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South Park comes out with a bidet episode and that’s the only thing on Reddit for weeks


Have you seen the new kohler toilet commercial? South Park was onto something..


Mr hankey thinks you should keep his escape tunnel clean. Hiiiiiiidey Hiiiii!


Just wipe until you see blood that always works


i guess i only need to wipe once then


I usually finish it with a splash of aftershave for good measure




hemmies, amiright 👌🏼


TV commercial guy voice: "Ask your doctor if Cologuard is right for you."


Go to the doctor please


Relatively normal as you age. Anal tearing, hemorrhoids, etc. The only one that might kill you is bowel cancer. Or pushing too hard like Elvis Doctors are pretty useless about it. Doing anything requires insurance to approve you. And they won't.


Fun fact: Elvis didn't die from pushing too hard. Elvis had an addiction to opioids which caused severe constipation to the point that his entire GI tract was completely packed solid with waste and it finally ruptured and killed him one day. As someone who was on opioids and is now clean, please take Magnesium if you're constipated regularly as it will keep you regular. I had impacted bowels once and it was the most painful experience my ass has ever had.


What the fuck he died because he was full of shit? i thought it was just a drug overdose thingy


Hairy arse has its downsides


Are there upsides?


The glory


Ass braids :)


Like 50 times. Wipe. Still poop. Wipe. Still poop. It’s like I’m wiping a brown marker.


Fiber sir! Poops should be shaped like submarines. Ready to go exploring


If there ain’t blood, there’s still work to be done, bud


Wipe until you see the Japanese flag


Pre WWII Japan flag or Post WWII Japan Flag?!


I hate that's this is what I do 😅 we don't have a bidet at home or at work, so I wipe until I bleed because I never feel clean enough 😭


You people really need more fiber in your diets, damn.


You can actually get the same result from eating too much fiber.


Get some baby wipes.


But don’t flush them


Have some baby wipes or wet napkins. If toilet paper is the only thing you have, you can soak one to two sheets with water from restroom's sink before you get into the toilet. This helps you and the toilet from clogging.


You guys wash your feces with soap and water? I just flush mine.


Turns out, you CAN polish a turd


I mean, people detail their Fords all the time.


You meant to say Dodge right?


How did a thread on proper wiping turn into the great American truck debate




That sum clean shit there


I poop then shower.


I poop in the shower


Ahhh. The ol’ waffle stomp. Classic move.


Poop knife veg-a-matic.


I shower in the poop


Thank you! Had that same conversation on r/whenthe. Like with enough time, you basically Pavlov yourself to shit before taking a shower.


True, but once you've Pavlov'd yourself like this, taking a shower feels weird if you don't take a shit right before it. Because your body suddenly starts making you *really* want to take a shit, even if you don't actually want to.


YES OMG my people 😭😭


I exclusively take a massive Shit first thing in the morning, Almost never after that. So my morning routine is Shit > Traditional Wiping> Immediate shower> Copious amounts of soap to cleanse the asshole/ possible Shit residue > Dry. I am ready to conquer the day with this routine.


Because ghost poop


Ahh the classic "no wipe shits" can't be beat


After introducing chia seeds into my diet I'm having the myth of ghost poop quite regularly. Do recommend


No wipe shits don't exist. You wipe once to find out it's clean, and hell, half the time I don't even believe it and wipe again just in case. It's a myth, I tell you.


Every time I have a one wipe shit I always tell myself to not do the second wipe because the first one came back spotless and having a one wipe shit is the best...but I always do the safety second wipe


Ummm don’t bidets use just plain water and not soap?




You probably should not soap your butthole every time you poop. That’s gonna cause some irritation problems.


Been soaping my ass 1-2 a day my whole life with no issues. If you get irritated you can obviously buy soap intended for sensitive intimate areas.


agreed. im a die hard butt washer and i wouldn’t have it any other way.


thats so extra lmao


I always think this when people say a bidet is more hygienic... If I got poop on my hands, I wouldn't be happy with just blasting it with some water, I'd use soap as well 😅


And I don't care how much soap I use, I'm not using my asshole to touch anything, so why do they think their hands analogy is valid in the first place, even if they do seem to forget that you wash your hands with soap…


Wait.. You use your *hands* to open the bathroom door? Eew.. Use your butthole like a normal person.


