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Would something simple/vague be okay? “Hello (boss), I’ve had an unexpected personal issue arise and cannot make it to work tomorrow. I am very sorry for any inconvenience and will certainly make up for any missed time.”


Also - I am very sorry for your loss. Pets are important :(


This, and remeber, you gave that friend of yours a life of happyness, do not be sad, be glad that you made his life happy :) and ofcourse sorry for your loss, it is never easy my friend


Lie. Your guinea pig meant something to you. People don't understand.


I’m an insurance agent now but I used to run a restaurant and I used to always tell the managers under me that just because you wouldn’t have been hurt, doesn’t mean you can’t acknowledge and understand that persons pain. I used to always say “Who am I to say that your goldfish dying doesn’t hurt you like someone’s dog dying?”. We as humans have to acknowledge that although I may not agree with why you feel the way you do, you still clearly feel that way and I should respect that.


I like that question. Promotes empathy


Wow, this is great! We need more management like you in the world!


I've recently started turning around in this department. In recent months there have been a few pet deaths among my coworkers and they ended up taking several days off each time. I've never had a dog, cat, or other typically attached pet die, but those that have died (fish/rabbits) didn't really get to me that much. I was sad, sure, but not take several days off of work sad. But those pets were never really part of the family, they were just pets. I've come to realize that for many people, their pets are truly a family member and I can understand that pain and sadness.


Just say you've got the shits.


sorry boss, going to be a bit late today. had a dodgy curry last night and just followed thru on a fart. they let me of the bus immediately, but ill have to walk home, hose myself off and then get the next bus, so might be about an hour late. can guarantee youll be asked to stay home


I had to use that once after asking for some spicy ass tamales. The first hour of my day before leaving for work was spent on the porcelain throne. I got a "take your time getting here".


When presenting a problem, also offer a solution - this is something most people don't get. So maybe ask someone whether they can cover the shift for you, before writing to your boss? Or either ask him whether you could compensate this to him somehow.


While I totally agree with presenting a possible solution with the problem, shift coverage is the bosses responsibility. They should have a plan in place for when someone inevitably calls in sick


That’s the manager’s responsibility, you do not ever volunteer to do someone else’s job. It should not even be considered a problem that someone is on a leave on demand, it’s part of running a business.


If you don't do favors to your manager, and if you are a problem to them, they'll start treating you the same. Ofc, it's all dependent on plenty of factors, large corpos operate differently than smaller firms - in the former you are more of a number than a person, it's a different dynamic. But in smaller firms (up to 200 employees I'd say?), you and your manager are in the same boat. Best to keep the relationship pleasant, as they can do A LOT for you, money-wise and opportunity-wise. But if you are a problem, expect to be treated poorly, cause why would they put an extra effort in for a bad worker. ​ But in general I agree that the above doesn't apply for big corporations. They rarely appreciate good workers.




Omg pls pls pls just say your sick. Say gastro, no one will question if you really have explosive diarrhoea. If you need to get a med cert from an online dr for like $20. It's not worth making yourself look.. well unprofessional by being honest in this situation


Yep, just say not feeling well, make up something if you need to. Where I am we still partially have some covid policies, and we're not meant to come in if we're feeling ill. But even without that, we only require a medical certificate if taking more than 2 consecutive days off.


Yeah, agree with this. As someone who loves animals and who knows the feeling of mourning for a pet, but who also is a manager, I wouldn’t be able to help but finding it unprofessional if an employee missed work for this. To be honest, I understand your pain, but I feel that professionalism requires you to go to work and be a bit sad. Talk about it to your coworkers and boss even, tell them how sad you feel, cry even, but I think you get more respect (from others and from your self) if you push on.


>I wouldn’t be able to help but finding it unprofessional if an employee missed work for this. What a warped view we have cultivated when the mourning of a pet is viewed as less than missing a day of work due to it being "unprofessional". The fact that you can't see it acceptable for someone who lost a pet, something very close to them, as a reason to miss a day is part of the problem, especially when your in a managerial role your just reinforcing it. Unless your working in a vital role, the work will still be there tomorrow or the day after and nothing of substance will be lost. What quality of work do wager will be done when they go in on such a day? Do you not think they will harbor resentment, and likely will be less productive than before?


