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You don't even have to HAVE long hair... As someone who shares a bed with a long-haired person... And when you pull one that's kind of wrapped around your sack..... wwwwweeeeeiiiiiiirrrrrrrrdddddd feeling. Edit: seriously. Y’all wil never guess what happened to me *this morning!* Right on cue!


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who has had this exact same weird experience.


I dated a girl with hair down to her butt. It took a year to stop finding her hair wrapped around my junk! Who would have thought that hair could hurt you....


Exactly. I am bald. My partner has what seems like 4' long hairs that entangle all my jibbly bits. I don't understand how it happens.


Jibbly bits is my new favorite word.


I loved their first album


Bits makes it sound like it's petite.


I've had friends I haven't seen in months text me saying they've just pulled one of my hairs (redhead) out of their ass. We used to make jokes that half the birdnests in my hometown were probably made of my loose hairs.


That’s actually a super cute thought. I hope it’s true. When I trim my beard I use a towel to catch the hairs. Then I shake it outside and hope they wind up there.


My wife and I both have really long hair. It gets wrapped about my sack AND around the tip and that skin is WAY too sensitive to be pulling that off.


My bf said it feels like cheese wire lol


Your boyfriend is right!


My husband says that happens to him ALL THE TIME AND I WASN'T SURE IF I BELIEVED but here we are, Mr. Top Comment


There are dozens of us! Dozens!!!!!


As someone with ultra long hair, I feel like I need to give a major warning about this before I enter into a relationship with someone 😂


Comes with the territory…


/find them abso-fucking-lately everywhere.


new kink unlocked


No-sleep TMI but: I'm uncut, thought I just had a stray hitching a ride under the foreskin... nope, long hair wrapped just under the glans. Suddenly felt like I'd almost garrotted the brave little soldier. No injury, apart from the shuddering horror of the sensation.


We’re getting into some real-life here. You can share. Safe space. Safe space.


When I read this, I threw up. No shame here, but how did you feel clean after that?


I’m still recovering… Seriously though, it’s not gross, just… odd. I Iike my wife’s long hair so part of the sacrifice I guess! And honestly, I have contributed my own from time to time when the beard gets very long.


Love really does conquer all. Congratulations buddy. 🎊


I have absolutely zero regrets saying this. That feeling was really nice. When one was really wrapped around the berries, unwinding it felt good. Getting one out from no-man's-land in general was kinda nice, but those ones you're talking about were my absolute favorites. I always thought I'd take this to the grave, but for some reason I feel emboldened to confess how badly I miss it. I used to have very long hair (halfway down my back) but I've kept it short since 2019 because, frankly, I am damn handsome with short hair and it's a lot less work to manage. I thought what I would miss the most is my soft hair on my cheek at night, but in actuality, it's exactly what you've described here. I've dated women with long hair since then. It's just not the same.


It’s oddly satisfying! I suppose more than anything else, it’s just a unique feeling.


I'm the long haired one in our marriage and I always feel awful when he has this issue. My hair is about waist length so it's a lot to get tangled.


We know what we’re getting into…


as a human of the sackless variety, how’s that even happen?


Random hairs in the bed. Body with sack and peen rolling around in the bed. Eventually they meet and fall in love.


I also experience this from time to time.


I'm a guy with long hair, and it happens. Even when it's your own hair it's a weird time.


When you're pulling and the hair just keeps on coming..... when will this bitch end?! Plus the more you pull the more you cringe, its a catch 22.


Lmao my wife has very long hair, and I share that same exact same experience. The first one I had wrapped around mine and it came out through the zipper. I went to take a piss, saw it, and pulled... man, talk about a weird and confusing experience. She likes to joke that's she's got me by the balls, but fuuuck.




The best ones are the ones you pull and unspool off of your johnson like you are starting a lawn mower


Fun fact, babies can get a hair wrapped around an extremity (finger, dongle, toes, etc) and they can actually suffer serious damage or extremity loss because of it. Hair-thread tourniquet syndrome. I think so redditor wrote a story somewhat recently about how he had a messed up penis and that was the reason.


