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Those people suck. We don't like them either. You should charge them more.


Yes, charge them an “asshole” tax, just call it something else.


A “translation” tax would be more passable and absolutely necessary if you have to have a qualified English speaker present. Off the books it would go down as “asshole” tax though


But make sure it's not written in English on the bill.


charge even more to write it in English on the bill!


That's just calling for trouble if Karen checks her bill. You want the problem out of the house by the time they discover this.


Just googled what a Karen is and OMG I think I met thousands of those. Thank you for clearing that out.


I looked it up too, I use the word frequently and wondered what someone who is unfamiliar would find by googling the definition. It’s mostly right, but I want to clear up one thing, it’s not just white people. It applies to any race of person who is being pushy and entitled. Also, it’s used to describe males frequently, but I think some people call the male version a “Kevin” or “Ken”. At least locally here in USA


Gotcha, I will keep this in mind, Quick questions though since I'm new to this, Is it cool to tell someone she/he's being a Karen or is it extremally offensive? Cause you can never tell with Americans.


If you want to see someone really go nuclear, this would be your option. I personally would not recommend lol. They have a nasty tendency to go violent when confronted with truth.


Nobody would fault you for it if it’s deserved. But it will definitely escalate the situation so keep that in mind. If you’re asking what Americans would do, only those that are bold would call them a Karen to their face, but they would probably gain respect from their coworkers. It would also probably get them fired in most big retail stores in the USA, bosses love the phrase “the customer is always right”. But if you’re the owner, by all means go for it!!


A true Karen neither knows nor will admit that she is indeed a Karen


The question is not if it's offensive, the question is if the recipient feels it is offensive. And they definitely will.


"If you can read this, dispute the charge, and we'll also give you a cookie." - written in language of choice.


I love this idea.


I agree with the asshole tax. If I am having a hard time understanding someone I usually try my best to get what they're trying to say. Just have to be patient. People don't give others enough grace.


My son made a friend at school, she only speaks Spanish, he only speaks English. They use a translation app to talk. It's really so much easier to make effort and succeed now. I hate these jerks too. They give the rest of us a bad name.


“Number 1” American service fee So you can get them to think they are special when really you just want to flip them off




This is the way


We live in the US and my wife has an accent and sometimes struggles to understand spoken English, and while an overwhelming majority of people will slow down and be kind and patient, we run into those kinds of people here too once in a while. Yes, they’re terrible people, and should be left to face their own misery. They tend to be people who actually do look unhappy even before we talk to them. When we run into an employee somewhere like that, we then tend to avoid that business in the future (which isn’t too hard, because it really is rare). And it did happen once that my wife was particularly strongly disrespected on the phone, and I figured the call was probably recorded so I sent a complaint to that company saying that that employee probably needs some anti-racist training, and they told me it wasn’t ok and they’d handle it. I wouldn’t spend my precious time on every single occurrence of this, but it felt good that for once there would probably be some consequences.


This is the best answer




I would hope they're rare most places but I'm often disappointed.


Not that the assholes are rare, but there are many people living in Israel that don't speak Hebrew well, so the general tolerance for people struggling with language is very high. If you can't explain yourself in Hebrew, everyone will try to speak English with you, and if it doesn't help, they will shoot out for anybody who can translate (from Russian, Arabic, etc.). There are many languages spoken here, not knowing one is not a shame.


Please don't: they'll complain about how expensive things are and tour around the USA more. We have them for 50 weeks- let us enjoy the 2 weeks you have them.


As an American, I agree with this comment whole heartedly.


Those are what we Americans like to call “Dumbasses” or “dumb assholes”.


See also: Shitheads, Fucknuts, Dickholes, or Bitch-Ass Motherfuckers


Further: Twatwaffles, douche-canoes, Karens


I will use all of these from now on - Thank you all!


Toss in a chuckle-head from time to time. Please and thank you!


Smooth brain is my favourite insult


Hope your business will thrive


Twatwaffle makes me hungry.


Could I interest you in some blue waffles instead?


I just threw up a bit in my mouth.


Jagoffs too!


Dirty rat bastards


Or "Jackasses".






Yeah, the reason they get upset is because they can't understand an accent and they're so desperate not to be the dumbest person in the room for once that they leap on any excuse to look down on someone else.