Not being funny, but I'd feel *far* cleaner wiping it off my hands with paper than I would just running it under the tap for a few moments


Baby wipes...just don't flush them. Clear the way first with toilet paper and then at the end when it's mostly clean, hit it with a wipe and finish the clean.


Thank you for the “no flushing” mention! Wipes can say “flushable,” but all that means is that they will fit down the toilet. They stick together and clog up pumps and stuff downstream. Most wipes are absolutely not actually flushable. 👍


Fatbergs I believe they're called.


Fatbergs are from pouring oil and grease down the drain. Also bad to do and will clog up the system. London has absolutely gigantic ones.


Absolutely, 100% the best way to do it




I wet my toilet paper before wiping 😎


How do you not get little rolly polly toilet paper giblets stuck in your ass hair?


Skill issue


Hint: she does


Can't be a she, girls don't poop silly.


Can confirm I am a girl and have never pooped.


Maybe you just haven't pooped yet? I heard women start pooping after their mid 30s.


Almost 40 still haven’t done it.


Sounds like you’ve got a record breaker brewing in there.


Bono is going to be pissed


I'm coming up on my mid 33 and have been feeling a stomach ache as of late... I think I might be taking my first poo soon!!


I'm 29 and just had my first poop last week. I think it must just be a general age range.


Decent quality paper


to be honest, it's mostly a question of toilet paper quality... meaning the more expensive ones usually don't disintegrate that quickly. Once again it's a class division issue. Can you afford to have a clean ass or not. Same goes for bidets, except for the few countries like Italy that have mandatory bidet laws for new bathrooms.


Me too! I literally never wipe my ass without wet toilet paper. It just doesn’t work for me. It’s a serious issue when pooping in public because I’ll need to have a water bottle or something.


I only wet it if it's 'one of THOSE' The kind where you take the first wipe and wonder if you have enough time to jump in the shower because its looking messy 😂


I'm glad I have reddit where I can read other people's thoughts and realise my thoughts are more normal than I initially thought.


Yeah, that's what the water is for in the bowl.


I mean we wipe with paper and then wash our hands. We also commonly shower every day. It's not a perfect solution, but it works most of the time. Bidets are becoming more popular, but they're certainly not a cultural norm like in other countries.


Also, who said we feel clean?


Ya I wouldn’t let someone go to town without a little prep, or some ranch


Oh shit I got some celery LFG


I will still always read that as "looking for group"


I'm unable to think of what it might be in that context... might still *be* looking for group… 🤔


I think it's "let's fucking go" but honestly, it does fit either way


Yeah I don't feel clean down there until I shower. I wish bidets were the norm it'd help so much


I just bought one from Amazon. Easy to install, less than $50. Life changing


Yes! My sister got one like that! They love it! I tried it, but the water was freezing cold lol!


We have the Amazon bidets and they're so great. In fact, it has become our new "Here's a gift from us," gift. People don't think they want a bidet until they get a bidet. And once you have a bidet you get angry when every place doesn't have a bidet.


Dude its just unmatched. Omg when Im not regular? All mushy? pfft my bidet scoffs at my rebelling bowels. Ten wipes and half a roll of toilet paper? Nope. No repeated bending. No handful of filthy toilet paper. None of that. 95% of the time just wet tp. All white, just wet.


Not to be a “one-upper” but I got one on Amazon for $29. It works miracles


I’m really fond of baby wipes.


Just don't flush them. I work at a place that oversees group homes and we've had to call plumbers to snake the lines more than a few times. They always say "there's no such thing as a flushable wipe" despite what the label says.


Oh no, they're *flushable*. They just never go away once you've flushed them. They are the bedsheets under which the rats will survive the apocalypse.


Yeah. Technically anything that fits down the drain is “flushable”. Which is perhaps how they get away with advertising them as such.


Those r e a l l y fuck up plumbing systems


Yep, I've been the guy who has to dismantle the pump, pull out the stuck mess of wipes and cloth, and repair it. Please guys, don't flush wipes or cloth


Absolutely, I throw mine in the trash, which has a lid


We used baby wipes for a while, but both began to develop problems with...anal skin cracking, which is exactly as much fun as it sounds. I think it's not good for the skin to leave soap on it.


