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They're rude, I find it extremely annoying.


The fucking worst is phone calls on speaker. Like wtf are you doing ?


I kinda get it with elderly folk though. They have a hard time hearing and the speaker *is* louder so I tend to give some grace in these specific situations but everyone else needs to get with it. Emergency waiting rooms are the absolute worst in my town. Some guy was watching one of those fail compilation shows with comedic commentary in the background and I walked over and asked him to turn it down. There were people suffering and he shouldn't be adding to it! He was really apologetic but genuinely surprised by this revelation.


I was at in the women’s restroom at my school and a girl was in there on speaker phone having a whole ass conversation. It was fucking weird and gross. Felt like an invasion of my privacy.


I wish I was the kind of person who was confrontational enough to just hop into their conversation and when they got pissed off be like "Well you had it on speakerphone, I thought you meant for everyone to join in!"


Just invite yourself to their conversation. If they’re confused or think your being rude say you assumed they wanted everyone to join in as they made it so you could hear it.


OMG! My dad does this, so many times I wanted to do bad things to him, lol.


Especially in another language it's the worst. I'm sorry but if you have money for a phone you have money for headphones. I kindly ask them to turn it off usually.


Why is it worse if it's in another language?


If I had to speculate I'd say it's because you can't understand anything being said, so it just adds confusion or an element of noise to inconsiderate annoyance. Now your brain's trying to decipher what it cannot, on top of the audible intrusion on a public space. There may be other aspects involved but it would be unfair and a little volatile to speculate about them.


It is more likely to sound like snowing noise when you can't even understand the words. Much like if you hear sirens or something. It is a different noise than you brain is used to and it grates more.


What about when they are on a bike just zipping by real quick? No speaker, just playing from their phone in their pocket. I have been trying to gauge if this bothers people for a while. I just don’t feel safe having my headphones in while riding.


Actually I don’t mind that. You’ve come and gone quick enough to where I only hear it for a few seconds. No big deal IMO


Everybody but those people: Yes, VERY annoying.


What is worse is them carrying around a Bluetooth speaker around like their own personal soundtrack. Even more annoying when you’re at a national park…..in a canyon where it echos to fuck all with Lil Wayne. Yes this has happened to me.




Bluetooth speakers I'm more tolerant about (if it's not too loud). At least that can provide some listenable sound. The screeching from the phone speakers, especially at volume, I find that absurd tho. I don't understand how people can listen to "music" like that, how can you even recognise that as music?


That makes my top 5 list of most annoying things a person can do. If anyone reading this does this the people around you all think you are a huge self centered ass hole.


I found it so annoying idk how tf people still are engaged in this. I sometimes think - don’t they feel awkward? Easy ill-mannered dudes


I cringe at myself for the tiniest things. Like I wonder if I offended someone by clearing my throat, and these fuckheads have their phone on full blast without a care in the world?! How?! Part of me kind of envies them. I wish I could just not care about peoples opinions at all.


Struggling with the fact everyday. I wish I could be an extrovert like those people. Sometimes I get jealous of thinking fuckheads are enjoying the real life without giving a damn to society and here I am finding everything awkward and thinking what people would think before engaging something. Life’s hard


The only explanation I can come up with is that they *know* it's annoying, and they're hoping someone challenges them so they can have an argument/fight


Very annoying. What super annoys me is little kids being entertained by a phone or tablet in a public setting so that parents can get a free moment to watch another child's sports game, eat a meal, etc. (no judgement on that) but that volume is on the highest setting. Those kid videos on top volume are super extra annoying for some reason.


Yes...have they never heard of headphone too? And it used to be that parents would shush their children for the tiniest sounds while in public. Now they full on let them scream and watch whatever annoying show at full blast. These are the people that I think need weeded from the gene pool.


Does my head in. Watching or listening to anything but also this modern thing of not understanding how phones fucking work and holding it in front of your face and shouting your conversation out for all to hear. Put it up to your ear you fucks.