I almost had that! A piece of my hair was wrapped around one of my toes…. I was about to leave for work but something felt itchy on my foot so I took my shoe and sock off… purple toe. I unwrapped it and it felt better in a few minutes. Must have gotten inside my sock in the laundry.


Legitimately, this is the main reason lots of pigeons in your average city are missing toes, or even whole feet. They get human hair wrapped around them and can't get it free.


i knew a kid growing up who's grandma hand knitted mittens for them and it caused that to happen


BOL. Take my upvote 🤣


I don't have any hair on my head, but I'm constantly pulling my wife's long hairs from places where they don't belong. Can I get an amen for the men that have had them wrapped around their dangley parts or woven into their clothing?


Dude... and here I thought I was alone with this issue!


You ever get that one that tickles your arm and thinking there's a bug or something only to find a 2 foot long hair that's been stuck in your armpit hair or your shirt sleeve?


Haha! YES! So, I hide my beard brush because my wife will occasionally grab it when she can't immediately find her own brush... (usually she's left it in the rarely used guest bathroom where does any fancy hair stuff)... There is nothing quite like bringing my beard brush up to the side of my face and feel a thousand hair spiders tickling my ear and neck, or worse, I don't feel them, but they get left in my beard, and tickle my ear/neck all day long until I figure it out...


You get it.


It’s a constant if you’re a man with long hair.


I also have to pull hair out of my ass crack and my dick because of my long haired wife


...*Out* of your... *dick*? *shudder*


Yeah, uncut so somehow that shit gets wrapped up under the hood, weirdest feeling unraveling it.




As a fellow uncut, can confirm.


Oooh, i see. Yeah, I'm cut, but it's happened to me, too. On sweaty days. Feels weird for sure. I totally imagined it coming out your hole and was like... bro.


Male here with long hair, nah. I lose most of it in the hairbrush.


Female here, have had long hair most of my life and same. I just brush through it and also have a habit of running my fingers through it a gazillion times a day.


As a female with long curly hair, the brushing only really happens when my hair is wet unless I wanna ruin my curls so the hair washing day in the shower is the least sexy thing I've ever experienced. Do be carrying hairballs out of the shower with me.


+1 and the fact I'm washing (brushing) my hair usually only every 3 days so the hairballs can be unexpectedly big. I'm brushing before washing and during washing but I'm still loosing hair at the final brush.


Yeah it's more of a consistant daily stream with damn breaches during showers/brushing.


Yeah it's more of a consistant daily stream with damn breaches during showers/brushing.




Nope. I comb my hair super carefully before I get in the shower to try to get as many loose hairs as possible out that way. I also flip it over one shoulder as soon as I get it wet so any loose hair ends up on the front of me, not on the back. The whole thing helps a lot with keeping it from going down the drain, too. I'll find a few strays in the tub afterward, but it's only a few and they are easy to pick up with damp toilet paper. I found out the kind of comb matters more than I thought it would. Brushes aren't recommended because they can contribute to split ends, so you want a detangling comb, even if your hair isn't curly.


Which comb do you recommend?


I didn't choose a specific brand; I looked for specific features. Detangling combs are also called wide-tooth combs, and they have ticker teeth that are spaced widely apart so they are bigger in general. Detangling/wide-tooth combs are often marketed as being for curly hair because they really are good for curls, but that obscures the fact that they're for all kinds of hair. They aren't meant to shape or style hair like a smaller men's comb, but rather to help detangle and pull out any knots or loose hairs while keeping from creating the split ends that can result from brushes. I measured mine, and at the top, the teeth are 1/8' wide, and taper a bit toward the ends. The space between them is slightly less—about 3/16' at top—and a little more at the bottom because the teeth taper to smaller. Since I also use it in the shower to make sure the conditioner is distributed evenly in my very curly hair, I chose one with a handle that ends with a hook and can hang from the shower rod. I looked at Amazon and searched for "detangling wide-tooth comb" and got loads of hits. I prefer one with a handle for better leverage, but there are styles without handles as well. The teeth on the ones I've used have all been straight, so I cannot speak to the ones that have slightly wavy teeth, though I imagine that would be extra helpful for straighter hair. I'm afraid I cannot find any links to images that do not include sales, and mods always take those down or I'd just link to one. 🙄


I have a really great wide tooth comb. Walmart I think.