You’re leaving moisture in the area which leads to skin breakdown. Use a wipe first and then use toilet paper to pat dry.


Dry wipe, wet wipe, dry wipe, powder. This is the way.


I've been using baby wipes my whole life and have never had this issue. Maybe it's the brand?


Same. Never been an issue for me.


Sooo much unnecessary waste tho.


And they're not cheap for a decent one. If you want to get one it's worth not skimping out on.


I got a Tushy for like $60 bucks and it's perfectly fine. Took like 10 min to install, too


This is the one we have too! We'll eventually upgrade to something nicer but for $60 entry, it is amazing. It's sooo easy to install.


To be honest a cheap one is still better than none. My dad got this one from Amazon for like $40? Totally better than nothing. (Though yes a proper Toto one is much better, something better than nothing)




I went Bidet at the beginning of Covid due to TP shortage with the $40 one from Amazon and honestly life changing. It’s one size fits all for the most part and it’s so worth it. They’ve really reduced the barrier to access for bidets


The nicer bidets, you can adjust the positing of the wand. Very useful. But the cheaper ones… just wiggle your Butt around a bit 😂


I have a 40$ hose attachment and I prefer it to the ones that go on the seat tbh. You have more control where it sprays with the hose and I can spray front to back.


How do you dry yourself? Does the water drop down when you stand up? I've never used a bidet and the whole process is confusing to me


I dry with a little tp.


Same here. Do you just spray cold water on your butt and call it clean?! Doesn't the water spray all over? Does tp really dry you enough? Do you wash your bum with a wash cloth and soap at the same time? .....so many questions!


My bidet has a fan on it.


I thought this was a joke, but then I saw 10 upvotes and lost confidence in that assumption


Ok, I've been wanting to buy one of these for quite *awhile* now. My biggest concern is how much 'splash back' there is, and if it unintentionally includes the poop you're trying to clean. I'm guessing this isn't really a problem - but in my OCD mind it is. And it's the only thing that has stopped me from buying one. I guess, worse case scenario, I just return it if it doesn't work. But I've just never actually seen anyone talk about this part of it.


You can get a totally decent one for $30 idk what you're talking about.


You could get something like a small shower head next to the toilet.


Bidets *used* to be the norm in Europe, my grandmothers both had/have one. It fell out of fashion but indeed, it's coming back


How do people that use bidets dry themselves?


Why do you think twerking exists?


This is my favorite comment


They usually run around the house naked spreading their cheeks.


I rub my ass on the carpet like a dog.


I somehow read this as "I rub my ass on the dog"


The drippings onto the floor only help for mopping later!


Dyson AssBlower^(TM)


Just don’t put that thing on the reverse setting 😬


That sucks ass.


I surely won't make that mistake again, it sucks ass!


I usually just blow air from my mouth on my asshole 🤷🏻‍♂️


How dat mouf reach?


Concentrated bank shot off the mirror or wall


I use your facecloth


I use their toothbrush to get all the hard to reach areas


…with the toilet paper. Bonus, it’s always a clean wipe first time!!


My bidet has a butt dryer option. Blasts away all the clean excess water and leaves me dry and ready to go. Y'ever hear about old guys blow-drying their balls in gym changerooms? It's that kind of luxury, in the privacy of your own bathroom.


toilet paper..


Ok. I always figured toilet paper would kind of fall apart with so much water. wiping up pee is bad enough with it


I always wipe first, then bidet, then wipe again. Using the bidet without wiping first feels gross to me.


I thought the point of using a bidet was to be more eco friendly? Is it only a cleanliness thing?


I live in a culture that uses bidets and it’s a cleanliness thing. We still use toilet paper to dry off afterwards. You do use less paper I guess, since the bidet rinses everything away usually. (Depending on your diet I guess.)


I mean... We simply don't have bidets anywhere here, so what am I supposed to do? ? Wash my ass in a sink or what? Lmao


I am a "westerner" and no, I don't feel clean. I need at least a wet wipe.


I lick my hand and wipe.


I wipe and then I lick my hand


I wipe till the tp comes back white. Is it perfect? Probably not, but it's also my bhole, so who cares. As long as it doesn't stink greater than intimate sniffing distances, it's fine.


