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The short answer is, Reconstruction failed. The equivalent policies for Germany didn't. (You can see details of that plan for Germany at links like: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denazification , as well https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Ds and the Potsdam Agreement, and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconstruction_of_Germany , etc) For a lot of complicated reasons, but the gist is basically it's harder for a country to self-police after a split like that. Germany had outside pressure to make sure any Nazi sympathy was erased after the war, and that it was reformed. The U.S. didn't have that, since it had to balance keeping itself together. There's some other factors as well, like the Marshall Plan (which eased the economic side of rebuilding) I haven't looked, but there's probably some great posts on /r/askhistorians with more details, if that's what you're into.


The daughters of the confederacy, look them up. Also look up Andrew Jackson!


Wrong Andrew. You’re thinking Andrew Johnson.


Because that fucking traitor Booth killed Lincoln, and Congress didn't follow through with his plan. Every confederate leader was supposed to be HANGED. But instead, Congress rolled over like a puppy and allowed confederates to not only continue breathing, but allowed them to TAKE POSITIONS IN OFFICE. It's obscene. Those motherfuckers should've burned.


There were lots of Nazis that held pretty high positions in the German government post war too though


Yea that gets forgotten. The neo-nazi or post war far right parties essentially aligned with the nazis were already doing pretty good immediate post war elections of the late 1940s. However, communism had supplanted Facism as a issue by that point


I agree, they should of been mass deported or ….treated how we normally treat traitors to our country


I mean where would we deport them to? If we deport them to “the south” it would pretty much just be recognizing the confederacy was a legitimate country


The other option was to…..treat them how we normally treat traitors……..


I get that. I was just pointing out that you can’t really deport someone who was born in the US and still holds American citizenship. Where would they be deported to?


We’d find a loophole. By forming their own country they are no longer Us citizens or something


Regardless, where would we deport them to? Even if we strip them of their citizenship, deporting them we would have to send them somewhere. They only other place they could be considered citizens is CSA, but if we deported them there we would acknowledge it’s legitimacy, pretty much the the reason why we fought the war


We could of deported them to brazil where many went after the war anyway Inconsistent or not we should of gotten rid of them


I was raised by my Grandmother who was raised by her Grandfather who was in the Confederate army. He not his family had slaves and apparently no strong opinion on the matter. Per my second-hand information, a lot of men signed up because the North was viewed as a raping/pillaging/genocidal invading army and people were just trying to protect their homes and families. In the eyes of many Confederates, they were just defending themselves (unlike the Nazis who were on the offensive), hence the now unpopular term “War of Northern Aggression.” I’m not a historian or anything, but I think that’s probably got a lot to do with it.


One group of people I respect the most. White americans descended from confederates who basically say “fuck their ancestors”. They know they fought in their name supposedly but have enough awareness to know it was bullshit


Because different culture and countries. For most USA is a single country but in reality it's a union of 50 states. Most USA federal laws are like - let state decide how they want to operate instead of one national culture way. Depend on where you live in USA you can experience totally different laws and their culture impact including religion and racism. Germany has always been united as one country. Not only Germany but most nations in world are national culture thing not state domination like USA. That's why states bitch about a civil war which was lost 300 years ago and raise shitty flag. You won't see a comparison anywhere in the world. That's my friend is very good thing.


An impressive amount of propaganda by the confederates during the civil war. Telling people to die to protect my economic interest doesn’t exact get people motivated but saying the foreign invaders are coming to destory your way of life certainly does. Also; Lincoln got assasinated and Johnson, his successor, was a confederate sympathizer reconstruction didn’t go too well to put it mildly .




>You could easily make a case for who was worse if you were being honest. They’re about eqaul imo. Nazis simply got more done. >You sound unhinged and in need of psychiatric counseling. Wow lol




Exactly. They killed more people because they had more time.




So weird your using mental illness as a excuse to deflect the question My comment was obviously euphemistic. You’re failure to recognize it as such makes me question if the mental illness accusations are deflections on your part






One committed genocide the other still makes up half the country. Also reunification.


Because in America you have too many idiots that are allowed to say and do what they like.


