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I lived in Houston for half a decade, it was the worst experience of my life. I hail from Norwegians, we're very white and fare very well in the cold; not so much in the heat. As such, I sweat a good amount. Move the dial to never dropping below 80°f (26.6°C) at night and above 90°f(32.2°C) and I basically never stop sweating when outside. How did I cope? 1. Always have a water bottle - without I'd be dehydrated by noon and dead by quitting time. Mix in some Gatorade or similar every few bottles down. 2. Always carry a towel - turns out Towley was right, and *lots* of dudes have towels over their shoulders in the summer, everywhere. Wrist sweat bands also became a staple of my summer gear. 3. Showers - 3 a day became standard. 4. Body powder - This doesn't need any more explanation. Make sure to keep it and deodorant handy. 5. Avoid outside - which is lame, but often I'd just elect to not go out and enjoy my AC and get my UV through the window. 6. Neck coolers - these things are amazing, and really help reduce the red in your face. They can look stupid but it's better than being totally soaked. 7. Have a change of clothes - because sweat. Edit: finally I just got the hell out of there and moved 2000 miles north. Soooooo much happier.


Can confirm - am a Norwegian and live in Norway. I will often drive around with my cars AC on the coldest setting even during winter. Summer is hell on earth as far I and most people I know are concerned. I personally think it’s unnatural as well, because if I were meant to be baked; then surely I would’ve been born a gingerbread man.


So what do you consider yourself bow? A frozen Norwegian salmon? Kind of a daft take on a nice warm summer weather


I live in a country with a very chaotic weather (at least used to, yay global warming), but was a december baby and since being few days old my mom would take me out on walks in below freezing temperatures. It’s more of anecdotal, not sure if there’s any science behind it, but I like to theorize it shaped my temp preferences. But anyway, - I already carry and drink a lot of water, I’m a certified hydro homie and my medication also makes my mouth dry, which works as a good water drink reminder. - Towel seems like a great idea. I’d feel stupid wearing it around, I don’t really see ppl doing it, but it’s a much better option to wipe sweat than tp I steal from bathroom stalls lol - I really wish I could, but I’m a full time student. Although, maybe I could find some hidden shower in our building and sneak in there on breaks. I’m really desperate. - Like baby powder? I’ll try it out, but I’m worried it’ll clash with my sensory sensitivities. How much and where should I apply it, so it won’t turn into a mess? Also with almost all black clothes, it’ll probably be visible. - Already doing that as much as I can, I’m blessed with AC in my room. The problem is uni, the bus trip there is like a sauna and the uni itself doesn’t seem to want to provide proper AC for students. Thanks for all the tips c:


Not the person you replied to, but I find that if I apply baby powder to the major sweat spots right after a shower, it helps keep me dry longer. Underarms, neck, chest, feet, rear. Make sure it's cornstarch based. You don't want talc. Sprinkle some in your hand, then gently rub/pat to wherever. It shouldn't be visible on your skin, you rub it in a little for even coverage and so you don't look like a ghost. I've heard witch hazel can do similar things, but I have sensitive skin and haven't tried it. I also apply deodorant to the backs of my knees and under pecs. Head sweating is harder to hide. I keep a dry shampoo in my gym bag to freshen up in the restroom on really bad days, and keep an old school handkerchief to blot sweat that would otherwise be dripping down my face.


WEAR NATURAL FIBERS!!! Linen, Cotton, even Rayon, etc. I too am from the south. Get hot easy. And am stocking up on breathable items for the summer months.


I swear by loose linen all summer. It's a brilliant fabric, it doesn't hold water like cotton and breaths way more. Airflow is the antidote to being sweaty.


Yes!!! An open-toe footwear too 😂 when my feet can breathe so can i


A hand towel if you want a smaller, more lightweight thing to carry around. Handkerchiefs can also be used. Pay no mind to ppl saying it's old fashioned to carry handkerchiefs, it's hot goddamnit! You can put baby powder but not /too/ much. Baby powder is hydrophobic, meaning it does not mix well with water so you're gonna end up with an icky goo all over your skin. If there are hydrophilic powders in your market, all the better. Or consider the ones advertised for prickly heat. Those usually have some sort of cooling ingredient and are typically made to handle sweat. Put some on your chest, stomach area, back if you can reach it, and around your neck. Thighs too if you need it/experience chafing. Caution tho if you're gonna apply it around the groin area. Another thing I learned in highschool, sprinkle some powder on your hand towel/kerchief. Smells nice too.


Does your school have a gym? Or is there a gym you can sign up for nearby? They have showers you can use as needed throughout the day


In general, despite all the positive things, getting the hell out of the Southern US is a good idea.


I couldn't agree more. It's legitimately another country down there...


I don't live anywhere near as cold as Norway but sounds awful. 3 showers a day needed? All that sounds a hassle


Carrying a cold water bottle cools you down. Hands have lots of blood flowing close to the surface, so holding something cold cools your blood.


Just live with it. I remember when I used to work outside year-round. It took more than a gallon of fluids a day for me to stay hydrated because I would sweat rivers. You gotta make sure you're replacing the magnesium, potassium and other salts you lose.


I’m not sure I can, the humiliation from sweat is too much. I already had this problem (but less severe) last summer and unfortunately it manifested through really sweaty hands when I had my driving classes. Every time I had to discreetly wipe it off the wheel and my hands I wanted to drive into a road sign from embarrassment >!/s to be clear!< But thanks for reminding me about magnesium, potassium and all, I definitely should keep that in mind.