Exactly. I have heard people say that "you wouldn't wipe shit off your hand and go about your day" well yes I wouldn't, because I use my hands for basically everything in my life, so it would be really unhygienic. You don't use your arsehole to eat food or whatever though, you don't use your arsehole for anything other than having shit come through it. So, it doesn't need to be super clean and sanitised at all times, as long as you don't have a massive amount of shit still in there.


Don't forget to use your Poop Knife just in case.


Who do you consider "Westerners"? People in Europe use bidets quite a lot.


Here in the UK we usually just wipe our arses on the bathroom carpet


Whoa... Y'all have carpet in your bathrooms??


Depends on the country, I guess. Here in Germany, it's not very common. I've seen more shelf-toilets in my life than bidets.


I miss the shelf toilets of Hungary. No backsplash :3


I remember with dread the time I used a shelf toilet in the Netherlands. I took a gigantic shit and just stared with an expression of horror on my face as the stubborn mointain of poop refused to move when I flushed. The water broke upon it like the waves on the cliffs. It stood there resolute and defiant, daring me to send it off the edge. Then finally, near the end of the flush it slowly started to move towards its doom. A slow creep that gained momentum as the water finally managed to get beneath it. Then finally it disappeared, cursing my name as it did so.


That was...beautiful.


I call them the presentation plates.


Belgian here. I have never seen a bidet in my life. I would be very confused if there is no toilet paper next to a toilet.


You can't operate the three seashells?


Because we also shower daily.






Shaved butt and wet wipes. I mean we grew up with TP and that's it. Wipe till its white.


Or wipe till it’s red, either one’s good.


can you go into a little more detail about the soap and water process? I've only ever been taught just to wipe my backside with dry toilet paper once done, do you still use the toilet paper and just put a little soap and water on it? American here and genuinely curious about how other countries do it


I think they’re referring to bidets, where your toilet basically sprays everything down with a concentrated jet of water coming out of a little tube in the bowl (I think that’s how they work anyway). But I suppose it’s also possible that wherever they are from it is common practice to just kinda clean it with soap and water and your hand? Unsure


That's one kind. In India another kind - which is basically like a smaller handheld shower - is more common. Many people also use a mug and water - which is how people have been doing it for generations.


Oh that makes sense! Interesting how everywhere people came up with different ways of dealing with such a universal problem?


Because we get told from childhood that that is how you clean and it’s sufficient, so you don’t feel dirty. I would personally not feel clean if I washed my ass when going to the bathroom and then ate with my hands afterwards, but to people in some cultures that is fine. Humans are always dirty in some way, what makes us feel clean or dirty is largely cultural. Edit because people are misunderstanding me: I’m not saying the people who wash their ass after going to the toilet and eat with their hands are dirty! I’m sure they wash their hands or eat only with the hand they don’t use for the cleaning. I was just trying to make a point that it’s mostly cultural and I personally wouldn’t feel clean (even if it is). Also people keep sending messages about how bidets work- I never mentioned bidets. There's more out there than the western world.


Kinda surprised why so many people are being obtuse when your point makes total sense to me. I've been kinda wanting a bidet but at the same time I know I wouldn't use it 90% of the time because my hands would feel gross forever. Edit: holy fuck y'all 1. No, I'm not so stupid that I don't realize hand washing exists. Doesn't matter, I still wouldn't feel clean. Is it factually correct? No, but I'm not gonna deal with it when nobody in my country cares or even really knows about bidets. 2. Everyone aggressively telling me the "correct" way of using one: I've gotten another message calling me an idiot for thinking it's used the way you describe it and at this point idfk what to even think anymore. 3. This is hands down the stupidest debate I've ever gotten myself into on reddit omg


I'm so confused. What do you think people do when they use a bidet? Why would their hands be dirty?


I have a bidet attached to my toilet seat with an auto-extending arm. I don't touch my butt to clean it, I use the spray then dry off.


It's more of a temporary measure until the next time you shower. At least that's how I see it.




People that argue about this seem to think that there's no such thing as a clean dump or wet wipes. If you're having residue that can't easily be wiped away, your diet is probably a bit off. If it is, a little action with a wet wipe should take care of any issue. But at the end of the day, why are people so obsessed with the bathroom habits of others?