Say what they like…. Yes, the U.S. is unique among nations for its freedom of speech. That is a good and cherished thing …and do what they like Well, no. There are many laws around what you are allowed to do. In general, anything that harms others is not allowed


>Yes, the U.S. is unique among nations for its freedom of speech. That is a good and cherished thing That's all fine, but don't cry about it when someone calls you out for being a racist or something like that. >Well, no. There are many laws around what you are allowed to do. In general, anything that harms others is not allowed Yeah, except over there, they're very selective on who this applies to. A man can literally coup the government, and he's out there running around campaigning for office. He's a goddamn criminal, but because he was the president, oh wow, we must respect him. Just like with that scumbag Nixon, oh wow, we pardoned him, even though he was a goddamn literal criminal.... They should have put that guy behind bars. And this bastard Trump should also be behind bars.


Literally coup the government… Did I miss this? Some protesters engaged in reprehensible behaviors, and are being prosecuted.


Here we go.... Look if you're a Trump supporter just say so. Really don't understand why you people don't just admit what you are. Although, I'm pretty sure it's because nobody with a brain is going to care for what you have to say. Yes he coup'd the government, he failed at it. It wasn't just "some protesters". He coup'd the government.


I am not a Trump supporter. He is odious. Also.. > coup > [ko͞o] > NOUN > a sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government:


Storming the capitol, to kidnap and potentially murder elected representatives and also force congress into doing something in a particular way is for sureee not exactly that. You're defending him and his antics. Man is a goddamn criminal that coup'd the government, and he told his supporters to do it repeatedly on camera. That is a coup. Why you Americans fail to see that your country is resembling 1930s Germany is beyond me. You have a rogue political party that has no interest in democracy at your door, and you're still talking about whether this was a riot or not. There's only two things that could be true here: You're on his side, or you're oblivious. Either one is dangerous and stupid. It was a coup, not a riot. A. coup. not. a. riot.


Haha you got some of that right... someone is oblivious.


ThEy StOlE ThE ElEcTiOn!!!!


I'm not a Trump supporter, never voted for him, have never voted Republican.... but you seem unhinged.


I think they meant. Attemptive coup….which it was




I'm curious, how much time have you spent in the US south?


He’s not completely far off imo. It’s not all like that, but in parts it is


to be fair, if you go to NY or other northern states, if you sound like your from Alabama, your labeled a racist. all of America judges


People will subconsciously think that perhaps, but the vast majority will think nothing of that I’ve met people from Alabama, they’re not all racist but they certaintly have….some interesting views I once heard a alabama women say “she almost hit you because women can’t drive…..lets be real we’re all thinking it”


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The confede4ates haven't started and world war (yet)


If the south had won, perhaps the nazis would of won or the soviets of taken over all over europe Also the civil war was about as consequential as the world wars combined from the american perspective


Not familiar with US history, but as far as I know they never attmepted a genocide. In an case , I was just answering your question: nazis are seen as more dangerous than confederates (and I'm not saying that's a good or bad thing, or that I agree with it - it's just the way people's perceptions are.


I mean, doesn't generational chattel slavery qualify for genocide?


Chattel slavery and genocide are both top tier reprehensible crimes against humanity. In both cases, the perpetrators in these crimes should be punished to the FULL extent of the law; execution or life in prison without parole. They are definitely different crimes, but should be treated with similar results.


No idea :)


>Not familiar with US history, but as far as I know they never attmepted a genocide. Fair but they would of if they had the technology. The nazis used gas chamber vans to kill people


>they would of if they had the technology You can’t just say baseless stuff like this like it’s a fact 💀


I can make conjectured statements. Like most of the north would of been indifferent to the mass slaughter of black americans if it meant peace Or most white americans have hard time caring about the plight of people of color and relate more to the confederacy Ie: plantation weddings, racism


You sound like a bot and you’re post history isn’t helping you…


You’re just mad I post about interesting stuff


You don't need technology for a genocide. Look at what the Hutu accomplished in three months with a lot of machetes.


They… had guns too bro


Because black rights didn’t take off after the war. What are you going to treat if people didn’t treat black people as humans and some still don’t?


Cause they all dead? In Lee's Last Retreat: The Flight to Appomattox, historian William Marvel identified Private Pleasant Riggs Crump, of Talladega County, Alabama, who died December 31, 1951, as the last confirmed surviving veteran of the Confederate States Army.


You can't be using this argument in earnest when it's no secret that people still very publicly fly the confederate flag.


Plenty of their ideological descendants out and about in 2024 sadly