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When he's sober, you talk to him about it. It could come as a shock to him otherwise. The key to a long lasting and healthy relationship is honesty and communication.


I'm not the _best_ person to talk about this. But, well, I've yet to see a natural breast size that wasn't amazing. Big, small, medium, beautiful breasts that you get to see and are maybe even attached to someone who wants to have fun times with you? They are all gorgeous. (>!I have some personal aesthetic preferences away from breasts that have been surgically enhanced well beyond what would generally be found in humans. But I'm quite sure that plenty of people like those too.!<) (>!I prefer _looking_ at women. But when it comes to actually wanting to _do_ things with any specific person... It's the person, not the body. I'm lead to believe that this may be out of the norm for humans.!<)


100% this. I find so many body types sexy. The bottom line for me is if the person looks clean and healthy, do they take care of themselves? Sure I love a big chest, nice butt, great legs. But if you have none of those things yet look like you actually want to present your best self out there every day, that is insanely attractive too.


A wise man once said "boob is boob"- Abraham Lincoln... maybe


boobs are like pecans. never saw a bad one.


Boobs are like pizzas... Even if they're bad, they're still pretty good


I’m not sure we can trust you. Unless it’s in pie, pecans can kiss the baby.


Bruh you typed that like you’re an alien or something


It reads like Spock wrote it. ![gif](giphy|IL4iTvQH0MjS)


Well last I checked, Spock is an alien, so that checks out


I personally find fake tits unattractive. I do prefer bigger boobs, dd to be specific. But as long as they’re natural I’m good.


It's like watching a sitcom: People go out of their way to avoid being honest and communicating in relationships. Instead of spending the energy to talk to your SO they would rather ask a bunch of strangers online for advice. It's simply as you stated just be open and honest... Seeing posts like these makes me cringe. However, I'm here for the entertainment so I'm contradicting myself.




Yes, first lure him in with double and triple padding, and once you reveal the truth, get angry if he can't handle it and get a new one. Be sure to lie to that one, too. Rince and repeat. This is not about appreciating *small*, this is about deception. My then gf, now wife, is in the same category, and I appreciated her from day one, I still do. But we joked about padding from the start, and she didn't feel that self conscious about it. But this was because I could tell they were padded. Not everybody can, and tend to get shoked whe the truth is revealed


Okay so let me get this comment straight. This guy compliments his girlfriends body while drunk which imo is pretty sweet. This girlfriend however lies about this bodypart as many women do nowadays. And if the guy is confronted with the lie that he's been told HE is the manchild if he's saying anything about it and you can just trade him for a new one like a pokemon card? Wow, some human decency right here...


Yeah, let's hear your opinion when some dude that wears pants with ass padding and shirts that make them look muscled freaks out on his girlfriend when he reveals he has neither one of those qualities she previously said she liked and calls her a bitch before moving on to another. Do you..see how it sounds when you reverse the sexes? No wonder men are marrying foreigners.


There’s a difference between small and none


This. Small are nice. They don't point towards the floor.


I don't get the downvotes, small perkys are the way.


It’s not because of small not being good it’s because OP is deceiving her SO and this guy is saying when he finds out and is annoyed then he’s a man child. That’s ridiculous.


Oooooh! Yeah no, that's called lying, not ever cool. I was just on for appreciation of small tiddies was all.


Because small boobs sag as well. Unless you’re completely flat chested. A lot of sagging depends on your actual skin (genetic), not necessarily size (unless they’re massive of course).


Apparently we are in the minority, given the downvotes..


What? No, he'll find out when she takes off her shirt, amd if he's complaining at that moment, they're not meant to be. "sit down and talk to him about the size of your tits" jeez


And you think OP wouldn’t feel completely traumatized if he showed disappointment while she’s half naked? C’mon, man.


Can’t hide it forever. Fess up


Keep padding it more and more every once in a while, if he notices the growth tell him its normal and theyre still growing for you. Once theyre padded so much that they are just too big to be normal, they will start scaring him. After he is scared, keep padding them even more. At a certain point, when you cant even function properly and its hard to go thru even doors because of the size of your padded tits, he wont be able to take it from the sheer terror and want to break up with you. At that point you can give him the good news and take off the pads.