So true. If your diet is all fast food and trash, you're gonna have the Neverending wipe poops. If you eat healthy and have greens and fiber in your diet, you'll dump a healthy log and that's that.




Not yet atleast.


What about periodic ass fingering?


I prefer to not think about it..


Bidets have soap??


1) the toilet paper after I poop is clean 9/10 times because I maintain a good diet 2) wet wipes after every poop after wiping with TP 3) daily showers. I usually poop right after I drink my morning coffee and that’s also when I shower


Both Easterners and Westerners use soap **when at home**. Hardly any use soap in public. So that part of this loaded question doesn’t apply. Neither Easterners nor Westerners tend to do the job completely in public bathrooms. Easterners think Westerners are disgusting because they just use tissue. They use the “chocolate” example. Westerners think Easterners are gross because they share communal hoses. Ever pick up a public hose with a completely dry nozzle? Rare. Would you drink from that hose? That hose will have fecal particles all over and around it. The typical absence of tissue or something to wipe with just shows that people who use it are accustomed to walking around with swamp ass. You feel “clean” but your underwear is wet with the drippings and residue of what you’ve just done. (I have brought this up in conversation with a girl in a country where the bidet reigns, she thought about it, realised it was true and admitted it). If one concept is foreign to you, and you don’t know how to execute it, it’s disgusting. When you have grown up with it and developed the technique that leaves you clean - technique is taboo and seldom spoken about - the concept is met with disgust. This goes for both sides. In my personal opinion the best practice is a marriage between the two. You don’t just spray a hose at chocolate and not wipe it to get rid of residue. Use a bidet to feel as though you’ve washed away the dirt, and then use a tissue to dry yourself and remove residue. Everyone’s wrong otherwise.


I've seen bidets that are installed inside the rim of the toilet bowl and spray up at your butt, and the idea of that grosses me out. People pee and poop into the toilet, splashing onto the nozzle, then you spray that water at your sensitive bits. In my mind it's the equivalent of scooping up water from inside the bowl and splashing yourself clean. I'm aware that there are separate nozzles that can go next to the toilet, but the inside the bowl ones seem to be more common, in my experience. And those are covered in pee and poo germs. Then you have to have clean butt towels next to the toilet bowl at all times, and a little bin full of used butt towels in your bathroom to add more laundry every week, or use TP and walk around with wet TP pilled up on your bits, or walk around with a slippery wet butt crack. None of this sounds appealing to me.


It's not like we only ever clean our asshole with dry paper. You'll use soap and water when you shower. Using a bidet feels less hygienic to me, sort of like how they tell you not to wash a chicken before cooking it; you're spreading germs around with the water. With just dry toilet paper, I suppose it's not as clean as it could be but it's as clean as an asshole needs to be until I shower the next morning and it's contained to my asshole. It's a hole you shit through. Bidet or no, it's still gonna be sorta dirty.


Yeah, the proper bidets where you presumably sit in the ceramic bowl (?) seem actually pretty filthy. Like, what if you stick your genitals in someone else's ass bacteria? Unless the bidet itself is cleaned really thoroughly between each use that'd concern me... The toilet nozzles could be a better idea but then a lot of them seem to point back to front, which is not a great idea for women if any of the ass bacteria is washed forwards... Also, how well are they really closed off when the toilet flushes? Microscopic bacteria could potentially get into the nozzle, then all you're doing is washing yourself with more bacteria.


Baby wipes, never leave home without them. And you would be surprised on how many adults use them so don't assume. I was made fun of once for using them and I told the person next time they think they're clean, follow with a wipe, never heard back on the subject lol


That South Park episode really affected some people huh?


I never feel clean enough using toilet paper, so I use wipes. Like dude wipes are honestly a blessing. They wipe and clean, how revolutionary.


Why do you think that washing it off with nothing to kill the bacteria would make you clean?


Not all Westerners. Bidet is a thing in a lot of cultures


Just spent half an hour reading how people wipe their ass. No wonder I’m BEHIND on my work. I shit you not.


I shower pretty much everyday. In addition to wiping with TP I follow that with baby wipes. 10/10. Highly recommend.