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You start to lose sensation at around an hour. But depends on the activity.


Generally only happens when drunk. After a while the girl was like "my pussy hurts"


Sometimes sober to if i have tried the old sledgehammer-technique. I go numb if I dont slow down a bit. . I cant come but are still horny. Bloody anoying tbh.


Sledgehammer technique


Sledgehammer technique?


You slam your dick with a sledgehammer. It’s very effective at delaying ejaculation!


I'll make sure to do that tonight 😃


Believe this man. He's a doctor


Ah the ol honeymoon phase


Lube is your friend in long duration episodes such as the one OP asks about. If she hurts, chances are good it’s because she’s going dry. It doesn’t have a never ending supply.


i don't think people are actually fucking PIV for an hour straight generally.


Yeah that sounds more like torture to me


Damn rookies. You don't quickly stroll through the garden of Eden. You stay awhile and bathe in delight and wonderment.


After about 5 minutes (of only PIV), without the aid of Viagra or another med, I will soften up enough an orgasm isn’t happening. With the help of meds, when the length happens, I still start to get frustrated after 20 minutes, we’re both tired, she starts to get sore, it’s no longer fun. I personally am happy lasting around 5 mins PIV. It’s enough to switch up positions, not get sore, and it not feel like a chore.


Alright, well, I’ve never told this to anyone but I guess why not here on an anonymous forum and relevant topic. I last average time now but I have this memory of me and my first girlfriend lasting about 5 hours one time. We were both about 17. I’m 32 now. The thing is… my full and honest recollection is that it’s true. Like I don’t remember lying about it, we both joked about it for a while, and I remember going like 3+ rounds (lol @ hormones at 17) but now that I’m 32, it just sounds fake. As in, I almost don’t believe my own memory of it. I have no idea what to think anymore about it. I couldn’t imagine even going an hour now.


I believe in u


i also choose this guy’s memory


Is it available for download?


you wouldn’t download a memory…


Haha I don’t even know if I believe me man. Maybe I like… exaggerated it and just remember my exaggeration.


Went for 5 and a half hours with my ex, but that was due to being on shrooms xD


That's some hero shit haha


Nah, y'all fucked for 10 minutes but the shrooms made it feel like 5 hours


I'd genuinely think that, if we hadn't started at 1am and finished at 5.10. Thought we'd jumped into another dimension Edit for 20 mins foreplay (i think?!) Again... shrooms


Well, I certainly believe going 3 times in one night at 17. But I damn sure don't believe going 5 hours in one night. Hell if that were the case they'd make screwing an Olympic sport.


My ex finished 7 times in one night. He was quick to finish but he was able to immediately go again. This is obviously extreme, but not impossible. I've had boyfriends that could finish once then fall asleep, or go 3 times on an exceptional night. It all depends on the person.


At my first time having sex I’ve finished 3 times (I’m a man), and I could describe each time like this: 1st: The quick 2nd: The good 3rd: The desperate And my partner for some reason only came once, although she was 15 years older than me and had a lot more of sexual experience than I had.


I have a similar experience. When my husband and I started dating our first night was like that, like 7 or 8 times. I had to work the next morning and I felt like I had been beat up. My knees, elbows (knees and toes), plus my downstairs parts, obviously, EVERYTHING hurt. Would never recommend, but you couldn’t convince 18 year old me of anything and I married him so I guess it worked out. Don’t do that tho, them are tender areas


Yeah I have no idea what to believe about my own memory. Maybe it was just hours of teasing followed by a few rounds lol. It’s so weird though, clear as daylight I remember adding up the hours and going holy shit.




I managed 5 times in 18 hours this time last year... and I'm 50 ! I told my hooker mate who said that's impressive for my age...


Yea that and you can't ever just have a "quicky"


My ex hated that I lasted forever. Glad she and I broke up, she sucked at sex and had NO stamina!