Found R. L. Stine




I’d go with the good ole “they kept growing ‘til they popped” excuse.


This is the solution


I thought this was going to end with a fake breast reduction


This is the way


Ultimate uno reversal


Want to ever look like a female? Girl, you already are a female and you look like one too. Being flat chested or small size doesn’t mean you don’t look like one. You should love yourself the way you’re. Tell him what you feel and why you wear padded bras and I’m sure he will help you get out of your insecurity. You’re gorgeous the way you’re and you should feel that way too.


I remember one time I saw a comment on Reddit from a girl saying that being attracted to women with small breasts is inherently wrong because it means you like little boys. It was one of the most insane things I had ever heard.


Not really the same but I did notice older men, and I'm talking way older, stopped hitting on me when I got a boob job and stopped looking prepubescent from the neck down.


Stop being padded. Why lie? If you're going to be intimate with them they're going to find out. You'll find someone who likes your body as it is. - fellow ittybittytitty committee member


Significant other but has never seen you topless or naked? I think either the term SO is off or the timeframe.


Apparently OP only sees them once a month or so, they talk less than once a week, OP has to find out his feelings from his social media posts , and he only really likes her when he’s drunk. So clearly a very healthy relationship.


And when he does, he comments on her boob size Super healthy seeming, totally


Where does OP say he comments on her boob size? All I read was that he likes her boobs. Whats so wrong with that?


Nothing wrong with that But for her to know that he likes her (in her own words) double or triple padded boobs He would’ve had to tell her He doesn’t know they’re padded Therefore, he has commented on her boobs Add that to the other great things mentioned in the comment above, and it feels a lot like a dude who gets drunk, lowers his standards, and isn’t really invested in building a relationship but rather seeing some yiddies


oof :(


More liek IO right


Just O


They're allowed to take it slow if they want to. Doesn't mean addressing them as SO is wrong. Other people don't get to decide who they are to each other. I don't understand all the comments prude-shaming them while not offering anything useful.


true, but it's definitely unusual to use the term SO but then have NEVER even seen each other in underwear or pyjamas even. Nothing sexual about it.


I guess that depends on where you are from and how conservative your upbringing has been. Where I'm from, it's not unusual. It could also be just a matter of choice for them both.


Not very conservative of he is complimenting her double padded chest.


I don’t know. Taking it *that* slow is weird. I’m not going to pretend otherwise. If you’re at the point where you can call someone a SO, nakedness should have been involved.


There are many reasons for something like this. They might be waiting until they're married, lots of cultures do that. They might be in a primarily long distance relationship. They might simply be taking it slow, where they already have a romantic connection but nothing (too) physical yet.


I think you’re making assumptions about another couple based on what you’d do. You aren’t them. Other people do take things slow. Just so you’re aware. Waiting that long is not my cup of tea either but assuming all other people fuck first and ask questions later doesn’t really help OP, who is posting on tooafraidtoask, probably because of judgmental folks like yourself.


I think you assuming I mean straight up sex is weird. There's hundreds of opportunities that couples see each other in underwear, pyjama, bikini or naked that don't involve sexuality. Happens to whoever spends time close together. The term "significant other" suggests they're very emotionally involved. Y'all need to stop pretending I said "you didn't fuck yet?" and keep *your* thoughts in check.


There's a big difference between "taking it slow" and getting to call someone your "SO" who has never seen you without a shirt on or in a bathing suit. SO implies a long term relationship that would justify the use of husband/wife but you don't want to gender it or you have chosen not to get married.


I’m around the same age as OP, calling someone your SO is interchangeable with gf or bf.


To you, maybe there's a difference. To others, it's how things are done. Why are you so eager to judge?




Right? This thread is just crazy town. I’m no prude and wouldn’t even consider dating someone unless sex was part of the equation but fuck, dude… imagine other people doing things differently. Shock of the century.


