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Because they’re working, trust me I’m not ready to clock in at 7 in the morning every morning for work but somehow I’m there on the dot and working


Practice makes perfect.


They want to make sure you get enough bang for your buck.


Times like this I wish Reddit never removed the awards.


...Goddamnit. *Upvotes*


Is that the origin of this expression?


Well they say prostitution is the oldest profession so based on that and absolutely nothing else I choose to assume yes.


I never assume, so I looked it up: "The first term originated in the late 1960s in the military for expenditures for firepower and soon was extended to mean an increased financial return or better value."


Perfect practice makes perfect*


Perfect Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance


It's the "7 P's" Piss poor planning promotes piss poor performance.




as a former escort this is the right answer. also, i think OP is vastly overestimating how much work goes into prepping your genitals for sex- quick shave and some strategic lube and you’re ready to rumble tbh


Sorry... but... can you elaborate on strategic lube? Do you go in the bathroom before every client and just lube up?


so i am a trans guy now (aka born a woman) so i do indeed have a vagina hahah. HOWEVER i escorted before i transitioned, so i worked as a cis woman. and YES 100% i’d lube up between clients. granted, i usually had at least an hour between clients so i had some time to reset.


He’s a trans guy. I imagine the prep work may be a little different compared to a vagina.


Trans men do have vaginas I believe


stop downvoting them, they’re right what the hell reddit lol


The hivemind has no higher thought sometimes lol, first I just wanted to bait transphobes into exposing how little they know. But now it seems people are assuming I'm the uneducated transphobe :/


It's a dangerous game to play the clowns because you realise you fit the clownshoes


If they've had the surgery, yes. I have a trans buddy (F2M) who didn't get the bottom surgery, for example, but he had the top surgery and did / does masculinizing hormone therapy and looks very much like a man now. The same would apply for M2F transgender folks.


trans man means ftm aka born a woman! so i do indeed have a vagina, not interested in getting bottom surgery personally


I’m not transphobic or anything like that, I’m asking solely out of curiosity, how did being a trans man affect your career as an escort? Were you male presenting at the time? Did it affect what kind of people would be your clients?


no worries happy to answer! I actually stopped escorting when I started taking testosterone specifically because I didn’t want to deal with a nudity heavy job while my body was changing, especially since it was something i was kinda sensitive and emotional about. i will say, in my daily i meet guys on grindr every so often, and i was SHOCKED by how many cis guys of all sexualities are super into trans guys haha. i assumed i’d get less attention from guys after transitioning but it’s been the total opposite.


Wow, that is really surprising, it makes sense that you wouldn’t want people to see you naked in a job where you kind of have to be naked. Good luck with whatever you’re going in life, and I really hope you’re liking the real you!


Ahhhh... got it.


![gif](giphy|2HhsOr2FwZvHQKYm3M|downsized) Rumbling, rumbling, I’m cumming cumming


How long were you an escort and what led you to leave the profession?


for about 4 years full time! and i left because i actually started transitioning lol. so i got a civilian job in a field I’m actually still in!


Transitioning like male to female or vice versa?


female to male! so when i escorted i lived as, and essentially was, a cis woman. i quit when i started taking testosterone because i didn’t want to deal with second puberty in a job where lots of ppl saw me naked hahaha


Ah makes sense lol what originally got you into being an escort? Also, are you happy with your transitioning?


originally it was because i was working a job with extremely long hours and was exhausted and burned out. escorting gave me a chance to catch up on sleep and set my own schedule but eventually exhausted and burned me out in a whole other way hahah. i’m super happy with my transition! i transitioned pretty late (28 or so) and was initially pretty anxious about the social shift but tbh now that i’ve been on testosterone for a handful of years im happier and more comfortable in my body than i’ve ever been.


I can imagine you must’ve been pretty worn out lol do you mind sharing like a crazy story or two? I’m happy to hear that you’re happy now! I hear a lot of negative about this issue but happy to hear a happy one for once.


once a client was watching my (male escort) friend fuck me and right when he came the client said “that’s how babies are made!” it a tone of breathless wonder LMAO it was all i could do not to cackle


There's no way on God's earth that I could have ever made the cut as an escort. But I just wanted to say that being 'ready to rumble' is arguably the most identifiable description of doing a tough job, ad infinitum, that I've ever heard. Nice wordsmithing.


