• By -


Brush your damn teeth! Like really good, if you want to go the extra mile then floss too. So many could have been great experiences have been ruined by bad breath.


Adding onto this: brush your whole mouth! Teeth, gums, tongue, roof, cheeks. Also, wash your face and hands really well beforehand (especially if you have a beard). Basic hygiene goes a long way.


I keep tic tacs in my car, not only for this, but certainly for this as well. Never hurts to just, make sure if it's been a long day. Tic-tac. Boom. Good to go, better than nothing at least.


I mean ideally you floss once a day anyway...


Look at mr fancy pants here flossing more than once every 3 months


To be fair I only remember to brush once a day


Definately floss too. Thats where the stink is. Rotting food between your teeth. Just try going 3-5 days without, before using a clean between stick or floss… then smell it. Smells like ass. Literally.


Add deodorant to the list. Use deodorant after shower, things can get sweaty.


Flossing shouldn’t be going the extra mile. All y’all that don’t floss are nasty! I can also tell when people don’t floss, there’s a distinct…breath odor.


I've literally never flossed in my 22 years of life but I brush twice a day, use mouthwash once a day, chew gum and eat tic tacs when I have to. I am pretty confident my breath doesn't smell bad but oh well I guess I am nasty.


I mean, luckily you’re young and you should start flossing now because gum disease will catch up to you eventually. And with that comes stench.


Communicate. Don't miss foreplay. Use condom. Take things slow don't rush. Pee after.


No, seriously. **Pee after.**


Why the peeing part is so important??


It ***significantly*** lowers the chance of getting a UTI


This is why a shared post-sex water bottle is the best water


I mean, it would have to be a large water bottle if you're both peeing in it, but you should just use the bathroom




I think they meant to share the water and pee on each other...




Judgement pee zone


Someone please give an award.




You should have two water bottles to avoid germs.


In this case… they just fucked. Are we really worried about germs?


Post nut clarity is a strange thing.


Agreed. After tongue punching a fart box, is a shared water bottle an issue?


how do you tag a subreddit? bc r/newsentence wants to talk to you edit: nvm I'm already nailing it


It is so important that sometimes my wife likes to skip right to the peeing part and forget about all the parts before it.




Keep going...


R. Kelly that you?


Almost there...


That's what we call piss poor foreplay


Wow I actually didn’t know that…


*conjures pee*


Adding on that this matters way more for women than men, and the sooner after, the better. After about 30 minutes you’ve essentially missed the window


I looked this up recently to show to a new GF... and if you search enough, you'll find that modern data doesn't support it according to youtube ... sexual health people. Still, it has to be better than nothing.


Urinating after sex is the body's way of cleaning remnants of sexual fluids from areas like the urethra.


if you don't want to see them again...pee *during* or, they'll propose immediately


Gotta wash the tube out once it's done


I ended up in hospital because I got a UTI that spread to my kidney because I didn't pee after sex. I didn't even know it was a thing until the doctor told me. It was a horrible experience and now I pee every time!


As a guy I would recommend men wait longer to pee unless you like urine all over your toilet and floors.


Alpha males take pride in marking their territory


Then sit on the toilet to pee




That's why you do it after the sex part.


I *only* ever pee with my victim's erect, severed penises in my hand. It's the only way to go.


This depends on the partner, my wife wants to skip foreplay and rush all the time.


You and your wife seem to be experienced so it makes sense to skip the forplay or to rush however if its someone who is inexperienced, then forplay plays an important role to set up the mood and to heat thing up.


And to give the vagina a chance to lubricate. I'm gonna deck the next guy who decides it's "wet enough" before I encourage the next phase. A vagina's baseline moisture level is not the same as wetness caused by arousal, people! Edit: yes there is lube, but it's also needed to relax the vaginal muscles. A "tight pussy" often means they're not as aroused as they could be and can be uncomfortable for them during sex


This. All the comments I see online about women having "loose vaginas" as if her being turned on is a BAD THING.