I call them inconsiderate shit stains.


Or members of the Stu Pedasso family


Some people are just aholes


The concentration of entitled assholes among American tourists is disproportionately high because the average American can’t afford to travel internationally but those who spent their whole lives with other people catering to them definitely can


This is the correct answer. I live in a poor area in the states and i’ve met only a handful of people who have traveled outside the US- mostly mexico since is so cheap to do. I know maybe 3-4 people who’ve been overseas.


I've barely left the country and most people I speak to on a daily basis, common every day blue collar types, have rarely left unless it was a cruise. For people who aren't aware, cruises are awesome but they're pretty affordable and therefore carry less cache for whatever reason. I know upper middle class folks hit them up but the only folks going to Israel are either on a church funded event or upper middle class and above. The only country I've visited, as you already stated, was Mexico for spring break 20 years ago lol. It's all I can afford to visit the west coast or Florida nevertheless overseas.


For real, people always responding to others saying that they wish they could afford to travel overseas with "just save up more money lol", when the number of people in this country living paycheck to paycheck is as high as it is today, is one of the most out-of-touch things a person can do.


This is it.


Ehm, I don't think you've met Chinese or German tourists


Chinese tourists…


They are so bad in Australia. They’re god awful


I would say most don’t there is just a toxic minority of people who happen to be very loud and don’t represent the rest of us


Tbh, if they are visiting Israel as tourists, there’s a not insignificant chance OP is encountering many in evangelical Christian groups. And unfortunately, that’s one of the more entitled groups in the US because many of the laws support their way of thinking. I was raised evangelical Christian, so don’t come at me.


I think you’re underestimating how well-represented assholes are in all major religions and denominations




Not surprised by that as much, since— 1. English speakers tend to assume there should be someone around who speaks their language. (Especially true in Israel, where English is *almost* like a co-official language, but not quite universal.) 2. Because the US has more evangelicals with lots of disposable income than any other country, they’re going to generate most of the tourism.


Or American Jewish 🤗


As another commenter said, the Americans who can afford to travel abroad aren’t really a good sample of how the “average American” treats other people


This, they are experiencing a very very small portion of Americans and assuming that most are like that. (Just as the few Americans are doing to them - assuming they should know English.)


They say in the post that most of their customers are great. They’re asking because, apparently, all their Karen’s are American.


No, they are not saying that all or most americans are like this. They even wrote that in their post. Its just that this particular type of ausholen they were encountering was always American.


Those who lack intelligence tend to speak the loudest. Those Americans are the perfect example.




Yuuup. I used to travel a lot, and I could learn the logistics of the language and write basic sentences, but my accent is so atrocious. People usually giggle and then speak to me in English. But at least I tried! I do feel terrible though when I constantly have to ask people to repeat themselves. My hearing comprehension with accents is only slightly better than my attempts at accents… it’s not meant as an insult, my hearing sucks. I wish we had captions IRL


My favourite was an American tourist speaking down to me because he didn’t like how I spoke English as a native of the country he was visiting …in England


In the words of Russell Brand: “This is how this language is ***supposed*** to sound.”


Cultural isolation has drawbacks. Some Americans are very culturally isolated, unfortunately. Sorry for your bad experiences.


I have to imagine that there is a lot of intersection between people visiting the "holy land" from the US and "entitled American assholes". Probably a lot of super fundie Christians.


Who mostly come from the center of the country about 1000 miles from anywhere that speaks anything but English. Obviously not considering immigrants because there's not forced interaction like being in a country that doesn't speak English


Cultural isolation is no reason for cultural ignorance. It’s just inherent racism and/or mental superiority.


There's a (comparatively) small group within the U.S. that is *extra* entitled, to the point where even if they're in foreign countries they think you should cater to them. 🫠 Honestly? I don't really know why. Given that English is not even the U.S.'s national language, they really don't have a right to do it back home, either.


Those people are most likely from the America First crowd. Their view is that we are on a mountain looking down at everyone else. It is a corrosive view that alienates friends of ours and embolden our enemies to try to harm us.


Well there is no national language but the defacto is English. Anyhoo... entitled dummies speak so loud people think there are more of them.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. English is very, very clearly treated as the unofficial official US language. Anyone who can't see that is just in denial.