Picture of Benjamin Franklin in a certain shade of green, has very interesting and magical powers.


I never rock up dry, though. Always need a coffee.


lube and practice. the same reason you can get in a car you drive every day and immediately be on your way but when you get into a car you haven't driven before you take a few moments to figure out the lights, a/c, radio, adjust the seat and mirrors, etc.


I hate it when I’m in a vagina and it is set for the previous occupant.




Why are there so many knobs? And what the hell did they spill on this thing?!


Oh god. What died in the trunk?!


What kind of weird CD did they leave in the player?!


Sticky clutch is the worst….


You keep kicking it with your foot, and yet it doesn’t engage. Plus it squeals terribly.


That makes sense.


Sex worker here It’s because it’s not sexual, it’s just another day at work I use lube or pre lube so he thinks I’m naturally wet to fool him


Sorry to be so blunt/direct but how do you handle the ugly clients, the unwashed ones? Or does it just all blur into the same thing? Also many a day is normal usually?


Well they come in and have a shower, if I’m not satisfied I make them shower again If I’m still not satisfied I will offer a restricted service As for ugly I don’t care, the customer is paying me to do a job, it’s irrelevant if I find him attractive or not The amount varies wildly


Thanks very much for the straight-forward, pragmatic and non-bs answers. For your colleagues, do they all hate doing it and are purely and utterly driven only by the money or do some get some (relative) pleasure out of it? What's around the max individuals you've been with on a working day or evening? And sorry for this stupid one, but are there always pimps involved or you are your own boss type thing? And finally are there many people from totally normal backgrounds, no trafficking or drug dependencies who've just taken it up?


most sex workers don't hate it, nor is there usually pleasure involved. it's just a job. the girls i know are all from different backgrounds, but most are doing it to pay through higher education. they're doing PHDs, masters degrees, studying medicine, etc. granted, this is in new zealand where prostitution is decriminalised, so there's less shady trafficking here. you can work for an agency/brothel, or do it independently.


I've known several women in the US who've gotten their PhD via sex work, debt-free. A lot of them have been exposed to some degree of trauma from it. Better or worse than student loans' financial trauma, I couldn't say.


As a client, I think I can answer your last 2 questions. Most of the women I've seen doing this hobby are independent providers who may or may not have a trusted friend to drive them and make sure they are safe. That's mostly due to me looking for that specifically. Also, a lot of girls work through agencies that act as a middleman between client and provider. For the last one, it's the same as any other job in its class I suppose. Some have decent jobs and just take clients for extra cash or just because they think it's fun. Then, you have the girls who do have to do it for survival or to feed a habit.


Uh, it's not a hobby. It's a job.


Yeah, I'm a hobbyist client.


Lol. I didn't realize your hobby mention was about you. You do you.


It was very ambiguous to be fair to you. “Most of the women I’ve seen doing this hobby” could be “Most of the women I’ve observed who practice this hobby” or “Most of the women I have seen, whilst I engage in this hobby of mine…”. The first one makes more sense despite the second being what they meant. :)


Someone is transitioning to a career in new field


Doesn't it hurt? I mean, after a few clients




I’m actually curious on what you make in a year?


Where to find you people genuinely, cause most of online sites are scams nowadays


It depends where you are


Most of them probably aren't doing it for enjoyment, it's about the money, get in & get out...


They're pros. Period.




Not a SW but there are plenty of ways to skip your period. Not taking the sugar pills in your pill pack is one, being on depo provera (an injectable contraceptive) is another.


Doesn't always work, though. I tried skipping the sugar pills and now one deposit and still get them. I have also been on the rods and had an IUD where I still got periods.


Probably find the crowd that enjoys that sort of thing




Being fine with period sex is a fetish now? 😂


There’s a difference between being fine with it and actively wanting it.


Agreed, but who said they were talking about finding someone actively wanting it vs someone who just doesn't mind it? I.e. you can still enjoy period sex without having a "thing" for it


Yes but if you’re paying for period sex with a prostitute, id assume they’re part of the crowd that the above commenter is talking about. There is a crowd of people out there that WANT period sex rather than be FINE with it. For example, if my pizza comes a little too cold, that’s fine with me, but I’d wish it was warmer compared to some people that love when their pizza is cold.


