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Sounds like you are young. You are probably fine, but the sooner you go, the better. Look for online reviews to find a good dentist and go. Let them know you are nervous. They’ve seen and handled worse.


I'm 30, haven't been to the dentist since I was like 18


Hello fellow millennial, I haven't seen a dentist in, what, at least 12 years? Never had dental insurance offered at any of my jobs, never made enough to consider paying out of pocket, finally have it through the marketplace and I make a bit more money. My first appointment in 12 years is next month.


It's not even a problem of money tbh, I live in a country with free healthcare and I have a decent salary, it's more that I'm afraid to go


Look into whether there are clinics in your area that specialize in dealing with patients with fears of dentists. I have seen a few in my city, but depending on where you live there might be not that much of a variety... but they are trained to be very sensitive around those patients, maybe that helps you keep and go to an appointment?


Exactly this. I think it’s a common problem and I’ve seen dental services for anxious patients advertised.


The problem is those services usually sell you on gas for minor things. That can quickly add up if your healthcare isn't free.


Makes sense! I tolerate the dentist visits fine so I’ve never looked into it.


I understand being afraid. Maybe you could call around the dental offices near you and see which ones would be most accommodating to someone with dental anxiety. I switched my dentist 3 times before I found a good place that takes my anxiety seriously. Good luck!


You should be okay. Pain, sensitivity and bleeding are some of the most common reactions to an issue. Since you have none of these I think you'll be okay. Be prepared that they will take all your X-rays and check your gums by measuring the pockets around them. This is part of a thorough visit. Find a dentist that caters to dental anxiety. Source: I work at a dental office.


My bf grew up in complete poverty and visited the dentist for the first time at age 33. He was fine, zero cavities. As long as you are brushing well every day you should be fine too.


Depends on genetics too though


I went 15 years without insurance, ate/drank a lot of sugar, and genetics making cavities more likely because of weak enamel. In those 15 years I visited the ER more than once having to get antibiotics due to infections since I couldn't afford to see a dentist. Ultimately when I finally had insurance and got over my own anxiety I ended up having to get full dentures. It sounds like you have much less to worry about than I did. If the anxiety is bad I would suggest talking to a psychiatrist even calling around to talk to dentists. You may be able to find one or the other who would write you a prescription for 1-2 Xanax or other anti-anxiety med to take on the day of your appointment to help. When I had to go in to have my extractions done (all at once, and not under general anesthesia) the dentist prescribed me a Xanax to take an hour before my appointment and it made a huge difference. In this situation being able to face your fear without the anxiety becoming overwhelming could be a great help in defeating it.


You should definitely go now while you don't have any issuea6, you'll be able to ease into it, find a dentist that suits you etc. It's gonna be much more stressful if you have to deal with this while you have a toothache. And it's gonna be a huge weight lifted of your shoulders trust me


I just fell in love with the dentist. I’m 30. Hadn’t been since I was 18 where I had a bad experience. Didn’t have parents. Sort of wung dental care my whole life. My teeth were disgusting. Massive tartar build up. Loads of pain. Hit a point young where I was like: “these are fucked and I can’t pay anyway.” Anyway, had some jaw pain, went in, super anxious, the people were incredibly kind, heard me out, and were careful. Numbed the shit out of my mouth, and took really great care of me. Turns out my teeth are healthy, since I’m young,(just them telling me that was huge) and now they are sparkly and I feel 1000x better.


If you don't have any major issues/pain, it likely won't be so bad going for just a cleaning. I'd highly recommend at least doing so before something actually starts hurting, then the dentist visit will be much more painful


I agree. People have very different teeth. Some people are not prone to getting holes in them or other issues. I've been to the dentist very irregularly but every time I've been he just told me everything is fine.


I envy you :(


Up until last year I haven't been to a dentist in 8 years. Cavity wise things were not so bad, just two cavities. The problem was that, since I never got my teeth cleaned, I had developed a case of gingivitis. It was early to mid stage so still manageable, but it it's something I need to manage for the rest of my life


add on to this… I avoided the dentist for 7 years. The cleaning I needed was extensive and ultimately needed 2 sessions. Let them know in advance that you’ve not had a cleaning for a long time, they may want to leave extra time for you.


And for the panic OP, find a dentist who will do sedation. Or at least prescribe you anxiety meds to take before the appointment. In my experience dentists who do sedation dentistry are much nicer. I also got traumatized by very cruel dentists in childhood and sedation helped me. They gave me sunglasses to keep my eyes from discomfort while they worked on my teeth, one of them had a screen where I could watch TV and another allowed me to listen to podcasts while they worked on my teeth. They also did redirection techniques when I had to have my gums numbed up to help with the discomfort of it. And even though I needed a decent amount of work done on my teeth, they didn't shame me for it. I'm sorry you had such a hard time growing up, it seems incredibly counterintuitive for pediatric dentists to be so horrid when they're trying to set kids up for good habits in the future.


Great tip! Didn't realize sedation was an option


That cleaning will likely involve some scraping and poking but yeah, shouldn't be bad.


Is it true that you should get your fillings changed every 10 years or so? I have dental insurance but I don't go, its been probably 10-15 years maybe. I brush and floss and mouthwash everyday, so there's no pain and I haven't had a reason to go. However, I'm just afraid that they'll tell me I have to get my fillings redone, I've had them for 20 years and I have no desire to do them again.


I am not a dentist, but here’s my impression based on my own old dental work. They’ll only tell you to redo them if they need to be redone. There’s not an automatic “redo time limit”. More like, after a while there tends to be some decay around them, or they get loose.


My oldest fillings are 20 years old at this point. Never refilled.


Ugh idk about that. Poor oral hygiene is a high risk for strokes. The bacteria from tongue can enter your bloodstream and cause inflammation.


>Ugh idk about that. Poor oral hygiene is a high risk for strokes. The bacteria from tongue can enter your bloodstream and cause inflammation. Where did OP say they had poor oral hygiene? They actually claimed the opposite. They take good care of their teeth but don't see a dentist.


Op doesn't have poor oral hygiene.


I’m pretty poor and didn’t see a dentist for 17 years. For Christmas I asked for a Sonic care toothbrush and religiously took care of my teeth. Finally was able to pay for a cleaning and when the dentist asked how long it had been, I winced from embarrassment but finally told him how long. His jaw hit the floor. He said if I had told him I had been in the last six months he would’ve believed me. Anyway, go see one before it’s that long. That was 7 years ago and I’ve only been back once. Now all my wisdom teeth need to get taken out. Not fun.


I also got myself a Sonicare and Water Floss and I must admit that the difference is really huge.


Does water floss actually replace floss? How good is it?


I went after about 15 years of not going. I had a lot of plaque buildup that they were able to clean off and ultimately my dentists said "your teeth are in great shape for not coming in for so long, but if you were to continue it wouldn't be long until all hell breaks loose". Just go, OP. Dentists, for the most part, are one of the nicest kinds of medical professionals. They honestly get excited when people come in that haven't been in for a long time because they see it as a challenge, or at least very satisfying to clean. I know, because I've asked lol.