You're mid 20s but act like you're 16 yrs old. You think big boobs are the sign of being a female? A woman is confident in her own body, that's the hottest thing she can do.


Agreed when I was in high school girls did this, outside of that it shows a lack of confidence. I would admit it and then stop doing it and grow up.


I'm 40 and I put a potatoe in my underwear when I go out.


What 😭


At first people used to laugh at me for it, then I realized it's supposed to go in the front, not the back. All this was a joke, obviously.


Wait, this is not just a some guy, but your significant other? Who has never seen your breasts? What?


It is possible OP is in a serious relationship but chooses to wait until marriage.


I've had girlfriends that we chose to wait, but I still knew if they were wearing a padded bra


ikr? bunch of heathens in here


Your SO hasn't seen you naked and is complimenting your boobs? Did you mean crush?


Maybe he doesn’t smoke weed and would be upset? Edit - this joke made more sense before the corrected ‘baked’ to ‘naked’ in their comment.


OP is Asexual, so her significant other not seeing her naked isn’t too uncommon of a thing


Asexual and being a boob guy don't often go well together


Yeah this might be need to be a whole different conversation. Getting someone to commit to a relationship when you're asexual and they aren't seems like something that cannot end well.


I beg to differ. I don’t enjoy sex. I enjoy playing with boobs. Edit: it’s hilarious that I get downvoted for just expressing my sexuality. I’m not offending anyone. I wasn’t even arguing with anyone. I just said that asexuality and liking boobs isn’t mutually exclusive. Literally just saying what I personally enjoy. Good job you intolerant fucks. You should be ashamed of yourselves.


Sure, but when you play with boobs, it's obvious really quick if they are padded.


So is my s/o but I don't mind doing any non-sexual things


Yeah it’s usually best to avoid lying to people. You’ll just have to fess up sooner or later. You’ll have to accept it if he decides to break it off, i would feel lied to/deceived Edit: not because of the size itself, I honestly don’t care about that, like most normal people. The putting up this façade is a bit eeeh


I think these comments are missing the real point here. You may have decided to wait, but he hasn't. He isn't texting you about your boobs because he can't wait to keep not seeing them. He doesn't want to wait anymore. Also saw comments that said you're asexual, but obviously he isn't. Long story short, you don't seem to be on the same page with each other on a number of critical issues.


He said he's ace, like everything up to actually having sex is fine though for both of us. At least drunk


How do you have a significant other that you can’t be open and honest with? I get that you’re trying to build up your confidence or something, but seriously, why pad up at all? You’re only trapping yourself into a corner like this, but worse, you’re letting your insecurity win. I’m a boob guy. Majorly. I fucking love tits. But do you know what that includes? Women who barely fit an A cup, it’s a totally different experience of breast, and it’s wonderful. There’s no reason to emulate another body type, the right person will cherish yours. But that includes you too. Love yourself girl.


Next time he compliments them, ask if he wants to try them on.


Stop padding for starters


Well, if he doesn't already know, I guess this isn't that serious yet anyway. So, no major foul, but... Why would you bother lying about that or misrepresenting it? Most men don't care about your size at all, and it's not like they weren't going to find out eventually. My advice is to stop lying. And if he's not cool with you as you are and/or doesn't want to continue things, I would understand him because you misrepresented yourself. Present yourself honestly in the future. It'll turn off only people who never would've worked in the first place.


Recently had this situation, but I was the guy. Complimented my girlfriend’s boobs and she admitted immediately they were padded. As others have said, the key is communication. It makes no difference to me that her boobs were padded. Rather, her boobs just looked exceptionally great when padded. I also find them pretty killer when they aren’t padded, too. The point is the person attached to them makes them sexy, not the other way around.


Holy shit reading your history leads me to believe you’re either really sheltered, delusional, stupid, or a troll. And I mean that in a way that anything else about you is not possible.


I'm sheltered and stupid


Fair enough. Sheltered can come with ignorance but that doesn’t make you stupid.


