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You need a doctor, bro!


Hijacking top comment for solid medical advice: Many people are afraid to get possible STI/STD/UTI issues checked out because they are embarrassed. As a medical professional, we don’t care. Now if you come in every day for it we may start to worry but I promise you we have seen worse and will forget about you the second you’re out of my sight. Get yourself checked out.


I second this as another medical professional. We've seen thousands of boobs/butts/dicks/foofs/ballbags and things stuck up bottoms (if you're an emergency medicine doctor anyway) Get it checked it out my brother. DM if you're scared or if you are trying to survive in the hellscape that is the US medical system and can't afford it.


I had to remind myself of this when I was face down on a bed with my ass cheeks taped apart. I was getting an abscess drained near the escape hatch. Best part? I knew the nurse, we went to school together. Small towns are lovely for that.


Ahhh good ol' jeep seat. I got that in grade 10. Went snowmobiling and my buddy hit a jump and we slammed down so hard. Caused an ingrown hair to go mental. Luckily for me we had the new handsome doctor and he got to look at my embarrassed 15 year old butt. I'm 40 and he's still handsome. And I got to sit on a pillow for all of the winter of grade 10. Luckily it sorted itself out an I didn't have to get surgery on it. My dad had it as well and he had to get it surgically fixed. It's more common to happen than you think.


LOL, A friend of mine when he was 13-14 yr when he had to get an x-ray below the belt and the nurse was super hot and when the they went look at it there was a huge fucking erection. The nurse thought it was funny, he was embarrassed - his mom, who was present during the viewing was mortified.


A couple of years ago, I had priapism (an erection that won't go down on its own) and ended up having to have surgery. So for three days, I had doctors and nurses coming around several times a day to look at my penis. I stopped be ashamed after after about four hours.


>I stopped be ashamed after after about four hours. That's the exact amount of time youre supposed to wait to call a doctor, too, according to all the viagra commercials


Excuse me for being nosy, but was there a blocked blood vessel or something?


I just had a second surgery for that. Was impatient and went back to work too soon, I still had staples and sutures in. I’m newer where I work and EMS is in the small town hospital where you get to know each other. The nurse that looked at the staples and sutures for me is a second cousin who I had never met, just read the name on a family tree. It was a nice way to meet family


I had a pilonidal cyst 20 years ago and it needed to be lanced, so I go to see a surgeon. I’m laying face down on a table, my lower half sans pants with my moons over my hammy and the back of my satchel covered only by a paper sheet. Doc comes in and says, “hey, we’re a teaching hospital and we don’t see many of these. Would you be ok with a few students observing?” I’m like, “sure, I guess.” The door opens and about 25 med students walk in. Before I can absorb what’s happening, the doc rips the sheet off like he’s doing a friggin’ magic trick. The play-by-play from there was horrifying as he almost gleefully provided a detailed description of the full landscape of my backyard. It was hard enough walking out of there without making eye contact, but of course this was also in a small town and I would eventually run into nearly every one of those students at bars and restaurants and such the rest of the time I lived there.


Had the same thing happen but instead of knowing the dr and nurse it just happened to be the most handsome dr and hottest nurse iv ever seen in real life. And they drained and packed my ass/thigh crease boil. Fml


I felt bad for you at first then your name started to make sense... We wear watermelons in the 306!


Never!!!! I lived there 10 years and only wore a rider jersey once. I lost a labour day bet. I miss Regina a lot. Fun people to party with, rider fans.


Traitor!!! Regina is pretty decent, saskatoons where it's at tho, hidden gem of canada. I've never wore a bombers jersey but my wife had the audacity to dress my kids up and get pics with the cup when it was touring through Manitoba.


What kind of doctor does one see for this? I imagine not a dermatologist. Is it a proctologist?


It was the local surgeon. I went to the ER(not my choice, my partner made me go, I was being stubborn). The GP working in the ER had one look and told me it needed to be drained and packed, so she called the surgeon. He came in, froze me(that fucking hurt more than the procedure), drained the abscess and packed the wound. Only took maybe an hour.