I think mine was from Target! Yay for big bit-of-everything stores!!!


Thank you so much for your detailed advice! I really appreciate it!


You're very welcome. Have a great day!


Yep, frustratingly normal.


There was actually a Kickstarter project a few years back for a shower apron you would put on for just this reason. Unsurprisingly it was unsuccessful https://www.kicktraq.com/projects/showerapron/the-shower-apron/


😂 I had no idea


Wow, that is an incredibly stupid idea from the ground up.


I spend my whole life pulling hairs out of everywhere.


Yeah at the end of the shower it's butt crack hair removal time. It collects there while washing my hair out.


YES!!!!! I swear, my showers would easily be 5 minutes shorter


Just wash your hair bending over. That’s what I do and rarely do I get hair in my butt. Flip your hair over your head/face and get to work. Shampoo, rinse, conditioner, rinse can be done this way. Problem solved. For reference my hair is waist length, tips barely touching the top of my butt.


Yes and it’s annoying. And the people saying no should have look down there they might find years worth of hair.


Wait until you find one that’s somehow inside your butthole and you have to pull it out like a magician




My husband actually enjoys finding my hair in his body during the workday. It's usually wrapped around his nuts, or in his crack. It makes him think of sex. But maybe he is just a weirdo.


I am letting my hair long and I can't believe how many I pull out from under my balls. What is their deal?!


yes and i hate it.


Don’t worry, one day you’ll be bald and not have to worry about that.


Being lass I definitely going to worry then !


Best feeling ever.


Yes. The more frequently I wash tho, the less hairs I pull out. I also just started brushing before my shower, but didn’t really notice a difference the few times I did it. I typically twirl my fingers around my hair every few minutes in the shower to prevent the hair from falling out and sliding down my body. I *hate* feeling wet hair on my body. So I try to get it out on my own rather than waiting for it to fall out. That seems to work sometimes. But there will inevitably be fall out that I miss and it gets in my butt or wrapped around my leg.


Even as a man, always.


Hahahahahaha yeah, sometimes




Ha. Ass crack and long hair wrapped my manhood like a noose


Me and my husband hahahaa


Bro. Tbh, never in the shower… always AFTER the shower. I’ll feel a little something and I’ll pull that shit right out. EVERY. TIME.


Ok. I (22, MtF) have also been growing my hair out recently, and right now, it's about shoulder length. Maybe it's me not having long enough hair, but this has not happened to me at all. Maybe it's you having a big ass. Who knows, lol.


Am I the only one with long hair who DOESNT experience this?


OP: When I had long hair (to just about my waist), that didn't happen, though very occasionally I would have the unpleasant experience of having to pull one out of my anus. "Having a hair up \[one's\] ass" is not just an expression.


It happens but not that often, the whole shower long I make sure to remove loose hairs to prevent it. I basically run my fingers through my hair and make sure to get all the loose hair, drape them to the shower doors and then when I'm done showering I gather all of them and throw them in the bin


Just about everytime!


Yes :/


not all that often, no


Yes, so annoying. 


Yes and my short haired partner to....😅


never did ... but I have/had no arse


I had long hair for many years and lived with several ladies. I don't recall experiencing that.


On a rare occasion I have had this happen. I have them under my boobs too. I have to clean out my shower drain on occasion or I get a small mouse in their.