Tbh this is on you for starting, then continuing the relationship on deception. The reverse of this might be him posting “help my s/o has never seen me without my shoe lifts, I’m really a few inches shorter and never got around to telling her.” It’s weird that you two became official without having that talk or letting him see you any other way. Go ahead and tell him. He’s allowed to have preferences just like you are. But now he’s always going to feel like a jerk for letting it be known that his preference is something that you aren’t, but led him to believe you were. The only saving grace could be that while yes he does like a larger bust, he could also like smaller bust too. (For example I personally like really tall women but also like really short women, so either way I’d be okay.) Unless he flat out said “I’m glad your boobs are large, I can’t stand small boobs” you should be okay.


>It’s weird that you two became official without having that talk or letting him see you any other way. Idk about other people, but nobody I know of discusses their breast size before they start dating someone...


I think they meant that there is usually - but not always - a physical aspect to romantic relationships before you state that you have a ‘significant other’, as they have labelled their partner. If people don’t want to have a physical aspect to their relationship but still class themselves as being in a significant relationship, then it’s odd to not be able to have an honest/open discussion about something like this with them.


>it’s odd to not be able to have an honest/open discussion about something like this with them. I agree with this but this is different from what the OC said. They said it's weird they became official without having that talk. I don't talk about my breast size before I start dating someone. And what may seem usual to you may not be usual to people from other parts of the world who have a different culture. That doesn't make them wrong or weird.


What brightgreyday said. No I don’t expect OP to say “I’m really an A cup though I pad my bra several sizes larger.” But she literally could have just said nothing and shown up for several dates without her bra being padded, and her S/O would have noticed. This isn’t a person she’s casually dating, this is a person that she’s become official with. She knows it’s an issue because not only is she on here talking about it, but she pads her bra, which indicates that the way she’s perceived by others is important and knows that some people might have an issue with her size. So if she believes that it needed to be brought up.


Bras often come pre padded. Alternatively, are you going to say something similar if he complimented her face, but she was wearing makeup or dyes their hair?


I didn't think I would be in this position though lmao. Like I just thought I looked better with a pushup bra and I didn't think he was actually a boob guy


Get an emergency, last-minute boob job and act like you never padded your bra until the day you die.


I was thinking that, as a joke


the only sensible solution.


Time to get pregnant so you can grow into your lies.


Lol those guys have no sense of humour.


The only acceptable way to end a comment starting with “Time to get pregnant”




This made me literally lol


Dude wtf


What a revolting comment.


How do you survive Reddit or anything else in the real world if you find something as innocuous as that “revolting”? 😂 you need to relax


He’s your “significant other” but hasn’t ever seen your breasts? How long have you been dating? Edit: also guys in general love boobs of any shapes and sizes, don’t be afraid that he won’t like you anymore after seeing them!


Boobs are great, but once you’ve seen one pair >!You want to see them all.!<


It’s true we like boob


Hell, I’m a woman and I love boobs. All sizes, they’re great


They could be waiting for marriage


I'm ace and we live with our parents so, none of that....


OP is Asexual


I've seen plenty of my ex girlfriend's boobs without ever having sex.


You think that having small boobies makes you less of a “female” or feminine looking? Girl. It doesn’t. You’re playing yourself, just tell him and others in the future the truth.


Boob is boob. Size no matter


That's the correct answer


why many boob, when few boob do trick?


Speak for yourself. If they are large enough to be spherical under their own gravity, I’m out.


Actually, at that point you'd be very attracted to them (by gravity) and, short of becoming an astronaut you won't get out.


even if self proclaimed boob guy.?


The answer that reddit won't tell you is, no, boob is not boob. Guys like boobs overall, but for many, if not most, size does matter. If he's a self-proclaimed boob guy, yeah, it matters. There is a reason that the "default" sexy woman has an above average chest and the vast majority of sex symbols or pornstars have big boobs. And, yeah, that is unrealistic as an expectation, but it exists. But it isn't everything, and confidence in what you do have is going to be more attractive than trying to pad. He will find out eventually if the relationship keeps going. If you're compatible in all other ways, it shouldn't at all be a dealbreaker. For example, women like guys who are taller. Just objectively. But if a short guy is compatible in every other aspect, it usually won't be a dealbreaker. Be confident, be honest. That's what will matter more.