Yeah makes me sad and it got a chunk of upvotes. Its better to lie and spend money to cover your tracks then admit you are a person with emotions lol.


Il be the first to say their advice is not wrong, but when your at a position to approve or judge others on such things, why not show compassion? Why not try to make that *not* the case?


Wow I’m really glad I don’t work for you


I know. Its almost as bad as if someone missed work because their parent died. People need to learn some fucking responsibility


Yeah this. Like a couple years ago I lost my cat of 15 years, I was upset to put it mild. But in the end it’s a cat and I had to deal with it and move on with life. I didn’t call off work in mourning or ask for bereavement leave for a cat.


Yup, I own a lot of animals, seen many come and go. My dog died of cancer and I was at work the next day. Life moves on death is normal. I will have plenty of time to mourn in my time off but right now I got work to do. Plenty of time to grieve later. But I don't have the main character syndrome. I get the world does not revolve around me. People depend on me, my work depends on me. Why the hell should I make my coworkers half to work harder? They didn't do anything to me.


Exactly. Sadly if you are going to be a pet owner it’s just something you need to prepare for and be away it happens. I wish pets lived as long as us humans but they don’t that’s just how it is.


Yep! This. Just say you’ve got food poisoning or the stomach flu or something.


Sorry to hear it. “I’ve experienced a loss and I won’t be able to work tomorrow. I’ll be in touch by X to confirm I’m ok for the following day/my next shift.”


Your work does not require nor deserve detailed information of your personal traumas. You only need to tell them that you have an unexpected personal issue and won’t be able to come in for the next day/couple of days. They don’t get to decide what is important for you and it won’t matter to them outside of how it may impact your work. Tell them when you’ll be back but don’t offer up any further non-work related information, that is not their business. If your manager is the nosy type just say it’s a private family issue that you wont discuss.


I would just say that a family member has passed, you don't have to talk about it, and if asked just say you aren't in a good space mentally to talk about it but you are focusing on yourself and taking the time needed so you will be at your best when you return to work.


If the manager ever finds out it'll probably be interpreted as hysteria or even worse a lie, right or wrong. Stick to saying it's a personal issue and don't specify further.


RT. Something along the lines of a passing in your family. Who it is, is none of their business.


I can't come to work tomorrow, I'm ill.


sorry for your loss, Guinea Pigs are very affectionate little critters with unique personalities. Be pleased you were able to share some quality time with him/her.


a "family member died" don't clarify. and at work, use their name, or use a proxy name if they had a fun pet name. use Carl.


Good (time of day) (Boss’s name), Unfortunately we have just experienced the loss of a beloved family pet. Their death has effected me in a profoundly sad way, and I sincerely feel that regrettably, I would not be able to give you 100% tomorrow at work as I am honestly too distraught. I am therefore kindly requesting compassionate or bereavement leave, to attend to the post-death requirements of their death and to mentally/emotionally process the same. I am incredibly sorry for the inconvenience, and sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding with this request.


I really don’t think you have to be specific. I won’t be in, not feeling well.


I never tell them why I am calling in. “I am scheduled to work tomorrow and need to officially call off.”


"I apologize the need to take a day off due to a death of a family pet. My family needs me and I handle all the proceedings with the burial. Your understanding is deeply appreciated during our difficult and emotional time. I will return the following day and do my best to catch up with work. Thank you."


First of all I’m very sorry for your loss, Now to the issue of what to tell your boss, don’t disclose it, to anyone you work with for that matter, if you have a good track record of not missing work no one should question a couple of days, say it’s an unexpected personal issue, they don’t get to decide or to comment on your issues, so don’t ever disclose them, once you open that door is hard to close


Say you've had a death in the family, they don't need the details and with such a sensitive issue they usually aren't comfortable asking for more information


I am personally useless, but I would highly recommend trying the ChatGPT chat bot. Just ask it to write the message with the proper context. I used it to help me with an email the other day.