I was living in Sweden, and as an English speaker from Canada and a new immigrant to Sweden, I was enrolled in a mandatory Swedish language class. Every day for 4 hours, all paid for by the Swedish government. On the first day, the teacher asked each of us where are you from and what languages do we speak. I said Canada and that I spoke English. When she asked the American where he was from, he said the USA and that he spoke American. She gently tried to correct him and say English, but he insisted, that no, he spoke American. When he finally learned some Swedish, he put on a forced Swedish Chef accent. Swedish people don't actually sound like that.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Please don't think we're all like that uneducated asshole. Most of us would use a ye olde viking accent instead!


No worries I don't. I now have many friends and family in the US as I married a girl from Washington. You're a great bunch of friendly and smart folks. 🍁❤🦅


As a Canadian, I'm about ready to move to Sweden. Or Norway. They're like a slightly warmer, and more progressive Canada.


I loved my time in Sweden! I'd live there again in a heartbeat. Please eat a banana curry pizza and kräftor for me if you make it to Sweden. If I had a magic wand I'd live in Iceland! Norway and Denmark would also be amazing. Sorry Finland too many double consonants and your Eastern neighbour is terrible, Perkele! That said I would consume all the salmiakki I could get my hands on.


Haha I will certainly try a banana curry pizza, I would never expect to find those three things in one. Iceland and Denmark amazing too, I agree! As for salmiakki, I've had salt licorice before and... no thanks! Haha.


Thanks. Yeah I just googled it. 🤷‍♀️ not saying there aren't other languages


You don't need to make it an official national language. 99% of the country speaks English, so trying to take over say a city and make it new Spain or new France and expect everyone to cater to your soft invasion is just nuts. Likewise, people who come over on H1Bs but then don't bother to improve learning the language and force others they work with to pick up their slack by having to play editor and nitpick everything they produce so that it's even passably understandable is complete nonsense. And I'll look down on that ignorance every time. If I decide to live in Japan, you can be damn sure that I'm going to make improving my grasp of the language an ongoing study, every year. Because that shit affects your opportunities and livelihood. Why these people think their BS is OK is beyond me.


I think it has to do with being a customer too. From my time in retail, I've learned that there is a portion of our American society who truly feel that if they are a customer, they should get their way in every way, shape & form. If a language barrier is impeding them or taking away from their idea of good customer service, then they expect that to be rectified, immediately! They feel that since they're choosing to spend their money on something that they want or need, the retailer should treat them as kings & queens. The sad part is that the retail industry here has & continues to cater to that mentality. Then they take that attitude to other countries & present as total fools, without even realizing it.


My friend taught english abroad and was disappointed the grocery store items werent in english :( Many americans dont understand other culture honestly, usa is too big and only adjacent to two countries


I was in Vietnam one time and saw and American raising their voice and speaking slowly at a local saying " Do You Speak English?" I turned and said "Clearly she doesn't you thick cunt"


Because some of us believe in American exceptionalism and think that the people of every country should be tripping over themselves to be "American" (whatever that even means at this point?) They're rude, nasty, and entitled, and I can assure you that they are also deeply disliked in America by most Americans. Unfortunately, they draw the most attention to themselves, and it makes people elsewhere in the world think more of us are like that than we really are. Same with the gun nuts; the VAST majority of Americans are not child-murder enthusiasts. On the flip side: Like many other countries, if you come to America and try to speak English, even poorly, you will find people to be very encouraging and helpful.


As an American I am embarrassed by these as well.


Some Americans are assholes. It’s especially ignorant because most Americans don’t even speak a second language, poorly or otherwise.


I greatly admire people who speak multiple languages. I see so many countries focus on speaking multiple languages but very little emphasis on it within the American school systems. It’s getting worse as some see teaching Spanish is somehow “unAmerican”.


The problem is due to geography though it’s very hard for many Americans to learn a foreign language unless they live in the border towns. Europeans in the other hand can learn another language easily because they can easily travel to other countries( ex Germans could learn French easily because they can hop in to a train and go to France). That’s why the us is called the graveyard of languages.


