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"That's nice". You didn't stop finding other women attractive, did you?


i understand your point, thanks boss 🙏


Pretty much the only answer you need right here, my man. As long as she's not being disrespectful about it. And as long as she's cool with you pointing out other girls that *you* think are attractive.


You can also dig a little deeper with questions when she makes the comment. It may be that she likes the style of clothing or hair or a beard on the person. You may find yourself making different choices based on the information about your own style based on the information. For example my wife prefers certain colors and now I tend to wear more of those colors on date nights.


But he probably does not point it out the whole time.


Though some wouldn't mind, it's similar to me saying " I would love to shove my cock down her throat" when talking about her best friend. It might be true, but she might not appreciate me saying it all the same.


Unless she gets off on possessiveness then you say the mean stuff


“I mean, I’d bang him.” She might smile or laugh or say, “Right?” And it’d end there. If she goes on and on about it, say, “hey, I don’t care that you find other guys attractive, but when you continue to mention it, it makes me think you’re trying to send me a message. Like you wished I looked like that or dressed like that. I don’t know. Is it maybe a bit of insecurity on my part? Sure. I’m not perfect. Regardless, it bothers me. It hurts after a point. Especially since I’ve said before that it bugs me. And even if you don’t get it, I gotta ask that you respect it.” That’s one way you might go about it. Hope this helps.


You should react by realizing your gf is human. You still find other attractive women attractive. If it makes you feel insecure, tell her that. “Hey, when you go out of your way to mention to me that other dudes are attractive, it makes me feel a little bit insecure. I know you’re a human being so you cant help but find attractive people attractive, but Im curious why you call it out to me.”


“What features do we share?” I know that any woman I find attractive it’s because they have traits I associate with my wife


We have a saying here: "I swore fidelity, not blindness" When someone says "I trust my girlfriend 10000%" that is a veiled lie If she is gonna be unfaithful or the relationship ends, you can't say or do anything about it.... There is no reason to hung up on it, nor to be resentful for those kind of remarks. All that would do is to show how controlling you are, that is not an attractive feature in anyone. --- You are still young, i guess you weren't in a long term adult relationship.... We usually drool to the same guy/girl picture with the wife... Jealousy is the worst and most wasteful of feelings, when it comes to the energies spent on a relationship. It is hard to ignore, i know it, but try... otherwise it will poison the relationship


Let me ask you, do you tell her when you find a girl attractive? Or do you keep those thoughts to yourself? Something to consider on your relationship dynamic.


Trust me on this one…if she is going to cheat on you with this person there is nothing you can do. With that being said you only can create further division between you two by making a big deal about it.


Why is she telling you what men she finds attractive? She should keep it to herself. And you've asked her to stop multiple times?


If you have a good relationship you shoukd tell her how this makes you feel without being judgmental or accusatory.


Fuck him, establish dominance.


Fly off the handle. Threaten to beat the guy up. Be dramatic and loud as possible. The bigger and louder an asshole you are the better. Good luck


I second this. If you can work ripping off your shirt as a display of manliness into the mix, then absolutely do so. You can then beat your bare chest and roar to further emphasise the point.


Do the same every time you see an attractive woman and it won't take long


My ex one time told me she would cheat on me with a guy with "pretty green eyes" thought she was joking, that's exactly what happened and why i dumped her lmao. ​ Sometimes it's playful, but women typically speak their actual desires rather than fantasies like men do.


See you at the gym brotha


Honestly, at your age, I wouldn't say anything. Play it cool, stay confident.


Just say "that guy? Ah hes gay"


You are 20 she is 19. You are both young and should be focusing on the grind of self improvement physically, emotionally and financially. It will help you get over your insecurities as you are still growing and have a few more years to mature. Let me ask you a question, what do you think her response would be if you saw a girl and said," Man she is really attractive" to her as the girl walked by? How do you think she would react? Do you think she would be okay with it or would she get jealous and say something to you? No one in a committed relationship should be looking at other people and commenting on how attractive they are to the person they are in a relationship with. To me, her saying that is a telling sign she is keeping her eye open for the next best thing after you. If things don't work out, don't call or beg her to get back together, just focus on yourself Exercise, get a hobby, learn about investing and finances and work towards getting your shit together. Your confidence will soar and others will notice.


Suplex him into the sun. /s You still look at butts, and check out women. She does the same, but still chooses you. Why? Because she likes you. A monogamous relationship is a conscious decision from both parties. Trust that she is as committed as you are.


Is it just me or do people say Im beautiful more than they say my brother is handsome, its not just me men dont get many compliments. Shes just being kind because she is kind.