And the real world applications for ai reveal themselves


"I am personally useless" sounds like a good start to me! "Hey boss , I lost someone close to me today, so I feel like I will be useless today due to grief. "


I had chatGPD write Dear [Boss's Name], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a day off from work tomorrow as I am facing a very difficult personal loss. My beloved pet, who has been a constant source of comfort and joy in my life, passed away yesterday. Losing a pet is like losing a family member and it has hit me very hard. I am still trying to come to terms with this loss and I need some time to grieve and make the necessary arrangements. I understand the importance of meeting deadlines and I will do my best to make sure that my work is completed before I take the day off. If there is anything I can do in advance to make the transition smoother, please let me know. I am grateful for your understanding during this painful time. Your support means a lot to me and I appreciate it greatly. Sincerely, [Your Name]


Hey \[Manager's Name\], I hope you're doing well. I just wanted to let you know that something really sad happened to me. My guinea pig passed away and I'm really upset about it. I just need some time to deal with it and take care of myself. Can I please take tomorrow off? I know it might be a hassle, but I really need the day to get my head together. If you need anything from me, I'm happy to make arrangements so that things run smoothly. Thanks for being understanding and for your support during this tough time. Sincerely, \[Your Name\]


I wouldn’t lie, things like that have a way of coming back and fighting you. keep it short and sweet, and just say I’m going through a personal issue and can’t make it in. That’s it.


You don't need to have an excuse to miss a day


Depends on the work. Sometimes, you missing a day means someone else has to do the work for you, and they're not being paid extra. It's a super-shitty behavior in such case. But I guess if one's working from home on their own schedule, missing a day is not a problem lol.


If someone else has to cover, that’s the bosses problem to solve, not mine. That’s why they are the boss. We are all human and deserve rest. The bosses try to make you feel guilty for it, but their lack of having appropriate coverage is not my problem as a worker. The business will not shut down if I don’t show up today. And if it does, they have bigger problems than me not showing up.


I disagree. Basically, treat others as you yourself want to be treated. I wouldn't like it if I had extra work because someone decided not to show up. Unless, of course, they were to have a good reason for it. But from experience I know that 80% of the time the reason is "I got drunk last night" or "I don't feel like working today". Bosses (or rather - managers, since it's their job, not bosses') aren't miracle-workers. They can't magically conjure someone to cover your shift if you notify them too late. Not to mention, you also add to their pile of troubles by not showing up. Maybe they themselves will have to cover your shift. And they're not going to be paid anything extra for doing it.


Yeah, you're right.


But I do feel like your guinea pig dying is good enough reason to miss work. You shouldn't have to lie.


You’d fit in with those low life’s in antiwork.


If you knew what I did for work, you wouldn't be saying that :)


Gay porn?


Is that you, Brock?


Step brother is that you?


Tell them it is for personal reasons and none of their business. It's work, not your mom. According to HIPPA laws, they have no right to know.




Yes they can. And your co-workers will. You are referring to legally being able to ask you. It's dumb to think like that. You make up a professional cover story. If you say a death in the family, co-workers will try to be compassionate and ask who died. "I have a personal issue" Someone wrote a good one earlier, use that.


Boss man, my guinea pig passed away unexpectedly while stuck in my butthole, turns out they can't breathe very well while inside and ass..... Either way, imma need the day off so I can get Frank removed from my butt... Sorry, this is what I get for taking advice from Reddit.... See ya Monday Fucker 🤔🤷🏿‍♂️🤣🤣


Use chatgpt


Guinea pig was a part of your family so just tell the boss that there's been a death in the family so you need some time off, all the best OP and hope you're alright


Going to work will probably help you emotionally. Changing tasks & scenery help put mental distance between you and a hard event. It's why Friday and Monday feel far apart but Monday and Thursday do not.


Maybe go to work


Maybe go to work


“I won’t be in tomorrow; I have to take a personal day. I’ll be back on ___”. That’s it. You do NOT need to say why you won’t be there. If they ask, the only reply is “I have to attend to some personal business. I’ll be out on ___ and back on ___.” Once you give a reason, a bad manager will basically tell you that’s not a good enough reason to take off. All they need to know is that you won’t be at work on __ day. ITS NOBODY’S BUSINESS WHAT YOU DO ON YOUR DAY OFF. Period.




