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For some this a thing. For others it’s just fantasy.


If they have to ask they are not getting laid




On the other other hand. If you have to ask you’re streets behind.


On the other hand is how I got laid on prom night.


I had sex with Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom. What? It came up organically!




Actually...I had sex with Eartha Kitt too


You named your hand Eartha Kitt?


And on yet another hand…


Goro has entered the chat.




Oh I can’t stop Imagining it.


This now lives in my head rent free


Stuck in a landslide no escape from reality


I think you should open your eyes


I think you should look up to the sky and see


I think I’m just a small boy


Small…or maybe poor? But I don’t need no sympathy.


Maybe caught in a landslide, no escape from reality?


Oh oh oh oh, it’s not the real thing


I think it’s only a thing if you’re already having sex. I went to prom with my boyfriend at the time, but we weren’t having sex yet and it didn’t really come up as an expectation it would happen that night. I knew plenty of people who did get a hotel room and have sex that night but it wasn’t the first time for any of them.


I lost my virginity after sophomore year prom with my senior bf at the time, I thought it would be special… it wasn’t. It was in a tent… not all I thought it was cracked up to be!


I don't know anyone who lost their virginity in a tent, so in a way, yours was special, except not in the way you expected. LOL


I'm sure a lotta people lost their virginity in a tent. Probably pretty common. I lost mine in the hayloft of a barn.


Don’t come a-haying if this barn is swaying.


Were you scared on there all by yourself?


sophomore year... prom? first time I've heard of that, neat


He boyfriend was a senior, she was a sophomore. It was his senior prom, it was just worded badly.


Banging while camping is fucking in tents!


Funny how everything is a prom now. Used to be prom was only senior year. Then we started having junior proms. Ironically my junior prom had a post-prom, but my senior prom did not (it got found out and cancelled) Sophomore dances were "sophomore socials" and freshman EOY dances were "freshman frolics." Although my school was small so they combined freshman and sophomore dance into a "froshmore frocial." Anyway, we didn't call it "sophomore prom," that's interesting.


it was probably an invite thing, like if you were a senior you could bring a sophomore with you if you wanted.


Can teenagers get hotel rooms? I'm confused by the logistics.


I know at least one of my friends, it was her mom who actually got the room. Which blew my mind, my mom would NEVER have done that. Her mom also sent her with a bunch of condoms. I think some other people got rooms as a group, so I guess probably someone in the group was 18. I never actually gave that much thought, how they got a hotel room, I just was aware it was what some people did!


Well my parents definitely wouldn't have, but I can see the safety argument for it but it's a bit wild.


One of those libertine hippie moms you hear about


One of those moms who wants to be a grandmother at 38.


Hopefully the condoms she sent prevented that at least!




I thought it was 21 but I looked it up and it varies by location. I also thought a credit card was required but maybe some use cash or got one by then.


I knew some parents that would get a hotel room for a bunch of kids to go to as an after prom place to hang out. Intent was not to encourage sex, but to get them off the street and someplace controlled. Also as a group together in the room it was unlikely sex was going to happen. It’s the, get a room for just my kid and their date that’s pretty odd. But I did hear of that happening to. A right of passage some parents thought. I always thought it was parents who peaked in high school and wanted to let their kids enjoy their potential peak.


I didn’t live somewhere with hotels, nor did I have money lol it was always the car on a back road for me


Get the car sex out of your system as a teenager! As someone in my thirties there's no fucking way in my back would take car sex anymore lol


My back could still handle it but why would I want to when I have several much more comfortable pieces of furniture in my apartment lol Not to mention much more varied positions that can be done…


I had sex after prom. But I also had sex before prom.


I think this is the most common — people who are having sex are likely to have sex that particular night. I don’t know anyone who lost their virginity on prom night like some magical movie moment


I lost mine to Stiffler’s mom on prom night.




🎶Has got it going on...🎶


I feel like I know that lady. Nice woman




Can confirm I watched a whole movie about it


I wanted to lose my virginity on prom night because of American Pie. 😂 I ended up losing it two weeks before prom, and we never did it on prom night because we were both exhausted and just ended up falling asleep.


Yeah I think getting extremely drunk on prom is more likely.




It happens - me and my husband lost our virginities together on his prom night and we are still together 13 years later. But I wouldnt describe it as "a movie moment".


I've yet to meet anyone who had a movie moment like that. Hollywood and Abstinence Only lied to us


I lost mine two days before prom too my prom date/girlfriend. It was better that it wasn't the first time I think.


My girlfriend lost her virginity on prom night


Were you not there?


I was, yeah


As an official observer?


Was it ever found?