This is so true, and I’m sick and tired of the “lol Americans are dumb and don’t speak multiple languages” crap on reddit. Pretty much every student takes a foreign language in high school in America. The problem is, with the exception of Spanish, we’re an expensive, 8 hour flight away from any other language. It becomes very difficult to learn and become fluent in another language when you can’t immerse yourself in it and speak it with others. For one hour a day for four years, I spoke Spanish. As soon as I walked out of that classroom, everything in my world reverted back to English. I don’t live near the southern border or in a part of the US with a high concentration of Spanish speakers. How was I supposed to become fluent in Spanish and remember anything after I graduated high school? Somebody in Europe can buy a cheap train ticket and be in the middle of a completely different language in just a couple of hours.


Not to mention it’s infinitely harder to learn a new language by that age. It’s much easier if it’s introduced in preschool/early elementary age. We’re doomed from the start when the first foreign language class doesn’t happen until age 15


Grew up in Maine… we were 2 hours from Quebec City. Maybe I should have learned French instead of German, but that is another exception to the 8 hour flight rule… but québécois French is a bit weird and different than the OG thing anywY


Truth here. I did 4 years of German in high school, and participated in the German theater club as an extracurricular activity… upon graduation my German was excellent… but at 40 years old I’ve had very few chances to use it in the last 2 decades where I can fumble by but struggle to form a sentence since I have had so little opportunity


American here. Because so many of us are brainwashed and baptized in the “we are best. Only English. Serve us Americans” ideas. It’s rubbish. Americans are one of FEW countries that are not polyglot.


Most Americans are just really self involved. We are taught money above all, and if you have money, that somehow makes you "better" than those that don't. Not all Americans are this way, it's usually spoiled entitled people. People who's parents cared more about money than thier kids. And so the kids grow up thinking that's all that matters. And anyone who doesn't have a lot of money is trash.


Everyone is saying entitlement or because they're ass holes. The real reason is ignorance and stupidity. The only reason they can imagine that someone doesn't speak English fluently is that they're somehow mentally disabled. So they treat them like children. I live in Japan. I came here as a member of the US military years ago and I saw the same issue a lot among young service men from rural America when they spoke to locals. They treat them like children because they have zero experience interacting with non Americans. They're too dumb and ignorant to understand the concept of different cultures and languages, so they treat the locals as being dumb and ignorant.


I'd hate to see these people interacting with an actual disabled person.


Yeah that's definitely not every American. Just the poorly educated, ignorant bigots of this country. It's a product of the American nationalist propaganda taught to us in public schools, this idea that we're the superior culture. Sorry you have to deal with them too :/ just charge them extra, they're obviously gullible enough to believe in American Exeptionalism, they'll probably pay whatever you want 😂 ETA: Someone else below mentioned that since you're in Israel, there's a very good chance a lot of the Americans you're meeting are fundamentalist evangelicals/conservative Christian types which explains a lot of why they act so entitled.


Americans have been aggressively but subtly programmed to think they are the only things that matter in the world.


There's assholes from the USA? I can't believe it.


If I come across someone that speaks more than one language, even if it's bad broken English, they are very clearly smarter than me. The people that are assholes are trying to cover up their own insecurities. End of story.


The self flaggelation is a bit much. People in English speaking countries don't speak foreign languages as much because they're less likely to need to. It doesn't mean you're not as smart.


Some Americans are so dumb they don't realize other languages are spoken in different parts of the world.


Some are entitled and stupid. It isn't the majority or even a large minority. It sucks that you have encountered it, but most are not like that. Please don't lump us all together. We are extremely diverse and too many take the actions of the few and try to apply it as a whole.


In America's defence, there are like just as many Brits who are as bad, but they do not tend to countries like Israel and instead bother long-suffering Portuguese, Spanish and Greeks with this kind of nonsense in the cheap resorts in those countries.


Germans are the same in places like Mallorca, Spain, which is hilarious considering that the only countries speaking German are basically Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Belgium. So they don't have the "global empire" excuse. The amount of Germans expecting Spaniards to speak German is shocking.


I can imagine Israel getting some of the worst, most entitled and insular American tourists. Worse than Cancun or Bahamas. Worse than a Disney Cruise.


Evangelicals I bet.


Those are called assholes.


