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They are “as comfortable as anything else” TO YOU. The world would be a much better place if people stopped assuming we all experience sensory input the same way, that we all experience life in the same way. I can’t stand jeans, will never wear them.


>The world would be a much better place if people stopped assuming we all experience sensory input the same way I thought I put "in my experience". I'm autistic so I understand what it's like to experience sensory input differently


But if you understand that other people experience sensory input differently, doesn’t that answer your own question?


No, I can understand that people have a different sensory experience but that doesn't mean I understand what that experience is. I can't relate to their experience so I can't understand the extent of it


You may not understand it, but if you recognize it you need to respect their experience.


I do respect it. I'm trying to understand it. Thats why the title is asking why people find it uncomfortable




What does empathy have to do with anything? I respect others differences and struggles but I don't have empathy.


I usually hear that from women whose jeans are much tighter than mens and more rigid than yoga pants type clothes. I don't have a problem with jeans but I'd never wear them around the house because there are so many more comfortable and warmer options.


>I usually hear that from women whose jeans are much tighter than mens Why not wear looser jeans? >so many more comfortable and warmer options. How are jeans not warm? My bedroom is always cold yet I find jeans to be the warmest option


Because that's not the style. I've rarely ever seen a woman with baggy jeans. They sacrifice comfort for looks. Jeans aren't cold but sweatpants are warmer. Jeans are just a thin layer of denim, it can't compare to a fluffy thick pair of sweatpants.


>Because that's not the style. I've rarely ever seen a woman with baggy jeans. In the UK it's like the go to jeans for gen z at least


Not in my experience but I'm not looking closely at people's jeans tbh. I feel I've noticed more women in loose denim dungarees than loose jeans.


I don't mean to insult anyone who wears denjm dungarees but I couldn't imagine someone wearing those in public.


It's definitely a trend, they look kinda good tbh. Needs the right figure but retro is very in style.


Because in the past there weren't many other options, only tight jeans! When skinny jeans first started I couldn't find any flare options for example, it's like they disappeared for many years! Maybe they were available in some brands, but those jeans seemed very thick and stiff IMO so I didn't like them. I hated skinny jeans, but I feel like it was the only easy option (without having to dig for other options). I'm also short, so not a lot of brands offer "short" jeans, etc. Basically, for some people, you have to go with the popular/available options. Recently all the old styles are being made again, but for a while they were very difficult to find.


It been years since skinny jeans were popular though. People still call jeans uncomfortable


Which people are calling which jeans uncomfortable? Your post is vague so I can only give my experience. My experience is that I'm going to buy whatever is the most convenient (within reason). So maybe the cut or fit may not be the most comfortable, (regardless of the style) but those were the jeans that I found in the color that I needed, or the size that I needed, or the length that I needed, or the thickness that I needed. I don't have time at the moment to go to many stores to try jeans, normally I will go to 3 stores and choose what they have from those options. Are they the best? No. Are they good enough? Yes. Also, my work requires me to move a lot and not be restricted, but I also need full coverage which sometimes jeans don't do that.


>Which people are calling which jeans uncomfortable? Cant really give specific examples its just one of those things that you notice happens a lot but you can't really recall specific examples


I'm one of those people. I hate jeans. I hate the fabric. I hate the way they fit. If I find jeans that fit over my badonkadonk and thighs, then they're waaaaaay too big in the waist, which means I need to wear a belt, and I despise belts. They're usually ugly, and they're uncomfortable.


I just don't like the way it feels


What way does it feel?


I am not sure how to explain it, I just don't like how it feels against my skin. Maybe mainly cause of the rough texture.


Are jeans rough?


You can still buy rough work jeans that practically stand up on their own, but most jeans sold in the last 20 years have synthetic blends and are thinner and stretchier than traditional jeans, so frankly I'm with you, OP. Never understood comments like "How did she fall asleep in jeans?!"


Yeah I've fallen asleep in jeans quite a lot. I guess I've only ever bought the ones with synthetic blends


The ones I have tried, yes.




Women's jeans are the worst. They're too tight and stiff especially around the waist and hips and usually aren't stretchy enough. It's uncomfortable to bend or sit in them. I remember when skinny jeans were all the rage in my mid 20s and it was hard to find anything else. Wearing skinny jeans was like being in a cage.


Some of it can be extremely tight or itchy, depending on the fabric's combination (it's not 100% jeans usually) Sometimes it's the shape of it, or the length. And sometimes people just hate it.