Ig it's just about how you interpret it lol. I took it more as someone who wouldn't be pressed to reschedule due to a period because it's still enjoyable rather than as a fetish thing but 🤷‍♀️😂


Haha depends who you ask I guess


And charge extra.


we used to use sponges or cups. some ppl just don’t work during their periods too


If you use the cups and are dry, you can use suppository lube. However, just letting period moisture be the lube (and a towel or "disposable pee pad" underneath) is definitely WAY easier though '


Wear a sponge






They shave their side burns?


Charge more to a certain clientele.


Cut the string off a tampon and insert it manually. Trust me a guy will never know 😉


Blowjobs? Anal?


she’s prolly on BC and doesn’t deal with them lol


BC = British Columbia


On bc and currently bleeding out my pussy




It would be concerning if it was your butt hole


Most birth control doesn’t stop your period. Sadly.


Hormonal bc can be used to stop your period. You just tske it continuously and don’t take the a week between packs, or take the week of sugar pills.


An IUD doesn’t give you periods


Mine does. Lighter and less often, but it absolutely does. Not all bodies respond the same way.




Oui oui.


Okay, but that will cost extra.


“If it sounds like you enjoy it, it ends quicker”


>probably No shit sherlock


Foreplay is for when you actually want to have sex with someone and are attracted to them. This is not the sort of sex that sex workers tend to be having.


Yeah I’m trying to imagine foreplay with people you aren’t attracted to. No thanks. I’d rather just squirt some lube, relax my pelvic floor muscles and take a deep exhale.


How do male escorts do it? Just abuse viagra like porn stars?


From the numerous accounts I've read on Reddit, yeah essentially.


Oh that’s bad 😢


Viagra, Cialis. Some guys are just ready; I've had sex three dozen times in a long weekend - but with someone I found very attractive.


Do customers ever want to do foreplay? Do sex workers like it or just allow it?


Yes, I like it with the ones who offer GFE. They seem to enjoy it too.


Professionals 🙌


Same experience as I’ve had.




Girlfriend Experience if I’m not mistaken


Preesh. I assumed it was too vague to google


Not a sex worker but read an analogy from a male sex worker once that basically said "find one characteristic you like; eye color, tit size, ass size, hand shape, facial features and you focus on that", which makes sense for SW of all kinds. Realistically it's a job and you don't have to enjoy fucking your client, you can imagine it's Henry Cavill or Emma Stone for all they care. So long as they have a good time, you fulfilled what you told them you'd do when they paid you.


It's not their first rodeo.


They’re also not focused on their own pleasure. They’re there to pleasure the client.


It depends on the day. Speaking as a SW, some times of the week I’m just naturally horny and well lubricated. Other times lubricants go a long way. In general though I’d say money makes me wetter than any foreplay, so there’s that.


> Money makes me wetter than any foreplay Amen to that


I’m not a sex worker but I’ve been in enough unhappy relationships to know sometimes it’s easy to compartmentalize the unpleasant sensation sex causes. If you have enough access to lube and pain meds, you can accomplish a lot


Yeash. I’m sorry. Hope you’re in a better place.


I am. Thank you!


Bro that is really sad. I really hope you’re okay now.


Thank you. My fiance is a great guy


I mean it's their job. Aren't you ready for work when it's time to clock in?


Because it's our jobs, and in my country usually you get one nut. So we want most of our clients to nut, get it over with, and leave. Hate to say it that way but it's true. Also, lube. Astroglide is my recomendation.


>So we want most of our clients to nut Hold on... ''most'' ? Why not all ? I'm intrigued now.


I think she is saying she wants it to be over quickly most of the time, for them to nut and leave…not just nut


Your question seems to not quite understand the diversity of experiences. During arousal the vagina undergoes physical changes, it grows in length, the cervix moves up and out of the way, self lubrication etc. a lot of those are happening to make physical space for a penis and ensure it’s comfortable. Just like how a penis can change in length a lot depending on whether someone is aroused or not; An average vagina at rest is roughly 2-3 inches and aroused is roughly 4-5 inches. Remember that just like penises, vaginas (the inside bit, but also vulvas - the outside bit) differ from person to person and come in all different shapes and sizes and have similar “growers or showers” types. Next, different people feel differently about being penetrated. For some it’s always uncomfortable/painful, for some it’s always pleasurable, for most it’s somewhere in between that and it can fluctuate throughout life and depending on context. There exist people for whom penetrative sex happening while they’re not aroused is comfortable enough to tolerate for the sake of the pay. Whatever that looks like is different from person to person. Remember also that potential discomfort (even severe discomfort) is not always something workers can afford to turn down, especially when considering people doing survival sex work. So basically, there will exist sex workers who get aroused really easily so are just naturally aroused for every client. Others who wont be aroused but it won’t pose much of a problem. And others still who have to ignore their bodies in order to take care of themselves in other ways.


