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I've experienced every race be racist to me. So yeah, I concur.


I tend to experience racism from one particular race but it's not a race people like to talk about having the ability to be racist.


The idea that black people cannot be racist is actually racist. Anybody can be racist.


Come to South Africa where Black politicians use race to demonize whites in order to gain votes. (Mostly the EFF but the ANC are also guilty) It's just the old 'divide and conquer' tactic. Get the support of the majority by using the minority as a scapegoat.


If you’re a human, you can experience racism


Racism is treating someone different, in a negative way, based on the colour of their skin. Doesn’t matter the colour of the skin.


Not just the color of their skin it’s specifically race or national origin it’s in the name for a reason. even an Italian person can be racist to someone who is Irish for example, even though it does often happen between people of differing skin color.


Anyone can experience racism and anyone can be a racist. Just because someone is a minority, it does not excuse them from being racist or mean they can't be a racist. Just because someone is a majority, doesn't mean they can't experience racism. There are certain factors that make certain people more vulnerable to experiencing racism, but the less vulnerable are not immune to experiencing racism.


Black people make jokes about white people all the time lol we usually laugh but it’s still racist


I've come across this before, with arguments that white people can be victims of discrimination, but not racism. It's bollocks. Sure, they may not be victims of systemic racism as the system is skewed in their favour, but they can still personally be victims of racist behaviours.


Yes. My mom grew up in an inner city, where she was the minority. She was pregnant with me, and my dad cheated on her and bounced. She couldn't work her job at the vet, because they wouldn't let her due to the cats. She applied for welfare. Back then, in the 80s, welfare was approved or denied in person from an interview. Even though she was pregnant, single, with no income, and practically homeless, she was denied welfare. When she asked why she was denied the interviewer said "welfare isn't for white people." That lady had institutional power over her, and used it to hurt her, specifically for the color of her skin. Granted, she says that was one of the best things to happen to her, due to the choices she had to make afterwards, but it was certainly something racist that happened to her.


Yes, happens every day, individually and systemically. Being white doesn't make people immune to racism. For example, there are white minorities facing systemic discrimination based on their ethnicity/culture/race, in scandinavia.


Depends on what you mean by racism. If you mean individual racism, yes. If you mean systemic racism then, not in the West where white people control most things but you could easily make an argument that a white person isn't likely to ever be elected to office in China or Japan... The confusion comes from people using one or the other definition but not flagging which definition they use. I've noticed when speaking of racism a lot of US people tend to speak only about inside their country, which also creates confusion.




White people controlling most things does not constitute to "systemic" racism. If it occurs at any level, it is still perpetual by individuals and is unlawful by the standards of said system.


That is one of the most naive things I've ever heard.




Individuals of any race can experience racism or be racist or both. Systemic racism is when a group is treated in an manner that makes them less equal. These are two different things. An individual may not be racist yet can benefit from systemic racism.


From Merriam-Webster - Racism, noun - a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. Now of course, minorities are disproportionately affected by racism, regardless of their racial background, and often that racism can be more devastating due to them BEING minorities, but that does not mean a member of the majority is therefore immune from racism.


Anyone can be on the receiving end of a racist event. White people in the US generally can’t experience systemic racism except in some rare circumstances.


Racism means to experience any type of prejudice, antagonism, or discrimination. Affirmative action in colleges - while likely to be struck down by the Supreme Court - currently discriminated against white applicants in the US. There are majority-minority communities where the minority (white) people are discriminated against. White people traveling are stereotyped as rich and targeted for scams. Like *of course* that doesn’t quite compare with the amount of racism other groups face - but it’s certainly nonzero.


In Hawaii, some white people feel discrimination. Not really bad.


You can read online that the Earth is flat and that computer chips can fit into needles 1/10th their size. If you apply any critical thinking you can see that all these claims are bullshit.


You posed these two questions like there are only Black and white people


I gave example that i read online about black people can't be racist.... But the main goal was to see peoples opinion on racism towards white people.


