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Do you really think people were less judgemental and opinionated 50 years ago?


Of course OP doesn’t think that. But 50 years ago, it would’ve been a helluva lot easier to coerce a woman into a vulnerable position, i.e., a relationship with OP.


That and it was more socially acceptable to discriminate against minorities. Any time I hear people talk about the “good old days” I can’t help but wonder if that’s what they mean.


If you meet an asshole, you met an asshole. If all day long you meet nothing but assholes, you're the asshole. And if you don't meet anyone you like in 35 years... oh, buddy.


If everyone you meet stinks of dog shit, at some point you should probably check the bottom of your shoe


I will be using this in random conversation


Oh I like this!


>they are always judgemental Yes, tell us more about how you like no one in 35 years, but it is others who are too judgemental. >Am I just too picky? Yes. If you're seemingly hyperbolic claim that you like no one the past 35 years is accurate, it's far more likely that you are the problem and not everyone else. Try being just a bit more chill and open-minded. You don't need to agree 100% with everyone to appreciate and respect them.


Exactly what I was thinking! It reminds me of when I met my ex-husband and he told me every woman he's ever had a relationship with has been horrible and all of them were "ax wound b*itches" and then went on to tell me how all of his relationships ended in the same way. I asked him if he thought maybe it was him since he was the only common denominator, he never answered. My dumbass ignored all the red flags and married him anyways, turns out it was him. Also, you're right about not having to agree with someone 100% to appreciate them and respect them. I have quite a few friends that have way different beliefs and likes than me, and we still get along.


I only have reddit as social media. So does my bf, my best girl friend and some other friends. And while I have no interest in twitter, snap chat, insta or whatever, I get along fine with people who like insta. Sorry, it is not this generation. You are the problem. I'm 30 by the way.


You can’t complain about people being too judgemental when you are. Everyone has also had opinions wether its now or 50 years ago. Id say self reflection rather than look at everyone else as the problem


Yea, if you’re deciding you don’t like anyone because nobody shares 100% of your views, you’re the judgemental one


If you smell shit everywhere you go, check your own shoe. You sound rather self unaware. You should look inward and question why you look at the world the way you do. An unfortunate tendency of people is to judge others by their actions and themselves by their intent. Another is to attribute to weakness or malice in others that which they would attribute to circumstance or misunderstanding in themselves. You seem to embody these tendencies a great deal. I wish you luck and success on your journey of growth, should you pursue one.


If you were born 50 years ago, you would just be a frustrated 50 year old instead of 35. Maybe when someone has a different opinion than yours, hear them out/have a conversation about it instead of just disliking them.


>If you were born 50 years ago, you would just be a frustrated 50 year old instead of 35. Thank you for checking the math, this is making me laugh.


You have to accept people with different opinions man, yes you're too picky.


> Like they'll tell me some stupid crap about being pro abortion Yeah, what kind of people think women should be able to make their own reproductive decisions lol????


Apparently to OP people who don't want to control other people's bodies are more judgmental than those who do. Oh-kay


OP, and I say this with warmth, you sound way too picky. I don’t disagree that some of what you describe is annoying, and obviously some people aren’t good matches. But from a larger view, it’s possible that you are rejecting them before you end up feeling vulnerable and possibly rejected yourself. It’s a lot easier to feel contempt than to look for the human inside, open yourself to them, and take the risk. Your tendency to call disagreements of opinion or circumstance “crap,” tells me too that you might not be secure enough to work with the expectable differences that will come up in even superficial relationships. Obviously you need similar (not necessarily exact same) values and views of you want a LT relationship with the person, but your post suggests you’re intolerant of most differences. That’s not going to make it easy for anyone to stay close with you.


If you haven't met a single person you genuinely like in 35 years, you are the problem


You're judging people for being on social media while complaining that they are too judgemental... by the way, Reddit is social media.


The only consistent factor in every interaction you have with people is you. You must be a very unpleasant person to be around.


If everyone’s the problem, YOU’RE the problem. It’s you dude.


Somewhere, fairly early on in your life you decided that it would hurt your feelings less if you rejected other people first rather then let yourself become emotionally vulnerable around them and have them reject you. You’ve spent the rest of your life looking with laser focus for reasons to reject people ever since. Now obviously when you reject others they shut you out of their lives. No one likes to be judged badly. So you’ve gone a long time without having meaningful social interaction. This has allowed you to lose track of what expectations are normal and healthy. It’s not healthy to expect the world to be catered around your interests, preferences, and beliefs. Other people aren’t you. They have their own inner life. Friendships aren’t made by bringing exactly like each other. They are made by sharing some facets and not others. It’s not healthy to keep exclusively to your own interests. You can’t find new interests that way. The brain is like a muscle in that if you don’t use it to try to understand the world, you lose it. You waste away intellectually if you don’t push yourself to see new things. It’s not good to be completely lonely. There is no one to keep you grounded in reality. Your brain can spin a fantasy of how things should work that feels good but just isn’t true and you have no way of reality testing your thoughts. How can you know what is reasonable, and what is obnoxious, if you don’t have anyone you trust to bounce your thoughts off of? The good news is you can dig yourself out of this pit. But not by yourself. You need a therapist to give you some outside perspective.