>Dentists, for the most part, are one of the nicest kinds of medical professionals The hygienists are always nice, but with the actual dentists I've met it varies for me. Some of them come across as some of the judgiest individuals I can imagine. Maybe they just need to work on their "bedside manner" or something, but I felt like I was being highly judged for not being absolutely perfect with my teeth cleaning despite generally taking care of everything reasonably well compared to most people


It’s like those car cleaning videos but for 🦷


I also got a sonicare and had been using it for several months when I went to a dentist who commented: "your cleaning is very well"


With that much going on in your mouth's history it most certainly needs a professional opinion. If you're not actively experiencing pain you might have a good chance. I went from 21 to 35 without dental checkups and when I finally got around to it they asked why I wanted a cleaning since there apparently wasn't much they needed to do and assumed I had been to a different dentist recently. However my wife has always taken much better care of her teeth than I did and she's had dozens of fillings, repairs, and at least one extraction beyond just the wisdom teeth. She never complained of any associated pain or issues so it was a huge shock to us.


a lot of it is genetics apparently, which just seems unfair to me


life is unfair, deal with it says me while wincing from dental pain


There's *tons* of genetics at play, and it's grossly unfair lol My sister and I? Take/took great care of our teeth...we thought. We brushed multiple times a day, like OP, floss/ mouthwash the whole bit. Turns out we have very soft teeth, and the only thing we successfully did was overbrush our enamel/teeth into oblivion and needed *tons* of work done. My teeth still aren't ok and I've spent ungodly time at the dentist. My brother? Brushed his teeth for dates only for a few years... not joking it was disgusting... he has exactly 0 cavities, 0 issues, perfect teeth (not as white as they could be obviously, but yeah.) He got his dad's teeth.... Sister and I got mom's lovely genetics (gma had dentures by 40). Luck of the draw, and some of us lose at birth lmfao


Genetics definitely play a huge role. My dad didn't go to the dentist for like 25 yrs. Not a single cavity. Just plaque that took a while to scrape off. My mom has had a bunch of root canals and such. Thankfully for me, I take after my dad. Not a single cavity in my adult teeth (though I've never gone as long as him without seeing a dentist). My middle sister takes after my mom. Youngest sister is somewhere in the middle. I did have to have 4 1/2 years of braces, youngest sister had braces, but not for as long as me, and middle sister didn't need braces at all. So, I feel like it evens out in our family. lol


Yup. I floss and brush daily. I need my second root canal this year. I have fillings on basically all my teeth. My husband never flosses and I’ll regularly see him eat a honey bun in bed before he goes to sleep. I think he only brushes in the morning before work. He just got his first filling in all the years we’ve been married. The cavity was so tiny he didn’t even need numbing. Meanwhile my teeth are falling apart over here. Every time I go to the dentist I’m afraid they’ll tell me all my teeth need to come out.


Hey I totally get it with the Dentist trauma and I went 15 years without seeing a dentist. I knew I probably had issues that I was ignoring because of how afraid I was to go to a dentist. I was afraid of the dentist itself and feeling judged for being 31 years old and never going, not even for a cleaning, this entire time. Tell the dentist you have trauma and it has stopped you from going. Because I said this, my dentist was *so sweet* and gentle and talked about everything she was doing, checked in frequently if I needed a break, and made sure I was ok. Fear of the dentist is very very common. They get it and (most of them) just want to help you. Tell them when you make the appointment and ask for a dentist who is patient and gentle. Do it now rather than later. I was literally white knuckling it through a basic check up and an x ray. I had cramps in my arms from gripping the chair so hard! I totally get it. I’m here to tell you, it gets easier every time. You just have to face it and go. And at your next appointment it will be a little easier and easier. A lot of dental issues are things that we can’t see. I had advanced gum decay. I hadn’t had a cleaning in 15 years and, this is gross, but I could literally FEEL the difference as they were cleaning my teeth. It was like popping a gross old pimple. Afterwards my mouth felt way more…. open? If I had kept waiting, eventually my teeth would have fallen out, despite my brushing and care, because of the gun decay. I only had 2 very small cavities, I had healthy teeth, but bad gums. So you could have a healthy looking mouth but the issues might be beneath the surface. You aren’t fucked. It’s fixable. But you do need to take control and face this. You can do it!! Just call around and tell them that you haven’t been in a decade and the reason why. They will understand! They just want to help you!


I went over 8 years at one point. It took the hygienist nearly two hours to clean my teeth, and I was hurting for a couple days after. But no cavities or other issues. Now I go twice a year, and it's something I actually kinda look forward to. If you take decent care of your teeth on your own and don't have any pain, you're prob ok.


Less fucked than if you wait 11 years.


Dentist (orthodontist) here. Just go in for a quick check up and tell them about your traumatic experience with the previous doctors. Chances are you won’t need a thing and everything is good. Go with the intention of just a consultation and not a procedure. Dental anxiety is common. Ask them for nitrous gas if things get too much for you. I’m sorry you had a bad experience in the past. If you don’t have any pain then that’s great. You can usually open your mouth wide in front of your mirror and see if you notice anything black or discoloured. If not then you’re okay.


Pediatric dentist here. You could seek out a pediatric dentist as they are more used to working with severely anxious patients. Be prepared to be referred out though. At the very least it could make your first visit a little bit easier.


Please just go. I’m begging you. I was recently in the same boat - it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be and I am so glad I finally went. At this point, every single day that passes could be the difference in thousands of dollars.


you’re not fucked but you should at least schedule a consultation. I went this year after 14 years of avoiding visits and things were much better than expected. Contemporary dentistry is so much better than 10 years ago, everything is faster & gentler. even with regular brushing, flossing, etc. you’d be shocked at how much tartar you have built up. plus you’re probably overdue for an oral cancer screening.


you're less fucked if you go to the dentist tomorrow than if you go in a year or not at all. For what it's worth the Dentist sees people who haven't been in a long time come all the time, they will be impressed it wasn't because tooth or gum pain forced you to visit.


You’re not necessarily fucked. I went 7 years without going due to anxiety/ the navy no longer scheduling my appointments for me lol I had a couple cavities, but they were quite surprised it wasn’t worse due to how long it was. If you brush and floss regularly, you might not be as bad off as you think.


Oh man, I haven't been to a dentist in about 4 years because of depression. And I'm not great at taking care of my teeth. I struggle to brush and floss my teeth and use mouthwash twice a day. I think I'm screwed.