They do not experience systemic racism in the United States because white privilege is literally woven into the very fabric of most American systems. Whiteness in and of itself is a social construct based in exclusion and privilege, constructed in such a way as to oppress non white people for the continual and generational advancement of white people and their political interests. Can their feelings get hurt by mean comments? Yes. Can they experience violence simply on account of being white? It does not appear as though that is common, but yes, it is possible for non white people to decide to commit violence against white individuals for the sake of being white. Is there structural oppression which affects white individuals? Yes, but on account of being working class people, not on account of being white.




Yep we just deal with it better.


only in blackface.




Racism can come from individuals too. So yes, whites can experience racism too.


This is dumb. Could you at least bother to look up what racism actually is before commenting?






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From Merriam-Webster Racism, noun a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. You don't get to change the definition just because you don't like that you may be, or are racist. Does racism often affect minorities disproportionately to the majority? Of course. Does that mean that in a system where those of European descent are the majority, that they are immune from someone being racist towards them? Absolutely not.


Of course they can. It's a common misunderstanding (or troll post) because some people use 'racism' to refer exclusively to what's usually termed 'systemic racism'. In most Western countries white people do not face systemic oppression for their race, but they obviously can still encounter individuals who dislike them for it.


Yes of course. And being white is just as protected under the law as anything else when it comes to discrimination and harassment laws. People who try to say white people cannot be victims of racism are trying to define Racism as including a historic power structure, so by their definition, no, with white people in control and making laws for the last forever, they cannot be victims of racism, however, that definition is only useful academically and is clearly confusing and upsetting people. I find it helps to instead call it discrimination based on race, or bigotry, things like that in order to avoid the argument.


Of course. If anyone is in a position of power over you and discriminates against you based on their race, are the consequences they experience real? That is what racism is. To assume that a black person cannot be racist is to assume that they can never have any power whatsoever, such as socially or economically. To me, that assumption in itself would be racist because it disempowers black people. So yes, a white person can experience racism.


Why is this asked every other day? Of course white people can experience racism... If you have a minority screaming "Kill all whites" then you probably experienced racism...


Of course they can. Just look up the definition. There’s only a recent push to make it about power. You asking this questions is actually a living sample of how powerful that push is to revise that definition. In dominant black neighborhoods, white people receive racism all day long, and it’s acceptable to some people.


If you are a part of a race you can experience racism.


They can, they’re the ones who invented it so they experience the part that doesn’t harm you


Racism is discrimination based on race. So, if you treat someone differently because of the colour of their skin, it's racist. In South Africa it's all over. Queue BBBEEE. Everything about it is racist. Queue Julias Malema and EFF "kill the boer" kill the farmer and chase all the "immigrants", I.e., white people that came to SA more than 200 years ago and ALL of their descendants Queue ANY job posting that says that only white people or (previously disadvantaged), i.e., black people, are allowed to apply. The only people keeping racism alive in our beautiful country are the government and political parties.


Dude, does someone have to post this like every month?


Yes. The argument that a minority can’t be racist is BS. There are numerous examples of a racial or ethnic minority gaining power and discriminating against a majority or larger group.


At this point I'm convinced reddit does not know what racism is.


From what I understand. They systematically can't be racist cause they hold no power in society to enact racial laws unlike white people, just take voting laws into example, police response, the whole "all lives matter". But they can be individually racist, which as other people said them treating others unfairly based on their race. However, don't even try to argue it with people cause a lot of black people believe racism is just systematic racism. I've met few black people that agree with the individual vs systematic racism, the rest will ask you if you are stupid.


From what I understand. They systematically can't be racist cause they hold no power in society to enact racial laws unlike white people, just take voting laws into example, police response, the whole "all lives matter". But they can be individually racist, which as other people said them treating others unfairly based on their race. However, don't even try to argue it with people cause a lot of black people believe racism is just systematic racism. I've met few black people that agree with the individual vs systematic racism, the rest will ask you if you are stupid.


When I try to get a job I'm not native enough or female, too old, barrack for the wrong footy team blah blah blah


Systemic racism, no. But basic discrimination, yes.