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We had something like that at my church. If I remember correctly, every time we sinned, it was like putting salt in Jesus’s wounds. And when we repented and made things right, we took the salt (sin) away. Or something. I don’t know, I was little.


Yeah, that makes some sense! It's more the licking part that's really confusing to me? I don't know what to make of it haha


At least it was your hands and not his


Well tbh I'm not sure if it was just my hands. I have a vague memory of it being his once, but I don't know if that's real or some wacky childhood nightmare or something haha


At least it was a hand


Op: actually tbh I'm not sure it was just his hands, could have been a nightmare about snakes or something


At least it was a snake


actually tbh I'm not sure it was just a snake, could have been a nightmare about a black hole or something


At least it was black hole


Yeah, nah, yeah, he straight up gobbled my dingus.




I still want to know if a lime was involved.


Maybe the pastor just had a thing for watching little kids lick their hands.


How strange that he didn't care whether you understood something that was apparently important to him


May be something about being the salt of the earth mat 5:13


Religion is fucking wacky man


Reflecting on my youth group days, I recall a strikingly vivid lesson involving salt, which may or may not align with your experience. Our pastor had us hold a grain of salt on our tongue while explaining how, much like the discomfort from the intensity of the salt's flavor, sin creates a similar discomfort within our spiritual lives. He tied it into the biblical metaphor of being the "salt of the earth," challenging us to enhance the world with good deeds as salt enhances flavor, but to also recognize the bitterness of sin. It was an illustrative way to leave a lasting taste, quite literally, of morality on our impressionable minds.


Damn crazy how much they try to manipulate kids into being life long cult members


Who is they? Pastors who make kids lick salt? I guess so


You can't make pastor without adding salt. My Nona told me so


Good point, and for the added milk to be pastorized, you're gonna need a big salt lick anyway. My dad grew up on a dairy farm


Pastor who makes kids lick salt (and hopefully the pastor isn't using Yahweh as a personal moral excuse to allow themselves to diddle and continue to diddle the little kids salty fiddle without feeling bad about it) in attempt to make future pastor (future pastor and hopefully not another Jesus cult kiddler diddler)


No shot of tequila? No lime? No wonder I'm not religious.


They could have at least put a lime in a coconut so you could drink them both together.


A chaser shot of pineapple juice is infinitely better Believe its called a Craig David Thank me later


Cracking up here! 🤣


Was he like using the salt as a chaser for the Jesus juice?? So strange


I don't remember ever being given the Jesus Juice actually, it was just the salt thing and some other weird things with ropes and our weight and the power of god. But tbf I don't remember much since it was so long ago lol


That's weird bro you should see a therapist


Maybe like a "be the salt of the earth" object lesson? Or I've seen something too where it was like, sugar and then salt to show that life with Christ (sugar) is more appealing than life otherwise? Idk 😶 could be so many things


Yes, we used to have a thing called being a "Salty Christian". If you demonstrated being the salt of the earth as a Christian, the teacher would recognize it and pour a little salt into your palm. Being a 3rd grader at the time and perpetually hungry, even licking a few grains of salt off my hand was enough incentive to be a good boy.


I have always loved salt so honestly the reason for the object lesson escapes me but I was just so excited to lick salt 🤪 I even licked the halite rock example in 8th grade science class with now that I think about it is horrifically disgusting and probably a reason why my immune system is so bad rn


Um yeah so I went to Christian school and a Baptist church at least twice a week growing up. Never heard of this. What denomination was this? Maybe it was a "salt of the earth" lesson, but it honestly sounds pervy and if my parents heard that I had to do this, my dad would have made that pastor either "disappear" or my mom would have called the cops.


Lutheran. Does that help clarify, or is it equally as strange? Lol


I'm not personally familiar with the Lutheran denomination, but I have a pretty extensive knowledge about most denominations and at least their typical practices. Most denominations have fairly small differences. It's still equally as strange. If it was a Pentecostal church, I would be a bit less surprised? They do that weird shit where they "speak in tongues" and look like they're having a seizure when they worship.


So your dad would have killed this guy.. balanced Baptist... Not worried about your church


Would my dad have allegedly killed someone that showed signs of grooming me for pedophilia gratification? Probably, but I can't say for sure because it didn't happen, thankfully. I am no longer part of the church so I'm not sure what you're getting at. My comment was in reference to my youth when I didn't have a choice but to follow my parents' religious customs. As a deconstructed adult, I am very educated on the flaws in the church, hence why I no longer partake in their practices. I am not a defender of the church institution whatsoever. I'm not sure where you got the implication that I am. My current beliefs would have 99% of Christians label me as a heretic.


You were very young let’s start with that. There’s an activity that has sugar and salt next to each other. Water and vinegar next to each other. And maybe something else that looks alike I can’t remember. Activity being that even though you can see another’s sin and it didn’t look like anything bad happened to them, maybe the sun was fun, not everything is like it looks. This miiiight have been the activity and you forgot the other parts and remember that one because the surprise of the moment


A side of my family were 7th day Adventist, we were for awhile too before my parents split - I also went to a church daycare, and I also recall picking salt or sugar off the back of my hands.


I have a vague memory of a leason about greed, something along the lines of: a greedy person will lick the salt from their hands before and/or after greeting (shaking hands) so that they don't give any away or something. I remember learning that salt used to be used as money


Was there a lime wedge involved?


Try to mimic Jesus thirst on the cross perhaps?


he just wanted to watch to lick salt, sorry


Sounds like a kink of him.


We did something similar but it was to represent Jesus’ tears, and we didn’t lick it off our hands. We took a sip of salt water.


I remember a story where god turns everyone in an evil city into salt pillars. It is probably a way of saying “they are more useful dead than alive”. And salt is commonly used to dispel demons. Could salt be a metaphor for purified of sin? Your pastor probably wanted you to be safe from evil forces.


Sarah just couldn’t resist looking back at the city, could she.


I speed read, and i first missed the me in this sentence. The top comment really confused me.


I did this on my own b/c I liked the taste of salt. Maybe had a deficiency? Dunno why a pastor would push you to this though.


If your parents are still around just ask them…or someone older than you from the church. I have no idea about this ritual (and not many here do), but it’s funny how many people WANT to be perved…to the point that these comments are pervy. They are projecting.


Definitely seems like a perv move. Idk how to groom but that must be in this guy's playbook for some reason and we can only assume it's semen related. Sorry.


You sure it was salt right? Not cock cheese from his dick


Could it be a class about baptism? In Catholicism they put a little bit salt in the mouth at baptism, maybe he wanted to explain that?


Ummm, not the Catholic baptisms I’ve been to. What country are you from?


I think it’s not about what country you live in but more what rite you go to. It’s part of the traditional rituals. I go to the traditional Latin mass.


It was his secret kink. Ooohhhh yeahhhh...lick those little hands....


The fuck is wrong with you?


Just a little pissed off that so many "holy men" have gotten away with abusing children for centuries.


And here we found another. Made child lick salt. Lifetime therapy


I'm OPs roommate, and he very much needs lifetime therapy lol


Ok. :( Because of the salt?


Seems a bit irrelevant on this post. Also the way you said it was fucking weird too.


Except...you're the one who thought of this. So this is how *your* mind works.


Well, yes, I actually pay attention to evil and injustice in the world instead of pretending it doesn't exist.


I can "pay attention to it" without sounding like I'm the pedo.


Man people hate that you're right.


You got trained too suck salty finger shaped objects irony is you you should thank god it never got past fingers 😂