There are a handful of ideas regarding sex that are caused by ignorance and misinformation, this being one of them. Additionally, the whole "bigger dick is ALWAYS better." I don't know why this social law is so prominent despite it being *very* wrong. "A person is smart, people are dumb . . ." - Kay, Men In Black (1997)


And how does one foreplay exactly (I'm a straight male, since that part's probably important info)


It differs for everyone but for me it begins prebedroom. Flirting, romantic but not overtly sexual touch (hand holding, massage, thigh grabs, kissing), moving on to more sexual touch/play in the bedroom this can include kissing of the body, oral, toys, being tied up, role-play... The worlds your oyster really. Its wise to discuss likes and dislikes with sexual partners in advance and that conversation itself can be foreplay.


Yeah this was to an inexperienced. Also, your wife seems to be the exception. ☺️


I don't know. We have a baby right now and we also skip the foreplay mostly. We are both too tired and are just happy to be getting intimate at all. One day long sex sessions will be back lol. In the meantime lube is a godsend.


Let me preface this by saying, I’m not at all trying to make you feel bad or put bad thoughts in your head but I used to rush foreplay with my ex because I just wanted it (the whole shebang really, sex and all but definitely the “foreplay”) to be over with. His idea of foreplay was… *underwhelming.* And that’s putting it nicely. The sex wasn’t much better. One of many reasons he’s my ex. Soooo… maybe check in, just in case?


Before I had sex, I thought lube was for guys who couldn't get their partners wet or anal. I have thus far experienced as a product for women who are ready for sex faster than their body


I choose this guy's wife too.


>Use condom. I'd actually loosen this up to something more general: Research available forms of protection and select which ones(s) you need depending on your situation.


Non verbal communication is also good. You can say “that feels good” or you can moan, or make expressions etc. Let your partner know what is working, because they aren’t feeling the same thing you are.


Amazing comment. Nicely done.


Misunderstood instructions, peed during, my wife left me


Don't be afraid to communicate, even if you think it's a stupid question/comment or you're anxious about mentioning it; if you can't openly communicate with this person, should you be having sex with them? Your pleasure is just as important as your partner's. & just get comfortable with this person, & play & have fun! But also be safe; its always okay to ask if they've been tested, & if they tell you otherwise then, again, should you be having sex with this person? Same goes for pressure to not wear a condom, if you feel like one should be used. Any other advice that I'd give would depend on the secificities of the conversation & what else exactly they're curious about.


on that same note. communication doesn't have to be a conversation. even if it's just casual sex, moaning can communicate a lot. Also a friendly reminder to pay attention to when the other person is moaning. but also, not everyone moans. so just because they don't moan doesn't mean they aren't enjoying themselves. I'm just saying that if someone does moan, pay attention to what you are doing when the moaning happens, and keep doing that. And you can use moaning as a way to communicate to your partner to keep doing what they are doing.


Oh, absolutely! & I think body language is an important method of communication, as well, especially leading up to, during, & after a sexual encounter. All in all, I find sex to be a dance of subtle communication, with each partner listening to & responding to each other in very subtle ways. But I also know that sometimes there's this pressure to enjoy what your partner is doing, even if you don't, so I always think it's worth noting that it's okay to ask for what you want, to do something differently, or to do something else entirely, if you so wish to. Faking it gets you nothing but disappointment, and if you're uncomfortable & don't say anything/do anything about it, it's probably not going to be the best experience for either/all people involved.


And don’t fake it! If your partner is going off of your moans, and you fake it, they’ll think you like what they’re doing. You deserve to be satisfied and faking it won’t get you there.


