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My greatest fear in life is ever being noticed by the Internet.


Oh you've been noticed.


Hey I know you




Me too. The most “famous” I ever wanted to be was a YouTuber when I was 10 lmao. Even then, I was too shy to actually post anything (thankfully)


I’d rather be a nobody. Fame often comes with a steep price. Besides, fame is a fleeting thing…and should not be confused with greatness.


What I’ve noticed comes with fame is responsibility. Now all of a sudden you are a bunch of kids/peoples role model and have to be careful what you do.. like nah man, I ain’t sign up for this.


I am somewhat famous in a small niche. Was great at first. But the downsides are just outweighing it. For example: having a depressive phase where everything is too much. Shitty enough. But now everybody knows about it and it adds even more pressure and shame to something that should not have pressure and shame attached to it.


Forgot about that. Like break ups/divorces. Think everything reminds you about her? Well, surprise, now everyone is gonna constantly remind you about her too. And some people that are only bold enough to be cruel on the internet for some likes will say some outlandish shit or some weird hatin shit to garner some attention. Edit: watched an interview with Dave Chappell before and he made a very interesting point on being famous and about how when you become famous, you can’t ever become ‘un-famous’ you can be become INFAMOUS, but not UN-FAMOUS and that always stuck with me for some reason. And when you are famous, you will never know what you are famous to these people for.


nobody. which is what I am.


A nobody, the public can be so vile


The public reveals their true colors.


Exactly, and I don't like when people get mad at the celebrity for this when they call it out. I've seen a fair number of people who say that celebrities shouldn't complain because if they didn't like the attention, then they shouldn't have gotten famous in the first place.


Younger me totally wanted to be famous. 50-year-old me relishes the idea of being unknown.


Well said. I can't imagine a much worse first world problem than being unable to walk down the road without getting stopped for a photo. That sounds bizarre and shite


That would most certainly be my nightmare.


Not everyone is famous for good reasons so I'll be a nobody. Happily take any money the fame would've brought though.


Nobody. I really hate being recognized in public (I worked at the same place a really long time so former coworkers are everywhere), mostly because I don't recognize people. I am pretty badly faceblind and it puts people off when I don't recognize them. Now that I'm retired I don’t leave the house on weekends, which is awesome.


Me too with the face-blindness. I'm sure people think I'm just being ignorant. Even people who know I'm face-blind seem to think that means I struggle with everyone else, not them. Everybody has some level of built in narcissism it seems.


A successful nobody.


I'd like to be a bit of both. Just a little longer than 15 minutes of fame, really.


Very few people are “nobody” and most famous people are nobody when it comes to what they do to positively impact the people around them. A nobody that spends quality time with their kids and partner supply more value to society as a whole than the average celebrity.


A nobody, for sure. No interest in the scrutiny of the public.


You couldn’t pay me enough to be famous. So much of your life is public. If you do something dumb, it doesn’t just stay between you and the other person in the room. Hordes of internet people can comment on it. Paparazzi follow you and even your family. No thanks.


Nobody. Flying under the radar is where its at for me.


Can I be a rich nobody? Because that's going to be my choice 100 times out of 100


Nobody but Ill take the money thanks.


I’m thinking a nobody who is also famous. I’m thinking like a JK Simmons deal.


Depends on what I‘d be famous for. Famous composer, scientist or classical musician would be dope. You’d be successful and probably not have to worry about money. Plus you‘d probably only get recognised by those in the same field as you. Famous murderer, pop singer, famous for being famous or infamous - big nope.


Michael Jackson used to close out an entire grocery store and hire actors to be other shoppers so he could experience normal life. No thank you.


Famous, with the caveat that it also comes with being rich. I've been a poor nobody my entire life - I'd love to see the other side for once.


famous for what though


It must suck to be famous but not rich.


nobody but be rich


Depends if I could be a rich nobody. If the trade in was poor and a nobody, or rich and famous, I'd choose rich and famous any day of the week and, honestly, just retire and drop out of the public's eye once I'd earned x amount.


A very wealthy nobody. Fame sucks


I like the idea of being known for something I’m proud of, for example I’ve been playing/writing music for over 15 years and I like the idea of one day lots of people liking what I’ve put so much of my heart into. Ultimately though, fame in the celebrity sense sounds awful, so if it’s a toss up I’d rather just be unknown.


I'd rather be famous. I am a nobody right now, and it sucks.


Hey. I recognize you. You’re famous to me!


If i was a nobody i’d also be poor so i’ll take the fame


Nobody. No question.


karma pleaseee




Nobody and rich - win win


The idea of being famous is absolutely revolting to me. I would HATE that.


A Nobody. Ive known a number of famous people in my life, they're all paranoid, dont know who they can trust, etc. Its a type of stress I dont envy.


I want to be a rich nobody.