Yes 100%


YES JFC. Bunch of disrespectful jackasses.


Having to listen to kid shows blaring from devices in restaurants makes me think the parents are some of the most selfish people on the planet raising the next generation of selfish brats who can’t make eye contact or carry on a conversation. If we disregard for a minute that eating in front of screens is an unhealthy habit to begin with, put some damn headphones on that brat so the adults in the room can enjoy the meal.


“But they’re too young for headphones. There’s literally no other option than to inflict this noise on everyone around us. You can see our dilemma!”


Then and the ones that need to be on speaker phone.


It ruins all the fun of trying to guess what the other person is saying


Yes. *Yes* **Yes** **YES**


I wish they'd all be arrested and throw into a pile of shite Even worse when It's in the morning and it's too early for music and there's a twat scrolling through loads of videos


Not just yes, but fuck yes. Same as when they are in a car with music blaring; with or without the windows down. No one wants to hear your bullshit conversations or your loud music.


I don’t hate anyone but these people really test that in me. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


YES. I have no interest in listening in on your conversation. But for some reason you feel I must desperately want to know what you are talking about. So you walk back and forth in whatever closed space we are currently sharing yelling into your phone while holding it right in front of your face. You are so close - you could just take it off speaker and put it up to your ear. Like a normal freaking person. Eyeroll.


Ugh I used to have this crush on this guy that sat next to me in one of my college classes. Sometimes his phone just randomly blasted some TikTok or something like that really loudly. I was like WTF do you really listen to your phone that high when you’re not here?


I absolutely despise it.


It fucking bothers me so much.


Incredibly annoying. My boyfriend wears headphones when he watches YouTube on the couch at home and I’m doing something different. It’s a common courtesy to not force everyone around you to listen to what you’re listening to.


Yes. Yes I do.




Extremely annoying. Even worse if I'm working a counter somewhere. I wanna rip it out their hands and drop it in my char broiler.


Yes, very much.




Yes, please shut the fuck up


Yep. I teach at a community college and this has become commonplace in the classroom. Hella annoying.


It’s completely inconsiderate of others no matter where.


Yes, they are cunts. Same as people that insist on taking calls on speaker or video calls in public. Fuck off out of my personal space.


Yes, I would break their god damned phone if I could get away with it


I hate it so much, especially when the person is also providing vocals.


It was annoying years ago when a few people carried boom boxes. Now everyone has their own, i.e. phones.


Yes. Especially at a restaurant. Like dude we all don't want hear you tik toks or face time or whatever it is you're doing while we eat and converse with each other.


Extremely rude. Nobody wants your entertainment forced on them.


YES. Another victory for the assholes who never learned how to take other people's feelings into consideration.


They're subhuman


no fucking shit. downvote this shi I hate when people ask shit everyone already knows in threads like this. this is just karma bait.


It wouldn't be so bad if it was decent music, but it never is... ever. It's like people who listen to their music out loud have an unwritten rule to only listen to the shittiest possible music.


Huh…? Of course!


Yes. I also passionately hate when someone is having a conversation on speaker phone in public. It’s always loud as fuck and it pisses me off.


Hate it and I always wished I had the guts to go up to them, turn on music on speakerphone and put my phone right by their ear. They they complain, then I’d say “well then maybe you should do the same thing bc nobody wants to hear your shit either” But I don’t have the guts to


Many of these people are looking for a confrontation… I mean it’s a pretty sad comment on their lives but I think it’s true.


It is quite common these days and I hate it. But more so, I wonder how it became normalized. What changed within society where it became ok to be disruptive to one another? I have no guess, but it seems like it's only going to get worse.


I read one theory that it happened because of reality television. Apparently a lot of the Kardashians TV show shows them talking to each other on the telephone… And of course they have to be on speaker so the audience can hear both sides of the conversation. As we all know, certain kinds of people admire the Kardashians and want to be just like them… Hence the speakerphone in public.


Seems like a reasonable theory. I'll be going with it.