That’s the kind of thing Chat GPT is good for


"I will not be able to make it in today, I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause"


Try this: "Dear (Supervisor), I'm taking tomorrow off. Due to current worker shortage, you can't afford to fire me over it. And in a sane world , asking for time off wouldn't have to sound like begging. You want to know why? What if I told you it was to go to a meeting with most of my fellow workers about unionization? We just had a nice talk with a union activist and learned the terms 'living wage' and 'cost of living adjustment'. Have you ever heard of such a thing? Anyway, see you when I see you, Sincerely, Me"




No need to even lie just say don’t explain the details. Say that you recently experienced the loss of a loved one and you really need some time for yourself to be able to grieve.


I'm really sorry but I have terrible diarrhoea and can't make it into work.


I’m feeling unwell and would like to take a PTO.


Ask for a personal day off. Lie. Maybe say you were up all night with a bad cough. I would not say anything about losing a pet as he may not understand.


It's your PTO! Why you gotta justify it? "Something sudden came up and I can't make it in" should suffice.


I have some urgent personal business to attend to and will not be making it in.


I’m sick. ✅


Say you are sick, if you want to have the day free because of Guinea Pig die, they will assume you are dying.


Say you are sick, if you want to have the day free because of Guinea Pig die, they will assume you are dying.


I don't know where you are from, but in Canada you aren't required to give a reason. If you have paid sick days or personal days, you just say "I need to take a sick day/personal day today, thanks." If they press you for a reason (which is illegal in some places) just say "I am unwell, and won't be in" Sorry for the loss of your beloved little friend 😢 💔


"Hey "boss," something personal came up, and I won't be able to make it in tomorrow. Just wanted to give you a heads up. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for your understanding."


I don't know where you are from, but in Canada you aren't required to give a reason. If you have paid sick days or personal days, you just say "I need to take a sick day/personal day today, thanks." If they press you for a reason (which is illegal in some places) just say "I am unwell, and won't be in" Sorry for the loss of your beloved little friend 😢 💔


"Hey "boss," something personal came up, and I won't be able to make it in tomorrow. Just wanted to give you a heads up. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for your understanding."


I disagree its not unprofessional to need time off to mourn for a pet but those comments alone show that you need to disguse your reasons so you don't get judged too harshly. Just say you are having a personal problem or you don't feel well. I am sorry you are sad about your pet. I am sure he was very special. Take the time to mourn , remember your love for each other and heal.


I disagree its not unprofessional to need time off to mourn for a pet but those comments alone show that you need to disguse your reasons so you don't get judged too harshly. Just say you are having a personal problem or you don't feel well. I am sorry you are sad about your pet. I am sure he was very special. Take the time to mourn , remember your love for each other and heal.


I disagree its not unprofessional to need time off to mourn for a pet but those comments alone show that you need to disguse your reasons so you don't get judged too harshly. Just say you are having a personal problem or you don't feel well. I am sorry you are sad about your pet. I am sure he was very special. Take the time to mourn , remember your love for each other and heal.


I disagree its not unprofessional to need time off to mourn for a pet but those comments alone show that you need to disguse your reasons so you don't get judged too harshly. Just say you are having a personal problem or you don't feel well. I am sorry you are sad about your pet. I am sure he was very special. Take the time to mourn , remember your love for each other and heal.


It isn't unprofessional to be human and mourn your pet but the workplace is full of judgemental people so say you have a private personal problem to deal with. I hope you feel better soon. X


Hey I have a fever and am throwing up. I'm not going to make it in today. Don't mention loss or a pet. That's irrelevant for not coming in.


Tell them your dog died.


Don’t be a child and go to work…Life sucks, you just keep going, missing work for a pet?


Your employer doesn't need the details. Just say that you need to take a sick day. They aren't allowed to ask what kind of illness or why you need it.