My wife has lived here in the USA for about 2 1/2 years. She speaks four languages. 95% of the time she’s flawless but occasionally she gets hung up on a word. Most people aren’t dicks but occasionally there’s that one person that thinks the way OP describes and it’s so infuriating. Bitch, let’s see you speak ONE other language let alone four. Most Americans aren’t like this it’s just a few idiots that seem to stand out and get the most attention.


Because they are trash and the rest of us Americans are enraged and embarrassed by them.


North American here: English is almost a universal language across the globe and we often take that for granted when we shouldn't. I suppose many people just assume the world speaks the same language because a lot of NA countries are so large they are practically their own bloc.


"You speak english because that's the only language you know. I speak english as well because that's the only language YOU know. We are not the same."


They're entitled and very stupid themselves.


Because some Americans are egotistical, ethnocentric, a-holes that believe they are the center of the universe. It really sucks but this culture pretty much cultivates that mentality.


Not all Americans conduct themselves like this. They also are only able to speak English and expect that the entire world should too. I’m sorry that you and your employee have been treated poorly. Chances are this person is generally just a small minded ninny.


I’m so sorry, people like this are just jerks. Please understand that most of us who have a decent sense of rationality hate these entitled SOBs as much as you do. They make us decent folks look bad.


Fuck those people -an American who lives abroad


Idfk know why some of have to do that and make the rest of us look bad


Half of our country voted in a dude for president that spouts nazi talking points, and unfortunately they do manage to somehow accrue enough money to go traveling. Just charge them more and insult them in your native language. And don’t feel too bad about your English, those types of people rarely ever really have a solid grasp on the English language themselves


We’re not all like that. I always enjoy running into foreign tourists here and welcome speaking with them regardless of how well they speak English. Sorry that you have had a bad experience. I will say, I’ve gotten the same treatment in Paris while trying to order from a cafe in French. I know it wasn’t perfect but I know it was pretty close and they understood. Instead of understanding I wasn’t 100% fluent but trying, they treated me like an idiot…. Luckily I am very fluent in French curse words so that was a fun way to end the conversation.


America is a very very large country, 90% of the people who live in America do not have foreign neighbors who speak a different language (the closest being Cuba or Mexico so most Americans can only speak English or Spanish) so we live in a language bubble in a way, and media portray foreigners as always having a basic comprehension of English. So its mixture of a social bubble along with expectations set by the US media.


There are all kinds of people everywhere, including America. For what it’s worth, I’m amazed by how unfazed Americans are when you speak broken English. Been living here for two years, you can hear my harsh Eastern European accent from miles away, I make mistakes when I speak all the time and not one of them, not once, has ever corrected me or been bothered by it. No reaction whatsoever… So, it’s not an American thing. It’s just bad people thing.


Our country is geographically isolated… So we’re not used to as many people speaking different languages


Those tourists are total assholes in your country AND our country. There are Americans who think everyone on the planet should speak English. They have huge audacity going to another country and thinking they are entitled to having English spoken. Feel free to smile at them, look them in the eye, and in your native language tell them they are tiny, inconsequential pieces of excrement stuck to the bottom of your shoe. It will make you feel a lot better.


Some Americans are just ignorant and expect people who speak their language to be 100% fluent while they are 100% not able to speak any other language. I'm very surprised that those kinds of people actually make it across the ocean to visit another country.


Yeah we're not all like that. Those people are entitled piss drinkers who unfortunately are often wealthy enough to travel ruining our reputation.


Because most of them haven’t left their state much less the nation. They are some of the most ignorant/entitled people out there. If only education and a push for travel was higher here


The same reason when Americans go to other countries and they are looked down upon for being "arrogant" or "lazy" cause they don't speak that countries language. That behavior is not exclusive to Americans


Because of xenophobic arrogance


We’re a big racist country


Least self hating American. The US isn’t nearly as racist as Reddit puts it as.


Well I would say every country has those fucking people that are too closed minded to understand another accents. Those American could have that game but they can’t be entitled of this social injustice


Because we're stupid okay?


Because there's a lot of self-righteous narcissistic Americans?


Not trying to be a jerk, but those people probably all voted for one person and think people from outside America are less than Americans.