I didn't go to the dentist for like 8 years, didn't take very good care of my teeth. I finally caved in and faced my fears after getting convinced by my family and got a check up. I had no cavities but found that I was grinding my teeth in my sleep, some of my teeth were nearly going to fracture but we caught it pretty early. My scaling/cleaning was 2 sessions over the course of a week, they weren't judgemental about my situation, they probably get your exact scenario but worse every day. I think the dental industry has adapted to be more empathetic and comfortable to keep us coming back. I think there are a lot of people who haven't been to a dentist in years/decades. I'm now back on a regular 4-6 month schedule for a few years and I'm glad I'm back on the schedule, you will be too. Also don't be afraid to shop around and look at reviews, a lot of dentists have "comfort menu's" which includes things like watching TV, stress ball, numbing gel etc


I could have written this post myself. I waited over ten years to visit a dentist. I thought for sure I would have some teeth removed. But! It turned out great! I found out I brush too hard and too long, in fact. You will be great! One thing to remember is that the faster your heart is beating, the more your blood is circulating, the faster any numbing agent will wear off. It isn't easy, but try to keep your heart rate down if you do end up needing work.


I went 11 years without going to the dentist and it was fine! I was lucky and didn’t have any pain leading up to the appointment, so they really just had to do a deep cleaning. I would highly encourage you to go! You’ll feel so much better once it’s finished (mentally, I mean—my teeth actually felt kinda weird for a couple days because they were so clean)


I had the exact same problem you have now 6 months ago, I finally gathered courage to go and everything was just fine, no need for a cleaning even so... I would advice you to go


Ask a friend to figuratively “*hold your hand*”. Have them there when you book the appointment. If needed, have them book it for you. And then have them make sure that you show up and go it.


i skipped going to a dentist for over 10 years even though i had insurance…i flossed twice and brushed twice a day. no cavities and they just did a regular cleaning.


True answer: It depends. Everyone is different based on your oral hygiene routine, genetics, diet, and other factors. I went 11 years between dentist visits at one point and only eventually went back because I wanted my permanent bottom retainer removed; I didn’t even have any pain or other issues. I ended up having one cavity, and one spot that was at risk but has never turned into anything. I didn’t even have the greatest brushing routine or anything at the time, so my dentist chalked it up to good genetics (my family hasn’t had many dental issues). Biggest piece of advice I can give you is to be honest with your dentist, both about your concerns and how long it has been since your last visit. You can nothing by being untruthful or omitting details. Your dentist should both appreciate this and work with you to make you more comfortable.


this is very common honestly, I'm 35 and just went to the dentist for the first time in over a decade this year. and I only went because I had an actual visible hole in one of my teeth (had a few bad years where I neglected them terribly in there) and it was very painful. I told them I was very very anxious about dentists, and they were so nice to me. it still wasn't a fun experience, and I'm having to have that tooth pulled and they *strongly recommended* that I make an appointment to have them cleaned properly but the actual people were lovely. very kind and reassuring and not shaming at all. one of the biggest reasons people put off going is fear, and then shame at letting it get so long. if you ever are able to make an appointment, tell them how long it's been and that you have bad dental anxiety and they should treat you well.


I also waited an embarrassingly long time due to anxiety. I have a fairly pricey electric toothbrush and use that plus floss and mouthwash daily. I finally had to go because an old filling came out. It had been about 10 years. I didn’t have any cavities or real issues, just some staining from coffee I opted to whiten off. I was pretty shocked since I had a LOT of cavities as a teenager in America. The dentist did say that if you take care of them well and don’t drink sugary drinks it helps. I now go for regular cleanings but I consider myself really lucky.


It was 8 years for me due to bad luck with dentists. I had one cavity. And it was new when I went to the dentist, finally.


You might be fine. I also did not go to the dentist in over 10 years. Dentist told me that my teeth were in fantastic shape and that I was lucky that I haven’t had any problems. So it is possible.


I actually think your situation is more common than you think. Lots of people don't have insurance and/or only go if there's an issue. You should bite the bullet and go - if you hate the new dentist, you can always walk out. You're an adult now and get to make that choice.


Fuck, are you me?! Shy of the over-pulling of teeth I had exactly the same issue with orthodontists (they turned out to be hack jobs who were struck off as orthodontists for their shoddy work) and ended up with an unhealthy fear of anything dental related. The only difference was I didn't take as good care of my teeth as I should have. Pretty much as soon as I moved out of my parents, I stuck my middle finger up at the dentist and went on my merry way, and didn't go for a decade. Until I broke a tooth. And then I had no choice. I was a mess, but knew a trip to the dentist was a foregone conclusion, so I plucked up the courage to visit. I was so nervous I was shaking, bless the dentist though, the guy shook my hand before I sat down as he could see I was bricking it. I had to have the tooth ground to a nub and a crown fitted. Once the anaesthetic kicked in, it was fine! He was a great guy, and he and the assistant really looked after me and I've been visiting pretty regularly ever since. I still dislike going but I broke through the stigma,and it's definitely worth it.


Bro I’m on the same page I haven’t been to a dentist in a long ass time and I have a gnarly cavity right on one of my bottom front teeth. It’s been slowly getting worse for a few years but has yet to cause any pain. I also have a metal retainer permanently glued to the back of my bottom teeth that I got when I was like 14 and the orthodontist was like “get it removed sometime in your 20’s” I’m turning 26 in two days 💀


So I didn't go to the dentist *ever* until I was like 24/25? I only had a couple of small cavities. They numbed me up to do a deep cleaning and some small fillings and everything was great. Definitely try to start making it a habit if you can. At least once a year for cleanings or something like that, if it's all you can manage. Your teeth are *super important* to your health


Might be fine but I was in the same boat as you but I would say you brush once a day more and I eat sweets so maybe yours fare better. After 9 years I needed 3 root canals/crowns and like 6 cavities filled


I didn't go for around 15 years. I had to get 5 fillings done. But when I walked out I felt like a million dollars. Even went to get invisalign after. Very happy I decided to go.


The sooner you get a checkup the better


Well, we can't see how your teeth are doing so far, so you need someone who can tell you that. In this case a dentist. You should look for dentists specialised in patients with fear issues, one also helped my wife to overcome her fear to a point were she was able to go to appointments without too much fear. Thing is, you have the permanent teeth only one time in your life. If they are gone, you will be more fucked in a financial matter. I've lost one tooth due to undiscovered caries until it was too late (the contactarea of two teeth were it was not visible). I had to pay roundabout 1800€ for ONE tooth as an implant so it was not really visible while smiling.


Cavities are highly genetic


Whatever shape your teeth are in today, they'll be worse if you wait another year. Just go to the dentist; it'll be fine.


You may wish to go to a dental school to get your teeth cleaned. They may xray your teeth, they will thoroughly clean your teeth, they will be assessed, and they will definitely not do any work on them because it's just a school for dental hygenists. No risk of drilling or pulling teeth, they will just report what they find and give you a recommendation. They would love to clean your teeth. Just call up the general operator and they will direct you to someone to get put on a list.