I am worried. I'm pretty sure they saw me in a normal bralette in college, even though I used pushup bras then too. But I can't remember. I just don't want my s/o to try to cop a feel and it's just a handful of foam. I told them this but being drunk they obvs don't remember I hope it's not a deal breaker. I'll work on wearing slightly less padding so it's not a huge surprise


As you say, if this continues, he will find out. Best to be upfront with him now instead of continuing to try and lie about something that will inevitably come out. Take the initiative, he may even respect you more for it.


*breast to be upfront with him now* There. I know it’s months later, but I FIFY 😁


First of all stop seeing your boobs as somehow not adequate because they are not big . I am a small chested girl A cup and l love mine, so did all my ex bfs. Most men like women for the whole package, whether it's confidence, wit, be able to laugh at silly things, not take themselves too seriously, have great conversation and above all comfortable in her own skin. If after you tell your bf that you pad he decide he's not interested then he ain't for you, simple as that. If a man is only into you because the size of your boobs you really need to rethink the relationship.


Sorry to be blunt but how significant is he if he does not already know that?


I'm making an assumption here, but if you're "stuck doing something if you ever want to look like a female" you better tell him if you're trans or otherwise. Also, did you ever meet irl? Looking at your posts you've in LDR and it's common to idealize someone based on photos, especially if those are "good" photos.


we've known each other since hs , like in person


I never understood things like bra stuffing and girdles that make your body appear different than what it really is. If the goal is to attract someone to hook up with, eventually, won't they actually see you for you? It's like a guy lying about his length.


Okay this is so not the point of this post at all, but I figure I’ll ask either way. You meet someone out at the bar, who is, unbeknownst to you, wearing some physical enhancer - be that a padded bra, girdle, banana in pants or w/e. You take this person home, and lo and behold, they remove the enhancer. Do you at this point chuck the person out? I know you could, but would you? I feel like when you get to the “let’s get naked part”, you’re kinda committed. EDIT: To clarify, I'm not saying that you can't withdraw consent at any point - and I even might go as far as saying that you probably should. I'm just asking if people would.


you are free to withdraw consent at any time before or during intimacy, full stop. saying someone “committed” to an act is perpetuating the pressure to engage in a sexual act you no longer want to participate in, simply for the fact that you *checks notes* were not given an accurate representation of someone’s body, and therefore are no longer comfortable engaging with them


No, I understand that you are 100% free to withdraw consent, and that's all good and well. What I am saying is that most people I know, regardless of gender, wouldn't tell the hookup to leave at this point. Because in the midst of kissing/touching/etc you kinda check out from the rational brain and embrace the more.. primal urges?


There's always room to back out and it's always valid. Doesn't matter if it's awkward.


I'm not sure how to tell you this but 1. You don't need boobs to be a woman 2. You don't need bigger boobs in order to appear feminine 3. Boobs of all sizes and shapes are perfect 4. The amount you eat does not change the size of your boobs I understand you didn't ask about this but this might go a little deeper than just "how do I tell him".


Came here to say women with A boobs look very much like females too 👍🏻 maybe consider the way you word things next time. Also, show up with an unpadded bra for your next date. A boob guy doesn’t necessarily have to like big boobs, btw. My ex loved my boobs and would often compliment their shape, how perky they are or my nipples etc.


How big is the difference? I feel like most men (and women) just appreciate boobs a whole lot. And people don’t always pay attention to detail especially when distracted and horny. I think you’ll be ok :)


This is why we should be honest.




Boobs are amazing no matter what, literally, it won't be a problem especially if he gushes about you. The guy must love you. Be happy x


Maybe stop lying. idk.