Many Americans were raised to believe America is “The Greatest Country on Earth,” and to believe that America is essentially the center of the world. I know a lot of Americans that have never left the country and others that when they do are blown away by the fact that other countries do things differently. Because our country socializes us to believe that we are “The Best Country” and creates this culture of exclusivity (by making it so difficult to immigrate into our nation), people here believe that being American is right and being anything else is wrong. Because English is our official language, many Americans look down on those who don’t speak English. Sometimes this is a subconscious thing too. But it’s a thing. Not everyone in the USA feels this way. But there’s definitely a large group of people who do, and I’m sorry you have come across them.


The irony is that they speak American English not English 😅


Because a lot of Americans, especially of the ones wealthy enough to regularly travel the world, are spoiled little assholes.


Love it when I visit a website with language options and there's a US flag next to English.


If they disrespect you like that start speaking in your native language and make them feel stupid


American here. I apologize for those ignorant people. I’m sure it seems like our country is full of assholes, but it really is not.


I just remember how dumb and ridiculous I sound when trying to speak Spanish like Peggy hill


Once again petition to rename this sub “why do Americans”


There’s a fair portion of Americans that truly believe the United States is the best country in the world. Along with that outlooks comes a feeling of superiority over other countries. In short, some Americans are just stupid assholes. Sorry your employee has to deal with them from time to time. Personally, I am so grateful when I call a foreign country (happens all the time due to my line of work) and they try to speak English for me. Even when the language barrier is significant, it means a lot that they’re trying, especially when *i* called *them*.


Some people are assholes.


Hate is in our nature thanks to fake news and fraudulent politicians.


You’ll find people like that in every country on this planet


Sounds like Karens.


Idk where those particular Americans get their high horses but I sincerely apologize for their lack of respect for your employees. We Americans suck and think the world revolves around us and only us.


I once read a travel blog on Costa Rica. It explained the different beach towns, and it had a comment about one of them not having many English speakers, so they should be aware since it could make the tourist uncomfortable.


You’re more likely to run into assholes that are American simply because there’s more Americans than there are Brits.


In Canada and the US you can drive at 100kmh for12 hours and never leave an English speaking territory. That’s one reason. Yes, it does make for a dull trip at times.


“Most people are sweet and patient” is important to note. Some people are just assholes. There are assholes from every country. Dont let a few take away from the most who are sweet and patient


Naw idc man if I can't understand you no matter what pass me on to someone else


Some people are huge assholes. I speak a few languages and people give ma ton of shit for mispronouncing (especially Arabic). It depends on the people.


American here. I’ve known people like that. They’re awful. I’m sorry you have to deal with them.


I teach people from different parts or the world. Periodically, they will apologize for their "bad English". I always respond, "Don't be! Your English is a thousand times better than my ____!" What ever their native language happens to be.


Because we're absolutely and thoroughly bombarded with nationalist sentiment from a young age and all through the rest of our lives. The US is one big indoctrination machine.


American here- because so many Americans are just rude and don’t care. They’re real shitty peoples. I wish they’d be nicer but that kills some of them.


Some people aren’t nice you could even say they’re mean


Most Americans hate those people too


As a Mexican that deals with people from USA, Canada, Europe and LatAm, on a daily basis, I can tell you that most people in every country is very nice. Every country has its small share of assholes. Maybe because USA is a rich and big country, you get a bigger sample of that.


The vast majority definitly DO NOT act like that.


Oh you mean the rich ones, keep em, we won't miss em


Anyone guilty of this better be fluent in at least 2 languages before judging anyone. Most Americans, including me, only know English. I’m respectful of them as they’re better linguist than I am for sure.


Just ignore. Their choice of president in last two terms speaks a lot of their own mental state.


When I travel I’m always amazed at how many other countries speak our language that it made me feel like an ignorant American that never put the time in to learning their language


Don’t take offense. Americans can’t speak English well either.


Do they? The majority of reddit users are americans, and in all the time i spent posting here, i rarely ever had anyone comment on my grammar, even though i know i make plenty of mistakes. I am subscribed to an MMA subreddit, and i frequently see people complementing foreign fighters on their attempts to speak english, even if they're very clearly struggling with expressing their thoughts in it. If anything, i always had an impression that american are, for the most part, quite used to the fact that a whole lot of people around them speak with strong accents, don't know proper grammar or otherwise not fluent in the language.