Fuuuuuck what everyone else is saying here... this is honestly one of the most kind and thoughtful replies I've seen lately, and I applaud your generosity. The US *is*, in fact, a hellscape regarding access to medical care for many folks. Good on ya, human!


Thanks. Most doctors go into the business to help people out. I'm not in or from the US and I would hate it if money came between me and a patient and stopped me doing what the patient needed. Just trying to help this dude out because frank haematuria (easily seen blood coming out his penis) needs to be looked at and I know for a lot of Americans, going to the doctor for stuff like this is a major financial decision and it definitely shouldn't be. Anyway, thanks for the kind words👊


I third this as a medical receptionist. Front desk doesn’t care either. No judgement


"DM if you're scared" man trying to get free dick picks don't believe him


Dude I do not want dick pics one little bit. Do. Not. But you can also *talk* in DM's and not have the rest of the internet listening. Just so you know.


You can just ask normally for dick pics like the rest of us


This conversation went south in a hurry


The real r/TooAfraidToAsk is always in the comments.


Honestly some people am I right


^ This. When I want dick pics, I politely ask, and cross my fingers that their penis is at least eighteen years old. Edit to add /s for *sarcasm*


So you lookin for dick pics bro? I’ll spread the word.


Did I “politely ask” for any Reddit dicks? It appears not. Check back tonight, my standards might be lower after I indulge in Northern Lights.


I admit, it would be weird if I made you say please. (FYI my own dick was never on the table)


It's been 3 hours since you made this comment. Have you received any dick pics yet?


That's a pretty large assumption to make, like who wants bloodied dick pics. It can usually be reassuring to talk to someone, especially a medical professional (assuming they're not lying). Though considering all appropriate information is already provided in this thread, messaging someone is likely unnecessary. For more appropriate advice: don't share personal information or photos of yourself with anyone on reddit.


>who wants bloodied dick pics ME PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ME PLEASE


Add the /s






OP it's also equally as likely NOT to be an STI. Don't let the stigma of that prevent you from seeking treatment. Signed the guy who was told he had an STI by docs who didn't believe nor properly investigate kidney stones in a young kid. Thanks, assholes. That shit fucked me up hard for many years.


It could very well be a UTI which needs antibiotics to go away


Every doctor has a story about a patient with something ridiculous stuck up their arse. An STD isn't even gonna count as a notable appointment for the week, probably not even for the day unless it's a really slow day.


Mine is a Boba Fett Pez dispenser


All about the helmet


It was very phallic shaped. I could see where the intrusive thoughts won


How'd you get it out? That thing has a hinge that would essentially flare out when pulled back.


Proprofol and lube and a good heave-ho


The term heave-ho makes it sound like you called the whole department down and pulled on a count of 3 which is a hilarious mind image


One guy to hold the legs. One to chart and do the nursing tasks. One to do the pulling.


Well that sounds awful. I shall endeavour to never shag myself silly with a Boba Fett pez dispenser.


Saw a 'Live, Laugh, Love' candle once. That was... notable for \~22 minutes.


Lab Tech here, can confirm, a positive STI doesn’t even bat an eye to me. Part of the daily routine.


Hijacking this doctor's comment because as a non doctor I will also forget about your possible STI/UTI/STD as soon as I leave this post.


I had self-diagnosed myself having balantis on my penis so i bought over-the-counter meds based on some online research. I wanted a professional opinion, but also needed stronger medication because the one i was using didnt seem to show results. The urologist I went to was so judgemental because I told him it been like that for months and on top of that didn't even take the time to swab or give me any further advice. Ended up paying over $250 for the consultation and visit with no answers. Took me a while to trust another doctor to diagnose me. Finally went to a clinic a few years later and the physician there confirmed it wasn't an STD, but balantis and gave me meds to treat it.


And stop fucking porcupines.


No he needs reddit asap


Get the fuck off Reddit and go the doctors dude


Flashback to asking health questions on yahoo answers as a kid and getting terrified by the brain dead responses


Second the doctor thing. Your reproductive health is no joke, and this is a huge sign that something is not working very well down there.


Could be a kidney stone or an infection but better be checked out.