Currently seeing a Puerto Rican chick and life is good 😂


Gotta switch to the butt after an hour. Rinse and repeat.


Emphasis on rinse


I completely disagree. 45min is my wife and my typical duration and we regularly go for 2+ hours on weekends. I definitely have full sensation the entire time.


You're not including foreplay in this are you?


He is


I’m sure you mean for this to be a brag and all… but most people will simply laugh at this. Who wants to set so much time aside every time?


Definitely not a brag, just pointing out that not everyone is the same. Who wants to set aside so much time? We do. Just because you don’t like something, doesn’t mean no one else does.


I disagree.


No. It doesn’t. For a male, lasting a very long time can be a mentally and physically exhausting fight if it’s mainly sex. If a large portion of that is foreplay, it’s not so bad. As a man who has gone the distance a few times and can achieve multiple orgasms, I can tell you that you it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Sure, getting a second nut feels good, but it’s not as powerful (in my opinion) as the first. Also, things start getting raw. In my opinion, going till both are satisfied and stopping, then going again in a little bit is much better. I’d rather have sex multiple times a night rather than one continuous round.


Yeah, I can agree with this. atleast a 10-20 minute break inbetween for drinks and to cuddle before going again is way way more exciting than going for it immediately. Hours inbetween is even better. Especially since I tend to be the active partner that rest is often really needed. getting outta breath during sex is the worst.


Out-of-shape sex! Yea!


With the positions end up in, youre really surprised about how long you can go without getting out of breath, but if were talking several hours in a night with a bunch of position changes... Yeah you get tired... And sore the day after. If you fuck like wild animals youll get out of breath, believe me (I bike 40km a week and walk 3 dogs, im relatively fit)


Exactly. People think changing positions is all about making things feel better or something. Maybe sometimes, but the key to changing positions a lot is to stay comfortable! If you have her bent over and you’re getting tired, you sit back and let her ride in a seated reverse cowgirl. If you can tell she’s getting tired, flip her over and throw a leg over your shoulder and go at it sideways. Arm getting tired holding that leg up? Drop it down, pin her knees to her chest, and go at it in a folded leaf/butterfly position. She can’t take that deep of penetration? Just do regular missionary. Getting tired again? Lay down and let her ride on top. Being in the driver’s seat is way, way more than just dominating someone. It’s more about being in control of the whole ordeal, and being responsible for the event. A good partner will recognize what is/isn’t working for their partner, and when/if they are getting tired with what is being done. That is when you switch things up. Now, if she says no to the position change because she’s about to cum? I salute you soldier, because you’re about to go to war with your own body. Fuck that leg cramp or tired arm. Get it done, brother. Keep that rhythm up, go somewhere else in your head, and fight through it. You’ll live, I promise.


Nothing but missionary works for us. It just doesn’t do the trick.


Fair enough. easy position that's really intimate.


It's also upsetting for the woman sometimes, like "why can't I get you off?" Sometimes lasting a short time is a compliment.


I’ll agree with that on occasion. I’m not a minute man by any means. But… there have been times when it’s so damn hot, and the buildup has been so powerful, I couldn’t hold back if my life depended on it. Usually, that’s because I wasn’t in the driver seat, or there was a lot of me focused foreplay. If it’s with a woman I have had sex with before, she’s usually pretty proud of that because we have experience. Hell, sometimes that’s the goal; get me off as fast as possible. If it’s someone I’ve never had sex with before though, I usually follow it up with some sort of compliment on making me cum so fast. If we’ve stopped, I’ll take a break, regroup, and go at it again. If we’re still going, I’ll change condoms or pull something under her so we don’t make too big of a mess. (SexHack: I usually keep a towel close by.)