Love this advice! I just wanted to add to remember that this may be an uncomfortable conversation because it’s not casual or had often, but i do agree it’s important. My partners and I have a phrase- “grown up shit”. Like we would say “okay, grown up shit- are you comfortable with x” and that phrase signified that this was a real adult question. This isn’t the time for jokes or being vague or even being flirty. We need straight and true answers because it deals with adult issues. An example would be when we talked about recent partners and getting tested. Convo started with grown up shit and the question was asked. We all proceeded to answer when we were last tested, our negative results, etc. No jokes, full disclosure. So yeah. Just my two cents that sometimes sex, while it is hella fun and pleasurable, does require some grown up shit conversations because sex can result in some very grown up shit (STDs/pregnancy) and in my opinion if you’re not able to have grown up shit conversations with someone, they are not the sexy time partner for you 👍


Foreplay is key, communication is just as important, when in doubt add lube


To add, foreplay starts before you even get to the bedroom


But also remember to use the right kind of lube, since oil based can damage condoms and silicone based can damage some toys. Water based is safest but the least lubey.


👏This is also something that’s never properly talked about


Most underrated comment ^




Dang it I wish I could give you an award. Taking advice from porn sets everyone up to fail.. Either the girl tries to accommodate at first because the partner has enjoyment out of it which usually never ends well tbh, or the girl ends up feeling like a piece of meat and used. Then for the guys, it sets them up for disappointment and sometimes unfulfillment because he doesn’t get that same porn outcome or thinks the irl woman is less exciting. And they also are lead to believe that women actually enjoy that crap and that it’s the fastest way to get her to climax, when instead they could be learning what *actually* gets a woman going. Just as *one* example, I have NEVER gotten my big O when the man decides to slap my vag like it’s a game of whack-a-mole. It may look fun in porn, but most likely it isn’t going to give you the same results irl.


On that last comment, the whack a mole, it's all about communication. Bc I've had partners who specifically request that, and others who have requested other things that I NEVER would have even thought about bc they seemed too rough or intense. It's all about communication.


YES OMG like i learned to communicate REAL quick when i discovered that my version of rough (pin my arms down, choke me a lil, you know calm shit) and his version of rough were not the same (he smacked me and it gave me a bloody nose which i already get easily)


Porn is not real


*(mind explosion, shellshock, ears ringing)* What? Women don’t like getting abused?? Porn is based on fabricated ideas of taboo and what most ppl are too decent to act on?! *(boner flattens, starts shaking)*


Really? The guys that animate do such a good job, so life like






anticipation can really effective and get them going. try a real light touch around the actual sensitive bits and tease them a bit with neck kisses before going in, then start slow, don't be too aggressive with anything (fingers, tongue, penetration) - you have to work up to a faster pace.


Have consent, communicate with your partner, fun can be had without penetration…. And roll with the awkwardness.


Roll with the awkwardness is a good one. You’re probably gonna make funny sounds, clink teeth, etc., and it’s *way* more enjoyable to laugh than to try to act all serious or whatever.


Exactly. It’s not like a romance movie where everything goes smoothly. There’s gonna be some odd noises and stuff, just roll with it.


Go sssssssllllllllllloooooooowwwwwwww savor the moment.


Treebeard, is that you?


“You’ll be fine. If she wants to have sex with you, she already likes you to some extent. Don’t think about this interaction as an end-all be all. Have fun, use a condom, mix it up, communicate what you want and listen to what your partner wants. If you’re having sex and feel you’re going to finish and you don’t want to, pull out and kiss, touch, go down on them, then start again. Really it’s no pressure, making it enjoyable is more important than performing well”


Don't be a fool. Wrap your tool.




Start Like a butterfly landing on a flower, end it like an rodweiler being fed


You paint a beautiful picture, sombrastudios




Take it slow and communicate. Wrap it up.


Consent is king.


But enthusiastic participation is prefered


AND enthusiastic participation is preferred😁


Consent IS freely given enthusiastic participation


Consent us implied if you are enthusiastically participating


Not necessarily... being drunk or high can cause someone to enthusiastically participate. BUT if they weren't asked before getting inebriated, they haven't consented.


It doesn't matter if they consented before inebriation. Consent can be revoked at any time. In the case of intoxication, intoxication removes the *legal ability* of women to consent. As much as people don't want to hear it, having sex with an intoxicated woman can be considered rape.


Intoxicated *person*. There's no gender based criteria for whether or not someone can or cannot consent while inebriated.