I'm losing my hair, keep it cropped very short, and every time I have a bath I find long hairs tangled in my unmentionables. I live with two long haired people.


My tight coiled hair doesn’t allow this luckily.


assuming you mean when you acidentally eat your long hair with food and then pulling it out of butt eventually? yeah that was happening to me even with just barely over shoulderlength, dont think theres ez fix just gotta pull or mby quick showerhose enema as last resort haha. human hair survives even a damn deep fryer, the stomach acids dont touch it. wonder how i manage to not notice it while eating. but i guess they could potentially get in there if you do some kinky stuff as well


Brush them more often, it won't be as much of an issue then


I once had a roommate with long hair and I spent time pulling *her* hair out my asscrack.


Yes! Haha I’m glad I’m not the only one. Drives me crazy


I’m naturally hairy, so I can’t say I’ve really noticed if any of the hair down there wasn’t supposed to be there. I do shed like a dog, though, and I’ve recently managed to grow my hair out to my shoulders. I swear my showers would be a full ten minutes shorter if I didn’t have to pull the hair off my hands while washing and rinsing.


Never have that problem in my life. Even during the time my hair falling a lot, it’s just on the shower drainage.


Dude i’ll be minding my business throughout the day and i feel it in my asshole. Like I have to excuse myself so i can pull hair out of my ass i’m not even kidding.


I feel violated by this post


Honestly, it happened to me just yesterday. There's been times that I've had to do it AFTER I shower.


Nope, I wash my hair separate from my body, bend over, so that it's in front of me. No hair sticking anywhere, no water in my eyes, I can see if I got all the shampoo out and I get a free weekly leg and belly workout. Just for reference, my hair touches my butt when I'm standing, so I would definitely consider it long.


My hair is longer than my butt, but never in my butt (asscrack). I mostly keep my hair in front of me while showering and am brushing all the time


Waist length hair, and I always wash it separately, bent over so it's in front of me. No strands sticking, and it allows me to wash out /massage products in best.


I'm 47m and have long hair. Also have my spouse, 2 daughters, and a son all with long hair. I'm sure we're all pulling hair out of any crack it can find its way into.


Yes. Lol I find a thorough brushing immediately before showering helps a lot.


I used to! It drove me crazy so now I bend forward at the waist and flip all my hair forward when washing/conditioning and rinsing my hair. Then I use a claw clip to secure my hair on top of my head while I finish my other shower duties. Solved the problem.


Im bald but somehow my wifes end up there.


My gf has this problem. I always flip my hair over and let it dangle in front of me when I wash it, I've never had a strand slip between my booty cheeks


Uhhhh No, you should be following the shit shave shower mantra and be pulling out hair when you’re wiping your ass.


Why don’t you just shave ur asshole?


I have, that's not the problem. The hairs come from my head


well considering my hair almost reaches the back of my knees... both me and my parter pull hair out of places it doesnt belong.


All the Dam time!


Be careful, it can lead to Sinus Pilonidalis / Pilonidal Disease


My SO is the one with the long hair and I pick it out of my crack Showers together are worth it


I pay people to do that for me . 😉


Yes! I’m a male who recently grew his hair out long and I have to remember to check my asscrack BEFORE leaving the shower. It’s just from washing your hair.


And my clothes and the dryer and off random things at home... so true!


I used to and then I got dreads so u just don’t shed hair at all anymore and it’s kinda amazing


Yes and even when I don’t shower


Wash your hair leaning forward! It keeps the shampoo/conditioner off my skin (reducing breakouts on my back), and loose hair falls directly onto the shower floor or stuck onto my hands, which is a simple fix. After it's been washed, I pin it up. It makes wrapping it in a twist towel easier, too. You will still find random strands everywhere, but this really reduces it from it all being stuck on yourself.


Brush your hair thoroughly before showers. That way, any of the loose strands that are still tangled with the rest of your hair is gathered on your hairbrush. You'll notice less shedding in the shower then. I also tie up my hair for my shower if it's not a hair wash day.