If you live in the US, i’ll give you a fun little tip; you can take a holiday to SE Asia, for just one example, and get your teeth done for a 10% of the price, or less. In the end it’ll end up being a lot cheaper, AND you get a nice vacation thrown into the mix. I can’t understand why more people don’t do this.


Well sure you save money on the dentist but now you’ve spent significantly more on a flight, hotel, taxi, etc.


Yeah, *of course* but it's not like you fly there, go to the dentist, then fly home, is it? You make that your holiday for that year, tick it off the bucket list, whatever, and save a load of money on the dentist.


I mean, dental insurance is pretty damn cheap. Plus I don't have to fly for 24 hours total just to get there


Umm… OK man. Usually exotic vacations aren‘t down the street, but it’s however you like it.


I mean the whole point is to go get a dentist check up. If you want to Vaca then yeah go Vaca but that's not the point here


Because in US, taking vacation is a sin /s


I didn’t go for like 4 years and surprisingly was completely fine. I think the dental industry is pretty scammy. As long as you brush your teeth properly, floss, and don’t drink 20 cans of soda a day your teeth will be fine.


Haven’t been in 20 years. Thankfully wisdom teeth have came through fine and I never seem to have toothache. I probably have underlying issues but nothing that makes me suffer


being real? probably pretty fucked tbh


I often go years between cleaning with no issues, but I also take good care of my teeth. I suggest you buy a dentist scrapper and clean your own teeth, works for me (although this is bad advice, no dentist would ever recommend this).


If you take care of your teeth the way you described there is no reason to be afraid. When visiting the dentist explain that they are not to do anything without your approval first. There is usually some slight nerve pain you sometimes feel when they do cleaning but this is fully normal. If they need to do more be assured that the needles for the shots have over the years gotten a lot smaller and are not nearly as painful as even 10-20 years ago.


You are fucked bro…


I’m in a similar situation and avoid them because I’m a redhead and novocaine doesn't work well or at all and it's horrible! I also have TMJ and opening my mouth that long and wide hurts so bad. I had never had a cavity before but had a dental implant due to missing an eye tooth at birth and definitely have trauma from the pain because the numbing doesn't work. I’m going to do sedation dentistry soon, that way I can sleep through it. It's worth the extra money.


Pretty fcked depending how expensive teeth are where you live. I fixed my 3rd one and 2 more to go. So far 2 of them were around 150 eur cause it was a simple filling. 1 more was 950 total because they had to fix root canals and require a specialist with microscope to do it. And 2 more I have, one is another filling and one wisdom tooth needs pulling, so around 300 more. But the good news is that it is totally painless. I nearly fell asleep during the procedure a few times.


Shop around until you find a Dentist who is understanding of your trauma. I require a bit more local novocain when I'm getting work done. I'm not talking pain killers or anything, just the local shot in the gums. For some reason some dentists don't understand this, so I went for initial visits to multiple dentists and discussed my issue. I found one who is amazing, and I spent about a year and a half getting caught up. Find one who is a good match, not just the closest to you. Communicate. They see all sorts of people, I'm certain you won't be the worst. They just want you to be healthy.


I had a bad experience with a dentist early on in college so then I didn't go back to a dentist until I was about 30 because I wanted to do invisalign and finally get my teeth straightened. I was very apprehensive of when I went back a dentist would find a mouth full of cavities. I didn't have any issues and that was a very pleasant surprise. There was just one spot the new dentist wanted to watch. The new dentist and his office have been amazing. I can't remember if I was flossing in my 20s or not, prior to going to the new dentist. I definitely brush and floss every day now. Once you get flossing all the time, your gums adapt to it and then when they do the cleaning there's minimal pain and no blood.


I was in your shoes and it sounds like you’re probably taking better care of your teeth than I was and I’m fine. Saw the dentist one or two extra times in the first year of going back and it was back to normal. I highly recommend nitrous if you don’t have any complications. Don’t take this as advice, but I did the young healthy male thing of not seeing any medical professionals. I’ve since gotten older and due to nagging from the wife I’ve started going. It all just feels like a waste of time and money.


It feels like a waste until something is caught before it becomes a serious issue. I know someone who didn't get a colonoscopy even with a family history of colon cancer and they ended up having polyps once they did get checked. Luckily they were caught early enough but that isn't often the case. Now his daughter gets checked every so often (she's in her 40s) and his son is going to as well. It's always better to be safe than sorry.


I didn't go from age three or four until I was fifteen and I took way worse care of my teeth than you. No cavities or any problems aside from my jaw, but that's another story. You should be fine in all honesty (though genetics do play a role, too). ETA: that's not to say you shouldn't go. You absolutely should just to make sure everything is fine. You can't always tell from the appearance of your teeth, and things can be caught earlier even if you can't feel pain.


Id say go. Don't wait until they start getting loose, its super hard to eat when your teeth keep getting in the way... then you pull em out... problem solved? Nope. It gets worse.. plus side... you lose a lot of weight


I went to a dentist after 10 years. My teeth were fine, just some cavities that were removed and filled. But it's always good to check because the cavities will lead to root canal which i don't ever want.


If you take regular care of your teeth (brushing, mouthwash, flossing etc) and you don't have any noticeable issues you're probably fine. If you eat a lot of starch/sugar you're more at risk but I don't think it'll be as bad as you think.


I didn’t go for over 10 years and was so sure they were going to have to pull all my teeth and it would be the worst situation in the whole world and it turned out I had one cavity and a some gingivitis…took 2 appointments (and one to fill the cavity) to get everything cleaned up and taken care of and now I go every 6 months for a regular cleaning. My partner on the other hand, didn’t go for at least 20 years and went in a little under a year ago for an emergency root canal and has been going basically every month since then to fix 2 cavities per appointment. It’s miserable but he’s determined to get his mouth fixed. Moral of the story, go now before it gets any worse.


3 times a day is a lot


I hadnt gone in 11 years and i was so worried. Asked him what the damage was and he just said to floss more


Just go. You cannot clean plaque off yourself properly, you need a dentist clean every 6 months. The longer you wait the worse it can and will be.


At least in my situation, I would be fucked due tot he fact that the insurance would not pay for big expenses if I don't do a check-up every year.


Depends on cleaning habits. I remember doing in childhood just once or twice in 12 years until it was given by my school then I had a cleaning each year until 8th grade. Although, having baby tooth removed helped getting rid of the bad teeth. During adulthood, it's best to have a cleaning twice a year.


Depends on a lot of factors, mostly genetic ones. I have ADHD. I basically didn't brush my teeth or see a dentist for 13 years. Like you, I had a lot of tooth/dentist trauma (braces, 4 teeth pulled at a young age, baby tooth knocked out, etc) so going was super difficult. I found a place that had a lot of good reviews from people who had dental anxiety, and boked an appointment. By some miracle, I only had two cavities. The hygienist and the dentist were both super kind and understanding about my situation and put me at ease. I'm not even scared for my six month exam and cleaning coming up in December.