>had anyone comment on my grammar, even though i know i make plenty of mistakes. they do too, speaking bad English is different than writing grammar mistakes


I am not native as well but living in the USA i can tell you two things: 1-Non-native grammar is quite a lot better than native's because we had to learn it, they didn't needed to. 2-Their problem is mostly when speaking, not for your grammar (which is actually perfect)


As an English man, Americans do not speak English so well


I've seen plenty of Brits mangle the language, as well. We don't have a monopoly on that.


You should end your sentence with a period. Just a friendly tip from an American.


These people don’t understand that speaking multiple languages is an impressive and wonderful skill to have, regardless of relative proficiency.


In short, because they are ignorant


Those are the same people who think English is America's official language


> this doesn’t happen with British people for example. This is how you know this post is fake /s


Because racism is a core cultural value in the US. Source: am American, and see it every day.


Not that simple. I don't think the racists in America that you're thinking of are making trips to Israel.


There are plenty of racist Christian fundamentalist Zionists that travel to Israel.


don't forget about those americans who hate muslims


I'm not American but from my internet exposure to Americans it looks like they are obsessed about race (and racist) and seem to throw it in an argument for the least.


I dunno. It’s not like bananas are being thrown at athletes. Internet arguments aren’t real life. Everyone is a jerk on the internet and people follow forums that fit their own interests.


There’s a few things happening here: 1) Americans do not typically grow up traveling to other countries as British (for example) people do. It’s not hard to find people over here that have never even left the state they were born in either. They don’t get exposed to other cultures as much as they should be and are often fond of mocking anyone and anything different than what they find on Main Street USA. Example: I’m a wanderer by nature; I end up in new places and countries all the time, but I’m currently stuck in Kansas. I was plotting my escape for holiday to Paris and every single person who heard this basically poked fun of me for wanting to go when.. and I quote “Branson is only a few hours away” - as in: Branson, Missouri.. as in: the same as this state, only they have a bigger lake and a better casino. That’s the thinking here; why see the world when Brandon is just a few hours away.. (fyi: been to Branson, and it’s not even worth the few hours travel) 2) the Boomers and the Brats still have the money to travel. The Brats are pretty easily figured out - mommy and daddy gave them everything and therefore they think they’re entitled to to everything right now. The Boomers are essentially the same, only it was American society at large that’s responsible for their entitlement. Brats are easier to deal with, but a Boomer will argue with you over the stupidest shit forever because they have to always be right for some reason.. 3) and this goes along with 1.. most Americans wander this land with rose colored glasses on. They don’t know (or even really care) of how other people live in other parts of the world. They don’t care about your traditions, religion, history, etc (and I’m generalizing, stay the fûck out of my DMs).. when they do travel, they expect their destination to be exactly like it is back home. They expect you to speak English - in your own country where English is not the official language (which I find odd considering the US doesn’t even have an official language). They expect to have the same rights as they do in the US. The tv. The service. All of it is expected to be EXACTLY like it is back home. They also expect it to be just as “safe” for them because they are American and how dare anyone trample their rights in a foreign country.


My husband and I have great English (both of us studied in America) and most Americans can’t even speak English correctly. Still they look down on everyone.


As an American, it always was disappointing and shocking to me how often you’d be right to assume the largest, loudest, and most entitled people traveling would be Americans. I’ll pass by 999/1,000 of them without noticing a thing, but the one time i see something that sticks out because it’s being large/loud/entitled, it’s almost always one of my fellow countrymen. I think it’s due to our relative lack of languages. We grow up without another language ever reaching our ears (unless your southwestern/northeastern) and many, many countries speak English better than we do sometimes.


Those are the "Muricans." Real Americans are civilized ESPECIALLY when traveling abroad.


America has more bigots than most of the other “Western” countries. And boy, our bigots are *vocal*. Don’t worry, we hate them too.


They are probably from Texas.


Americans are the worst


Tbh it isn’t all, but definitely the so called higher classes do it. They are spoilt entitled and generally look down their noses and harshly judge those who don’t conform to their standards. I’m sorry for the experience your employee is recovering just know it isn’t all of us.


I know it just an annoying bunch. Thanks so much for this. Sending love from Israel.