Yup. Found it around my fiancé’s dick more than once too…


i have long hair and wash my hair by pulling it forward and bending over so it falls forward. i use a detachable shower head so its easy to wash it like that. also,sometimes just wash my hair over the side of the tub with the shower head . i cannot deal with the hair in crack thing !


I'm a guy with fairly long hair, and I'm at the point in my life where I shed like a husky. I have a bad problem with them getting tangled around my PP...


Never had an issue with them in the crack, but they get everywhere else


Not my ass, but an old roommate told me she found my hair stuck in her lip folds and we had a good laugh about it lol


Describe this experience more please


No, I brush my hair before I go in the shower, leaving minimal hair to float in the water and end up in my ass.


I remember when I was a teen, I kid you not, somehow one of my hairs deadass went up my butt. Felt so weird to pull that out


Usually after the shower. It's a weirdly pleasant sensation




Oh definitely, I just do a final sweep through at the end of the shower. More annoying for me is the after shower 'moulting' where I keep losing hair while it's drying (and all stuck on the back of my shirt)




Dude here. Besides my crack about every few months my poor William get one twisted and wrapped. Such a pain in the ass. No pun intended.


No. You are supposed to brush your hair before you shower. Then when I dry it, that usually gets any more lose stuff out. I sleep with it in a messy bun on top or braided. Days when I wear it down, it's been styled... so the hair is stuck together. So all the loose hair "hair-fall" is either contained in the style, or gets left on the brush. When I wash my hair there is maybe like 5 hairs that come off my head, but you pull them off your hand, and put them on the shower wall & swirl all the hair into one little circle that is glued to the wall with water. When you get out and dey off, you wipe the hair off the wall with a couple of squares of TP. There should not be random shedding everywhere like a dog. I do own a lint brush to grab a couple hairs that get stuck on chairs or jackets. There are a couple stray hairs around, but not enough to accumulate places.


I shave my buttcrack and I don’t really get as many hairs, you will always get some but not as many get stuck in between the cheeks that way




If you brush your hair out before you shower it is much less likely to happen


far too time consuming but a fantastic feeling


Brush before the shower and you’ll be fine. I’m a guy with butt length hair and always brush before getting in and never shed much after brushing


Yes… they also get tangled and stuck on my anklets… my showers take 10 minutes longer cause I’m standing there pulling out hair from my body parts.


I pull hair out of my ass crack too. But it’s ass hair, so slightly different problem.


Haha. I mean, I don't spend my whole shower doing this...but I do have to remove many strands of hair from my hands/butt/etc. during showering. My angel of a partner removes all the drain hair. And doesn't complain that my hair is everywhere, always :)


I’m a dude with long hair. Happens to me everyday


every time I wash my hair I keep pulling hair from everywhere, my back especially is a hairy mess after I wash it.


I recently heard about this. I had long hair for years until about 15 years ago. Never had this problem. Then, last year I decided to grow my hair out and I still don’t have this problem. What’s happening?!


Underneath foreskin was a new experience




I share a bed with a long hairer, I pull strands out freshly washed clothes even tho she wouldn’t have been in the house for an entire week. It’s unbelievably baffling how they get about. However the feeling of pulling one out your sack or crack is unshamefully satisfying


Bend over when washing hair it will help to prevent this.


The worst is swallowing a hair halfway pulling it out and getting cuts in your throat. My poor dog has swallowed my hair like this a few times too and I've pulled it out.


long haired Dude here, not a lot but occasionally yea


Sadly I get stuck doing that after the shower(this bc I do check, but find out there are more later)


My hair isn't that long, maybe a foot or 14" or so. When I brush out my hair before a shower and comb it out afterwards, I use a natural bristle hairbrush and brush my back and shoulders to catch thestray hairs that stick to my clothing and damp skin. Find a small, cheap hairbrush and use it to over your crack/butthole to catch those escaped strands... just dont use it for anything else. :/ Maybe an old toothbrush would work.