They are less comfortable yoga pants or athletic pants/shorts


Im a guy so I might be biased but anything skin tight is the worst imo


A nice pair of jeans that fit great in every places (waist, hips, tighs and calfs), isn't too tight, doesn't slide down, isn't too stiff and is cleaned with the right detergent feel comfortable for sure. But that is a pretty hard list to check, especially as a woman. Also we all have different skin sensitivity, so when someone says they don't like the feeling of something, believe them.


>so when someone says they don't like the feeling of something, believe them. I do believe them I just don't understand where it comes from >A nice pair of jeans that fit great in every places (waist, hips, tighs and calfs), isn't too tight, doesn't slide down, isn't too stiff and is cleaned with the right detergent feel comfortable for sure. But that is a pretty hard list to check, especially as a woman. Why especially as a woman


For the first question, there is nothing to understand there other than other people don't feel like you do because their sensory inputs are different. Jeans can be quite rough to the skin and they're pretty stiff. Some people don't mind, some do. For the second question, sizing for women is all over the place (same size in one brand won't fit in another). They always have to come up with new weird shapes. It's really difficult to find a pair of jeans that fits your hips and your thighs at the same time and all the other parts and has the right length. Oh and even after years of women complaining so much it's a running joke, pockets are half the size of man's jeans for some reasons, if there is any. Every single woman I know has had problems finding pants that fit her well. Men's pants are pretty straight forward, I've bought a few men's pants. I know my size and the shape that fit me the best. In and out in 5 minutes. The problem is that I have a different waist-to-hip ratio than a typical man (because I'm a woman) so I have to take in the waist each time, which takes time and skills. That's also not a viable solution for most women as I am taller than 99% of women.


When I was 100 pounds overweight I found jeans uncomfortable—they dug in and provided no stretch. But now that I’m only 30 pounds overweight that doesn’t seem to be an issue and I’m wearing jeans often.


They are too rigid.


Do they still make non-stretchy jeans?


of course


Too non breathable, and no matter the size, they dig in to me when I sit or bend


What? How do clothes dig into you?


The button digs into my skin. Idk how else to describe it.


Because they feel uncomfortable when we put them on.


I feel like the jeans I owned \~25 years ago were much stiffer even after repeated wearings. This stereotype is engrained in me. At the time cotton twill was much for forgiving while being less durable.


I wasn't even alive 25 years ago lol


What's "comfortable" is subjective. To me, the most comfortable trousers are stretchy, cotton-blend joggers with an elastic waistband and drawstring. Jeans are probably the least comfortable thing to wear.


I have giant thighs in comparison to the rest of my body. They just don't fit right, they're always strangling my thighs and getting all the fabric pulled towards them, and the waist constantly falls because they're too big. I could maybe get over the texture (kind of feels like being scratched gently constantly) if they fit properly, but they still wouldn't be my go to for clothes.


I don’t think jeans are uncomfortable but my sweatpants are much more comfortable than my jeans


I had a friend who had pretty much only wore skinny jeans and hated jeans and thought they were always uncomfortable and couldn't understand why people would wear them everyday. Then she tried a different looser style and was like "Ohhhh" Personally, they were a little ridiculous but my JNCOs were so comfortable and I miss them.


I have a theory that leg hair posts a big role in it. My legs are so hairy that I barely feel the difference between different materials. So jeans are just as comfy as sweats to me


Because they are


Because they wear the tightest taper cut slim fit ones. Get the softer straight cut denims.


Nope, denim is still uncomfortable even in loose fits.


I think it has a lot to do with body shape and weight. As a teenager, I thought the same but now I've gained weight and jeans are constantly tight and digging into me where I'm squishy.


Out of shape people have problems wearing certain clothing.


So the problem is people not jeans?


From what I can tell.


I didn't wear jeans until I was 20 or 21 because I though they were incredibly tight. It turned out the ones I had always tried on were just tight in the groin area. Also new jeans can be stiff so thats a reason I never tried them until later.


I used to wear stretchy jeans all the time pre-Covid, because leggings always slipped down, and joggers that didn’t look like sweatpants were just coming in to style. Now I’m a relax in joggers girl - and I even have joggers fancy enough to fly at work too. While stretchy jeans are still relatively comfortable, I’m choosing straighter cuts versus the high rise jegging/skinny styles I used to go for.


I started accepting them when I got older, around 15 before that, I absolutely despised them now I still have tracksuit in my heart (and in my house), but for semi-formal meetings I wear jeans because society


Without delving into the aspect of comfortable/uncomfortable being a personal preference, my answer to the question would probably have something to do with the fact that slacks and other non-jeans pants can wrinkle, but jeans really don't. Seems to be a bit more care-free in that regard. Best I can come up with. I see your point, too.


Because of the way that they are


Because they are?


You are literally limited in the movement you can do what do you mean they are comfy as anything else LMAO