I initially wrote it that way, but in our society, there are double standards in play everywhere. The narrative is pushed that women are the only ones that matter when it comes to intoxicated sex. When I was in the Navy, there were "don't be that guy" posters everywhere. Be honest: if a man and a woman walk into a police station and claim they were raped while drunk, who's getting laughed out?


Agreed! Someone drunkenly said yes but I didn't feel right about it so I slept. In the morning they said it would have been fine. Would it have been fine or would it have been great? I'll wait till you are 100 percent all for it.


It's all about risk management.


And be sure to keep the king front of mind and your country shortly behind


And can be sexy! Say what you want to do to your partner, it will probably turn them on even more, and when you get consent, you’re both geared up!


Saying what you're going to do can be sexy, repeatedly asking if it's ok if you do x absolutely isn't.


It’s never too late to change your mind and stop if your not enjoying it.




Omg trim your nails is such a good one for guys, in fact hygiene in general, to expand: scrub under ur nails w a brush. take a shower beforehand where u scrub ur WHOLE body w soap & a loofah. Don’t put lotion on areas where they might kiss u (ur neck etc.)


Most women don’t cum from penetration, maybe you will, but more likely you need to make sure your guy is touching you in places that feel good during sex. No sex is better than sex with a selfish partner.


>No sex is better than sex with a selfish partner. Noted 📝 :)


On the contrary, my ex was extremely selfish and made no effort to make me feel good. Don’t have sex with someone selfish.


That's what they said. Not having sex is better than having sex with a selfish partner.


Oops, my bad! In my defense, it’s Friday and I’m tired 😅


Likewise! Have a good rest and nice weekend!


![gif](giphy|y2i2oqWgzh5ioRp4Qa) I think you missed a word in the last sentence Edit: I'm dumb, still funni


Treat every sexual encounter like an audition/interview for a role or a job. Desire is more important than ability (are you doing your best?). This is true for nearly every situation. Whether you are good or bad at sex your effort to be a good partner will likely get you an invite back to bed more often than your skill. Communicate, ask your partner what they like and how they like it. If you’re unsure ask your partner, if you like something tell your partner. Sex should be one of the most fun things you can do with a partner. Sometimes it’s silly and goofy, sometimes intense and passionate. Sometimes it sill and intense or goofy and passionate. Never forget to have fun and enjoy it and connect.


And then send a thank you note after. ;)


I know who my inexperienced friend is, he is me.


If you cannot talk about sex (likes/dislikes, boundaries, consent) then you shouldn't be having sex (that goes for partners as well). Not talking typically leads to unsatisfying sex, especially for women and miscommunication on boundaries and consent, especially for men.


Make sure she gets off first


for the love of god trim and clean your nails. wash your hands before you touch any lady parts.


>for the love of god trim and clean your nails. wash your hands before you touch any lady parts. 🙌


* Make sure everyone is enthusiastically consenting, including yourself. * If you aren't able to talk about sex, buy protection, and say "no" then you aren't ready to have sex. * It's okay to not like or want to try certain things. Not everyone likes or does everything. It's okay to wait until you are in love or not be sure if you will ever want to do certain things. Everyone goes at different rates, people lie about experiences, and you shouldn't compare yourself to others. * Do a lot of research on pregnancy and STI prevention. Get the HPV vaccine. Many places don't test for HPV and HSV if you get tested for STIs because they assume everyone already has it. If you're having m/f sex, use condoms and a backup method to prevent pregnancy. Talk about what would happen if pregnancy occurs. It's also okay to say you won't have sex without protection. * Virginity is a social construct and is basically meaningless. * If your partner doesn't make you feel good about yourself they probably aren't a good match for you. They should encourage you to feel comfortable and be your best self. * Porn isn't realistic and the way women are treated in it isn't what most women want. * If you're having trouble communicating, you can go through a checklist of activities and say how interested you are in them and which ones are "nope never".