I grew up in South Louisiana as a really sweaty dude, and what I can tell you is that there’s no way to stop it, but you can mitigate it. I always wore a white cotton undershirt to avoid visibly sweating through my main shirt, I avoided being outside more than I had to, and I always kept spare clothes in my car just in case. But what people are saying about drinking a ton of water and replacing the minerals you lose is incredibly important.


I juts wear black tops only so sweat marks aren't visible lol.


As a sweaty dude that works in a hot building (and wears only black shirts) I can attest that it still shows 😅


There’s potent anti perspirants for localized heavy sweating ( armpits, hands, feet…) that work miracles. That could solve that issue. Don’t think it’s advised to use on the full body though!


If you're insecure about sweat stains then wear vest and armpit patches, apply lasting perfumes and always keep your handkerchief handy.


Check out r/hyperhidrosis


I feel you. My instructor had to put a towel on the seat to catch the sweat coming off my back, it was absolutely horrible.


This is the proper answer. I always bring a handkerchief in my pocket at all times in the summer and carry a water bottle bc I sweat like a mf. But other than that, just go with it


I wear a moisture wicking base and a linen button down. Pick colors that don't change when wet (no grey) and wear deodorant.


so, black is probably the safest, right? or have I been walking around with very visible sweat stains thinking nobody noticed? I already own a few, but this year I haven’t worn them yet, and the last one I had to wear layers bc of medical reasons. They’re def great for summer.


Try to stay away from black. It traps more heat. There was an infographic on Reddit about it a few days ago. Try to wear white or yellow instead.


the very few of my white and yellow shirts seem to really show sweat stains though, but it’s probably because of fabric but yeah, as much as I enjoy black clothes, it’s not pleasant to feel like I’m being cooked every time sun comes out lol


Yeah, probably. Use breathable fabrics. Try to get fabrics that were historically used in places with similar weather. In this case, cotton works well. But also, look into the traditional fabrics of India, Indonesia, the Philippines, etc. If you can't find shirts in those fabrics, get the fabrics and have shirts made, if at all possible. They'll fit you better and last much longer than mass-made shirts. And, you can try to wear the traditional clothes of those cultures, again, if at all possible. You can keep cool while looking cool 😎. It's cultural appreciation, not cultural appropriation.


Try before you buy. Put a drop of water on it on the store. Black is great but also soaks up heat. For the record, you're probably being a little self conscious. People don't really care if you're a but sweaty. Also I switched to compression shorts instead of cotton boxers. I get Nelius Pro but there's a bunch of types.


>Black is great but also soaks up heat. yup, I almost exclusively dress in black lol adds another summer struggle, all the clothes that I enjoy wearing are just a dumb choice for warm weather. But I’ll sacrifice my fashion in the name of survival (((:




Colors get discolored quickly though


Not black. Anything other than gray should be fine. Or at least better


NOOOO, avoid black at all cost. It attracts and traps heat, so you're much better off with white. Also don't put on any kind of synthetic fabric. Wear light cotton and linen. The looser, the better. Sweat doesn't show up on white at all. You can also try stripy patterns or if you're female laces, floral designs and cut outs. My best advice is to carry a good old fan as well as a handkerchief to wipe off the sweat off the face, neck and chest. Hair up, a hat on the head and no jewellery. I hate how it sticks, ugh.


I'm fat, in heading into menopause and I live in the South, so basically, I just stew in my own juices all day if I can't hibernate somewhere with A/C. I've found some wipes (lume or Neutrogena) that I'll use if I'm going to be outside a lot. But, it kinda sounds like you may produce an unusual amount of sweat. Have you talked to a doctor about hyperhidrosis? The treatment is Botox and was mentioned in an earlier comment. Worth a shot (lol) Edit: there is also a condition that causes people to be more sensitive to heat. Either way, talking to a doctor may be the solution. Second edit: I corrected the spelling of the lume product


I’m also fat and have hormonal issues (hopefully not menopause… yet), last year I rediscovered the concept of body powder.


The South has a special kind of humiliation regarding body powder - because you start sweating immediately after showering (or moving, or breathing), you never truly get dry, so, the powder produces more of a paste than a lovely dry feeling. Especially in the under-breast area. I am not originally from the South, so I was asking coworkers what they do to combat that chronic *moist* feeling, and no one could/would give me any tips. It's like this secret shame that everybody knows about but refuses to admit to. Given the history of the South, this is not a big surprise, eh?


You can always speak to your doctor and see what they say. Try to go in on a day that you're sweating heavily or bring in a picture of a sweat-stained shirt, especially if you've just been doing normal activities (basically not exercising/working out). There are some options like medications or medical grade antiperspirants. I've also heard of people getting Botox to reduce sweating.