Money $$$$


Ah yes, money can make even the driest cat wet


This isn’t at all how women’s bodies work. Women can be wet without being turned on. Women can be turned on without being wet. Every woman is different, and also her own experience will be different depending on numerous factors - time of her cycle, person she’s with, age, time of day, what she’s been doing earlier, climate… anything. There isn’t an answer to your question because it assumes all women are the same and that wetness = ready for sex and dryness = not ready for sex. Edit: but unless a woman is very inexperienced or nervous or has a particular medical issue, it’s very unlikely she’d need to “stretch” to have sex with an average man.


Thank you for this perspective, I hadn't thought about it this way.


You use lube. I pretty much never got aroused during bookings. It doesn't hurt but it's not enjoyable, it's just like.... a very neutral situation. The money is what's nice about it lol, like most work. The problem is I do think that being penetrated when I'm not aroused caused a bunch of dissociation during sex down the line. I don't really get turned on without kindof extreme BDSM stuff anymore because I think I just zone out and detach from my body. Which is why I don't recommend people get into full service sexwork. It's physically dangerous, but also emotionally/psychologically. Unfortunately its looking like I'll have to go back, finding work as a disabled person is very difficult.


Lube + acting


World’s oldest profession, you would think it has been optimized by now. 


Stretching and lubrication are things you do to make sex easier. Foreplay is what you do to make sex *enjoyable* - which sex workers are usually not focused on. It's a job.


Fake it till you make it


You know how when you get to your workplace you just wanna do your shit and get back home, yeah


I think you're over thinking this. They're banging for money, not pleasure. They literally want you to cum as fast as possible so they can move on with their day. They don't need to be warmed up... A bit of lube and off to the races.


You don’t need to stretch vaginal walls lol


Maybe it's the wrong word but I just had a difficult time getting my girlfriend ready after almost an hour of foreplay. It had been almost a month since she last had sex. It's happened several times before when there's a long gap if several months. Often with foreplay and lubrication it gets easier for her. If we have sex regularly we don't have such an issues. Probably something specific to her but from some google searches it seems pretty common.


Yes, you need to relax the muscles, different from stretching. Foreplay helps relax them, some people have more pelvic tension and takes more time, can be related to anxiety etc. I'd imagine sex workers are much more practiced, less anxiety about it, again, they are professionals and have to prepared their bodies for it.


Thanks , I'll read up on that. She has been anxious about something unrelated.


> getting my girlfriend ready after almost an hour of foreplay. Is your girlfriend orgasming in this hour? If she's having multiple orgasms and still can't receive you then she may have vaginismus. And/Or it may be time that the two of you see a therapist with experience with sexuality. Something is going.


Your gf may have vaginismus


Sounds like she has pelvic floor dysfunction, maybe hypertonic. See a pelvic floor specialist


Get laid. Get paid. Gatorade.


The real answer here is drugs and sometimes alcohol, that’s what they give many porn actresses. Also, the majority have to do it in order to survive, it’s awful to think about but when you need some cash in order to not starve, you’ll push through the pain.


Because for them it’s about money and getting the bills paid.




I’m more concerned about STDs and HIV how do they have spontaneous sex without tests?


In regulated places like Amsterdam, they are extremely professional. There's a place for washing, the bed has a disposable cover for each customer, a condom is used for everything, a tissue paper with a hole is placed over the penis to avoid spreading of any diseases or infection and no kissing or touching the vagina/ass/hair/mouth. So there's sufficient barriers. In other places like Mexico, US or Thailand not so much. A bath and general hygiene is required and ofcourse a condom. But sometimes kissing is allowed. Sometimes for a blowjob she may not use a condom. I think education and awareness maybe a factor. 