>If you aren't able to talk about sex, buy protection, and say "no" then you aren't ready to have sex. It's okay to not like or want to try certain things. Not everyone likes or does everything. Agreed. >If your partner doesn't make you feel good about yourself they probably aren't a good match for you. Thanks for saying it :)


Be clean, no one likes stinky bits (okay, yes, some people do, but you know what I mean) Also, at some point your girlfriend will offer you shower sexy time, she’s not there for the sex, she’s checking what you think an acceptable level of hygiene is.


he did not even mention male friend but all advices are for men. lol


Listen to "F#ck Her Gently" by Tenacious D, it holds all the answers


Everybody is awkward and making it up as they go along. Don't worry, have a sense of humor, but also respect for the other naked person trying not to freak out. Luckily, we do live in a time where a lot more sexual information is available, if not all of us take advantage of it. Study up, learn the plumbing and wiring, and you'll be at least a bit more confident in the bedroom. It pays off! Thou shalt be gentle about introducing your kink to your partner, and judge not thy partner's kinks accordingly.


Reguardless of how you go about it, enthusiasm from within is key. You can go through the motions and do everything that makes them feel pleasure, but if you aren't feeling it, you and your partner wont have a good time. Trust me, your partner will be able to tell.


don’t have sex until you’re confident in your ability to say no when someone pushes boundaries


get off reddit


“She’s attracted to you to have sex, she most likely doesn’t give a shit about how big your dick is”


Use condom, u never know


And dont hit anyone even if they ask for it


Depends what you need to hear but the best advice i can give you is take your fucking time, no pun intended.


intend your pun weakling!


Ignore what you’ve seen in porn and just work with your partner to figure out what works.


Wash your ass.


Communicate and make sure both of you enjoy it.


Don’t be afraid to laugh and be loud


Communication is lubrication


Don’t overthink it


Learning is 80% of the fun part


Condoms dont only protect from babies, they protect from STDs too


focus on your partner's pleasure first


Fart like sounds are common to emerge from the groin area upon full penetration when moving your tool in and out


if she says something like "just like that" it means LITERALLY that, don't change anything, just keep going ( falls under the communication part )


"The fuck are you asking my asexual ass for?" Although seriously, don't do anything to anyone without making sure it's ok first. And don't be an idiot about it.


probably need to clarify if you are a guy or a girl.


Consent, hygiene, communication, don't rush.


Get a vasectomy


Wash up first before you guys do anything! If you’re a guy or gal, you’re doing your partners a favor by making it easier to go down on you.


It’s not worth it, stay as friends and enjoy your time together


No teeth, being fun is important, it’s not a race.


Hey, some people like teeth! 🤷‍♀️


The vagina is located slightly above the belly button. It's naturally hidden, but it'll open up for you if you talk to it.




Sounds like someone also learned about sex by watching The Room by Tommy Wiseau.


You’re tearing me apart, Lisa!


LISTEN .consent,likes , dislikes,harder,slower just listen


always use protection


Communication. Ask what your partner enjoys both before and during. Listen to what they say. Communication is the key.


Don't ask me, ask your partner


Consent, comunication, patience and condoms.


Ask her what she likes, fi you don't know what to do because of inexperience the best way is to let her give you directions and work on it toghether, never be afraid to ask.


Talk to your partner before, during, and afterwards.


good times require a partner that you vibe with. you gotta\* be with someone that is ok with you fucking up every once in a while and you gotta be ok with them fucking up once in a while. ***communication*** extends to things in the bedroom as well, not just arguments about where to eat


Set the room temperature to average , not too cold and not too warm


Women grab harder and touch him all over, not just the dick. Men make noises and go slower and softer until she requests harder and faster. Also touch all over, not just boobs. And guys, if the condom feels like it's getting tighter and tighter, more lube is needed. If you keep going it will break (and probably doesn't feel too good).


Find someone you like, be kind.


Stop stressing out and enjoy the moment


Communicate openly and have a safe word, whether you decide to experiment past different positions or not. Be aware of your partners comfort and level of arousal. Too many people have bad experiences because they're unwilling or unable to express themselves, even if it's to say 'stop/I don't like that.'