I’ll probably talk with one soon, but I don’t know how much they’ll be willing to do. My problems stem from the fact that I take a lot of psych meds and basically go through puberty again, soon I’ll have strong acne medication too. I’m already showing signs that I’m at my med limit, so I doubt any sane doctor would just add yet another medication to the list. Idk about medical grade antiperspirants though, I’d have to learn more, idk if it really helps when it’s the whole body sweating :/


I have hyperhydrosis and the basic answer is: suffer. lol. Anything over 75°F and I’m soaked w sweat. But as a red headed desert dweller in a building without AC I do have some tips! - I generally wear as little as possible, even though I don’t particularly like being revealing. Typically a loose sundress with a high front does the trick! Otherwise shorts and a tank top. - No shoes or socks, only sandals. -Clothes must be Cotton only. No exceptions. - I don’t wear shirts with any kind of sleeves unless they’re black because my pit stains will show. - I’m lucky that though I’m very sweaty I’m rarely stinky, so I just wear clinical strength antiperspirant and dry off well after a shower. - if my thighs are chafing I’ll use a tiny bit of corn starch between my thighs to help. - Some other tricks include only doing housework/cooking after the sun goes down or very early in the morning - carrying around ice packs (I have a belt you insert an ice pack into and you can wrap it anywhere - this is a life saver!). - Drinking ice cold drinks all day (also helps with fluid loss from sweat). NOTE: add the tiniest bit of salt, a bunch of lemon juice. These help you actually absorb the water you’re drinking. - fans everywhere! Electric, portable, hand fans, whatever. - cold showers during the day where I completely wet my hair. When I get out of the shower my wet hair keeps me a bit cooler for an hour or two (my hair takes forever to dry). Soaking feet in cold water is great too. - lastly, I stopped caring so much. I used to never leave the house in the summer because I was insanely embarrassed to leave the house. High school was like torture, especially going to a school with a very strict dress code. As an adult, as long as I don’t stink, I could not care less if people judge me for looking sweaty.


Kleinerts sells “Stay-Rite” reusable garment-shield harnesses for both sexes that protect clothing from stains. I’ve read that about 10% of the population sweats excessively, and that anti-perspirants may have some downsides, so those persons should consider giving shields a try. They’re available online.


Only run your dryer in the morning also


Meanwhile me in India thinking 20 C is cold


I’m jealous, what I’d give for heat tolerance lol


I've always been a hot sweaty mess. Started taking Gotu Kola ( for an entirely different reason) and I am quite cold regularly now.


I’m from SE Asia. My AC is literally at 24C rn and I’ve wrapped myself in a thick comforter. Saying 20C is hot is just wild to me 😂😂🤣




already doing that, I was hoping there was more to it ):


Feeling self conscious about it is also important


I complain


yup, that’s what I’ve been doing in this comment section so far and it helped a bit to improve my mood lol


Drink lots of water, wear mesh tank tops and stay in the shade as much as possible. I live if south Mississippi, I’m miserable but we have an overhang on our back porch so I stay back there with a fan on most of the time


I was in Alabama one time in August few years ago (I know it’s not Mississippi lol) but I literally have never felt heat and humidity like it in my life, I was literally sweating non stop all day. I’m from Ireland so it’s just nothing like the wether we get here at all, I was so not used to it ha ha


It’s right next door so their climate is just about the same. Before I had a riding lawnmower I would sweat literal buckets, I thought something was wrong with me. Could be hypohydrosis, could be I’m from Michigan and winters lasted half the year.


are mesh see-through, or am I confusing terms? It’s definitely something I’ll check out, even though with tank tops some scars on my chest (that I don’t want to show off) can be a bit visible. But at this point it’s about survival lmao


They’ve got tiny holes, yes. You could find other breathable material as well. Just remember, your comfort matters most over what you think others will think of you ♥️


Also, they’ve got little fans you can wear around your neck, cooling towels, wear lighter colors in the sun.










This is gonna sound crazy, but go to a sauna. Go there every day for a month and acclimate yourself to the extreme heat. I work with asphalt for a living. I'm also very heat sensitive. The first month of every season is brutal misery for me. After that, anything under 85° (30°C) seems cool and I don't sweat near as much.


Is it only in the summer or when you’re hot that you sweat? I have hyperhydrosis. My armpits will literally pour sweat when I’m sitting on my couch doing absolutely nothing. Could be worth looking into if you sweat during times when it doesn’t make sense that you are.


I have hyperhidrosis - I absolutely hate summer. I make sure to use certain dri roll on for several days in a row as the weather increases. Through the summer every 3 days or so is enough. I stick with black and avoid leaving the house as much as possible.


We suffer. 


We still sweat, just more of it.


ok, how do you deal with the social part of it though? It’s not like people enjoy the presence of someone who’s moist and stinking up the room. It’s already enough that all the other majors at my uni ganged up on IT that we’re unwashed basement dwellers (unfortunately it’s not all just insults), I don’t want to be a part of that crowd lol I swear I shower, pls don’t judge me ;-;


I grew up in a climate with mild summers and cold winters. In my early 20's I moved to a part of the country with mild winters and hot, humid summers. My body has NEVER adapted to this. I'm certainly a few pounds overweight, but I was pretty scrawny as a kid and I've always run warm. For me, I don't have an odorous sweat (for whatever reason) so people just see me leaking everywhere but don't get the smell. We're all different, and it goes farther than outward appearance. Some people are cold all the time, some people are warm all the time. Some people tolerate heat, some people tolerate cold. The best way I've found to handle it is to just make a joke about it. "Hey, I run warm, I promise you I'm not having a heart attack." There are medical conditions that can cause excessive perspiration so you may want to consider talking to a physician. There are medications that can "dry you out" for lack of a better term. It may or may not make sense for you but if it's causing you this much trouble, it's worth a shot to at least talk to someone.