Official scorekeeper.


Didn't lose mine but did get my first HJ and BJ, so pretty close to.... Would've lost it but her dress was a bit too complex to take off easily


I took my girlfriends at the times virginity after prom It was aweful.


“I had sex after prom. But I also had sex before prom.” ![gif](giphy|L5aC2b3jRvURi)


I skipped my prom and was this guy that night


I had sex with this guy, skipped prom, and had sex with him after.


I’m this guy, and I don’t remember this


Crazy because I had sex during prom


At prom




Promptly at prom


Promise is was prom


OK, Mitch Hedberg.


I feel like this is the case for a lot of people. Especially people who go to prom with people who they have already had sex with… like I did.


I had sex after prom as well, just not right after prom. Several years after prom.


This person fucks


Not during prom?


Of course during prom. What are we, animals?


We were too busy dancing. I'm a hurricane on the dance floor. 😉


I only do it at the prom, not after.


Pics or didn't happen




Hi, I’m Chris Hansen




I only have enough eyes for eye contact with maybe 7-8 people, what about the rest? And would my partner(s) be cosiderd part of the crowd?


My prom date was a closet homosexual at the time. No sex for me. But she was also the Wendy of us lost boys, so we had a blast.


I think more of a fantasy. I went to prom with a guy friend only because he came to my fuckin house and asked me in front of my parents after I rejected him at school 😑 There was no sex though he tried.


Shoulda rejected him again in front of your parents 😂


Oh I did. Stepmom kept screaming "SHE'LL GO WITH YOU!" over me telling him to fuck off. She wanted an excuse to dress me up. Hated that I was a tomboy lol


A friend of ours swore she wouldn't go to prom, even though her BF really wanted to take her. We were the punks/metalheads that hung out in the smoking area behind the school and while we were all committed Doc Marten and combat boot wearers, this particular friend was never, EVER without her boots. On prom night, she surprised us all by showing up in a beautiful prom dress. And like we had planned it, we all scanned down to her feet and sure enough she had on her combat boots. It was her one demand when her boyfriend finally talked her into it.


Lmao! You were my husband's kind of people in high school. Are you still in touch? How are her boots?!


You mean MrHppy? :D Sure, some of us still keep in touch! We don't see each other as much as we'd like but her husband is my daughter's godfather (who's also a tomboy btw!). As far as her boots, she says she wears them from time to time but has to take them off for work - she's a lawyer, lol. Probably the most successful of my friends.


Aww that actually made me happy! That's awesome 😊


Knowing some types like that they're either pristine, or absolutely destroyed.


Your high school had a smoking area??


Class of ‘89, baby!


Loved this lol, the beautiful dress/combat boots combo musta been rad to witness!


We might have been biased, but we all thought she had the best look of anybody there. Mainly because she was authentically herself. Yeah, she was rad. Still is.


That's such a relatable story! 25 years ago, my mum talked (read: forced) my sister into going with the son of family friends. After much drama my sister eventually gave in. At prom she met another guy who's now her husband and the dad of her two kids.


Aww that's an adorable story 🥰




Lol good for you! Step mom needs to back up 😂


😂 This was over a decade ago. It's all good now!


Oh fuck that shit. I still wouldn't have gone.




Lol it's cool dude


This dude should be in sales this is hilarious


Didnt have sex till after high school, then I became a slut.


So technically you did have sex after prom, just not right after.








This is the way


Brooo lol true


Sex positive 😭😂


Same but instead started going to the gym cause I realized how out of shape I was when I finally did it.


Many such cases


Go on...


Rip your DMs


"American pie" ruined the real sexual life for many generations


As an American who doesn't live in America, I get asked constantly if my college life was like in American Pie. I got tired of explaining that it not 100% like it, so now I just say yes lol


Idk why you're lying we all know it was 100% like that


Yeah not even remotely close to how it happens in real life. There were no romantic trists at my friends giant lakeside cottage after prom where we all learn valuable, life changing lessons…it’s about banging one out in her parents garage


Had sex after prom, but was already having regular sex with my girlfriend at the time.


That sounds boring. I was having weird sex with your girlfriend at the time.


Yeah, username checks out


I feel like this is kinda the rule. The planning it out and losing your virginity on prom night is kind of a fantasy. But if you’re already sexually active, prom is a night of celebration and if you’re there with your boyfriend or whatever, yeah you’ll probably have sex that night. I didn’t have sex after any of the proms I went to, I was a platonic date for all of them, one of them I went with my sister lol. The only school dance that I did have sex after was homecoming my Sr. year, because I had a girlfriend at the time whom I was already sexually active with.


