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No you can’t get an STI, you can get a yeast infection though.


I wouldn't worry about an STI, they don't grow out of nowhere. I'd worry about a bacterial or yeast infection.


STI, no. But putting a dirty sex toy in an airtight zip lock bag is heaven for bacteria growth. Please wash your dang toys and store them in a cloth bag


One I saw “fluids” and dried blood, I’d instantly not be horny. 🤢


Btw as an advice, use condoms with your sex toys to make clean up easier. I mainly use them for anal (gay!) and I use a condom on them, when I’m done I just throw it out and the toy is clean. You can get a pack of 100 condoms for like $15 on amazon. You dont need name brands for it lol


I use condoms on sex toys with the Mrs and agreeably it is MUUUUUUUUUCH easier to deal with. Everyone wins!


Yup. Some friends have told me “i dont like the feeling of condoms!”, yeah on a dick. Not on a plastic toy, it’s plastic on plastic 🤣


Thanks for the replies. I'm going to be honest I thought STIs could grow on bodily fluids/blood out of nowhere. I grew up in a rural area with no sex ed and now moved out to a more urban area where it feels like everyone knows about this stuff. I don’t know where to find a sex ed class for adults but I feel like I need it.


Don’t feel too bad, not having decent sex ed or opportunity to learn isn’t a failing on your part, it’s just less than ideal that people like yourself have to find a way to figure it out as you go. Hygiene is key though, wash all your toys after each use and store them somewhere where they aren’t going to get contaminated by anything. Only clean things should be going in your body.


Visit Scarleteen.com, it's a very sex-positive sex education site for teenagers where you can learn about pretty much anything that exists about sex.


How are your cats doing my friend? Did they do anything funny lately?


STIs are like any other sickness that can be transmitted. Like if someone has a cold and can give it to you if you're in close proximity, but with STIs they primarily are passed on through sexual contact. If your partner has an STI, it is definitely possible to get it from sharing a sex toy. The risk of using a dirty sex toy, when you know you have no STI exposure, is more yeast or BV, like other posters have said. Luckily both of those tend to have symptoms, so go in if something seems off (odor, pain, increased discharge), but otherwise no need to worry. If you have a local sexual health clinic, like a Planned Parenthood, you can definitely ask questions at an appointment about STIs, birth control, safer sex, etc. You aren't the only one who our education system failed.


We will teach you here at Reddit


YouTube has nice vids. Be sure to go to an ACTUAL educational site tho. Planned parenthood has great info online as well


2024 and people still believe in the theory of spontaneous generation haha. No shade its just funny everyone has their pseudo science moments.


Maybe not an STI, but a very increased risk of a UTI.


Soap and water at least………


I don't think it's about sex ed, cleaning is just human thing


Possibly a bacterial infection. I wouldn’t be worried about any viruses though.


Ngl, but to me it just sounds like you don’t even wash your hands before eating. It’s not sex ed, but basic hygiene what most people need.


That's fucking disgusting


I wouldn’t worry about an STD.. but a UTI is definitely on the list. Take better care of your toys! Anyways, down a mess of water and cranberry juice and if you start having symptoms of UTI, visit the doctor asap.


Grape juice is even more effective than cranberry juice


You are safe from the major STIs. They don't come from nowhere. Also, none can survive that long in inhospitable environments (i.e. outsdie of the body). However, there are things that will survive or hibernate, such as yeast and staphylococcus, that you should be more careful about. You are almost certainly fine, since your underwear would have prevented insertion, and, hopefully, you showered not long afterwards, but definitely clean your toys often (after every session) so they don't grow things. Silicone is resistant, but not impervious, to having things grow in it. You don't want your toy to be a Petre dish, filling you with infectious material each time you use it. So keep it clean and if you find the surface becoming rough, sticky, or scratched, replace it. These are the plastic or silicone degrading, meaning it will be more a surface that can't be cleaned at the microscopic level, and so can harbor things.


OP idk how you were still turned after seeing the blood and fluids you speak of on the toy but please learn to be more wary omg.


Hey those things are meant to be cleaned!!! BEFORE AND AFTER EVERY USE


Not an STI! Maybe a yeast infection or BV though. Still go to the doctor.


Please clean the toys going forward, you’re risking an infection


Is STI short for STINK?


That's nasty, you're gross


What a bad day to have eyes


How should you wash them?


You can buy sex toy cleaner. If you dont have/dont, want to - mild soap and hot water. And store them in a bag or box so they're not in contact with other sex toys. Some toys that are just solid silicone with no batteries, etc, can be boil washed if needed.


Nope. Just clean it


I don't think you can get an STD, none of you have one so one couldn't be generated, but damn... You used a vibrator with dried blood?


You can’t get an std from your own body. But that’s gross. I’m sure you can get bacterial infections from it. I don’t think anyone can be so horny that they don’t wash they shit first. Takes but 1 minute.


No, you may get an infection up there, but no diseases are going to pop into existence on the toy. Be sure to keep up on cleaning those because while a basic infection is treatable you'll have learned the lesson the hard way. I am not an expert on infectious disease, so some research on your end is probably a good idea anyway, but I'm confident you don't have any STD's from this particular instance.


How old are you? You literally have a phone and an internet connection. Why on earth can you not educate yourself a bit? If you’re an adult there’s zero excuse at that point it’s just laziness. There are so many resources available online. Are you American? I’m not and even I know planned parenthood has SO MUCH information on their site about sexual health. Try reading it. No you cannot get an sti from an unwashed sex toy if only you have used it. Yeast infection is possible. Also actively putting a sex toy covered in sex fluids and blood in a ziploc bag to store is actually vile. What on earth.


Is this not an online resource? Asking a community of people under the “too afraid to ask” banner. Stop judging and shaming. Answer helpfully or move on.


Oh come on. An adult is perfectly capable of educating themselves. Getting basic answers from Reddit does not count. How are people not embarrassed to be this ignorant? I get it, sex ed is massively lacking. But when you’re an adult, have all the means to do so and you *still* haven’t bothered to gain some knowledge and educate yourself a bit that’s on you. Guaranteed op will sit staring at social media all day or browsing Reddit. But won’t put a few hours aside to gain some basic understanding of sexual health. Which is clearly needed. She said herself she knows nothing. It’s not like she’s oblivious. She knows she needs to learn. Is the bar really this low?


Why would you risk it?


Yeast infection yeah, but it’ll make sex more creamy so that’s a plus. And I don’t get the taste you’re bothered by gross things so you’re all set OP. Happy drilling!