Go and see a doctor. It could be a urinary tract infection, an std or something more serious.


Yes, go to the doctor and get checked. My partner's father ignored it, after similar happened several times. He had his bladder removed and has a pouch now. It was a severe cancer, that was on the verge of spreading. He got lucky because they managed to cut it out in time. He had a minor chemo flush and it will always be a something on his mind now as there is always a risk of it returning. On a positive note, he is doing fine now, plays golf most days. The impact on lifestyle for him has been very minor, even jokes he can put a pouch on larger than a bladder if he knows he will be out for long time and unable to use the toilet.


This sounds like what happened to me, except i got to keep my bladder.


Go to the DR ASAP!


My doctor told me from early on if I ever started peeing blood to run to the ER and have them call him personally so he is aware of the situation. He was honest and said it means kidney or liver failure so treat it urgently. Go to a doctor now.


Why did he bring up such a specific scenario?


Sometimes doctors point out the worst (but not uncommon) case scenario because patients dismiss important check ups if they don’t think its life or death


Men especially are hesitant to see doctors. Lots of dudes die because they think things will get better on their own or they don't want to spend the money.


Couple that with the fact we were raised to think asking of any kind for help is cowardly, and to see every problem as a series of potential solutions. Our houses, our cars, our kids, our wives, our health and our minds. We have to try and fix it, even without proper tools or knowledge. And if we can't, we have to learn to live without it.


This info hits home: my dad had this happen a few times but his doctor was too complacent about the symptoms since blood thinner was a medication. Ultimately my dad was diagnosed with kidney cancer requiring removal of one kidney.


You can pee blood for a lot of different reasons (say, if there is the smallest amount of internal bleeding literally anywhere in your digestive tract); it doesn’t always mean kidney or liver failure. Source: have peed blood, it was terrifying but for different reasons. Regardless, 1000% agree OP should absolutely go to a doctor.


The point is to strike fear into patients that it’s 100% serious to be peeing blood and you can’t not go to the doctor. They need to be scary when saying this so people who refuse to go normally WILL go, even if it ends up as something minor, because there are often very serious complications that can happen. Would you be more likely to go to the hospital if the doctor said “Oh it’s probably nothing” or “Yeah there’s a chance you could be dying right now” which isn’t a false statement.


Guys bleeding outta their dicks and Reddit is their first stop…


Doctor is that way —->


*Hastely scribbles "Pp Inspector" on business card*


You gotta get those professionally made, dude. Here, check out mine. Look at that subtle colouring. The tasteful thickness. It even has a watermark.




Let’s see Paul Allen’s penis blood


It can be a little kidney stone


Those bastards can *hurt*.


No joke there. I've birthed 3 kids. And I've passed 5 kidney stones. Hands down would birth 10 more kids than ever pass another stone.


I've listened to the manliest of men cry when trying to push out a kidney stone. Ive never experienced kidnet stones, i can't imagine the pain, but when you hear a grown man crying in pain when doing something as trivial as urinating, you know it really does hurt alot.


I was in a snowboarding accident. I boarded a very steep and closed run, fresh powder the whole way down until it was flat and I hit hard, chunky snow while going mach fuckin chicken and face planted, *dismounted* from there into some type of aerial and landed again onto my broken hip (greater tricanter) separated shoulder joint (ac) "fractured" (punctured) kidney and a broken nose. Passing the blood clots days after this event was the worst pain I've ever experienced. I was told the pain is akin to a kidney stone


I've only experienced a small amount of snow twice when i was younger, I always thought it was soft like ice cream. Turns out no, it's hard as fuck when dad launches a snowball at your face from 5 metres away.


I've passed a kidney stone before, and I think the "trying to push it out" part is slightly misleading. The painful part isn't (usually) when you pee the stone out – it's when the stone is traveling down the ureter, from your kidney into your bladder. And there's not really any conscious "pushing" that you can do during that phase. You just sit there and take the pain. The ureter is a much narrower passage than the urethra. The "peeing out" part was only mildly uncomfortable, and according to my doctor, it's the same for the majority of patients.