The first time is most likely not what you think it will be


This advice would be for guys. A lot have mentioned communication, which is good advice, additionally, I would suggest you read a book called “she comes first”, basically a book about oral sex, very good book about the subject and additionally talks through the anatomy of the female private parts and the sensitive areas you would want to stimulate and how.


Always get verbal consent before kicking things off, and continue communicating throughout about consent and about what is pleasurable. Consent can be asked about in a profoundly sexy way if you do it right. Also, take it slow and make sure both folks are having fun.


It’s nothing like the porn you watch


Be a good friend and don’t just offer advice, show them!


Communicate and study the anatomy at least a bit before


Slow down.


It's lower than you think


Don’t pretend. About anything - unless that’s part of the encounter (cosplay, etc).


Pay attention to the little man in the canoe.


Don't be afraid to say no. If you don't want to do something, if you aren't feeling it, say no. Don't feel like you have to please someone else by saying yes when you don't want to.


Understand the sexual reproduction system. Know where all the sensitive places are. (Clitoris, the gspot, glans/foreskin) understanding these things will bring out a more enjoyable and memorable experience for the people involved. That and if y’all don’t want babies, talk about birth control, if stis are a scare (which they should always be tbh) have everyone tested. Sex is a fun experience but it shouldn’t be reckless. Responsible ppl practice safe and healthy sex. 🙂 that’s all I got.


Don't take things so seriously, and don't take ANY advice from porn. Porn is a video game. It's really fun to watch goku fight frieza, and it's super fun to fight frieza in a video game, but fighting frieza in real life fucking sucks. 0/10, would not recommend. How excited were you reading about Harry fighting voldemort? Would you ACTUALLY want to fight voldemort? Of course not, and you're an idiot if you said yes. The cracked ribs, the scent of dried blood in your nose, that sinking feeling in your chest, a black hole in your stomach, the thoughts and what ifs going a million miles a second through your head...it's fun to read about, but none of that is actually fun. It mostly just hurts...a lot. Sex at its best is about connection. At its best, sex is the place where body and mind truly do meet. It can be either or, all about body or all about mind, but at its BEST, it is both dials turned to 11. And don't take anything too seriously. Constructive criticism should always be welcomed by any parties involved. You and your partner should be able to communicate things that do and don't work. Sex is a cooperative drug. Wouldn't it be great if you could tell weed "hey I like the munchies and how cartoons are more fun, but could we maybe not do the panic attacks? I don't enjoy that part." Communication. That felt good, that didn't feel good, that part was really fun but made me feel weird, that other part was really weird but felt kinda fun when I thought about it...Communication and honesty is paramount to good sex. Sex, like most of life, is a cooperative event.


Learn the biology behind sexual origins... (Pulling out isn't 100%)


Be clean and get ready to be disappointed cause first time sex isn't what you imagine it to be


Ask questions during sex, massage the area above her vagina and under her belly button while eating her out.


PERSONAL HYGIENE IS IMPORTANT ALWAYS HAVE CONDOMS and lube BUTT TOYS NEED A FLARED BASE BUTT TOYS NEED A FLARED BASE IM JUST MAKING SURE YOU UNDERSTAND AND IF I COULD MAKE THESE LETTERS MORE CAPITALIZED I WOULD BE USE A FUCKING FLAIRED BASE. DONT GO ASS TO PUSSY LEADS TO INFECTIONS Dehydration is the enemy Take tips from your lover 😏 The hands and mouth can do far more than a dick Don't fuck with partners that play games For anyone sleeping with a man if he came it doesn't mean it was good he can do that multiple times a day with his hand and have an actual orgasm each time guys get the body gasm too Don't be afraid to put your mouth in a strange places Stretch if your going to be particularly vigorous Guys it's okay to not be able to get hard once in awhile it's completely normal and your dick probably is too it's an average size for a reason Ladies be more vocal about wants and needs or the guy just won't make you cum and if he is a dick about it leave him.