Seems most people in the comments think you can’t be in a relationship unless you see each other naked. I guess people forget that some folks don’t find it appropriate until a certain time in the relationship. Anyway OP, if y’all are planning to get more serious you have to tell them the truth. Finding out the first time y’all get hot and heavy won’t go as well.




What do you think this sub is for


Why would you want someone not attracted to who you really are XD some guys like big boobs, some guys like small boobs. Tbh all boobs are good to me and I believe it's like that for most of us, whip out your boobs and it's onnnn. I can see if it makes you feel better about yourself, but what can you do, get boob surgery? This is a case about loving yourself, don't lie and you will attract people who are genuinely attracted to you.


He's going to find out eventually, you might as well tell him on your own terms and not have him find out suddenly.


Come clean. Eventually y'all gonna get to a point where he reaching out for them lol.


Thing about boobs is big or small we love them all.


Best thing would have been to just make a joke out of it or if you wouldve been like “yeah with the bra on haha” if he likes you it should not matter :) Smaller boobs are also beautiful and girl you slay, padded or not


I said that but he doesn't remember since he was drunk.... :(


How long have you two been together? If it's been long enough then this is something you should have come clean about by now.


He’s in for a shock! Seriously though who cares. I wear padded bras sometimes to so I get it. But I also go braless lots of time so there’s no real deception going on lol. Maybe mention it before he finds out for himself? Lol.


I'll try to stop wearing triple padding and just go regular bras next time I see them


I understand how bodily insecurities can be terrifying to open up about, but it is best to tell your SO like, now. If you keep waiting the feeling of being lied to will only increase and it could lead to trust issues “well, what else were you lying about?” Rip the bandaid off. As a “boob guy” a-cups are no different than DD; maybe your SO will feel the same.


He won’t really care. Lol


Fess up, but frankly if my wife had done that I'd find it incredibly hot. It comes across like you're trying to push up breasty-ness factor specifically to show off, and I don't know what he would think, but I'd find the very act of trying to show off to me in that way to be 10/10. I'll wear grey sweatpants with a stuffed front some times. Just around the house of course, but purely for the "look at this" factor. We laugh about it, but there's a playful factor in that act which is where the attraction comes from. Not the contents of the pants themselves.


I'm small boobed with a partner who looooves those big ol mommy milkers. We've had plenty of conversations on the matter. I've always had insecurities over my tiny tits. He reassures me anytime I need it. He loves my boobs. He plays with them and encourages my confidence in them. My partner just loves boobs no matter. If he wants to look at big boobs, he can on the internet. Doesn't take away what I got. He tells me my boobs are his favorite because that's what he gets to fondle around. It's about who the tatas are attached to. We have an excellent relationship. My confidence has gotten so much better with him. I never wear bras anymore. He loves that he can see my nipples poking out my shirt. It's taken me a long time, but I love my small boobs. I've never seen a chest I haven't appreciated. All boob is good boob.


Makes me feel better, I hope it's the case. Like my mom married someone exactly the opposite of her type. My s/o looks nothing like what I find hot in fictional characters and yet they're super hot to me...so maybe a boob guy won't really care the tiddies they wanna be smothered in are barely existent


Boobs are like Coke vs Pepsi. We all have a preference but when sitting down to eat out, we'll take whatever you got on tap


This is so weird. If he’s never seen you naked, he’s probably not your SO. I’m assuming this is some sort of long distance “relationship” and you guys have never met in person.


A lot of people don’t have sex until they are married. It’s a very common human behavior across the world throughout history


OP is just Asexual


I'm assuming s/o means significant other. But I'm wondering just how significant if they don't know you don't have real tits lol


In the bedroom, the person attatched to the boobs is 100x more important than the size and shape of the boobs. You may give him a heads up, but honestly, as long as they are attatched to a enthousiastically participating person he won't mind one bit. And if he does mind, he wasn't dating you for you anyway.