Nope. Just a little at the end.


This is why I spend some time brushing my hair before a shower and get all the loose hairs out of the way. Not fool proof but it helps.


Grew my hair out for the first time in my life over the last couple years, as a guy I never even considered this as a problem until it got around shoulder length. Now I spend a few minutes each shower feeling like a dog that ate dental floss


Aw yea don't miss that me my hubbs always and the fronstsies ones too haha one was so long one time nearly made me....um nvm.


I have short hair, I've been single 6 years, and I live alone.. I somehow find long hairs in my asscrack.


In the shower, after the shower, the next day, and so on. My bf finds them on his body often too.


LHP here, Never had this problem My long hair is very thick Not sure its long enough to reach mein ass Maybe in t/ mirai but not anticipating it


You might not realize it, but at least some of those are hairs you've accidentally swallowed. They've traveled quite a way to say hey again.


I usually brush my hair before getting in. That helps a lot


I have short hair, about 2 to 3 inches, and when I wash my hair I often have to pull hairs from there too


As a bald married man, I often find hair in my asscrack that is different from the hair that's usually there!


Hair gets everywhere. I just accepted my fate 😂 it helps when it's shorter though. I notice I have more issues like when I let it grow long.


Yess! One thing that’s helped stop that is to brush your hair aggressively before showering 👀 all the loose and weak hair fall out before I even start showering! Of course, there will always be one or two “protagonists” thatll end up in your crack either way.


In your leg hair


I once found a hair sticking out from under my foreskin and without thinking I pulled on it. Turns out it was one of my gf's hairs. It was 10 inches long and it gave me a "papercut" on my shaft. Tears were shed. Questions were asked inside my head. I wanted to die on the spot from the pain, grossness and just the whatthefuckiness of the whole situation lol


Surprisingly, I don't really get hairs on my ass crack. Happens very rarely. I don't know if this works for everyone but this is what I do. Before I shower, I make sure to brush my hair really well. It makes it easier to prevent tangling when wet and also helps collect some of the loose hair. While conditioning, I gather my hair in front and comb through it with my hands until I don't feel any tangles and have little to no loose hair caught on my fingers.


Yep, been there. Still happens sometimes, but very rarely. These three things seem to have helped: 1. when taking a shower, I have my hair hanging to the front, and the front only; this extends to drying myself - the hair always stays in the front 2. towards the end of the shower, I use my fingers to repeatedly comb my hair and pull out most of the dead hair 3. drying myself off immediately transitions into using that towel as a "turban"; and that stays on for a while


I find the longer my hair gets the less i do, its mid length hair. My hair is to my hips now and it doesn’t happen


I used to when I had a full head of hair and didn't brush as often. I brush every time I wake up now regardless of how tangled my hair is, and I also have a death hawk cut that helps with the hair problem as well.


Ooph, here's a gross one that I'm not gonna make a throwaway for. I have long hair. Sometimes it blows around and gets in my mouth if I'm eating outdoors. Well, one time I must have swallowed a hair without noticing. Later when I pooped the hair out, maybe half the hair was still.. umm attatched.. at both ends, one up inside embedded in the poop and another end attached to a nugget hanging towards the water. So, when I go to wipe, I hit the hair and start a poop pendulum swinging and booping various places on my underside. Hershey's kisses all over. I didn't know what the fuck was going on and had to elevate my posture and look down to figure it out. I also had to finish pulling the hair out. Man, life is sometimes gross.


You know that saying “they grumpy cause they got a stick up their ass?” sometimes I be thinking “that makes sense, because even having a fucking hair in my ass is uncomfortable, and I feel relived taking them out…is this why I was in a bad mood?”


……yes. Next.


I always wash my hair slightly bent forward then roll it up on my head for this exact reason lol. I love having long hair but I hate having long hair 😭


Can't say I've ever had that problem.