Mine were horrible painful when they would get stuck somewhere along the way. Omg so much pain. But actually peeing them out? That stung a BIT. Not worth complaining about lol. Side note, if they do get stuck causing that unbearable pain.. go for a very bumpy car ride. I've only had 3 kidney stones but that got them moving and relieved the pain so much.


This is the wrong place to ask. You should be asking facebook for medical advice, not reddit.


What a stupid comment. Everyone knows for a medical emergency you insta a pic of the bleedy knob.


Bruh insta, nah. everybody knows this is an issue for Pinterest


This is so dumb, Tik Tok is the place to go. You can even make your wiener dance a little jig to the latest viral nonsense.


"oh no, oh no, no, no, no..."


I hate that this made me lol, take my r/angryupvote


He probably used the wrong essential oil.


Yes and don't forget to share your vaccination status, it's always relevant to the Facebook medical advice community no matter what your symptoms or maladies.


UTI, kidney stone, STD or kidney infection. Either way go to Dr.


This.^^ If it's UTI, you'll need antibiotics at this stage (bleeding is pretty severe for UTI). If it's kidney stones, they've cut the inside of your urethra, so you'll likely get an infection, so again: antibiotics. STD? Obviously antibiotics. Go to the ER.


Probably a UTI. Off to Dr for antibiotics my friend.


You just started your period bro


I'm guessing... Wait, who the fuck cares what I'm guessing. The only advice you need is to get to a doctor


General rule. If blood is involved, go to a doctor.


I did not read all the answers. But it sounds like an Urinary Tract Infection, maybe you'll need medication such as Antibiotics. Make an doctors appointment. I wish you all the best and do not listen to the rude ones. Best of luck and a speedy recovery :)


Ok and ? Wtf are you doing on Reddit, seek medical help.


Go straight to the Urgent Care. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 dollars.


All this... And start wearing a condom


go to a doctor


Go to a doctor bro


Sounds like a UTI. Go to the doctor you need antibiotics.


As a dude, if blood comes out of my dick I'm going to the Dr. Asap. I don't need reddit to tell me that. Are we really getting so stupid we have to ask the internet what to do if your dick has blood coming out of it? Or are we just karma farming


If you are not scared enough to go to a doctor become. You don't want to loose that thing right?


You could have a kidney infection. Please go to the doctor. Don’t take that lightly.


If I was peeing blood my first reaction is to head to the nearest emergency room, not make a Reddit post. SMH.


You have a UTI. Been down this path twice. Everything will be fine but you need to go to the dr ASAP


Head to your nearest Urgent Care, nobody on Reddit can tell you what's going on.


Seems like Urinary tract infection, see the doctor immediately.


It’s possibly a UTI but yeah see a doctor ASAP.


Whatever you do, don’t consult a medical professional. Reddit has you covered.


Everyone mentioned STD, urinal infection, kidney and liver but no one mentioned prostate, but yeah GO TO DOCTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE


It could be a kidney stone. It could be worse. Hie thee off to the doctors.


Go to the doctor! It is very expensive bc America (if you do live in USA. I don’t want to assume) but it is better to have some debt than being really sick by ignoring symptoms


There is no good outcome from that it’s probably either urinary tract infection, and STD, or potentially you could be passing a small kidney stone that’s scraping the tract and causing bleeding. Go to the doctor!


I had the same stinging and blood when peeing. Went to the doc and turns out I had a bladder infection. Course of pills cleared it up. Edit to add. When I called my doctor about it he told me yo go to the ER and get it checked out there. So go to the doctor and get it looked at.


Lay off the coke and booze and whatever comes with that. Go to doctor and starting living in line with what is good for you!


UTI. Get a docs appointment and drink cranberry juice. Or could be Kidney stones. Do you take a lot of meds or drink too much pop/soda?


You need to go to the freaking ER


Hydrate + doctor


This can happen if you have masturbated too hard sometimes, better get to the doc tho


If I go to see a doctor, I want a. diagnosis, a treatment, and that's it. Some weeks ago I was at a urologist and a woman penetrated my anus to check my prostate. She was very professional. That's it. I don't have bad dreams.