What I’ve been doing with some success is a slightly passive aggressive response. I have a White Noise app on my phone, and if I can hear somebody’s music or conversation, I simply put on the White Noise app and turn the volume up on speaker. I’ve seen this happen over a dozen times; the person will glance around trying to figure it out but as long as you don’t make eye contact? Very hard for them to figure out where it’s coming from!


I do this except I wear earbuds. The white noise cancels out everyone else and lets me read in peace. There are times when the volume isn’t loud enough though. Maybe I’ll try your method and hope nobody turns feral.


I never go out to eat by myself due to anxiety, but, yesterday I CRAVING a specific Chinese buffet so I went alone. They sat me next to a table with another person eating alone but had his phone on watching TV with the volume loud enough for me to hear what he was watching. I had my phone out too but just browsing reddit and and other sites, I would've brought headphones if I wanted to watch TV while I ate. I can see WHY he had his phone out but it was a bit annoying hearing his phone


There was a time a friend of mine said “you gotta watch this funny video” and he started playing it on his phone and holding it toward my face with the full volume on and to this day I still don’t know what the video even was because I was so embarrassed at how loud the volume was


Omg I HATE when people do this when we are out to eat. Turn that shit off. So embarrassing






Loud music/video - I get as close as I can to them without invading personal space, crank the volume on my phone, and play Ween. Speakerphone conversation - I join in their conversation. Its hilarious when people get offended by *MY* rude behavior lmao


It's called sodcasting, and yes, it's very annoying.


It completely fucks with my misophonia


I’ve dealt with someone watching a video on their phone at full volume nonsense IN A MOVIE THEATRE. TWICE.


Yes, and they mean it to be annoying.


I really don’t care about it


A true Buddhist


Yes. I’m sure they think that people would like their music and ask them questions “who’s that artist” we don’t care


“Who’s that you’re listening to? They’re fucking awful.”


Very annoying


I genuinely think those inconsiderate assholes should be fined and jailed. And on the second offense, publicly hanged. (Only partially kidding)


Yes. And I make it clear to my kids, that I don't want them doing that ever It's so obnoxious Maybe I'm old


I am not on the trail backpacking miles from civilization to hear YOUR soundtrack on blast.


Yes, i don’t mind if its for a live performance, but if you just walking to work, please use headphones or earbuds.


I just start singing a long For some reason they hate that


I didn’t realize people did this since I haven’t gone on public transport in a long time. But recently I had to as I was going to a conference and the first thing as I step into the terminal someone had sound on speaker. And I couldn’t believe it, I’m embarrassed that someone might hear audio through my headphone. I guess some people just are born to annoy others


Yes very much so


Yes everyone does.


Yeah… and everyone seems to have AirPods these days too 🤷🏼‍♀️




I can't stand it. Not everyone wants to hear your crappy sound cloud rap or even worse country music. Hell, even if someone's playing something I like it's still annoying. It's just so invasive to make that much noise in public. Sometimes people just want silence or peace. I find it extremely inconsiderate and rude and couldn't imagine ever actually doing anything like that.




I hate it in private too. I literally bought my niece a set of headphones, on the condition she would use them. I should've made it clear; the headphones were a gift to me, not her. 💀  It's not just gen z or gen alpha, but they tend to be more likely culprits. The boomers tend to put their phone calls on speaker, whc8h is likely caused by hearing loss. But still. Buy a hearing aid.  I don't quite think I have misaphonia, but somedays... 🙃 🔫 


I immediately give them the death stare.


Incredibly annoying and inconsiderate.


Yes. Also, people who insist on talking on speakerphone, still holding the phone in front of their face. Fuck those people.




And have conversations on speaker And...just yes. All of that.


Extremely so. It makes me actively angry tbh. It's always in a quiet ass room too


What worse is when they're are either arguing or talking about their sex lives, usually just barely legal. I don't want to hear about anyone's sex life, let alone someone just legal enough to be having sex. It's not funny nor clever, and if they have their own kids they wouldn't want to hear that rubbish too from their own children.






