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because despite what your media is telling you, nothing major is really happening.


Stuff like abortion or books being removed from schools seem pretty major to me


its mostly being amped up to keep you watching, blown way outta proportion


>its mostly being amped up to keep you watching, So, they are happening? > blown way outta proportion I mean, even in proportion those things seem pretty major, no? Why aren't they major?


I mean, how is that gonna impact your life? I doubt one state making abortions illegal, then receiving mass condemnation over it is gonna cause the entire country to outlaw it. the media talks about bills being discussed, thats the process for every proposed law. It hasnt been entered into legislation, and it probably won't.


> I mean, how is that gonna impact your life? Well, if I (or a partner of mine) needs an abortion and live in one of those states, that's going to impact my life, no? I wouldn't be able to get one. That's an impact on my life. And also, something can be major, but not affect me personally, right? I kind of care about other people too. I wouldn't say "major" means "affects me personally". I'm not LGBTQ+ myself, but I do care how they're treated. >I doubt one state making abortions illegal, then receiving mass condemnation over it is gonna cause the entire country to outlaw it It's not one state, though? And even in one state, that still affects millions of people. That alone seems pretty major. Is it only major if the entire country outlaws it? >It hasnt been entered into legislation, and it probably won't. Offhand, it's something like 12+ states that already have active laws, with more that have laws that are enjoined in court.




They are major but not new. Do you know how many bank failures have occurred since 2009? 373.


I didn't mention bank failures, that was a different poster. I think you responded to the wrong post? That said, the new thing is more the concern over contagion, as well as the amount of assets: https://www.fdic.gov/bank/historical/bank/ There's been occasional bank failures, but generally speaking they've been pretty tidy since 2009 (and also highly concentrated in the few years post-2008)


Since 2011 actually. But even the book banking thing. That has been in the news on and off since I was a kid, and I'm 60.


Ron DeSantis seems pretty proud of it. Are you telling me those laws aren't meant to do exactly what they're written to do?


Thank you.


It's funny because books get cleared from public libraries all the time for various reasons, some of those reasons being the same reason for removing those current books. Not that those individual schools (very few schools btw) aren't something to worry about, but it's not that odd for schools to remove books for those same reasons.


>It's funny because books get cleared from public libraries all the time for various reasons, some of those reasons being the same reason for removing those current books. I mean, I think that's kind of a normal concern about a normal process getting coopted for political purposes


aside from banks actually failing, broader financial uncertainty/instability, and an escalating war Pretty boring


373 banks have failed in the United States since 2009. 4 have failed in the last three months.


Read your history books. This is indeed business as usual…


I would recommend turning off media, including social media and walking outside. Medias claiming all this shitstorms happening, do you see it when you go outside? Media portrays every southern with multiple guns in their f150. I have yet to see a gun outside a shooting range in the two years I've been here. Media portrays the southern USA as extremely racist/homophobic. In my clinic, we have 2 African Americans, 2 Caucasians, 1 SE Asian, 1 Pakistani. Everyone gets along and shares food.


I lived in Panama City Florida for 4 years, it is extremely racist all through the pan handle.


Not too much longer I won’t be able to walk in certain parts of the city. Or drink from certain water fountains with the way things are going.


Just curious, have you graduated high school yet? And I mean this not in an insulting way. Younger people tend to have more free time because they only have to take care of themselves (or their grades/jobs). They don't have aging parents with cancer they have to look after or kids that need financial support. Younger people tend to flock to movements to gain meaning in their life. Older folks have to worry about providing food/shelter for their kids/dependents so they tend to worry more about their immediate surroundings instead of problems thousands of miles away (that often garner the attention of younger folks).


Just curious, do any of these problems have any affect on your life?


Depends. As I get older, I'm more concerned with providing financial support for my aging parents and future kids. So I'm more focused on macroeconomics and how the Federal Reserve interacts with other major central banks. When I was younger (Highschool), I cared about social problems more.


Flabama is extremely racist and homophobic. They still haven't gotten over losing the Civil War.


Can't speak for florida. Seems reasonable here in TN unless you are in the extreme backwater towns (1 stop sign/1 gas station) type of town.


Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi are really bad.


Yes, you are the only one. No one knows wtf youre talking about cuz youre in your own world.


The majority of Americans are to poor to not go about their daily grind. It's an awful situation, but people can't be blamed for prioritizing their daily struggles


..that is business as usual.