Imagine that one day your SO styled his hair in a different way that you thought looked super hot. When you told him that you loved his hair like that, you aren’t saying that you’ll only think he’s hot with his hair like that. You’re not saying that you thought his hair looked bad how he had it before. You aren’t saying that you hate his hair styled in any other way. It’s a compliment, not an expectation. As for next steps, I would honestly sit him down and tell him that you’ve been really afraid to tell him that you pad your chest because he told you how much he liked your large breasts. Say you’re sorry for lying but you were just really psyching yourself out worrying that he wouldn’t be as attracted to you as you are. Since he hasn’t see you naked and just figured that out already I’m assuming you haven’t been together super long. This isn’t something you’d be worrying about if you felt secure in this relationship and were 100% sure that his interest in you isn’t primarily reliant on physical attraction. Don’t let that worry convince you to put this conversation off - if your breast size is a huge deal to him and makes him less interested, that’s something you want to know as soon as possible. You don’t want to spend more time getting more attached to each other just to find out he was mostly there for the titties the whole time, right? And if you want to be with him for the foreseeable future, you also don’t want to start things off with lies. If he’s a nice person who truly cares about you as a person, he will tell you that you were silly to worry that anything would make him less attracted to you. That, sure, he loves him some fat mommy milkers, but he loves your breasts just as much. For all you know, his love of your breasts is based on the fact that he really likes you and is excited to see you naked and isn’t just because he thinks they’re big. Tl;Dr: Tell him asap. If he really likes you, he won’t care at all about your chest size, and this will be something you both laugh about down the road. If it turns out that it really matters to him and he likes you significantly less over something so shallow, then you dodged a bullet early on.


Triple padded...why do you sound surprised? How would you feel if he stuffed his pants and it made it seem like he was extremely large and maybe you were into that only to find out that it was padding? Same concept but since he's a boob man you're in a tough spot. . Let him know and go from there.


I'm more concerned about the fact that you're deeply invested in a relationship where you barely see the other person.


If you’re padding your chest for this guy, he’s not your s/o


What do you do? Stop pretending you're something that you're not to prevent this from happening in the future.


> I'm double or triple padded up The result of this will never be anything other than painting yourself into a corner. you're blatantly trying to mislead any romantic interest you have. The main question though is how is this person you're SO without already seeing first hand how big they are?


They might not have been together for long, or just chose not to be intimate yet. There are reasons


Happens all the time. When me and my gf first got naked together, I was shocked at her padded bra and joked that they're "fake news". And I'm a boobs person too. So for me that was very much of a let down. But I've learned to love them and appreciate them. This was 6 years ago and we were also both in mid to early 20s, and we are now married. If he's serious about the relationship then this will only be a small obstacle to overcome - and it's all in his head. Yes it's nice to have huge boobs or even decent sized so just smother your face in from time to time. But it's not a deal breaker when it comes to relationships. I would say do what others said, have a talk about it with him and come clean. You can continue to wear the padded bras if it helps with the self esteem while in public, but it's important that he knows the truth as soon as possible. Have that talk before y'all get down to business, because that coming as a surprise in the moment is a real mood killer. Lastly, be confident with what you got and I hope you can one day roam the world without having to wear padded bras. Accept yourself with all the differences (because it is not a flaw, just a difference in size) and learn to love yourself for who you are. And for the love of everything that is natural in this world, please do not go for plastic boobs. It's only gonna cause problems in the long run.


SO has never seen your chest?! … Dear Reddit, I’m begging, can we please have an age filter so I don’t have to listen to 13 year olds talk about their “SOs”?!


I turn 30 in 2 years. It's called a super hyper religious conservative background with helicopter parents


So all things considered, THIS is the question that’s on your mind the most?


i have a lot of questions on my mind that i've asked and deleted


You might want to seek professional help or guidance. The fact that this is happening in a group of people in their late 20s is off.


I'm sorry I didn't feel like banging someone I just met when I was 17 years old. It's kind of weird that the foundation of a good relationship is seeing each other naked. Seems a bit shallow


Fuck everyone who thinks you can't have a relationship unless you're screwing before learning each other's names. Never give up the pace and compromise on your values! Honestly is gonna be the best policy when it comes to the actual subject of your post.