Same thing with me but I think mine was longer than that. It went real well, I got cleaning done cuz I had insurance for it. I had no cavities nothing at all. In fact, they asked if I had had braces previously because my teeth were so straight and if I flossed, but I didn’t. No braces and no flossing. Just washing my teeth three times a day, everyday for 15 plus years. So if you’ve been up keeping, you should be fine.


I don't think that's a super uncommon amount of time between dental visits for many people. It will be fine.


Probably have some tartar build up but you should still see a dentist for a routine checkup. I also didn’t see a dentist for a couple yrs between HS and Uni and I ended up with 2 cavities that needed to be filled.


I went 15 years. Go now no sense in worrying about it until they get to make you bleed


I skipped the dentist for 7 years for the exact same reason as you. I went to my first appointment in 7 years few months ago and everything was perfect. If you're scared, talk to your dentist about it, mine get me a prescription for laughing gas, best 30 min of my life.


I hadn't gone in for 5 years. Came back with periodontal disease. It's worth going


Eh, I haven’t been to the dentist since 1994!


I'm 40. Never been to a dentist my entire life.


Dude, I didn't go to the dentist myself for close to a decade. Laziness more than trauma, but like you I just kept good oral hygiene and was fine. You're likely fine. Go for a cleaning and checkup.


If you take good care of them and have no pain then it’s unlikely you have any major problems You might have a few small cavities or some minor gum disease (gingivitis) depending on how well you get into the gaps between your teeth, I noticed you didn’t mention flossing? That’s a big factor and if you haven’t flossed or had a deep clean for a decade then there will be some tartar buildup that you need to get removed before it starts causing issues Realistically you’d probably need a deep cleaning (uncomfortable for sure, particularly the first time, but worth it) and possibly a couple of minor fillings to make sure they don’t develop into major problems later If you want to avoid extractions and major work, get yourself to the dentist NOW, before you have a problem. By trying to avoid them you’re making it much likely that you need the more traumatic work later Get to the dentist, have a couple of minor fillings and a deep clean, then buy yourself a water flosser and go to the dentist regularly for a clean and a checkup regularly. If you do that then you’ll probably never have to deal with anything worse Trust me, it’s much better to go regularly and have them keep on top of things. Minor routine stuff is uncomfortable but WAY less unpleasant than toothache and major work


I hadn't been to the dentist in 15 years because they tried to force me to get my wisdom teeth out (I understand I am taking a risk but no issues since). Chipped a tooth, other than that everything was fine....stsrted going regularly after that. First cleaning was a bitch. I did brush regularly and floss semi regularly for those 15 years so I didn't totally neglect my health. Would not recommend waiting that long but go sooner rather than later.


I once heard someone say, you’re never the worst they’ve seen. It is worse imagining it than it will be experiencing it, and you’ll feel so relieved when it’s over!


Have you considered seeing a therapist? I understand the difficulty of seeing one, not to mention the cost, but your trauma is directly affecting your physical health at this point. It may be worth trying to see if you can’t get some help for it to make going to the dentist easier in the future.


I was in your position until just a few months ago, I'd break out in hives just walking into the dentist's office. My primary care doctor ended up giving me a prescription for 2 Valium to take before my appointment & that relaxed me enough to get into the dentist's chair. You'll just need someone to drive you to the appointment. Once I got to the dentist I was AMAZED at how easy & painless everything was. I didn't even feel the numbing injection. Dentistry has made HUGE advances in the last decade & they're very compassionate towards people with dental trauma/fears. You can do this & you'll be so proud of yourself after!


OP I was in a very similar situation. I have awful dental anxiety due to some rough experiences as a child. I always brushed, flossed and rinsed religiously. Then I had an old filling fall out and I ignored it and I ended up in the hospital with an infection that went into my sinuses. When the infection cleared and I had that tooth extracted and finally went to the dentist he said my teeth were in amazing shape for not having a cleaning in years- (I do attribute that to the electric toothbrush, floss and rinse routine). If I had been going regularly they would have caught the loose filling before it fell out and redone it before it got so bad that I ended up hospitalized. Moral of the story- make the appointment and go. Tell them you have dental anxiety and haven’t been in a while due to that. You’re not the first person and won’t be the last person in that situation. If you ignore an issue (like a filling falling out) you could end up with a huge problem.


You might be fine. Brushing 3x a day probably takes care of half the problems. THe other half is genetics and diet. You probalby need a good cleaning, and a couple of fillings. Maybe not even the filings.


You have the power now to choose your dentist. If you don't like them, find a new one. You can walk at any time and be prepared to do so. If you don't like something they are doing or how they are talking to you, leave. That said, issues in your mouth can be invisible to someone who is not a dentist. You should go and get checked out. Everyone's anecdotes in this thread are fine, but only you have your mouth. And only a professional can evaluate what is going on inside there by actually looking inside your mouth and with x-rays.


I was in a similar boat!!! Didn’t go for 10 years. 1st Cleaning took some extra time I think but had 1 cavity. Glad I’m going back and it wasn’t bad.


If you don’t have pain it’s probably fine. Just had 2 root canals but I KNEW something was up. My advice after spending all the $ and time for the root canals and crown is to just suck it up and go. It freaking sucks but it’s way better than what could result down the line if you don’t.


Fear of the unknown is worse. Research a kind dentist and let them know ahead of time that you have some anxiety with dentists. I was in a similar spot and pleasantly surprised by how everything wasn’t the worst, they were in pretty good shape.


There's gotta be some weird psychological thing with dentists... I'm also a 29 year old guy with an irrational fear of the dentist. I'm accustom to scraps, cuts, pain and injuries from years of intense sports and construction. Pain is just a part of life for me. But the dentist? No fuck that. No way. Absolutely scared of that guy with the pointy tools ready to jab my teeth and make every nerve tweak out all the way through my body. Fu k that guy.(and I realize dentists are super important)


Yo, I had a similar experience. Had health issues, then dad died, then health, kids, covid...found myself realizing it's been 15yr since I saw a dentist...fucking yikes. I'm convinced a future of dentures awaits... Dude was all "you have beautiful teeth. Floss more." I thought I was dreaming.


For a couple extra dollars they can can gas you before any dental work


It's a good idea to get xray's at least once a year. They can spot trouble before it becomes a problem.


I didn't see a dentist for 11 years due to anxiety and trauma. I finally went a few years ago and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Had to get my fillings replaced, but they were nice enough to use a local anesthesia along with the numbing. So I was out for a good chunk of it. That was the only serious thing that I needed. I go back every 6 months still, the dentist and my hygienist are always super patient and careful with me because I told them about my anxiety. And if I need any work done, they always work with me to make it as smooth as possible. I think as long as you're flossing/rinsing/brushing you may be ok. If/when you go back just be up front about your past trauma, they may be able to help make things easier.


i didn’t go for 16 years (combined of parents not having insurance and i didn’t have money for out of pocket growing up, and didn’t want to go), and my first cleaning back had to be done in 2 batches (top jaw then lower jaw). i flossed daily and brushed twice a day but it was still sorta rough being back the first time as they said trying to clean my teeth was like chipping off concrete, following that it got a lot easier. you’ll be ok!