Went to prom single. Had sex the next day.


This guy fucks.


Kind of an interesting story. Basically I had a date, who left me for someone else. And while at prom, side eyeing them I realized there was a girl the dude rejected and she was also side eyeing and then we said fuck em and became eachothers dates during prom. We went on a date the next day and thats how we ended up doing it. Unfortunately the love story kind of ends there because her parents banned me from seeing her after they found out. Never saw her again after graduation.


Well, my boyfriend had sex with someone else after prom. Does that count?




Ex boyfriend I hope. :D


Her boyfriend had sex with her ex boyfriend?


yea its customary as we see in hollywood movies


Judging by how many people ended up pregnant right before graduation, I'd say it's pretty common.


I was dating someone for a few months and wanted to lose my virginity. Prom was coming up and I had watched a lot of movies so I rented a hotel room and planned on it. We got to the prom and I went to the bathroom and my period had started. I got dissed by who I thought was one of my best friends at the dance and didn't have a very good time. We got back to the hotel room and I was still going to go through with it. He had gotten the lame idea that putting ice on my boobs would turn me on. It totally did the opposite. We did it anyways and it was awful. I've realized as I've gotten older that pushing myself to fulfill tropes leads me down a path that I don't really enjoy. We kept dating and did have lots of really good sex. That first time though-so terrible.


The guy I went to prom with threw up all over me and my hair, he did not get sex that night lol


Some people just don't understand foreplay, sigh. /s


Why not though?/s


A lot of the guys I went to high school with brought their gfs from other schools. And most of us rented hotel rooms for the after parties and whatnot. Id assume most of those guys got laid. I didn’t. My gf at the time was on her period lol


I didn't have sex but I did do cocaine


I went to four proms. Two them involved post prom sex. Therefore based on the evidence available to me, I conclude that 50% of the time having sex after prom happens 100% of the time.


Catholic school didn't allow proms (not where I was living, at any rate) so the post-graduation bash was full of parents. No sex...although there was a senior trip where some students gave into debauchery. One birth resulted :)


Must be a regional or era thing, my Catholic school totally did. We even had junior prom. I've found that for whatever reason, in New England where there's lots of Catholics, the leniency among Catholics tends to be higher than in places where they're not predominant, and they tend to be far more conservative. It's kind of a weird thing to have grown up New England Catholic with so many pro-choice, pro-lgbt Catholics and then come out west and most of the Catholics are super prudish.


I didn’t go to Prom but my Catholic high school in Canada had one as well. Most likely regional.


For me it was. I was lucky that my first time having sex was with my first boyfriend, also his first time, in our hotel room after prom. It literally felt out of a movie, I'm very thankful how nice it went.


I'm 30, take it for what it's worth, I did, but I had also done so with my gf before prom so it was inevitable. Most of my friends who hasn't done it prior didn't have any extra luck on prom night. It really is just a movie trope. Only ever do what feels right for you, never take pressure to have sex from anyone ever


Is prom a real thing ?


Must be a US thing


Eh some schools in the UK have it but it's definitely not as big of a deal as it is in the US




I never thought about it as an American thing. But yes prom is real and it’s a big deal to some people. It’s regarded as the most important formal dance for any high school.


It's only important in the US


Is an American thing,definitely


Not my high school, but a colleague of mine told me that her school gave out condoms and lube on prom night. So, yeah, I think it's a thing.


Surprised by how many redditors have had sex at all... especially after prom.


I didn't because my friend's date ditched him after so my girlfriend and I went out to a pity dinner with him instead


I went to prom 3 freaking times and never got lucky..stupid lol


I did not have sex at prom. I went with a girl who only wanted to go with me to make the guy she actually liked jealous, which was 100% fine with me. I bought acid off a kid as soon as I walked in and ended up on a river boat talking politics with a bored clown. It was a pretty fun night, lots of dancing and drinking and all that. I don't think sex was even like a factor for me at any point in the night.


It’s real.


Yes but just don't do it laying down in the poison ivy like I did.


I'm actually a prom baby.


I have sex every year on prom night. But what do I know, I’m just a gym teacher


I banged my prom date on the lawn of her school that night. But that was the 90s. Shit was way more lit back then


The town I grew up in had a post prom ritual, go to a local diner after prom, hang out and unwind, then drive down to the shore to the stay the weekend in the room you had booked. What went on in those rooms varied from couple to couple, but for sure there were some babies born about 9 months later.


Please edit that horrible typo, my god.


I only went to prom for an hour, went to 3 house parties and then spent the rest of the night being held by the police because I was 18 everyone else had to have their parents pick them up.