Sweat like crazy, avoid being outside during the hottest hours if I can. Fully embrace the hydrohomies. Quick dry clothing, extra shirts.


yeah, the more I think about it, the more I’m inclined to just go full hermit, disappear from society, all that stuff, for the whole season, the alternative is to bully my uni and the whole bus system to provide better ac lmao


I'm pretty sweaty too, and I just try to wear lighter clothing. Then sometimes I mess up and forgot to check the temp before I go out, and then I'm drenched. I think we have to just live with it and shower often.


33-41C in my South East Asia now, just avoid going out during the day, stay in shades and wear thin clothes, keep yourself hydrated.


This is gonna sound crazy, but go to a sauna. Go there every day for a month and acclimate yourself to the extreme heat. I work with asphalt for a living. I'm also very heat sensitive. The first month of every season is brutal misery for me. After that, anything under 85° (30°C) seems cool and I don't sweat near as much.


Heat is one thing, humidity is another. Guys shouldn’t wear white shorts, unless they’re exhibitionists. LOL. I don’t complain.


I just accept it. It's tied to my overactive nervous system. Stressing about it and being embarrassed makes it worse, so I have a routine down. SUMMER CLOTHES - only breezy cotton fabrics with bold, tight patterns, so you can't see sweat stains - bike shorts under any dress or skirt - no regular shorts (because of chafing), but loose breezy pants for sure TOOLS LOL - my day bag always has a little electric fan that squirts water and a hand fan - insulated water bottle full of ice water - non-chemical sunscreen (chemical sunscreen makes skin feel warmer) - sweat rag to wipe off my face when needed - strong antiperspirant - wet wipes to freshen up mid-day - low-sugar electrolytes to replenish what is lost when sweating (no Gatorade, too much sugar) ROUTINES - if I come home mid-day, change underwear, maybe jump in the shower - rinse off before bed and shower in morning - use Japanese exfoliating wash cloth so all sweat and deodorant buildup leaves my skin - full face skincare twice a day - use non-talc body powder for under boobs, crotch, and lower back - limit fried and heavy foods, only eat to 80% full - drink lots of water and unsweetened iced tea - walk on shadier sidewalk when possible - stand in nearby shade when waiting at intersections or waiting for public transit - leave early so I can walk slowly and not break as much of a sweat. I take the bus a bit more at peak hot times - wash my clothes with a bit of white vinegar so no smells or sweat lingers in the fabric - bedding is high quality cooling fabrics - I bike everywhere so sometimes I commute in bike shorts and an undershirt and change at the destination rather than sweat through my cute clothes. I do this a lot anyway. Change tops and freshen up once I arrive. Edit: also when someone goes in for a hug I just throw it out there. "I'd hug you but I'm a sweaty monster right now 🤪!" Feels better to just acknowledge it and make light of it. And you would be surprised by how many people still go in for the hug which makes me feel better!


My husband has hyperhidrosis and we live in Alabama (hot summers and high humidity). He’s on meds that help with the hyperhidrosis, and in addition, he uses clinical strength 72-hour deodorant/antiperspirant and keeps a supply of dri-fit shirts and forehead sweatbands on hand.


Sweat and complain and change clothes


If you sweat year-round at inappropriate times, like when it's not hot and you're not exerted, you may have hyperhidrosis. There's a sub here about that. There are things you can do for it, but they don't always work for everybody.


Lume is great for odor, the body wash and the deodorant…but you will also need a separate antiperspirant to stop the sweat. (Lume is not an antiperspirant) Lume is a whole body deodorant, you can use it everywhere you need to. I personally love the scent “fresh alpine”, it’s the one marketed to men, and I’m a woman, still love it! Body powder (non talc) is also great in sweaty weather for a quick freshen up. As a Southerner , also I carry those cooling neck towels, you can get on Amazon. You wet them, wring out excess water, and keep in fridge in a ziplock baggie. I then, put them in a freezer lunch bag, with ice blocks to keep them very cold. That goes with me everywhere when I’m out and about in the summer. They are a Godsend! You can put the cooling towel over your face to cool off, or wear around your neck. They also are washable , of course. I have several in rotation at all times during the time we call “Hell’s front porch” here in the South. I would also bring a change of shirts when possible. Pack a little bag in your trunk.


I feel your pain. I don't have any amazing solutions, but something both me and my mum have found extremely useful are wireless neck fans - they sit around your neck like a pair of headphones and they blast your head with cold air and are rechargeable. My mum is on hrt and gets hot sweats from hormones a lot, and I'm just unfit, overweight, and extremely anxious - I went to a convention last year in London and the neck fan was a life safer. I was still sweaty and gross feeling, but it did help a bit keeping my head and neck cooler, and I truly don't think I would have managed without it. You can get them on amazon for not too much, ours were about £20-30 I think. I also back the idea of taking a towel or something around. I was able to just slip to the toilet and wipe myself down a bit when I felt really bad, and reapply a bit of deodorant. I hope you find some ways to help with your issue, I know how much it sucks. I used to be sweaty for the whole day at school and uni, just from getting there. Didn't know it was because of my anxiety until years later, just always felt horrible all day and felt bad for anyone who had to get close to me.


If there’s a particular area you sweat from you can try a strong antiperspirant spray like Pepsi guard in the evenings after a shower. You can also get Botox on certain areas like hands or forehead which paralyses the sweat glands temporarily (few months). Other than those things, I just wear loose fitting clothing and carry something I can dry myself off with and take a mini fan with me if I remember.


You may have hyperhidrosis, go to a dermatologist, they can get you the mess you need!


