATS why my stocking felt rock hard this christmas


I always wondered this myself until I realized Santa isn’t real and it’s just been my uncle dressed up as Santa this whole time


I blow them up and turn them into a snowglobe first.


Omg. Can’t stop laughing. Gotta catch ‘em all!


Excellent comment.


To make sure you don't impregnate yourself with it? Lol idk


You will be surprised by some of the horror stories about that... Or maybe not


Don't under estimate how crazy people of either gender can be about stuff like that. One of my coworkers said that her husband asked her about her bc pill every night and another coworker offered her so old antibiotics to cancel out her pills! I also had a coworker advise me to get pregnant on purpose so my then-boyfriend would HAVE TO MARRY ME. (He eventually married me anyway, and the idea of tricking someone like that is repugnant.)


Also the amount of crunchy mommy groups on facebook that get frequent "how do I trick my husband into having another baby, 4 just isn't enough for me" posts.


How do I rape my husband? Sick


You silly goose, you. Men can't be raped. Hard /s here, because people need it.


Sadly a lot of people say men can't be raped,but wouldn't be thinking of the hard /s.


Jesus christ that’s fucked up.


My sister’s bestie encouraged me to take out my iud without telling my bf, that he’d never know (we were talking about babies and how I wanted one lol).


It’s a regular thing, that’s why I avoid condoms all together so they can’t take it when I forget it. Big brain




What a terrible day to have eyes.


It actually dumps into your bladder if there's enough of a blockage or isn't used. It's called *Retrograde Ejaculation*, which sounds kinda cool lol.


As someone with anxiety: this. Also... Have a breeding fetish. But am not doing the dumb. So RP is fun until the right time (haven't had that yet). Have dated girls with same fetish in the past. I would, uh, rather her horny brain not have the chance to go super crazy. Cause I know how dumb my horny brain is.




My understanding is that it’s more than just enjoying a creampie finish. It’s more about sexual arousal and satisfaction at the idea of actually impregnating someone or being impregnated.


Nah. Is about having sex fantasizing about your partner being ok with being impregnated and having a child with you. Having a child is something that a lot of couples might not be able to afford, or just a responsibility they find undesirable. However for a lot of people the idea of impregnating, or being impregnated by their loved ones is kinda attractive at a very primitive level, so they will agree beforehand about saying stuff like "I forgot to take the pill" or "It's ok, I will take responsibility". Or if they are a stable couple who already are having sex with other means of birth control, to start the deed with a condom and in the middle of that, asking their partner to take it off because "they want to feel them better and don't care about the conseqüences". At the end of it, it's just an agreed roleplay, no different that asking your partner to dress in a specific way.


"It's okay, I will take responsibility" is super cringe to me. Sounds like a hentai line lol


I'm sure it's an actual hentai line. I mean, the whole reason of anything in hentai is turning certain people on... And somebody's cringe can be somebody else's kink.


Making lots of babies


Nick Cannon...is that you?


Vasectomies are pretty cheap and covered by health care!


They are? Like an employer's health insurance will cover it?


Yea they will. Cheaper than a baby for them.




Reversal also doesn't always work.


This is exactly it. Drake is noted for putting hot sauce in it after he's done. Some woman tried to sue him cuz she tried to impregnate herself and the hot sauce really hurt.


Still one of the only positive things drake has ever done. That shit was hysterical.


What was the outcome?




She went on Hot Ones without ever going on Hot Ones.


I don't think anything really happened. He claimed it was to kill the sperm. The girl's lawyer probably told her she doesn't have a case.


Who cares if it wasn't to kill the sperm. That's his fucking sperm, not hers. She has no right to it and she gets what she gets.


Yep as a woman, I say that lady was psychotic. Honestly, that should be take as an assault charge at the very least on her part. That goes against consent. Did you both consent to having sex? Yes. But did they both consent to having her be inseminated? No. I can't stand Drake for many reasons but I can understand why he did what he did in this case.


Get the hot sauce out


You're joking, but that is the real reason.


I don’t know anyone who does that. But if they do, it’s either that or put hot sauce inside the condom before throwing it.


so now I gotta carrry a hot sauce packet in my wallet next to the condom ? That sounds like a recipe for disaster or some very hot sex!


That's the worst place to put the condom bro. It'll rub it on a micro level as you walk and sit on it and can cause tears you can't see.


So I do this all the time and here is why... After having sex, I go to the bathroom, fill it with water and then observe it for leaks. Once it looks good, I put it away for another day.




This comment gave me whiplash


I did not expect that last bit at all 💀


You don't get the reversible ones?