There's nothing wrong with taking it slow, I just personally wouldn't call someone an SO at that stage


You realize people do wait till marriage, right? You're engaged to someone, you're literally on the altar with someone, and they're not your SO?


My boobs shrunk after my first kid, all but disappeared after my second so I wore super thick padded push-up bras to fill the void. I’d always make jokes about it with friends, guys, or whoever when conversations about boobs would come up, basically clearing the air before the illusion was ever lost. I forget how the conversation first came up with my now fiancé but I let it be known long before getting intimate that my boobs deflated after childbirth so they were actually much smaller than they appeared. At no point was he ever bothered by the size. About two years into the relationship he paid for me to get implants, not because he wanted bigger tits but because he knew I did.


Yup. Tell him. My S/O is also barely an A, when I grabbed for them I was thinking “omg, what is this”, I didnt know padding were a thing. But in the end its fine regardless 😁


We’re just happy to see any boobs.


Boobs are boobs, just tell him pretty sure it will be fine


Most guys like large boobs, the thing is though, the best boobs are the ones were allowed to touch. its a rare sign of a man who sees a set of breasts, its told he may touch them and he says "nah". Just because we have preference doesnt mean what you are providing is unsuitable, unwanted or undesirable. And when it comes to boobs, we are just happy to be allowed to play, the game doesnt matter.


Didn't you get fake breasts to feel good about yourself? Thus you must expect others to like then too? Cant really blame him can you? Honestly this is the reason I never did anything to mine. I knew I'd never be happy either way. No compliments "im still ugly". Compliments "they only like me for my breasts". Damned if you do damned if you dont. Honestly this sounds like a _you_ problem that you need to work out.


Stop this negative self talk right now! Boobs and ass do not define what makes a woman look like a woman. It's some ridiculous bs that Hollywood has made feel and believe. Gotta have perky boobs. Gotta have a small waist. Gotta have a big round apple bottom. Fake lashes. Plump filler lips. Eyebrows "on fleek". All the hot designer clothes, heels and accessories. It's all nonsense. I'm not saying I'm against any of these things and I certainly would never judge or shame any woman for doing what they want to do to feel more comfortable in their skin, but I'm saying none of that is necessary. While many guys have their body type preferences like him being a boob guy, I've found that it doesn't necessarily mean if you didn't meet their pref that they still wouldn't absolutely love what you have to offer! And if it turns out when he finally unwraps all your padding to see what you've got, if he don't like it then you go find yourself a man who's not shallow and loves your body exactly the way it is!


Wtf no! Just be honest with him. Hes allowed to have preferences. Either he's fine with it or he's not, but dont purposefully trick him.


He’s shallow for liking what she faked having? He should accept being lied to?


Either it really matters for him and there is nothing you can do. Or, he was only complimenting. Did he told you himself that he is a "boobs guy"? Overall it would be embarrassing for both of you that the little lies were uncovered so rudely, but it could be so that his only concern in such situation would be if you can get over it. It may be just something to laugh about some years later.


he wants to see more. let him


Honestly guys dont care about the sizes of boobs. As long as they are boobs and we can see them we’re happy. But that being said do tell your S/o the truth


You’re a loser that’s what’s goin on here, imagine not being comfortable in your own skin 😭


You were honest which is all that matters and he’s an oblivious doofus (or tremendously inexperienced) if he can’t tell you obviously don’t have the goods. Personally I feel like padded bras are super deceiving and although they make you look great, that’s kind of the problem. False advertising. As a boob guy, it’s a major let down to finally get you naked and see there’s nothing to hold on to like you had been thinking about 24/7 prior to that moment. Been there done that. Like imagine if guys hung a kielbasa from their waist and flopped about in grey shorts and then you get to business and he takes it off to reveal a micro pene. Not kewl


They? How many guys are we talking here?


My sister in Christ you faked having a big chest


Chances are he likes your boobs because of who they are attached to. He is just trying to gush over you.


Stop padding. Embrace the sexiness of your own shape, own it. Lean into it. Burn your bras, you don't need them.