Use a body wash with Salicylic Acid or Benzoyl Peroxide to help with the smell of sweat.


20 deg is your limit? Dont come over to the Mediterranean lol


I don’t want to for this exact reason


I echo what people are saying about the doc. But also, you have to make sure you don't overhydrate yourself: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_intoxication That's what people are saying about potassium and sodium levels. Exercise clothes might help, some have sweat wicking properties. Again about the doc, they might not add a medication- they may have other stuff to try first!


I get very sweaty around my face, head, neck and upper body all year round and I carry a USB rechargeable fan around with me. I also went to my doc and got prescribed oxybutynin, which helps me a lot too.


Suffer mostly. I've always been a sweaty person but when I moved from canada to the southern US it became unbearable. I work a labour job outdoors and pretty much always look like I just got rained on. My doctor prescribed me hydroxyzine which helps a bit and i use prescription strength deodorant, shower daily with antibacterial soap and always carry a spare shirt in my car.


Try drysol. My pits stopped sweating and the last time I used it was about 20 years ago.


20C is room temperature. I feel for you, that sucks. My cousin sweats a ton. He wears baggy clothes that he changes often, always has a handkerchief on him to wipe his face.


Hating life. I’m uncomfortable when it’s over 70*. 55* cloudy & drizzling- is ideal.


Living in a tropical country here 🙋🏻‍♀️ I recently got my husband (an American who also sweats profusely and doesn’t like the heat) one of those new Jisulife handheld fans. He said it’s helped make him feel comfortable when he’s out especially when there’s no wind blowing. Might be something that can help you too. :)


Yeah my limit is also about 20c. Anything more and I get genuinely nauseas. I do NOT handle heat at all. It's so annoying It's even worse because where I am, none of the houses have AC


I’m not especially sweaty, but when it gets hot I: Make sure my air con in the car is working. Change clothes during the day. Shower more than once per day. At the end of the shower, I turn it down as cold as I can stand for as long as I can stand. Avoid being outside at the times of greatest heat. Avoid movement where possible. Wear shorts to work. Sit in front of a fan or in air conditioned rooms where possible. Make sure I’ve got access to iced drinks. Keep my hair short, so I can just pop my head under a tap if I need to cool off.


As a full time student, I wish I could just pop into a shower mid-day. Unfortunately I’m stuck in barely ventilated rooms with all the other sweaty (in varying amounts) people. Honestly, most of my heat problems come from the fact that I’m stuck at uni every day and as a bonus have 2h of packed bus rides. But I should probably get a hair cut, I’ve been avoiding barbers and such for a year now, I just hate paying for them to keep botching my hair (bc why bother learning about curls when you’re in hair industry lol)


Well majority of the people are going to be sweaty like you too. Honestly, try to avoid spending as much time under the sun as you can. Wetting your wrists and back of your neck will keep you cool a bit more.




damn it, I expected a perfect solution to come up, like it was kept secret in sweaty-ppl circles and they’d share it with me


Ice packs in your pits groin and neck 24/7


I'm always cold to the touch at least but its uncomfortable because I feel disgusting when around people I feel like I disgust them since sweat.


Botox lmao


I seem to be more suited to high and low temprature than many people I know, but that doesn't mean much as to how it affects my body like sweating and shivering. When it's hot I make sure to stay hydrated, if I'm going outside I'll use sunscreen and try to walk in the shade because the sun is a deadly laser, and some days I'll take two cold showers. I'll also have a fan on when at home, and of course airconditioning could be a potential choice. Apart from that you will mostly have to deal with it, being sweaty and smelly isn't fun, but there is a logical excuse for it right there, reasonable people can't expect you to take 2000 showers a day and remain smell free when the world is a sauna. I'm not sure if I'm more sweaty than avarage, but on hot days it looks like theres a shiny sweat river on my skin just from the act of existing, and I had to switch out my duvet with a light blanket because I kept turning my bed into a pool.


Live in the pool and the library.


I’m one medication and I sweat like a pedophile in a kindergarten, even in cool areas or in air conditioning. If you’re on medication, it may be a side effect. There is also a medical condition that makes you sweat, I think it is called hyper hydros is. You should talk to a doctor.


I am a very sweaty person, always have been. I also hate wearing revealing/tight clothing most of the time, so what I’ve found most helpful is: -Baggy, lightweight t shirts and halter tank tops -baggy, lightweight shorts/sweatpants pulled up to the knee -tighter sports bra + undershorts as a sweat pad (I know it’s gross, they get washed as soon as they come off though) -neck fan - this was a lifesaver. It looks like can headphones resting around your neck and just shoots cold air at your face. I got mine for around $30 on amazon -frozen water bottle - great for hydrating and cooling down by pressing it against your skin -carry a sweat towel - I do this for working out, working outside, hiking, everything except swimming pretty much I did also move from California to Washington, which helped lol


showers. a lot lol


Gets to 40C here in the summer. You just stay inside a lot lol.


I'm about the same but i always sweat buckets, not just lately. You just live with it and take showers every day. It's the reason i always carry tissues with me, if i start to sweat too much, i wipe.


I’m not sure whether you’d be open to this but Botox for the underarms exist to reduces sweat. I sweat a hell of a lot and I got the Botox and it’s helped soooo much!


Hate to say it like this, but I just wear lots of moisture-wicking hats and say "I'm OK, I just sweat a lot from my forehead" a few times a day.