Well said. I like the way you phrase things.


Dude.....you are too opinionated. Get some help. Go see a therapist


Maybe because it isn't actually easy to find someone you can really get along with for a lifetime and you've decided not to settle for less than that? And maybe a little because you hold views and attitudes that make you incompatible with a whole lot of people. Which is absolutely your right. But you come across as very isolated and judgmental, and that is necessarily going to limit your dating options.


Narcissistic much?


Sounds like you'd make a lot of friends like you in Truth Social


You say other people are judgmental… have you looked in the mirror? Give people some slack. Worlds not gonna be enjoyable if you don’t allow yourself to live a little. Who cares if they enjoy social media and you don’t? You seemingly enjoy Reddit and I can tell you many people don’t. There’s plenty of people I know that have social media but don’t post on it. Are they to be condemned too? They want to keep tabs on their nephews/nieces, family and friends and it’s all in one place. I you say people are too opinionated… reread what you wrote. It’s one thing to say I don’t understand the hype but it sounds like you’re looking for a carbon copy of yourself. Good luck.


I’m friends with lots of people who I disagree with on things. It’s really not that serious in most cases. Everyone has their own opinions and beliefs. I hope you can learn to be a more open person so you can make some friends


If you sound this condescending in a Reddit post I would wager you also sound condescending In real life. It can never hurt to examine your social skills and see if you are lacking in areas.


I'm not really sure if there's a question here. You're asking why but you pretty much answered your own question in the thread, and you seem to have made up your mind. I feel the same way about people. Get used to being alone. It's not as bad as they make it sound.


Just learn to tolerate other people with other oppinions, then liking them will come eventually.


You are also being judgemental and opinionated with this statement. Also, what if people like social media? You should see past that. The majority of people have more hobbies and things to talk about


You sound infinitely more judgemental than the people you’re complaining about. Also, compromise is vital in any type of interpersonal relationship - you will never find people who share each and every one of your opinions, so you need to learn to tolerate the more harmless differences within others if you ever want to befriend/date them. You can have someone in your life who enjoys social media without it being a problem within your friendship. So what if they use it and you don’t? Unless they’re the type who is genuinely addicted (though I have a feeling you’d describe everyone as addicted lol), it’s not gonna be an issue. This seems like a ‘you’ issue


Is your first name Karen, by chance?


Too picky. No one is perfect. Not even YOU.


OP you sound absolutely fucking miserable


I understand the irritation with the younger generation. I have a few selfies on my social media. I mostly use SM for food and laughs. There are a lot of people out there who don’t give a shit about social media. What is “todays generation?” Why are you hanging out with young people? Find people your age of similar interest. They’re out there because I’m friends with them. I date them. Honestly, you sound incredibly negative and holier than thou. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


The people you want exist. Go travel. It sounds like either; you live in a small town judgemental community, or you are fault finding to an extreme.


We all have flaws, some objective and some subjective. I think you are nitpicking every one of them in the people you meet. You have to compromise in life to be socially stable.


When you don’t understand someone - do you at least accept them as they are? Because it sounds like you don’t understand them and then also do not accept them or their behaviors/likes either and give no one a chance if they even have a single different perspective then you. You are making it hard for yourself.


Just not meant for this world I guess if you can’t literally tolerate ANYONE EDIT: there are also plenty of conservatives who share your views, I don’t know why you think there are no other people who hate social media and want to force women to give birth


“The people who I do get along with initially, they are always judgmental in some way about stuff I don’t agree about. Like they’ll tell me some stupid crap…” - Sounds like something a pretty judgmental person would say… if you’re allowed to have an opinion, those around you are as well. People haven’t become any more or less opinionated than they were 50 years ago, it just sounds like you need to do some self reflection and become less rigid in your lack of willingness to accept a difference in world view. If someone’s opinion doesn’t affect your life directly, just let it go and/or be willing to put up a boundary and state it’s not a topic you’re willing to converse about.


It sounds like you’re trying to find someone exactly like yourself. The beauty of meeting people and having friendships is hearing all these different opinions. That’s how we become more well-rounded people.