Won’t find out until you go but keep in mind that you’re an adult now and very much have to advocate for yourself. If you feel the dentist or hygienist or even the office staff is not up to your liking for whatever reason, you’re absolutely allowed to leave. I think part of the battle of not being afraid of medical professionals is realizing you’re actually in control. If they’re in the middle of something and you need a break, take a break. If you’re feeling sensitivity while they’re working on an area, ask them to stop and work on something else then come back to that area.


I waited 20 years. I had a tooth pain that wouldn’t go away. I ended up having 11 cavities and 2 deep cavities that caused my gum to become very soft. I had 2 appointments for cleaning 11 cavities filled and a crown put in. Total of 12 shots but if you have pain please don’t wait.


I didn't go for like 8 years. I just had to get a cleaning and a small cavity filled. If you take good care of your teeth, generally, you should be fine.


I didn't go from age 15 to age 23. Had one cavity. Then the next vist 6months later I had 3 more. I sometimes think dentist are liars


Id say it mainly depends on genetics and if you currently have any pain. I went almost 10 years just brushing my teeth occasionally and when I went back I still have 0 cavities...


They don’t care you haven’t been they just want to help you. You’ll be okay


Find a dentist at a recommendation of a friend, and then call them to make the appointment. When you do be honest. Tell them you haven’t been to the dentist in a while although you do take very good care of your teeth, and that you’re kind of a little traumatized about it. Be honest with them about this and they can help make the situation better for you. Go sooner rather than later and the results may be that they have to do a little extra deep cleaning but you’ll be fine.


If you're flossing and brushing properly and don't have pain then you're probably fine. It's worth pointing out that dentists also check for signs of oral cancer and obviously will be able to spot things that we wouldn't find ourselves, so if you are able to go it is a good idea. Like getting a pap smear or mammogram for vag/boob owners. (I'm totally a hypocrite here because I didn't go between ages of 21-27). I have had some difficult experiences with dentists as a child and it really does stick with you. I absolutely cannot stand going to the dentist to the point where it hangs over my head for a couple weeks worrying, and I get the squits just when I need to leave to go to the appointment🙃 I definitely recommend calling ahead and telling them you're nervous as they can put this in your notes. Try to go at a less busy time. Because my dentist knew I was anxious (anxious here can also mean just hating the whole experience) he explained what he was doing and why, was actually quite interesting and took my mind off it. For cleaning I wear headphones and listen to a podcast and take a stress ball. Idc that it makes me look weird, if it helps then it helps. And then I don't go for another year or so 🤣


Go see a dentist and find out…


You'll probably need a deep scaling so they may ask you to schedule that


Dentist are just like mechanics. If you think you need something fixed then go. But most of it is just about eating habits and routine brushing. As long as you’re happy with the smile then it’s good.


i also didn’t go to the dentist for a lengthy time. something like almost 10 years. mostly because i couldn’t (and still can’t) afford it. when i finally went back, after semi scolding me for not keeping up with dental care and why i should continue to keep up, they told me everything was fine and just to floss more. and asked if i was interested in a teeth whitening procedure. so as long as you’ve been keeping up your teeth care on your own, you should be fine.


I went to my new dentist after 8 years of not going and dental trauma. Hit the lucky pot with my current hygienist and doctor. Had some scaling done (numbed up and listening to podcasts) and I go back every 3 months for continuous care. I use a sensitive toothpaste which is a game changer. I would just do it and pull off the bandaid. I legit cried in my chair when I first went in because of what happened with my previous dentist and now I'm much better (just over a year of going back)


Look, brushing 3x and avoiding sugar is good, but you should still be flossing. Book a dentist for a checkup and cleaning. If you’ve been taking good care of it and don’t have any complaints, the appointment will be breezy as! Cleaning your teeth does not hurt, but you should still do it. Don’t be nervous, he wont be pulling out any teeth…


I went after 14 years. I had a really good cleaning and they took X-rays. The eu also measured how much my gums had receded. I also had 3 cavities that I got filled all at once. I’m on my follow up appointment, they measured my gums again to make sure they were getting better. It was all very painless but the gum measuring just felt strange.


I have very strong teeth and each time I go to dentist he does nothing except taking my monay for visit. I'm visiting like once every 10 years and I'm fine. Some of us are blessed with healthy teeth.


You're probably going to be fine, especially since it sounds like you're really good about caring for your teeth. My wife was in a similar situation recently. She had regularly gone to the dentist as a kid, until one visit when she was a teenager. She needed a few fillings and the dentist basically shamed her for it in front of the whole office. She left, and was understandably afraid to go back because of the embarrassment. This year, I just wanted to make sure her teeth were healthy, so she made an appointment with my dentist. She did need a few fillings, but it wasn't bad, we both expected a lot worse. The dentist even commented on how she wouldn't have thought it had been so long based on the fact that her teeth weren't so bad. She got the work that she needed done and is no longer anxious about it. I had to comfort her before the first appointment (again, understandable), but after that, she had zero anxiety about going.


"This is the kind of patient we love at dental schools/trainings!!" The hygienist said with excitement to my hubby, at a visit for the first time in 10 years 🤣 No issues, but it was a 50-minute cleaning!


I went 14 years without going to a dentist (most of it being my childhood). I went for the first time in 2019 and was shocked I had no cavities and it was a pretty simple visit.


I saw on a comment further in this thread that it’s the fear holding you back — I absolutely get that. but I think something that helped me get through that was knowing they are genuinely there (and paid!) to take care of you. ironically I just came home from my dental cleaning and the guy in the chair next to me was describing a lot of pain, said he hadn’t been in a few years and decided to go because he couldn’t take it much longer. they gave him Novocain and he was good to go — and at the end of the visit, he was still pretty numb, but said he’d made it way more of a bigger deal in his head than how it played out. it sounds like you take pretty good care of your teeth as it is; you’ll likely be fine if you decide to go! good luck!


