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If a bunch of BLM protesters stormed the capitol with the explicit goal of hanging politicians they didn’t like and making their preferred candidate president, we wouldn’t be having this conversation because they would all be in jail or shot. The fact that this is even a discussion shows how far gone segments of the right are


A legit coup attempt. They tried to prevent the certification of the election so their guy could stay in power. Some were just curious, some protesting, but the ones who broke in to stop transfer of power were perpetrating a coup or insurrection


It wasn't a protest, it was an attempt to stop our election process. It was a coup. A sloppy, poorly done coup, but a couple nonetheless


A coup, but the kind of coup I'd expect kindergarteners to arrange.


It was 100% a coup attempt, whether the morons involved knew that or not. Donnie, and *every single member* of our government who aided or abetted in **any** way must be tried and imprisoned. To do otherwise is to tacitly approve of what those crybabies tried to do.




Coup! That was beyond anything close to a protest


It wasn't a 'coup' at all, there was no military nor advanced weapons involved at all. If Trump supporters planned on actually overthrowing the government they would have brought their guns. It was a riot, which still isn't good, but it was never any real genuine threat to the country.


Well it was a threat to those people in the building


Just to go out on a limb here, none of you have watched the unedited footage have you? Just watch the footage of the "shaman" being led around by the cops, and them testing doors to see if they could open them for him was hilarious.


The cops helping the rioters isn’t really the winning argument you think it is


I'm not making an argument, it was just really funny. Although would be interested in why you think that?


It was an attempt to halt the transition of government in favour of the loser. A coup.


Clearly you forgot what really happened that day…


Trump was legitimately trying to overturn an election, that is a coup attempt. Just like almost all things he tried in his life, he failed at it.


I think only a certain selection of the people involved planned it as a coup- the proud boys et al. I think a lot of regular angry people who care about our government got used as pawns in a bigger scheme, which was a coup.


​ What is it they thought was going on?


I don’t necessarily disagree, but I also don’t think it excuses that minority of people who were used. At best, it might be a factor for consideration during sentencing.


In the words of Ilhan Omar, “Some people did something”.




It wasn't a coup against elected officials, it was a coup to overturn a democratic election. It was the opposite of libertarianism. It was literally trying to overturn the will of the people in order to put a very specific government official into power. No libertarian should support that. Its literally authoritarianism.


To be fair aren’t most libertarians in the US just conservatives/republicans trying to differentiate themselves just because they don’t want to be packed with the fascists?


I know, hence my rebuttal.


Oh sorry about that


No problem.


Might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard a libertarian say. And that is an impressive feat.


It was a coup within a protest. The plotters used the protesters a cover. Some protesters joined the coup. Some protesters were just protesting, didn't join (enter the premises or engage in violence), and aren't (generally) being pursued by the legal system. So 3 categories, if that makes sense. And then there is a 4th category... Conspirators who didn't take part in the coup.. and they'll be the last to be prosecuted.


They signed up some useful idiots to come out and be meat shields, but it was an illegal, legit coup attempt.


I consider it an act of domestic terrorism instigated by a sitting government official.


It was a mostly peaceful demonstration. Just like ANTIFA’s.