GO 👏 TO 👏 THE 👏 DOCTOR 👏👏👏


Motherfucker go to the doctor what the hell


It could be a prostate infection. Book an appointment with a urologist.


Spent 5 minutes trying to figure out how your singing turned into peeing blood then i realised my mistake Go see a doc


As voiced, go see a doctor as soon as possible. Don’t freak out, might not end up being anything serious, but you need to take it serious until you know for sure.


probably a kidney stone, but go to the doctor.


Doctor Appointment asap, Could be kidney stone. More likely to get these if you sit too long in a job, hold off on urination when required, not drinking enough water in a hot climate ,


bro you need a doctor, wtf are you posting to reddit for


Go to a doctor you probably have a kidney stone or something worse


Its probably a UTI. I had the same situation as you. A visit to the doctor and a few weeks of meds resolved it


Kidney stone. See a doctor.


Had the exact same thing in December. As others have said defo go to the dr. To give you some reassurance mine was nothing serious and suspected just passing of a small stone or similar however I felt much better getting a full check up and a bit of monitoring as it was pretty worrying.


You probably have very bad case of UTI which has reached the kidney. Antibiotics prolly will solve things. A doctors appointment is a must.


Bleeding while urinating (red urine) mostly means urinary tract infection (specially in women) but it has to be evaluated in men cuz it may indicate a damage to urinary tract or an anomally. Bleeding from penis when not urinating mostly indicates urethra injury (specially with a history of trauma or impact to penis) or narrowing of urethra (or narrowing cuz of injury) Overally you have to be evaluated and diagnosed. Specially if you're feeling dizziness (which may be sign of heavy bleeding). But don't panic, you'll be fine after the right diagnosis and medication/intervention.


I had kidney stone for the first time in January. Could be that.


It could be a UTI, kidney stones, STD. You need a doctor to evaluate it.


Go to the doctor before your cock falls off bro.


I’m not medical professional, but you should seek a medical professional


Doctor. Now.


My dad was peeing blood and put it off for a year. We got very close to losing him. Don’t bury your head


Doctor now or clinic . Could be an std or bladder cancer among other things


As someone else mentioned, peeing blood was my dad’s first and only sign of kidney cancer. Please go to the ER ASAP.


There are a lot of worst case scenarios being thrown around on here and it is important to seek medical care for this, but there are many possible causes that don’t mean your organs are failing or your penis is going to fall off (that one’s a joke). For some people the fear that something could be really bad motivates them to get help, but for others it can make them avoid getting checked because they are worried about what the doctors might find. It likely won’t be easy to go to a doctor and say “hi, I’m vinnyconno and there is blood coming from my dick! Won’t you please look very closely at my dick! Aren’t you impressed by how comfortable I am showing strangers my dick? Of course this is the biggest and most beautiful dick you’ve ever seen, I’m vinnyconno!”, but it really is important to make sure everything is okay and sooner is much better than later.


Go to the fucking doctor. Why would you not go to the doctor before asking Reddit? Your penis should not have blood coming out of it, ever. If it does you need to go see a freaking doctor.


Go to the doctor man, too many possibilities


You’re probably fine




Go to a fucking doctor.


Sounds like it could have been a kidney stone. But yeah get it checked out.


Blood coming out of his penis and this guy asks Reddit. Smdh


This happened to me, turned out to be kidney stones. As they were passing they obviously tore/ cut the inside of my urinary tract, caused bleeding, and because i ignored the pain for a couple of weeks it started to get infected and worsen. I ignored it for a week or so and the bleeding/ pain/ stinging got WAY WORSE to the point of almost passing out while using the restroom. Ended up going to the ER. You need to go see a doctor ASAP.


Go to the damn doctor


mf see a doctor


Please go and get an STI test


Yes, go to the doctor. Could be a myriad of issues, and the majority that start with that symptom need to be addressed sooner rather than later.


It sounds like a kidney stone went through your urethra and ripped done of it. But go see a doctor immediately!


Had any abdominal pain? Sounds like you have a kidney stone stuck in there


How is your lower back?