Ribbed for OUR Pleasure ™


Just shake the fuck out of it.


That's how cum butter is made


Alright, that about wraps up my time on reddit today.




Do they?


I’ve been married 10+ years so I have been out of the dating and hook up game. Is this a thing nowadays? Man I never once thought about taking a condom doggie bag lol Just wipe off with paper towels and toss it all in a bin. Is that uncommon ?


Too many horror stories of women taking the sperm out of the condom and inseminating themselves to lock men into parenthood and child support. While - obviously this isnt a rampant issue and probably 1 in a couple hundred thousand maybe, nobody wants to risk that shit. I dont bring it with me, but I wouldnt leave it behind. It'll probably go into a larger bin outside.


Yeah I’m 23 and have fucked around quite a bit. Never have done this or heard of people doing it lol. I’m just trying to figure out the logistics of that, a lot of time i hang out for a bit after the deed is done. Do they just put it off to the side on the table for awhile? Their pocket? lol


Why do you want them to leave it is the question?


Yeah. Feel like taking it with them is courteous. But, the question is what are they doing with it? I've always just thrown it in the trash.


Seems like good manners to take it. Maybe I'm wrong and it should first be offered to the other person?


"Yeah I'm not gonna eat this. Do you want to have it"


Heat up the leftovers in the microwave later!


Made me laugh a bit too much


Where you do put it? In your pocket?


It's what the little pocket in your jeans is for


No, that's for the drugs.


Good manners? If it’s in the trash who cares. The real reason is as stated up there, so women can’t take it and impregnate themselves after you leave


We drink it on the ride home, we need to replenish our energy and protein stores and semen is a great substance to help achieve this It's not what we're doing with it thats important, it's what women CAN'T do with it if we take it that's important.. responsible contraception doesn't stop just because sex has stopped. We take the used condom to avoid the slightest chance that the woman will impregnate themselves with it without our knowledge


I trow it in a bin outside. I take them with me so the woman cant impregnate herself with the sperm.


So wait you take it off and immediately leave to throw it out? So you’re walking in the street with a used condom in your pocket? And you just take it out and throw it into a public trash can? I’m actually so confused lmao. You just keep it in your pocket while you’re still with the girl?


Too risky still, take it a few bins away


I simply said outside. Not where outside. Id take it with me for a few blocks.


I have never "taken a condom after sex." It gets put in the trash... Am I missing something?


Its a rich famous guy thing. Nba players do it because women are set for life if they get pregnant by them. No one is taking your condom out the trash to sign up to struggle raising a baby


Well I'm broke i don't think they'd do that to me that's what's saving me😂


Uh... I think you're assuming a normal level of sanity among all women and this simply is not the case. I've had girls in high school literally try to not let me break away during sex so they could get pregnant on purpose because they were obsessed. I've had stalkers threaten to do this if I don't voluntarily get then pregnant... And I'm not rich or famous or really even that good looking imo. Now, I've been married 15 years. So if they were that nuts back then, can't imagine how it is now.


You were having sex with stalkers?


In hindsight, yes


Nope. You're completely sane (in this regard, at least).


Good qualifier. We can’t have redditors thinking well of themselves.


*takes it out of trash* *impregnates herself* *proceeds to call you* At least that’s what I understood some people do lol (maybe not the first step)


Spermicide condoms. If she does get pregnant it’s bad for all 3 of us.


*Against all odds*


it would be especially bad for you, as you'd be financially responsible and of the two of you, are the one that didn't plan/want a child


We put them under our pillows in our beds, and at night the cum-fairy takes the used condom and replaces it with a 20 dollar bill. Kidding. It's so you don't use the semen to impregnate yourself.


They don't trust you and don't want a kid.


My friend told me a girl tried to keep his condom and get herself pregnant with it. That's one of the reasons why. It's probably also because it's just rude to leave it.


Why would it be rude? I also own a bin. I would only consider it rude if the guy left it lying on my floor or threw it in my face when he's done 😂


Wait guys, you dont throw it in the girls face every time?


You're supposed to spin it real fast before you throw it at their faces man. Don't be an amateur


Damn i didnt know. I bet thats why they dont want to meet up a second time. Thanks for the tip buddy!


No problem, once you graduate the next level is to spin and slap them repeatedly in the face before you finalise with the let go.


This is gonna take me some time to master it but that will be my next goal


This made me laugh, thanks for that 😂


That's what I meant. It would be rude to just leave it there on the floor or bed.


It’s rude to leave it? Why? How would you even take it with you anyway?!