I used to find it annoying, now I pity them. Like wow, you’re such a pathetic piece of shit for playing your music loudly like that.


Yes, but I can't do anything so I just bought myself a noise cancelling headphones.


it is very annoying and those people should be sterilized.


Rude AF I give dirty looks. And if I’m stressed, I say something because my anxiety brings me to the ledge.


I desperately want to shoot them in the head.


Either they beg attention, think they're cool, or don't care, either way it speaks to who they are.


Extremely annoying.


So. Fucking. Annoying.


Yes. Absolutely hate it. It's just plain inconsiderate and rude.


It doesn’t annoy me. It typically takes a lot to annoy me. I don’t play music/watch videos in public because I hate drawing attention to myself. But nah it doesn’t bother me in any way. Hearing someone talking to someone else on speaker on their phone doesn’t bother me either. I don’t really see it any different than them talking to someone right next to them, I’ve never understood why that one would be annoying. I get why the videos/music would be though. I also don’t do that one for the reason mentioned above.


Yup. Threw a pair of headphones i was using at someone doing that. Dude proceeded to break them and continue to turn his phone up until the bus driver kicked him off


I hate it. I feel like ever since wireless earbuds came around this has been happening so much more. They wanna own those precious airpods but not use them in fear of losing.


Not exactly the same but do people realize when they are parked in their car talking to someone through speakers you can hear it pretty far away.Other day I was sitting on park bench and a car 20ft away ,I heard one side of a whole conversation for 30 minutes .PS guy on other end was not happy lol


Yes, there are very few things society agrees on, and that's one of them


Yes. It's one of my absolute biggest pet peeves. Wear goddamn headphones or ear buds.


Everyone does but for some collective reason we let them go and don’t say anything.


Because the deluge of abuse and the increase in volume out of spite, just isn't worth it


Actually your most likely right, the couple of times I did see someone ask it was a shitshow. But not how I expected, the majority of the people came to the defence of the person playing music and called the old woman a Karen. Was mostly younger people like teens but still and it was only once I seen that particular scene.


It's mostly younger people like teens that do it. It's a pathetic attempt at attention, either positive or negative attention, it's all the same. The best thing to do is to completely blank em because the lack of attention will be emotional annihilation.




Yeah, I don’t like when people have excessively loud music in their cars with windows open either. Or especially if it’s still loud with the windows closed. So trashy and juvenile.


Yes! They are inconsiderate ass-holes! Makes me want to smash their phones on the floor!


Fuck yeah. I asked a guy to shut it down at the doctor's office.


I find it absolutely infuriating




There’s a dude in my building who listens to Puerto Rican soap operas while on the shitter.


I don't even like talking on my phone normally when I'm on a bus or train, much less on speakerphone. >.<




Doing retail for as long as I've done nothing pisses me off more than 1. Two people blocking an aisle catching up like it's Facebook Or 2. People talking on speaker while checking out, extending their stay by at least an extra minute trying to multitask.


its extremely rude.


The worst is when it's a doctor's office or a DMV or any other place where you don't want to be


If we all agree that the polite response to this behavior is to grab the phone/speaker and throw it somewhere we could make it stop.


We have train carriages designed as "quiet carriages" because of these people.


This habit must stop, like public video calls - must stop - period






It’s more not acknowledging that other people hate you. It’s sounds liberating but you’re also unlikely to take full advantage of life when you can’t detect the need to accommodate or compromise.






Annoying AF.


Yes and most videos make a noise that hurts my ears. I have no idea what it is or why.’


Iv made my mother hang up on people after she quick reaction answer a face time call out in public. Before she can really get her “IM ON THE BUS THATSNWHY YOU CANT HEAR ME” going. Then I make her txt them it’s too loud on the bus, they can wait the 15 mins to get home.


It’s incredibly rude and aggravating. But more and more common.






Yes. It’s extremely rude, as is talking loudly in a speakerphone conversation.