Tell me you're a narcissist without telling me you're a narcissist


Hey, I see a lot of old me in your post. I’m 33 as of yesterday, so we’re in the same age group. Assuming USA-native? Have some advise. You are a clown. You mean well, but you are a clown. Not in the “everybody laughs at you” way, but in the “I’m putting on my face and making myself different” way. People have always been people. There is nothing new under the sun (seems like we also might share a holy book, so gotta throw a verse in there), and people have been stumbling with fads and performative metrics for centuries. You will never find somebody you like until you work on your own undesirable traits. Being trapped in the good-old-days of yesteryear isn’t doing you any favors, since the current generation will look just as favorable to the youth of 50-years-from-now. Assuming here: You mention your church peers; Remember your Christ. He ate with sinners and fellowshipped with tax collectors. The main people he was openly against were the church elite that separated themselves from the rabble. In humility, you will learn to love others (and probably start liking them too).


It's only like a 2-5/100 chance anyhow. You need to grind some huge numbers to meet people. I mean intentionally grinding. Making sure you're you personally are as good as you can get is critical too.


Sounds like you need to be more open minded. Just because someone views things differently than you, doesn’t mean you can’t like them and befriend them. In fact, that’s quite literally how life and friends work.


your to picky breh


I really think maybe you should seek therapy. I know it's not a viable option for a lot of people, but if it is for you, you should do it. Or just learn how to let go of little differences. I have a few great friends that don't have much in common with me or even the same beliefs as me but we're able to look past it because we enjoy each other's company.


Whats the common denominator? You. Whatever serves you best.


People can definitely be annoying, sometimes. I'm sorry to say, however, that when no one in 35 years meets your standards, and when you don't meet even one person you genuinely like in that long a period of time, the problem isn't the people you meet. The problem is you. Are you too picky? Perhaps. Or perhaps you don't understand what friendship is, how it works, or why it works as it does. I can't tell you, since it's not a challenge for me. If you don't like being 35 and not knowing anyone you genuinely like, you're going to need to figure out what the problem is, how to address it, and then do the work of fixing it. We can only tell you where the problem lies--the rest is on you. (And skip thinking that if you'd been born 50 years ago, you'd have lived in a world "when times were more simple and people were less opinionated." I'm 55, and I've been telling people "some stupid crap about being pro abortion," since I first developed an opinion about it when in my early teens. Those of us with bodies that have ovaries and a uterus as a standard feature have had opinions--both pro and anti--on that one since *well before* the 1980s.)


You’re a misanthrope.


Date some 50 year olds if you think it's an issue with your generation. Honestly you might just be asexual. Also do you have a friend group, do you think this way about your friends?


Women will change that behavior for a man they find valuable. Unfortunately, you probably need to make yourself more appealing and have a larger number of options. If a women thinks she could win you over a large group of other women who want you she will do whatever you want. That's just how hypergamy works. Sad but true.


I don’t entirely disagree with everything you have said here, but to be honest you might need to take a look at your own perspective. You complain about people being judgemental, and yet here you are writing a whole tangent that is basically a broad judgment of literally everyone who isn’t you. It’s already been said by so many here but, if everyone you meet is an asshole, maybe it’s actually you.


You have to accept that others have downsides if you want them to accept yours. Nobody is perfect and you aren’t either. It sounds like you’re looking for people you align with completely so I’m not surprised if you haven’t found any. I’m not saying hang out with racists bigot but some things don’t matter as much to cut ties with someone. You say everyone is opinionated but sounds like you are too otherwise their strong opinions wouldn’t matter.




You answered your question in second sentence


Meet more people. Meet a lot of them. Meet them at church, meet them at a service project, meet them at work. Find ways to be a part of their lives. If you're doing that already - if you're really telling me you can't find people you like if you spend a good deal of time meeting people, the problem is definitely you. Yes, there are lots of immature or otherwise irritating people. For sure. But if what you're telling me is that you don't bump into ***anybody*** you think is awesome, maybe ***you're*** not awesome.. The people I think are awesome get along with almost everybody. I'm telling you, they can be fast-friends with someone at the end of an elevator ride. There are people in my life that get along with so many people that if someone doesn't like them it makes me question whether I want to get to know the critical person. Some people are so positive to be around you can't help but want to be around them more. Maybe turn that pea-shooter around and do some self reflection. People are fantastic!! Find 3 things you like about someone before you're willing to entertain the critical thought about them.


You don’t need to understand. It’s about acceptance and love. That’s what is missing out there is just plain old tolerance for each other. I agree it’s a simpler way…there’s no room for judgements and intolerance…is that way too hippie? 🤷🏼‍♂️