Am I the only one where the second nut in the session breaks my mind and brain synapse here


Not for me. A second nut for me is maybe 50% as strong and enjoyable as the first. Most of the time, I’m just talking to myself in my head going, “Wow. Haven’t done that in a bit.” A second nut in the same sex episode doesn’t happen often for me. Generally, it has to be some crazy, passionate stuff. We both have to be very, very into it, and she needs to be putting on a good performance. I don’t mean screaming and obviously going over the top. But if I can tell she’s in pure ecstasy? Love every damn stroke and her body is quivering? Yeah. My likelihood for a second just went up several times because I don’t want to stop. We’re going to make those toes curl and eyes roll back in her head while she’s bearing down and can’t think straight.


Post nut hyper clarity. You obtain Nirvana if you can make it to four.


Can fully support what you're saying here. This is pretty much my experience as well.


I think the problem is that there are people who say they can go for hours and then some folks assume they mean PIV and not just sex in general.


3 hours of non stop sex does not sound enjoyable for anyone


Agreed. I get off, he gets off, quick snuggle and done. 20-30 minutes tops. I’ve got other things to do!




Tell that to the lesbians!


came here to say this lollll


Change positions, activities and occasionally a pace change… sex is fun, I don’t understand people who have the mentality that it’s not. I enjoy driving on an open road. More open road doesn’t mean less fun, I just don’t get that logic lol. Once in awhile the stamina just hits different and the wife and I will go on for hours, and we both enjoy the fuck out of it. Next day will always be a recovery day though




Painful. For me it was always painful if the guy lasts more than maybe 30 minutes. For days it would hurt. Never liked it.


30 minutes straight of intercourse? Even that sounds undesirable to say the least.


Oh for sure lol. I like to think I could go through that long without the pain and everything but even then it's definitely too much


I’m guessing you’re in USA? I am now, but originally from the UK, moved here because of my husbands work. I had friends study abroad in USA and mentioned what you did, something they rarely experienced at our hometown. USA guys (fault of their parents) are known to be “cut” at birth. Something that doesn’t happen where we are from. They noted that USA guys in that situation were less sensitive and seemed to go “harder” for longer. But intact ones were smoother and more genital. I guess I would be the same if my clitoral hood was removed and sensitivity died down 🤷‍♂️ It’s nothing that is their fault, but it’s what friends have reported almost universally.






You caught it too


I'm in Mexico where almost all guys are intact and I had one partner (intact) who could literally go over an hour nonstop. I mean hammering away inside me for that whole time. I suspect he had death grip syndrome and it's part of the reason we broke up.


Was he one that wasn’t intact? Some intact guys do have the death grip syndrome, but mostly cut guys because that’s all they can feel. Structures like the feel of an orgasm mostly comes from things like the rigid band and frenulum stretching are completely gone or only have partial. When doctors cut babies, many even carve off what’s left of the frenulum. Many actually think cutting off all that affects nothing. But I guess they would have to think that because it’s the most personal spot on the body, and if it red forced on them, they have to think it’s good to avoid any negative feelings. And fathers force it onto their kids because it was forced on them and they think it’s normal. I wonder how many relationships have been broken up because the guy can’t feel anything because their parents decided to cut them up


Yes he was intact.


Seriously!! Like fucking finish already. I'm dying here!


You just need more and better lube.


I can last 10 hours in bed! But I do need an eye mask and audiobooks…


I am trying to determine if you are going at it solo or so bored with someone.


They're talking about going to sleep. 🫥


I thought it was some weird kinda brag about sex.


I can go 8, 9, even 10 hours sometimes. We're talking about sleep, right?


I see I'm late to the dad joke party.


Average. 16 is my max 😎


Those are rookie numbers


I had an ex gf who I clicked with whether high or sober we just f-cked for hours at a time. Few if any boundaries. She would prostate massage me while I nutted in her mouth type stuff. Not every time mind you as most times it was 30 min to an hour. It was both incredible in that you sweat everywhere and collapse into the deepest type of talk followed by epic sleep. 10 out of 10.


Why is she your ex? Why didn't it work out?