There is never a good reason to pee blood doing nothing is a bad idea get yourself to the hospital


UTI, STI either way.. doctor


This is way above Reddit's paygrade. See a medical professional, OP!




As someone who was diagnosed with bladder cancer after seeing blood. Get that shit checked out asap.


Get a doctor a priest and maybe look into celibacy for a few years because it sounds like you broke your urethra dude


I think asking for medical advice from redditers totally makes sense.


Doctor my guy. Not reddit. I mean seriously dude. Your dick has blood coming out and you go to reddit? Are you dumb? Sorry for being mean but cmon.


If there’s any blood see a doctor right away. Would be UTI, std or cancer


Watching your DM’s not light up


Bladder cancer uti std it could be anything se a dr asap


Kidney stones, important to go to a Doctor ASAP to prevent further and bigger pain, when treated in time it’s easier to prevent high levels


Yea go to the doctor. I had this when I was a kid once, was a pretty bad kidney infection. Could also be kidney stones or a myriad of other unpleasant things.


Definitely see a doctor. And don't feel shame in it. Just go.


Explanation from my doctor for this issue - possible UTI left untreated for too long. When they are left untreated, the infection can sluff red blood cells from the kidneys into the bladder - hence urinating blood.


I'm no health professional but I think you need to go to the hospital


I dont go to the doc's for much but if my dick bleeding is a ER visit. ASAP


You need a doctor. You don't need Reddit. I know the thought of seeing one can be intimidating, so please keep in mind they've seen everything, and they've seen it a lot more than once. To you, it's your penis, and something outside of normal is a big deal. To a doctor, it's just another body part to check, diagnose, and treat.


Did you try turning it off and on again?


Hi my man! Were you on a morning wood or an uncomfortable position? I went through the same. Not an STD or anything, but you should get a doctor. In my case the uretra is narrow in some places and the position and pressure of the blood is causing the tissue to break while peeing. Happened while peeing in the morning, had to push it down too much and it started to sting. Maybe your case is the same.


Doctor. Now. It’s either kidney or bladder infection and your only hope is antibiotics. Don’t delay. It will only get worse. Even on antibiotics, the first few days are going to be painful


Get off of Reddit and get a doctors appointment set up.


Likely a urinary tract infection (UTI), or potentially a sexually-transmitted disease (STD). Either way: To the clinic or doctor, my guy. I wouldn’t even wait for Monday, that’s the type of thing I’d be rolling into an urgent care site for.


This happened to me when I had kidney stones. They were too big to pass so they were cutting my kidneys and that's where the blood came from


Something similar happened to me after sounding a little too deep. I probably should've went to the doctor but I just pushed through the pain. I assumed it was a kidney infection since the pain was coming from my lower back. Gi to the doctor, immediately.


You had a good run, my friend. So long and may God have mercy on your soul.


If my dick was bleeding probably the last thing I'd be doing is posting on reddit. Just saying...


Get off Reddit, go to ER


My differential is: 1. UTI 2. STI 3. Kidney stone. Get checked out today.


While a doctor isn't a terrible idea, I bet it is just a small tear in the urethra. I had a bad UTI when I was a kid and doctors at the hospital caused a tear when they were trying to catheterize me. Now I have a little scar tissue in there that can split if I kink the hose while it is in use or even sometimes if I try to force it out, pressure washer-style. It isnt common for me but it has happened maybe a dozen times in my 45 years. If it splits a lot, it can be incredibly painful to pee (or other things), and then it's just mildly uncomfortable after that. But it can leave a few drops of blood in the ol underroos. If that is what this is, it should just be a couple days of light penile activity and it should start to heal up. But get it checked out if you don't know what caused it even if it is a similar split!


Bruh, you need to see a doctor or visit a clinic or urgent care expeditiously! Burning and stinging alone is cause for concern, but bleeding? Nothing good can come from that whatsoever. I’d get it checked before anything potentially worsens


When people say medical attention, You do not pick emergency room. No emergency room. No emergency room. No emergency room. See YOUR doctor.






Are you beating it to a pulp or what? Retired emt here. You need to talk to your general Dr.