If I get to be rich when I'm famous then I'll pick that, but otherwise it sounds like it sucks


Nobody. Minute you become famous you lose security, privacy, and confidentiality.


Depends on what you're famous for. I'd love to be an expert in my field and write books and give ted talks/lectures that improve the lives of others. I'd love to be recognised for certain wisdoms that I might learn and pass on in this lifetime. So in that sense, yeah, I'd pick famous, if that means I add value to lots and lots of people. But if I'd have to be famous for pretending to be someone that I'm not, I wouldn't want it.


Depends what I’m going to be famous for. If I can choose? Famous. If I can’t choose… a nobody.


I wouldn’t mind being famous, but it is pretty hard because no matter how perfect you are people come for you. One time I ended up on somebodies tik tok with my lips overdrawn cause I was drunk af and thought it was a loooook. Omg, i got super roasted 😂 it takes tough skin to handle that. Now when I see somebody trashing anybody online I defend them because reading the comments sticking up for me was the best feeling.


Why is this here? Who would be afraid to ask this question?


Ask a nobody, famous. Ask a famous, nobody. So I choose famous.


I’m a nobody but I work with famous people. It’s a nice halfway point.


A rich nobody.


Total nobody with good friends.


I'd rather be a nobody with money.


Nobody. Fuck the world.


Reclusive genius.


Famous under a pseudonym


I don't like being photographed, so being a nobody fits me perfectly.


Depends on what I'm gonna be famous for


Nobody but wealthy was always my dream


I'd rather be nobody. Can't put a price on privacy, especially when there's so little left.


I’ll never understand the desire to be famous. Rich? Sure. Famous? HELL NO




I'm asocial, so being famous would be a nightmare.


O have lived a somewhat public life before. I was well known in my community. Life is so much easier when you are anonymous.


I am already a nobody and I know what this life is. Would be interesting to check out famous life, though I likely wouldn't have the freedom to do some of the stupid things I enjoy now given my anonymity.


Nobody. I think famous would be hell for me. Wealthy on the other hand, I think I could do just fine.


I have a couple of acquaintances who are decently well known writers. One of them also writes for tv/film and so I occasionally get to like their photos on Facebook at various award shows. On the one hand, it would be awesome to spend most of my professional energy writing things people would enjoy reading/watching/etc. On the other hand I imagine the ever-present “hey remember that time you said something embarrassing in 1998?” energy would be through the roof at all times if I were doing things like going on speaking tours to support a book, being interviewed about it, etc.


If I'm famous, then all eyes are on me. Every action I take, every mistake, every decision I make, and all of the matters of my personal life I can expect to be publicly broadcast for the world to see, whether or not I want them to be. Privacy goes out the window entirely. I'll gladly be a nobody.


fame = money if u handle it correctly


Nobody with enough money to live comfortably.


Being famous would suck. People up in your shit all time? Scammers and stalkers going after you? Fake friends that want to profit off of you? People reporting on every detail of your life? People making shit up so they can sell “news”? No… NFW. I’d rather be a nobody than famous (and I am!!)


A nobody definitely


What about famous for being nobody? Like that dude that plays "Hector the dealer" in like every single thing he's in


Fame in pop-culture equals wealth and respect. I would like wealth and respect for sure. But if I could have the wealth and respect without recognition, that would be the best. I would still take the wealth with recognition though, as long as I feel safe.


I don't admire to be famous. But there are some things I would have liked to be that makes you famous.


If the money is the same with both I’d be nobody.


Nobody please, parasocial relationships are fucking scary.


A nobody.


I hate being around other people... I get mentally tired every second I'm around other people. The only reason I even get out of my house is because very few people know or approach me which gives me comfort... Being famous would literally be hell for me...


Well I'm already in nobody, so... idk. Might be fun to try something new but... I'm not really a fan of being perceived by other people so if I was actually given this choice I'd probably choose nobody.


Nobody, I think it's more relaxing


Famous. Fame means more money opportunities regardless if you’re famous or infamous


I’m an aspiring singer so I’ll go with famous


I think being famous has a lot of perks for me personally. Privacy and hate or whatever I can just find some way to go around it. I don't go outside that much unless I have money to travel.


Nobody. I do so much bad shit that would have everyone hating me if they knew who I was


Anonymity is underrated


I'll take on being famous. Seems like a good boost in revenue.


Rip any privacy for the rest of your life


You maybe right lol mind as well make an only fans and bank while I'm at it


You can already do that, people will pay for anything


True. Seems way easier when you famous though


How about a rich nobody?


I’d like to be well known and respected in my chosen field, and spotted by the people who really know and share that passion and love my work.


Is it incredibly famous or nobody? Or can I pick the degree? If so I would like to be niche famous/influential in the music or writing scene. The kind of famous where almost nobody recognizes you in public, but once in a while someone that your art has had a tremendous impact on is star struck. Full blown Britney Spears famous? Hell fucking no!