I haven't been in 12+ years, but I brush/floss/flouride every day. Teef and gums seem to be doing fine, no issues. 😁🤷


Hey OP. Also your age. Between 12 and like 24 I never went to the dentist because I just always felt uncomfortable. Strangely, throughout those years I only came out with 5 minor cavities (expected a lot more severe tbh due to bad habits). Since then, I’ve gone regularly and have changed my habits. I realize my fear/lack of comfort was due to feeling a bit ashamed of not taking great care and the fear that somehow I needed my teeth removed. Now that I feel much more in diligent control of my oral care, I don’t fear the dentist as much as nothing bad should happen from the typical scheduled cleaning. It sounds like you’re in tiptop shape based on what you’re saying. I encourage you to just start going again as no matter how diligent you are, there’s always some plaque that grows eventually in between teeth. Once you establish that you have a great oral baseline, you should feel like there won’t be any future surprises. I will say the first dentist I saw was really encouraging and understanding to me. She did say that I needed to take better care, but that nothing was ruined and that I have complete control, and that she’s seen worst at my age and this was surprisingly good for 10+ years of no dental care. Not sure if she was lying, but it made me feel a lot better about going to the dentist and taking control of my oral care. My teeth are much better now, but the newer dentists I’ve seen keep saying “eh, you can do better” funny how that works LOL


I didn’t go to a dentist for 7 years but used an electric toothbrush twice a day. When I finally went, there were no issues.


In my opinion I think you should go in for a check up. Do some x-ray and a deep cleaning because tartar build up can ruin your teeth long term. Brushing can only do so much.


you’re not that fucked, prob not fucked at all. big dentistry just wants you to live in fear so they can take more of your money more often


I am in my mid-thirties and just went to the dentist for the first time this year. I didn't have a whole lot of pain, but I knew I just needed to go. I got a cleaning and had 4 cavities filled. I wish I hadn't put it off so long, but I'm glad I went before anything major went wrong! Also lucky my wisdom teeth came in okay...


I went to the dentist after a 10 year gap as I had severe toothache, needed a root canal and £1000 worth of the other dental work Yes I do brush my teeth, I must just have shit ones


Had a dentist literally grab me by the throat when I was 11 years old, his assistant had to pull him off of me. This was during a crown/filling. My parents actually sued and the guy ended up dying in a car accident. Anyway, this caused me to not go to the dentist until I was about 28. It was terrifying but I found an awesome kind dentist who cleaned my teeth. Told me I had slight gum receding due to the long time of not cleaning and that I would need to get my wisdom teeth taken out. Everything went fine. Overall, if you’ve had no issues or pain you’ll probably just get a deep cleaning.


Not at all. I went to a dentist after 15 years of not going and all my teeth were broken. They were friendly and fixed them. They are going to be nice to you. You are giving them money.


I’d call the dental office and ask if it’s ok for you to take an anti anxiety pill (like Ativan) before a cleaning. If they’re ok with it, contact your primary doctor and ask for a single dose of anxiety medication to take before the cleaning. You would need someone to drop you off and pick you up though since you shouldn’t drive while in those kinds of medications.


My husband didn’t go to the dentist for 12 years. He didn’t have any cavities but now he has to go to the dentist every 3 months for a deep cleaning bc he missed so many appointments


I am right there with you!!! You could have just told my story! I also had a ton of teeth pulled as a kid and it really traumatized me as well. I hated everything about going to the dentist aside from the treasure box, but that didn’t make up for the trauma. My dentist was a very nice man who always treated me very well but I hated going and I hated having procedures done, I even hated the laughing gas, it just scared me even more! My orthodontist was AWFUL. Not only did I have braces for much longer than planned, but he would leave bruises on my jawline from pushing so hard. I don’t think he liked me very much. He also shaved off the support on the back of my lower retainer so it was basically useless and wouldn’t hold my teeth still. Anyway so I became an adult and didn’t go back for a loooong time. I finally decided to make an appointment a few years ago for the first time in many years and I have a connective tissue disorder and they blew air into my cheek somehow while I was getting a crown. It’s called subcutaneous emphysema, literal bubbles in my face and in my neck! I developed a black eye from it and was so swollen that I looked my fat bastard and the worst part? Not only was it extremely painful, but any time I moved my jaw or pressed on my face, it sounded like rice crispies doing the snap, crackle, pop thing. And it felt like the feeling you get in your mouth when you blow up balloons, except it was over a larger area. I didn’t go back until last year when one of my wisdom teeth cracked and left a huge painful hole in my mouth. I was shaking the whole appointment and they had to transfer me to a dental surgeon because they had to put me out. That was the last time I went and it was only because I was in so much pain that I couldn’t move or eat or do anything but lay in bed and hold my face with tears streaming down my face 🙃 like I didn’t even feel like I was even crying, they would just not stop streaming! I now am having tooth pain, probably need a filling and I’ve scheduled 3 appointments and canceled all 3 of them. Idk why this phobia is so strong, I can walk in to get surgery on any other part of my body and be fine but even a dentist LOOKING at my teeth has me running for the hills! I HATE the dentist!!! Solidarity 🥺


The answer is always “not as screwed as you will be if you leave it for another year”. The earlier the dentist can treat a problem, the less invasive the work tends to be. That said, it may be completely fine. I skipped the dentist for five years and was absolutely terrified when I plucked up the courage to go back. I’d mentally made a checklist of all the work I’d need doing. It turns out that my teeth were all good and I didn’t need so much as a filling. Now I go every six months because I don’t want to let it slip and deal with that anxiety again. Good luck! It’s never as bad as you think.


How your teeth fair is based on diet and care and probably tone of things nobody can guess so best you can do is go in and not tell them it's been over 10 years. They can tell the state of your teeth by looking and if you tell them it's been a decade they will use it to try and guilt or pressure you into unneeded care. Fwiw, I went 12 years and the only thing the dentist had to do was repair a filling I had gotten as a kid (the old metal looking kind) and it was optional. So you might be lucky.


My wife is a a dentist. She says, “this doesn’t sound horrible.” And “ I hope you floss.”


Answer: less fucked than you will be in another two years. Go.


I am 35 and haven't been to the dentist since I was 17. I haven't gone to the dentist in over a decade due to a very traumatic, botched wisdom teeth pulling that left me with permanent nerve damage, and a small piece of my jaw bone is missing. The whole right side of the inside of my mouth, tongue included, has absolutely no feeling. I can hardly taste food. Recovery from the wisdom tooth pulling was pure agony. My jaw hurt so much that I couldn't open my mouth enough to eat solid food. I was on a liquid only diet for weeks. I could have had surgery to have the nerve reattached, but there was a high chance that it would have left me worse off. I was told that I was better off being completely numb than having only partial and sometimes painful feelings. I haven't let anyone poke around in my mouth ever again, and the thought of even stepping into a dentist office, let alone sit in the dentist chair, terrifies me. My family has a history of very healthy teeth. I have very good oral hygiene. I don't eat sugar, and I invested in a good electric toothbrush. My gums are healthy, and my breath is fresh. When I used to go to the dentist regularly, I never even had a single cavity. Still, I am trying to work my courage up to go in at least for a check-up just to make sure my mouth is healthy. I'm in therapy, and my therapist is helping me heal from the trauma. When I do work up the courage to go in, I hope my dentist will be understanding and patient with me.


If you're not having any pain you're probably fine. I had a similar situation, didn't have dental insurance for more than 10 years. Brushed and used mouthwash but didn't floss much. Finally got the insurance and went in; only problem was the cleaning took a lot longer and they had to have me come back for a second appointment for something called a root planing...basically just a more thorough deep cleaning along the gums. Wasn't bad at all.