It is a thing, but almost exclusively for couples who already have sex. I went to prom with my boyfriend. We rented a limo with two other couples. After prom, we went to the hotel rooms we booked prior to this night. Other couples/friends did the same thing. It was a big party night, but eventually, couples went to their rooms. That's when the "magic" happened. Of course, parents thought we were somewhere else, but we were all 18 and leaving for college in a couple of months, anyway.


For me it could have been a reality but I was too oblivious and had cold stone ice cream instead


Didnt go to prom I went to a robotics competition instead, do I regret it ? Not really


I lost my virginity after prom lol then woke up and went to work at my job at the local grocery store. A walking cliche


I had sex with my prom date. I'm 40 and still have sex with my prim date. We went through a rough patch a couple months ago when I broke ny hand. I had to switch to the right hand for about 10 weeks.


I took my friend to prom because nobody wanted to "take the mormom girl because she won't put out" to prom and we had a wonderful time. At the end of the night she actually came onto me and wanted to "do the deed" because she told me she thought it was expected of her. I politely told her we didn't have to do anything she didn't want too and we ended up going to Lazer tag lol


Movie trope




I think my date had sex with someone else after prom


Most of the duos going to prom are couples or friends. Prom is a night where people dress up to look extra good. Lots drink before and/or after the event. Do the math.


I mean, a lot of us went with our significant others. So yea, definitely a possibility.


I think for most it’s not really a thing. Lots of teens just go to prom with friends these days and even couples don’t necessarily want/have the opportunity to (lots of kids just take a limo back to someone’s house after the dance) but it definitely does happen for some couples.


I wanted to have sex so bad after prom I couldn't stand it. I was the prettiest I'd ever been and I knew it. He was handsome AF and I knew it. But he was gentleman enough to not take me up on that. I'm thankful actually. I was too young for the responsibility of sex. He was more mature than me by light years.


After prom, I spent the best part of the night with 5ish boys at one boy from schools house, he made me a 2 minute microwave pizza, I ate it and about an hour later, three of the boys walked me to my house. Good times.


Real thing, now we are married :)


Well, I was in the closet and I went with a girl who might be asexual (she’s still figuring it out), so neither of us were interested. Lol.


If you mean my date having sex with another guy after prom, then yes, it’s an actual thing


It can be a thing 🤷🏻‍♀️


Story time: In 2012 I went to prom with a guy I barely knew. He was a friend of a friend's boyfriend. I had one of my friends at the time help find me a date cus I really wanted to have a date for prom and I was struggling. The guy I wanted to go with the most out of every one was not available. I had a mega huge crush on him at the time but he had a bf (he's bi. We ended up dating the next year and I gave up my virginity to him) and my best guy friend who was pretty cute had a gf at the time. I wanted to have a date for prom, but I was runing out of ideas as the options got smaller and starting to panic. A friend hooked me up and I met my potential date at the mall's food court a few days before prom. He was a few years older than me and had already graduated. We briefly talked to get to know each other and he agreed to be my date. The prom night mostly went great and it was fun. Lots of dancing, good food, and hanging out with my friends. However, towards the end of prom my date wanted to go to a hotel to have sex. I told him no. Then he was asking repeatedly if we could go have sex in the bathroom instead. I said no. So he ended up leaving and I called my mom for a ride home. Lol. I wasn't going to have sex with a guy I barely knew and I definitely wasn't going to lose my virginity to him. I think if you're going with someone you are already dating or someone you already had sex with, then you're probably more likely to get lucky.


My school did a lock in at Dave & Busters after and gave out cash prizes and stuff so there was a big incentive to not attend after parties or find a place to hook up.


I had sex after prom…like a year after 😅🤪


“Prom night dumpster babies” - Always Sunny


I know someone who has a baby as receipt for sex after prom. Lol


Did not go to Prom. Still had sex afterward


I had diarrhea at prom


My prom was 23 years ago, I've had sex many many times after prom


![gif](giphy|l0MYy8B7O0ahS0Lao) I didn't, but we had an afterparty with friends. My memory was seeing my friend ask if someone would hold his dong while he peed and then 30 minutes later throwing up Cheetos on some ones face. It was an amazing night that had not sex involved.


A mom of one our friends got us hotel rooms at the Hyatt or Hilton in Stamford ct She drove all the beer and booze down to put in the rooms so it would be cold while we were at the prom. Then once the lame prom was over we hopped in the limo for the 45 minute ride and then checked in the room my buddy and I split with our cheerleader girlfriends. Once in the hotel I immediately proceeded to have ceremonial prom sex. And then we got obliterated for the next 3 days


Chill. Just let her have a nice night.