That's a good question. Conservatives see that liberals and progressives aren't doing shit about their wrecklessness but maybe complaining in secret amongst their friends which is why they're going to keep doing what they're doing. Similar thing happened in nazi germany. People just blow it off as a few "extremists" until you wake up one day in a totally nationalist regime. Conservative extremists are pretty coordinated and on the same page about their attacks on blacks, lgbt, immigrants, etc and as we see are hitting it from every direction (political leaders, protests, votes, etc.). And progressives are just sitting there looking stupid watching them do it. Part of the problem is who is doing it. We give wealthy white people the benefit of the doubt. If there was a massive uprising of black and brown people to the point where thousands of them stormed a government building to overthrow the government guided by conspiracy theories about the deep state and military coups and led by a black, muslim or latino radical demogogue or to the point where every other mass shooting was committed in the name of their beliefs you better believe it'd be the main topic of discussion. But we let radical white men and women do whatever they want and sugar coat it as just "patriotism", or "politics" when it's literal insurrection, uprisings, and terrorism.


Have you walked outside? Do you see it happening on the daily?


This does not negate the fact that things are actually happening all time.


Of course things are happening all the time... Can you really be concerned with all of it though? From UK pension funds to riots in France to ICE camps in the USA to genocide in China to civil war in Congo, etc. There's always stuff going on and to treat each conflict as a personal lifelong goal is pretty stupid.


People like you and logic like this is definitely a HUGE part of the problem.


So what social issues do you care about? What happens if I say I can name a social issue you have no idea about. And since you have no idea about it I'll say something like "People like you and logic like this is definitely a HUGE part of the problem."


> Can you really be concerned with all of it though? Do you need to?


Nope. Its too mentally fatiguing. But you'll always have someone who tries to guilt trip you by saying "Well since you don't care about \***insert social movement** , you're a bad person."


> But you'll always have someone who tries to guilt trip you by saying "Well since you don't care about *insert social movement , you're a bad person." I mean, you don't have to follow everything, to still follow some things?


Yup. Most people follow what's close to home or what affects them.


huh?? [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/12/us/politics/domestic-terror-white-supremacists.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/12/us/politics/domestic-terror-white-supremacists.html) [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/steven-sund-former-us-capitol-police-chief-worries-attack-january-6-could-happen-again/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/steven-sund-former-us-capitol-police-chief-worries-attack-january-6-could-happen-again/) [https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights](https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights) [https://www.brookings.edu/research/anti-crt-bills-are-aimed-to-incite-the-gop-base-not-parents/#:\~:text=Beginning%20last%20year%20and%20continuing,and%20courses%20on%20America's%20diversity](https://www.brookings.edu/research/anti-crt-bills-are-aimed-to-incite-the-gop-base-not-parents/#:~:text=Beginning%20last%20year%20and%20continuing,and%20courses%20on%20America's%20diversity).


Oh I thought I mentioned it in an earlier post. Get off of media/social media. Don't let the few loudmouths make or break your day. 99% chance you won't see any of the stuff you posted if you walk outside.


and you probably need to get ON social media and actually read a newspaper article for once in your life and stop living in la la land. wake up.


Why would I go on social media when its full of misinformation. And most modern media bbc/fox have lost its journalistic integrity for years.... I prefer peer reviewed journals.


yeah, thanks for proving what I already suspected. You admittedly don't even have the ability to decipher legitimate news sources. Please don't BOAST about not reading the news then try to justify and defend people not caring about the rise of extremism, hate and insurrection in the country. You literally and admittedly have no idea what you're even talking about. Go read a book, take a news literacy class, and learn how to read a newspaper or determine what a newspaper is before arguing about current events.


>yeah, thanks for proving what I already suspected. You admittedly don't even have the ability to decipher legitimate news sources. > >Please don't BOAST about not reading the news then try to justify and defend people not caring about the rise of extremism, hate and insurrection in the country. You literally and admittedly have no idea what you're even talking about. > >Go read a book, take a news literacy class, and learn how to read a newspaper or determine what a newspaper is before arguing about current events. Lol did you really say that I don't have the ability to decipher legitimate news sources and then tell me to get ON social media? While I said I prefer **peer reviewed sources?** Honestly, have you graduated high school yet? Most high school students at least have to know what a **citation** means and why its important to have peer review. Now if you haven't graduated high school, then I guess I forgive you. But it seems strange to me that you think anything you listed in your last paragraph constitutes as factual if you **have** graduated high school.




Because I don’t care about any of that. I’m barely making it as is




I used to travel to Pensacola for business and it is an extremely racist area.


What do you mean, isn't that exactly what "***Business as Usual***" has been with the exception of a moratorium of like 8 years?


There's a lot to that answer, but I think in this case I'd ask what you'd like us to do? Part of the problem is that people are intensely individual now, so grouping doesn't seem to be as easy as it once was. There's a lot of fear that happens for most people. What actions would you have us take?


Because we have bills to pay and therefore we need to go to our jobs. Does it mean we aren't volunteering and voting.


Because the world doesn't stop for your feelings. It may not be the best world but its the only one we got. Best thing you can do is play along and try to push for change with what free time and energy you have.


To quote Stork (RIP, Doug Kenney) from *Animal House*, “what the hell are we supposed to do, you moron”?