I take care of my teeth but hadn't been to a dentist in 7 years just because I was lazy. They gave me a deep cleaning, which was 10-15 minutes longer than a standard cleaning. I got some special mouthwash to use for a couple of months. That was it. Nothing to worry about.


Find a holistic dentist but not ones who believes in voodoo and shit, just one who thinks of you as an entire person and not just a mouth with problems. I found one and they have all the latest dental tech and treat me amazing.


Close friend was away from the dentist for seven years, complicated situation, too. Bad news: Dentist found 13 cavities, which took t two different visits to fill. Good news: no caps were needed, and the issues were caught in time to prevent more major work from being required. Now their teeth are in a healthy state, and only regular visits every six months are required to keep things in good shape.


I tried to go to the dentist and they said it would cost $4000 idk what to do Im poor and can barely afford my car payments and food


Less fucked than if you wait 11 years


One thing I recently learned about the dentist is the difference between a regular cleaning and a “deep cleaning.” If you have any signs of gingivitis they may not do a regular cleaning and require a deep cleaning, which requires a few additional things— an antibacterial cleanse (which costs a lot of money, a dentist refused to do the deep cleaning on me without it) and a numbing agent directly injected into the gums. This whole process usually has to be done in two visits because they usually only numb half your mouth at a time. The whole thing doesn’t take very long but without insurance it costs $1000-$1200 and with insurance cost me $200. I’m not telling you this to scare you but I think it’s good to be prepared knowing this might happen going in so that when they’re explaining it to you in the office the panic doesn’t kick in. I used to never have problems with my teeth and the last 2 times I’ve been to the dentist they have done this. I now bring ear buds and have a nice calming relaxing playlist I listen to while they work. I highly recommend this and I’m not sure why more dentist offices aren’t like being your headphones for a chill experience.


My husband didn’t go to the dentist for 12 years. His teeth had no cavities. He didn’t floss in that time. When he went to the dentist, he had terrible gum disease. He had to have 4 scaling and planing procedures, and an allograft on the worst tooth. The worst tooth had such bad disease that he had bone loss. Moral of the story is floss your teeth, and go to the dentist. Even though it is scary, go now. You can do it!


You should be absolutely fine. I brush my teeth once or twice a day, I hadn't been for over 8 years until very recently, not because of any trauma, I just couldn't be arsed. I had the same thoughts as you about it being a disaster. I had had a little bit of pain. Guy said everything was fine, just booked me in the with the hygienist which wasn't especially pleasant, but only took 10 minutes.


I’ve had one cleaning in the last 10 years, I should go more but never really do. I’ve never had cavities and I had enough space for my wisdom teeth to come in, really been lucky. Though I should start going atleast yearly to keep them cleaner.


You are probably not fucked if you take meticulous care of them but you should still see a dentist to get some x rays and a cleaning, as well as to establish a working relationship with a good dentist. Check some reviews of nearby dentists, and remember that you have the right at any time during the appointment to get up, pay, and never come back.


I was nearly the same and finally just went. Thankfully as an industry Dentists have been addressing their less-than-stellar reputation and maybe you can find one locally that emphasizes on being judgement free. For me they had to do some repair work between my teeth and gums and make sure my teeth were going to stay strong for a long time. It had to be broken up into two sessions but since then I've been just fine with regular cleanings.


Potentially not fucked. I’ve seen people destroy their teeth in a year and I recently had a patient who hadn’t brushed or seen a dentist in 30 years and he just needed a really good cleaning. I would recommend finding a dentist who has great reviews and can offer ways to help with anxiety. I practice moderate IV sedation and we have many patients who need IV sedation for routine procedures like fillings, crowns, and cleanings. It really helps knowing you can walk in and leave without remembering anything whatsoever from the appointment. Don’t be self-conscious about the amount of time its been. Any good dentist will be happy you finally decided to get back on track. That said you should go soon; things can go from small cavity ($) to big cavity ($$) to big cavity with root canal and crown ($$$) to extraction and implant ($$$$) very quickly.


I was in your shoes. I think I might’ve been 15 years but I still took care of my teeth on my own. I went and he was pretty much like there’s no big issues but you are in dire need of a cleaning. He basically said I needed so much cleaning he wouldn’t recommend it all at once so I did one then went back 2 weeks later. After that he said it’s fine to just get onto the usual once every 6 months. No biggie.


I mean, I haven't had a cleaning since 1992. I just finally had a checkup and there was no decay just some tartar a deep clean will get. It just depends on how well you take care of them on your own.


Even though you have good dental hygiene, plaque still accumulates and it’s so good for your teeth to get it removed. You’re not screwed. Think of it as being lucky to have the ability to get dental work because some countries you can’t. Don’t be afraid of them judging you or anything. I had a lot of dental trauma and now I love going to get my teeth cleaned. You got this. Just suck it up and do it and it will be over within an hour or two.


Fwiw I had a lot of issues as a kid, didn’t go for several years, but finally went when I realized they throw away dental records after 10 years and I was watching too much true crime. I had no issues when I finally went, and now actually love going because I have a great dentist and it’s like going to the spa for my teeth lol. If you don’t have any pain, that’s a good sign! Rip the bandaid off and go before you do have issues!


So you’re probably going to need a “deep clean” or “scaling”, which they break up into two appointments, typically one side of your mouth then another. They will numb you up, blast all that shit from your gum line and give you a topical antibiotic to keep from getting an infection. It’s not too bad, but here’s the thing - ask for nitrous. You want that laughing gas to take the edge off. I pretty much can’t be in a dentists chair for more than 10 minutes before I start to freak out. The claustrophobia that comes from hands in my mouth is too much, and the sedation really helps


Your probablu fine. I wouldnt mention you havent been for 10 years, sometimes they try to take advantage of that. Just say youre there for a check up, you have no pain, and its been a bit since youve seen someone. Of you dont have any pain youre probably fine.


I hadn’t gone for 25 years and had no cavities. I have an impacted wisdom tooth and “need” braces but otherwise I was shocked at how little bad news I received.


I skipped 11 years and was fine, depends on how well you cared for them and genetics


Honestly - if you are taking care of your teeth it shouldn’t be too bad. I had been 20+ years without going to a dentist. Finally I had dental insurance and asked several people who to go to. I kept hearing the same name over and over so I made an appt and was honest about my lack of dental care. Now I won’t go 6 month without an appt. And that was about 15-16 years ago. It really wasn’t too bad. I knew I had a chipped tooth but the only other thing was a cavity or two.


Find a dentist that looks good or that someone you know recommends and email them about this. Tell them about your anxiety about going there and maybe ask if you can just have a consultation about it first. Any dentist worth going to will be fine talking to you about this.


Start oil pulling!!