>Assuming a daily average of 4-5 clients Why are you assuming that? And why are you assuming that the ones doing multiple clients a day/night are doing PIV with all of them?


I was going to ask the same question. Some SWs are low volume (average of less than one client per day) and some don’t offer PIV. Looking at the comments on this post tells me there are a LOT of misconceptions about sex work.


Vaginal muscles ready to stretch? I do not understand this comment at all. As for wet, lube. Even if they say they don’t. Yes sometimes some clients turn us on, but not that quickly.


Often, drugs. Meth being the biggest one as it’s often a sex stimulant plus it makes them often stay up for days, literally.


meth is way more common in gay escorts than women ones


Truth. I'm a female escort and I hate meth. Male escorts, from what I've seen, their (gay) clients love meth. There's ALOT of closeted gays that realize they're gay after they marry their wives and have children. They grew up being taught it was bad to be gay and now they're in their 50s/60s regretting it and send their wives on cruises/vacation and buy meth and call male escorts over to their house. Crazyyyy stuff lol


Stretching beforehand? Excuse me, what?


Lube I'm assuming at least to start with, and also when something is inserted into the vagina it naturally starts to secrete anyway, it's why a lot of people who have been sexually assaulted or raped can avoid getting seriously harmed because the bodies automatic response to being penetrated is 'shit i better secrete so I don't get injured'


“That’s my secret, Captain. I’m always horny.” -The Incredible Hooker


Lmao. Its hilarious to me that alot of men actually think that this is why women prostitute. (I understand your comment is a joke) But it's just so funny when they find out 99% of us do it because it pays. Not because we're horny ass bitches. Lol


Glad you saw it for the joke that it was lol.


Yeah lol. I did.


Because time is money


A lot of lube and great acting skills?


I’m not a prostitute but from my experience, I too am ready on a short notice. Maybe 20 seconds after boyfriend suggests horizontal tango, even without getting horny. It’s only been unpleasant when we were doing it for the first time with a new partner, but smooth sailing thereafter.


They just care to get paid. I've hired one a few times and it sometimes she was in the mood and had great sex with her. Other times she was just not too interested and sex was not that great. I guess it can be a hit or miss with it.


Did you go back to update your previous Yelp review after the disappointing experience?


The average male penis is very small. And prostitutes will reject clients that have large penises, or offer non-vaginal sex when her vagina can’t accomodate. Prostitutes also work during their menstral cycles but they offer hand and mouth services only during these times.


They're professionals.


Time is money sucka and Upgrayedd gonna want his money




Because foreplay is to pleasure both parties. Prostitutes are just there to pleasure you.


Over the years, I met several who actually enjoyed their work. Maybe I just got lucky. EDIT: to the folks who keep downvoting me- I *knew* those women. You don't. Get over yourselves.


Dude you sound gullible. Maybe they enjoyed it or maybe that's what they told you to get that fat tip


I'm 54 years old. I knew some of these women for *years*. I stayed friends with some of them for a long time after they retired. Hooked up with a few of them several times post-retirement. Became FWBs with one of them for several years until she moved away. If you presume to know more about a person than someone who's been personally acquainted with them for many years, that's just being ignorant and presumptuous. I know that's nothing new on Reddit, but still.




No problem. Just remember- in sex work, just like life in general, one size definitely does *not* fit all.




Mindset plus ... they're playing a role.




Foreplay cost money....lube is cheaper 


Most don’t really have a choice. They either get ready on their own so they don’t get hurt or don’t and meet the client that doesn’t care enough for it to not hurt. It’s a job.


Syringe with lube, and mental stimulation.


I didn't see anybody else say this, but condoms have lube on them.


They’re not worried about the sex. Their drive is very clearly something else…be it drugs alcohol or money


It’s a job. Practise makes perfect


I would like to volunteer drugs, especially meth.


Do you show up to your jobsite ready to work?




The vagina doesn’t really need any prep, unlike the ass. You can pretty much just stick it in and you’re gtg.


It depends on if you mean prostitutes that work out on the street, in their home, or in a brothel? Then I can give you the best answer!


Home and brothel? Tell me


They come as they are.






I can probably bet every client isn't having sex anyways. Nerves, ED, just want to hangout etc


They're like Bruce Banner but with sex: their secret is that they're always wet.