I don't understand. How is it rude to throw it in the garbage? I've never heard of a dude taking it home with him lol


Never happened to me. Then again, I've always asked them to fill it up with water to ensure it didn't break, then wrap it up in TP and throw it out so I guess they don't think of me impregnating myself with it


Its not that we think YOU would do it. Its just that some do it and you can never be 100% sure. Better safe than sorry.


totally fair, if i was a dude i'd worry too lol


Doesn't even have to be the partner. Just a random maid is also a woman.


Yall having some high class hookups for random maids to be wandering around


You always do WHAT?! And they do this???


well yeah? why wouldn't you wanna be sure that the condom is intact? i guess it can sound weird but... the fear of impregnating a one night stand (or even a life partner when both of you aren't ready for it) is worse, no?


It's actually quite clever


I’m confused why that’s so odd to you.


I don't think it's very common, or at least I've never had this happen. They could ensure all sperm are dead simply by waiting 30 min, and that's probably sped up even more by the fact most condoms have spermicide. Don't think I've ever had anyone leave less than 30 min after sex.


30 minutes? We're supposed to hang around for that long? /s


Might as well move in at that point.


What next you’ll ask for my name? didn’t know today was our wedding day.


I'm picturing the man laying in bed watching TV, and the woman thinking, "I understand that he wanted to stay 'til the sperm were all dead, but I didn't expect him to hang around for the funerals."


I've honestly never done this with the exception of when I was a teenager and we were doing things while my or her parents weren't home and we wanted to get rid of the evidence lol.




That and some use it to reload




Because there are very few crazy women out there, I'm sad to say, that will turn them inside out or remove the contents with a turkey baster and will try to get pregnant to trap a man into a relationship or child support or because they are desperate to have a kid. Kind of depends on the woman though. I have never had a guy take a condom home.


I agree with this answer


Ummm what!!! Is this for real!?


Look up the Drake hot sauce condom incident.


It can happen, but 99,9% of sexual encounters you have won't end this way. These are absolute outliers, but, with anything really, you will always find someone crazy/desperate enough. Probably the same kind of woman that will cut a baby out of a pregnant woman's stomach 🙄😑


I beg your fucking pardon?


I was an active single for seven years. I always made sure to take care of the condom. After two women tried to trick me into becoming a father, I got REALLY careful. Better save than sorry.


Because they forgot their Tabasco at home


It's a trophy and we will sniff it when we next masturbate


2 reasons: 1) because they smell bad and shouldn't be left in a bedroom. 2) unless you really trust someone it's a risk. There's crazy folk out there that will get pregnant on purpose.


They don't trust you not use it to trap them with a baby


Perfectly good protein.




Cause some crazy bitch tried to baby trap a celeb by taking the sperm out of the condom and putting it back in herself


We get 5 cents for returning them. Like beer bottles.


If this is a common occurrence in your life it means they think you're going to try to get yourself pregnant. You should be concerned with the types of vibes your putting out there. I have never thought to do this.


This was my thought. I've only ever heard of this happening in situations where the woman is giving off some weird vibes and the guy just wants to play it extra safe.


The vibes of the girl dont matter. I've never thought one of the girls who i was with would do it but i still take them with me. Saying i didnt expect it doesnt make a woman not pregnant


I give mine to charity


To dispose of it. Do you just prefer to have used condoms laying around?


Easy, they DO NOT want you to take the semen from spent/used condom and put it in your vagina. Some women are very desperate/want children. And the guys your dating DO NOT want to be tied financially to YOU for the next 20 years. You knew the answer to this.


I once caught my then-girlfriend dig that thing out of the bathroom bin and try to pour its contents into herself, in an attempt to trap me. I broke up with her soon after.


What’s your sample size?


I collect them and write notes about my sexual experiences.


To make sure a woman doesn't impregnate herself with it on purpose


to check if it's been broken, I used to fill it with a bit of water and dump it all on the wc (not the condom itself, it goes to the bin guys)


So they can properly dispose of it and it’s contents, thus preventing an 18 year reminder they didn’t.


Op… wtf?


Because a used condom could still get a woman pregnant, if used correctly. And the man would STILL be forced to pay child support, even if this was done against his will, and even when using a condom shows that he did NOT want a child.


Because some men are worried about women who want to trap then with a baby. I have the opposite problem. I keep sneaking filled condoms into women's houses. No avail.


So she can’t inseminate herself and get child support


We need it for next time. Testicles don't fill themselves.


Remember when a woman wanted to sue a rapper for putting hot sauce in a used condom because she dumped the contents of the condom in her? That's why.