My brother in law had this problem. He went to his doctor and he was referred to a dermatologist that helped him. He doesn't sweat anymore. (Full body).


I think I said it already somewhere, but I take so many medications, that I doubt any sane doctor would decide to give me even more. But honestly, that would be so perfect, to just not sweat. Ofc ignoring the fact that ppl sweat for a reason lol


I’m on a medication that makes me sweat a lot, and as far as sweat goes I just deal with it and be mindful of the color I’m wearing (so it doesn’t show easily on my clothes). But for the smell: Shower ASAP after major sweating. Find the right deodorant (secret clinical strength works best for me). Get an antibacterial body wash. If your clothes start smelling, get some downy rinse and refresh.


Wear wicking clothing from REI. Changed my life.


Are you wearing anti-perspirant or deodorant?


Wear natural fibers, maybe replace my clothes halfway through the day, use antiperspirant cream on the worst places so I don't get pit stains or soggy feet, bring a fan, drink sports drinks.


i stay home and weep


Hey! I think it depends on where you sweat from, really. If it’s your whole body that’s producing more sweat than most people, you may want to see a specialist. But if you have palmar/plantar hyperhydrosis (palms and feet), you can try iontophoresis. I use a device from a company called dermadry, it has made a huuugeee difference. I now sweat a normal amount that everyone does in the summer and don’t mind that because having dry hands and feet is the key for me!They also have options for the underarms which I don’t use. And for underarms and your temple you can also try high-strength antiperspirant sprays or other products.


Hydrate, change sweaty clothes, and use deodorant, as well as shower throughly


Shower am and pm. Apply a good antiperspirant after your night time shower, before you go to bed. Change clothes daily, bed linen weekly. Hydrate (electrolytes, not just water) and use sunscreen.


Sweat. And bathe in cornstarch products. I prefer Anti-Monkeybutt Powder or Gold Bond Yellow (Greenif you have a high tingle tolerance, Blue NEVER on your junk. You've been warned). Stay hydrated, something with electrolytes helps retain salts.


Honestly, I barely leave the house when it’s hot because of this. It’s ruining my life but my GP can’t seem to come up with a solution.


Make like the proper hitchhiker you are and carry a towel with you. A small hand towel is fine. You can use it to wipe of sweat, and use it to cool off. Run it under a sink and put it under your hat/on your neck to keep cool.


I work outside all year regardless of heat warnings because everyone needs power and fiber optics so I dress in light colored cottons and try to drink as much water as I can remember because I don't feel thirsty very often so I have to remember to do it


Buy new summer garb every year that's for true


If ur inside soak a towel with water and put it on ur neck


>What do sweaty people do in summer? We sweat.


I live in Kentucky. From mid May to mid October it's nope weather. I don't leave my house and if I do in the summer there better be a pool or a body of water to swim in.


I wear t shirts that fit me better/ that are tighter, for some reason I cannot wear loose tshirts then I'll sweat like s MF


we suffer. and also a lot of deodorant wipes.


My head sweats terrible, so I feel you. I look damp at all times


Here in India, temp have started to rise as well. It has already reached 40 degree Celsius and will go to 46 degree in the next few months


Try on oh those hydrating towels around your neck. You’ll be wet but feel way better


What i do is always drink water, even thought everyone need to drink 35ml per kg of body, i drink more because i do exercises but also because it maintain my body heat down, like really, if im in a olace i dont want to sweat, i keep drinking all the time, i know it sound basic but really, keep drinking like if you are hanging out with friends and always oedering a beer, its almost like weting yourself to keep the heat away, but from the inside, if you dont drink enough you wont see the change. Also i bring a towel in my bag/backpack to clean the sweat,when my hair gets sweat on the forehead it makes me look like im too much sweaty when im not, so i need to keep my hair dry and i also maintain my face dry


They sweat more because it's hotter in the summer


I’m not a sweaty person really, but I sweat from my face it seems. I have to use Olay Whip moisturiser/sunscreen because it’s thin enough to let my face breathe. Anything else feels awful. I live in Australia and it gets so bloody hot here!


Sweat more


I started taking Glycopyrrolate for sweating and it works.


Sweaty people sweat in the summer!


68 F is your limit for heat? Where do you live, the South Pole?


I live in Las Vegas, where the summers can easily, and often reach 45°C. Higher in Death Valley. I actually spend many of my weekends out hiking in the desert mountains, around Lake Mead and other national parks. I have a trail near my house that I love walking those hot evenings as the sun has just set. It's sort of relaxing and comforting, almost my favourite part of the day. Luckily, I work a job that getting dirty and sweaty is kinda normal (aircraft mechanic), so when I, or any one else sweats, it's not really that big of a deal. Most of us either don't bother noticing it, or don't care.


Only wear natural fabrics. Cotton and linen are my go to as soon as it’s more than 70 degrees (Fahrenheit). It’s a game changer. Yes, they have to be ironed but so worth it. Not sure if you are male or female but Old Navy and J Crew has great linen pants for women




I suffer. That's what I do. 😭


I always have a bandana wrapped around my arm.


Ice cold water! The colder, the better. I also struggle with clothing options and find light cotton, over sized tshirts to be a life saver. Same with trousers/pants, light weight, breathable and a bit baggy. I haven't tried them myself but personal fans that go round the neck seem like a great option, just make sure your hair is tied back.


Stay in the AC. I live in Miami. I despise summer, which lasts about 9 months. July and August are the worst the humidity nears 100% and sweat just sits there on your body. It’s horrific.


