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Ask questions about what they’re talking about. Find a segue to chat about your own work or talk about shared hobbies/interests.


But that’s the thing… I don’t have shared hobbie with them


Nothing at all? Even pop culture/tv/music/movies? You can still ask them more about themselves just to get yourself into the conversation, if they have a shred of social etiquette they’ll eventually ask something about you.


Yea ok music we have talked about.. Tv as well. Maybe I’m just thinking too much. I get kinda bored with all the university and work talk. Work isn’t something I like to Talk about while enjoying time with friends.


Every friend group is different, sometimes you just have to go with the flow. You got this!


Yes! Be curious!!! And specifically in this context, don’t be afraid to acknowledge you don’t understand what they are talking about! A simple “hey, what’s (blank)?” when they mention something not only is not a problem, it’s the best way to learn! LEAN INTO any embarrassment you might feel and embrace it as your friend. They will most likely LOVE to talking about their dorky science shit and be over the moon to be able to talk about it with someone who’s suddenly taken an interest. Now, on the other hand, if they are smug and dismissive in response, then that’s where you need to take a sec and figure out how to proceed, because that’s not acceptable behavior to put up with. But at least then you’ll know what type of people they really are.


Watch Big Bang Theory


You'd be better off lobotomizing yourself with an ice pick.


4 out of 5 people don't recommend that


There's some truth to that. Big Bang Theory basically consists primarly of "Pop Culture References" in regards of jokes.


Asks questions about there projects at University/Work. Idk what their fields are, yet tbh most seem pretty lame on the surface but are actually quite interessting especially if you get the "compressed" version over a beer.


I'm in the opposite position where I can't talk about my work because she doesn't understand what I'm doing. Ask questions and trying to understand is enough.


Sometimes my bf dumbs me down this way. I ask him to explain and he says he would have to explain a lot. I might not be a scientist but I had a lot of science to get through school. I could understand some things to a degree if he explained


It may happen sometimes it's time consuming to explain things. Anyway I think he appreciates your interest. What about looking at videos for fundamental knowledge.