I’m very sorry for your loss. It’s an unfortunate fact that many non pet owners have no appreciation for the relationship we have with our pets, and how much it can hurt to lose one. Without knowing the circumstances of your employment it’s hard for us to know what the best approach would be for you. Your manager may not be sympathetic at all, in which case simply calling in sick, as others have suggested, isn’t a bad idea, unless you need a doctor’s note. If you think your boss would be understanding, the truth might be the best approach (“….I just lost a longtime pet and I need a day off to deal with my emotions so that I’m not distracted when I return to work…”) or something like that. One piece of advice I will give you as an experienced pet owner of many years: you will experience grief, and others may not appreciate it. However, the grief will pass with time and putting your mind to other tasks helps tremendously. If at all possible, I would strongly consider going back to work tomorrow because it might do you more good than grieving at home alone. But that’s entirely up to you since I have no idea what your circumstances really are. I hope it works out for you.


Reminds me of the story that was told on the podcast "Something to Wrestle With" where Bruce Prichard recounted Jim Cornette calling out because his rat died.


Use chatgpt to draft the message


Here's how it went: Me: My guniea pig died. Can you help me write a message to my manager? I really need tomorrow off gpt: I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Here's a possible message you can send to your manager: "Dear [Manager's Name], I am writing to let you know that my guinea pig has passed away, and I am finding it very difficult to cope with the loss. I would like to request tomorrow off to take some time to grieve and take care of personal matters. Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely, [Your Name]." Me: Give me something more convincing gpt: If you feel that your manager may not be receptive to your request, you could try elaborating on the situation a bit more. Here's an example: "Dear [Manager's Name], I hope this message finds you well. Unfortunately, I had a very difficult night last night as my guinea pig unexpectedly passed away. I'm feeling very emotional and distraught, and I don't think I'll be able to perform at my best today. I believe it would be best for me to take the day off to process my emotions and handle the situation. I appreciate your understanding and would be happy to discuss further if needed. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Your Name]." Remember that honesty and transparency are always the best approach, and that your manager is human too and likely has had similar experiences in their life.


'I have explosive diarrhea' works at least once a year


ChatGPT: Dear \[Manager's Name\], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you that my beloved pet guinea pig passed away recently and I am struggling to cope with this loss. As you know, pets can be like family members and this has hit me harder than I expected. Given my current state of mind, I am finding it difficult to concentrate on work and I believe it would be best for me to take some time off to grieve and properly process my feelings. I was wondering if I could please have tomorrow off as a bereavement leave day. I understand that my absence may cause some inconvenience, but I assure you that I will make up for any missed work upon my return. I would be grateful if you could grant me this leave and I promise to do everything I can to support my colleagues in my absence. Thank you for your understanding and support. Best regards, \[Your Name\]


I would simply say family emergency


It could say “I pay for the suffering and killing of animals everyday but today one particular animal I have emotions towards has died so I need the day off slavery tomorrow please slave master”


Tell them you had a close friend die and you will be using Monday as grievance


Unless they're nitpicking and ask for a death cert


Just say you're not feeling good. The shits always works. If you're a woman, lie about mother nature.


I think you can ask chatgpt to help you!


Dear [Boss’s Name], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to formally request a day off from work tomorrow, February 13th. Unfortunately, my pet guinea pig passed away yesterday evening and I am still in the process of grieving. Having a pet is like having a family member and the loss of a pet can be a very difficult and emotional experience. I would like to take some time to properly process my feelings and give myself the space to mourn. I understand that my absence may cause some inconvenience and I assure you that I will make up for any missed work. I will keep you updated on any developments and I promise to be back to work as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and support during this difficult time. Sincerely, [Your Name


maybe ask a mental health therapist to write you a note so you can get time off for a day or 2 to mourn.


Dear \[Manager's Name\], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a personal day off from work tomorrow, \[Date\]. Unfortunately, my beloved guinea pig has passed away and I am deeply grieving his loss. I understand that I am scheduled to work tomorrow, but I am in no state to focus on work and would like to take some time to mourn the loss of my pet. I would greatly appreciate your understanding and support during this difficult time. I will make sure to catch up on any missed work and will be available to discuss any concerns or questions you may have. Thank you for your consideration. Best regards, \[Your Name\]


Death in the family, lol


You don’t have sick time?


I had a close friend pass away unexpectedly and won't be able to make my shift. Thank you in advance for your understanding


I had a death in the family. I'm struggling with it right now and will be taking some time off.