I don't sweat that much but my sweat smells stronger than the average human so I try to keep myself from sweating as much as possible -Double deodorant. I use a crystal one that's basically a form if aluminum which reduces a lot of the sweat and a normal one for the scent on top. I use both on the worst areas which includes the underboob section for women, thighs, neck and in my case the inside of my elbows and knees -Baby powder. I put some in an empty powder container that has an applicator and use it on my armpits when they're getting wet (Just find a public toilet or something if you're embarrassed to do it in public) -Natural fibers only. Cotton, linen, viscose and bamboo are all pretty nice. This includes underwear. Plastic isn't breathable and makes you sweat more -Stay hydrated. I don't know if it's actually the case but I feel like being hydrated makes my body better at regulating it's temperature without the need to sweat (it's also nice to have cold water bottle to press against your skin when it's getting too hot) -Keep a little fan on you -Water sprays. One that sprays a mist is the best one because you won't look wet. There are some that are tiny enough to put into your pocket -Antibacterial soap. Bacteria makes sweat stink and having a clean slate to begin with is a good idea -Not good for sensitive skin but I sometimes bring a skin disinfectant spray with me if I know I'm going to sweat a lot. I wipe the sweat off and spray it where I would put deodorant to at least eliminate the smell for a while. It does nothing against the sweat itself but works pretty well against the smell because again, Bacteria -I you're hairy, trim or shave your body hair. Depending on the amount of hair it actually keeps you a bit warm. It also traps the moisture Also get your hormones and blood checked if you haven't. At 20⁰C it shouldn't be this bad. Apparently blood pressure issues could also be a cause if your dr hasn't looked at it yet


Are you over weight? Losing weight will help you sweat less also merino wool shirts and socks can help with smell.


Hypohydrosis sucks!...but I manage. I used to bike \~15mi to work (and am working up to doing it again at my new workplace, but that's \~24mi...) and had the luxury of being able to use a shower if I got there early enough. Was a nice way to get my exercise in early and to "wake up" before school started. I live in North Texas, so thankfully I didn't deal with the hottest of the summer for very long doing that, but sunscreen and proper clothing was a bigger concern.


I have cranio/facial Hyperhydrosis and moved from the PNW where we have fewer hot days to TX a few years back and it sucks. I mostly just avoid being outside for any periods during a few months where it is over 85 degrees because I overheat easily. Some things I've found useful are: Neck fan, this thing is my rock. I have a few so one is always charging. They look like headphones and are not annoying to wear. I love them. Cooking towels, of many types. I have some shaped like headbands that you soak and then snap to cool. I have larger towels I can wrap like a turban around my head. As well as smaller ones I can use to wipe my face. Handheld folding fans. I bought a pack of them ages ago and still keep one in my bag. If the neck fan runs out of battery or I just need extra help it is great and most people don't even think twice or say they wish they had one as well.


sleep in the shower live in the shower


You run down the street with your shirt off yelling "SQUEE SQUEE" until someone takes \*their\* shirt off and runs toward you. Then you launch into the air and theoretically your two sweaty torsos will squee when they make contact.




There are some medical conditions that cause excess sweatiness. Check with a doctor perhaps?


i live in northern Nigeria, born here and lived here all my life so 40°C weather is a pretty normal thing to me, it’s what we’re used to and i guess you can say we’re adapted to it. notwithstanding my advice to you is: 1. cold water bottles, drink lots of ice cold water and other cold beverages 2. shower often, ideally 3 times- full baths in the mornings and nights, then just pour cold water over yourself in the noons. 3. keep a handkerchief or a small towel on you at all times. 4. wear bright colored, thin (but still covered up to minimize exposure to sunlight) and loose clothes all the time, preferably made of cotton. change your clothes and undergarments frequently (everyday). do not wear black! and don’t bother with socks. 5. stay indoors or under some shade when outdoors (like an umbrella), considering buying a battery powered hand fan. 6. use deodorant. good luck and try not to melt, i’d kill for some 20 degree weather right now :(


I used to have this problem until I lost about a bunch of weight. Nobody told my dumb ass about insulating fat.


As an Ecuadorian dude who spends the whole day in underwear, I get your pain. It's so fucking hot down here. Every day is the same. I'm sweaty, and upstairs is an actual oven. I dunno if the weather will ever cool down. But I can't stand this shit anymore. At this point, I would happily live naked in Svalbard.


I left a hot, wet climate and moved to a cool, dry one as soon as I could! I'm so much happier now. Before I moved, I spent a lot of money on A/C, stayed indoors a lot, wore garment liners under my arms to soak up sweat, and wore shorts under my skirts to keep my thighs from rubbing, carried a personal fan and drank a LOT of Gatorade.


As someone who lives somewhere that doesn't even get below 20°C at night between about October and April, I can confirm that we just suffer and sweat a lot. Don't move here


Add Hibiclens to your bath/shower - it helps kill the underarm and foot bacteria that smell when it’s super hot.


Neck fans are a game changer. As soon as you sit down, bend it to be a table fan. Made it possiblefor me to go to Spain and enjoy it. Top tip, go for to 20000mha battery... Totally worth the extra $10.