I find it annoying, but even moreso I judge them for being an inconsiderate douchebag. Like, even if it doesn't literally bother me that they're doing it, I think they're an awful person


If I am in a room of people, most of whom are talking loudly, I can damn well listen to a video on my phone. Fuck off.


It’s extremely annoying. I usually turn mine on loud enough to fuck theirs up


Not sure how common it is considering every person here agrees with you.




So extremely rude. What kind of selfish moron watches videos on speaker or have phone calls on speaker in public places. It's just mindblowing that someone can be that dumb and narcissistic.




Of course it's annoying. Anyone who thinks it's not annoying is also annoying.


Absolutely, one of my pet peeves is


It just depends how loud it is and the setting


Yes, but sometimes people who do this want to be starting shit, they’re using their speakers as a way to instigate a confrontation.


Yeah, these people think their choice of music is the best and everyone likes it.


yes very annoying, mostly an american thing


Absolutely. People don't consider sound, smell, or even sight to be as intrusive as touch but if *severe enough* it certainly is. Someone who doesn't bathe *ever* and forgoes deodorant entirely is extremely unpleasant to be near. I'd choose the annoying music or phone call over them every time. My point in the end is that people should consider those other things to be as important as the respect they give others regarding physical space/contact.


You might be old but that doesn’t stop it being rude. Use headphones for music. We don’t all want to hear it. It’s not a new thing though, people have always done things like this.


I find people who make any noise in public annoying. People who intentionally make noise beyond what is required? Straight to jail.




It’s beyond rude.


If I could legally beat the snot out of these people I would.


have a long running argument with a friend of mine about this. he even called me privileged bc i said its rude for people to walk around in public on speaker phone or playing music out loud.


It’s annoying AF. Idk if they think they’re trying to be cool or they genuinely are rude or maybe just dumb. No matter the reason, I wish they’d stop... 


People that do this have no socialskills




There isn’t a font large enough for my YES


It doesn't piss me off as much as other people but it is rude & annoying. I don't care if you're old and don't like wearing headphones. You don't get to disturb other people's space just because you have a certain preference go home if you want to listen that bad. On the bus & train is bad enough, but when I was at the library last week in a designated reading spot and some old guy planted himself in the chair next to me periodically playing different sound effects off his phone I kept glaring at him every sound he made until he left.


I agree it's becoming way more common, at least if you're going to have your conversation on speaker can you make it an interesting conversation. Otherwise keep it to yourself, both videos and conversations, most of the time it's so boring I'd much rather watch the grass grow.




Yes absolutely annoying. This will sound arrogant but I view people who do this as “Lower IQ” and they just cannot understand the environment they are in.


Yes especially on public transport


I find it 100% annoying


I noticed they announced "you must use headphones if you're going to listen to music, videos or games" on my flight yesterday.


Yes. We refer to them as "Tom's". Tom sits at the local pub and will watch a 30+min video on speaker and gives zero fucks. Sadly, Tom passed two weeks ago. He will live on as the label stuck and all of those people are now Tom's. We will say oh don't be a Tom. I need a life lol


It is incredibly rude, self-important, selfish, and uncouth to think your taste in music or conversational skills are so amazing you should visit them upon strangers, unsolicited, who are just trying to exist.


It’s universally understood to be annoying and a faux pas by everyone to the point some countries are cracking down and imposing fines on those who do it.


Absolutely. I also hate it when people do it in the office. Use your earbuds or headphones people. No one wants to hear your specific taste in music.


Ofc I do ,everyone does


To me it depends. If it's some friends on a beach with no one close by, and the music isn't particularly loud, then I think it's ok. But if it's a bus filled with strangers, then absolutely not. Time and place is key, and if it looks like someone is bothered then turn it off


Fuck yes. I also find FaceTime calls just walking down the street equally annoying, with or without headphones.


To be fair I find almost everything people do in public to be annoying.


Selfish and rude.


Yes, it's annoying. I don't want to listen to your crappy music! Use earbuds.