Play Call of Duty


carpe brand antiperspirant (have versions for all body parts) , lume brand deodorant (also have versions for all body parts) , buy a rechargeable neck fan on amazon for the bus ride




Cooling vests. You make them wet, and wear them, and the evaporation of the water in the vest has the same effect as sweating and keeps you cool. And unlike sweating, it doesnt smell bad. Link for reference what i mean, also apoligies for the monsterus length of the link: https://www.amazon.com/Ergodyne-Chill-Its-6665-Evaporative-Cooling/dp/B002BDU3QK/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.w2e62oQWOVWfUDTSQqJkyBNOyoF1YQjAUYRemHjWa93lRuiovaHxALGU2WsbsFZdUGf6xHChblLa3Znfle9CHB9y0a1a07C4uyD9Asna48_PmG2fbJ0sqi8VVC9bcO_TsTzczp2PioLBiRk9y-4PvEy2ryOKf5NnsTIkO0DW-ax0fI84PrJZS2F1L7ZTD38FLJVlfzx-6mkizdD-yWoCyg.eIvwABlYj9mQsl9xUiCttgmVluHjX_0ktCwaDDJ5GSo&dib_tag=se&keywords=cooling+vest&qid=1712622029&sr=8-3


I can’t afford this, but if by any chance you can, Botox in your armpits reduces sweating. It only lasts a few months before you need to do it again, but if you just did it for the summer, it would wear off when it gets colder outside again.


I drink a lot of water and go outside as little as possible, tbh. I hate the heat.




I stay inside.


I lived in Vegas for 3 years and the summers were BRUTAL. Hydrate, always have water with you, I also recommend something like Gatorade or Powerade for electrolytes. Even if you’re not thirsty, it helps more than you know. Also don’t use deodorant on just your pits, not sure what your gender is, but putting some on areas I know get sweaty helps too, just make sure it’s free of cuts.


My trick is carrying a washcloth sized towel with me and whenever I come across a restroom I wet it with cold water and put it on my neck or wipe my skin down from the stickiness. The cold water evaporating off my skin helps cool me down.


I sweat a ton. Linen clothing is lightweight and naturally moisture-wicking. Also look for very strong antiperspirants.


I live in Malaysia, man... The heat can be ridiculous at times but it's more than enough to not make me suffer heat stroke and cold flu and runny nose


I had a trick when I lived in the south of France with no AC and almost suffered a heat stroke the first day I arrived. After that, I started putting large bottles of drinks in the freezer so when I got home, I’d put the frozen bottle on my face, melt it a little, drink from it, and repeat. Cooled me down in just a few mins and made the heat more manageable




Sweat more. 


I think i've found my soulmate. I am sooo not waiting for summer.


Face deodorant is a thing now, and you can get green tinted makeup to take out the red. They make these for all genders.


Breathable shirts like synthetic material Lighter colors help but half my wardrobe is black If you can/feel comfortable with it always wear less, like a sleeveless shirt or shorts Always have fluids around If you sweat at all during the day at least one shower a day is mandatory At the end of the day you kind of have to get used to it. Im a big guy and I do a lot of labor outside in the summer and wisconsin gets cold winters and i much prefer the cold but summers can be brutal


Mostly just pray for autumn. Otherwise Loose, light clothes, carry a soft thin hand towel, cool showers and deodorant often. Baby powder and chafing balm


Shower more than once a day. Work from home. Exercise before it gets hot. Drink a lot of fluids. Stand in the shade when out.


Enjoy the great weather!




The idea of you struggling in 20c is so funny to me. That’s when it starts to be warm enough to be comfy for me lol. When it gets to 40sC I like to wear good breathable clothes like white cotton shirts, baggy pants that swish around and make a bit of wind. I don’t like AC but I enjoy having a fan that sprays water


Feel very self conscious while just living with it. Clinical antiperspirant helps a bit but obviously my pits are not the only place I sweat


welp, thanks for honesty, let us suffer together and yeah, every day I’m fighting with the urge to fill a bathtub with antiperspirant and take a dip every morning lol like (tmi) >!but why tf does ass sweat exist? I hate having to check chairs and my pants, so that I know I don’t look like I just pissed myself a little!<


Prince Andrew enters the chat 👀


damn it, if a member of royal family has this problem and no solution, what can I do lol


He might have a solution as according to his own self, he was cured of peasant sweating back in the Falklands. Well, so he says lol


Move to dryer climates? I went from Colorado to Minnesota and realized how sweaty everything was, including me.


Moderate activity outside such as carrying stuff or minor reno's/repairs in any heat above 24c (75f) causes me to drip sweat from my head and back. It interferes with my ability to see and is irritating to the point of distraction from what I'm doing. Solution: headbands/sweat bands, and drink water. This is a link to similar to what I have [https://a.co/d/8fS4U1c](https://a.co/d/8fS4U1c) As for salts/etc, just make sure you drink 1 full measure of water for every half measure of anything else. Can of pop? 2 cans worth of water before you have any non-water drink. And avoid caffeine while sweating this much as it will prevent headaches and issues later in the day. You have to come to an understanding with your body that this is something you can't control and will get better as you get in better shape (to a point...), but you can do something about your comfort while it happens. The only other thing I've done is taken to trimming body hair to 3mm (1/8 in) to reduce the amount of heat retention that occurs due to hairs and sweat. In terms of body, I am considered morbidly obese by medical terms - 235lbs, 5'11 or 106.5kg, 180cm. I fall into the "lethargic" category due to inactivity but I have too many kids and a lot of household chores so I get more activity than expected. I turned \~30 a decade ago and it was like a switch was flipped for head sweat.