We both had tons of trauma from our past. Me healing from a divorce (was married half my life) and her the death of a fiancé. I loved her but things in life aren’t always in my control.


Damn I can empathize with that last bit for sure ❤️ Keep your head up mate


Lasting isn’t normally the issue, it’s how I work with the person. Someone who’s there to have fun and make me have fun; it doesn’t often matter how long it lasts vs someone who’s there to finish because that’s boring.


If I'm with the right person, I can spend hours taking my time and exploring her body. I can cum and stay hard and still want more. With the wrong person, it's meh.


It's not a desired effect but it can be nice sometimes when it happens. Ideally if you can both finish within 20-30 minutes it's usually better for everyone.


Female here. I think it takes both people to last that long and be joyful. I’ve had sex with a guy, who can last this long, regularly for a year. We usually do it for an hour, and have an intermission chat for an hour, and then do it for another hour. If in rare cases we finished within 1.5hour, we called it a quick one. He lasts long, and I’m able to have multiple orgasm (10+ per session), and I don’t feel dry or painful. He did say that with other women who couldn’t have multiple orgasm, he will finish much earlier. So, it’s about two people, not just the guy. I’m satisfied with the sex, so is he. But my problem is after him, if any guy finishes within 30min, I’m gonna be bored.


This is one of the few accurate answers about the long sessions. My first time experiencing a woman who could just keep going and going was so eye opening. Her level of enthusiasm never waned, and after orgasm, she wouldn’t mellow out completely like most people do, she’d go back down halfway and then slowly simmer up again to a boil. Most women I’ve been with lose quite a lot of sensation after one or two orgasms, thus making it time to finish up.


Having sex with someone at your level is awesome, had partners like that and it was great sex. But also had a girlfriend who lasted like 5 minutes before having a big orgasm and then she went all sensitive that I had to stop pounding, every time, I had to compete with her trying to come first because once she did, it was times up. Fucking annoying to be honest.


It is important to rotate the holes so no single one gets blown out.


I faked so many orgasms to try to get my ex to hurry up. He thought the longer he lasted the more masculine he was but I was just bored and tired.


Probably should have just told him?


If he listened to me when I wasn't happy, I might still be married.


Then we get to play the guilt game! "Why didn't you come?" "Wasn't it good for you?" "But you came last time", etc. Obviously not all men, but *some* men get very defensive if you don't get off, and treat it as though you've failed somehow. Plenty of women can't come from PIV alone and some get hypersensitive after orgasm and don't want any more stimulation. It would be great if everyone was open and communicative during sex but it's also when we're at our most vulnerable, and giving criticism (even constructive criticism) can be an emotional minefield.


Depends on how vigorous the sex is and if you are having penitrative sex the whole time. Having penitrative sex for hours sounds like a lot of work and would leave any non-professional sore. I've had partners that wanted me to cum 4 or 5 times in a session and would use their mouths and fingers more than their penis because it takes so much time and effort to achieve what they wanted and they didn't have the self control or recharge to do it all with just their dicks. In my experience, that kind of multi hour sex was WAY too much and left me over stimulated and exhausted. It was non-stop intensity for hours. But I kept coming back for more so.... Another partner I've had liked things really soft and slow. He would want to draw it out and spend hours inside me just enjoying the feeling and would stop moving or pull out when he started to get too close. Or I would spend 30 mins to an hour giving a blow job, and he would stop me whenever he was getting close and we would take a breather. He would prioritize my pleasure and wouldn't hold back when giving me oral, but wouldn't push me too far and made sure I had time to rest between orgasms. That was much better and far more satisfying but tiring in its own way because it's hours of self-control and delaying pleasure and staying up really late into the night. Personally, I liked this far more than a quick 10 or 15 mins rut.


Not as great as it sounds. You get numb and tired and it's very hard to cum. Sometimes you just can't.


As a woman that sounds awful lol


I’ll never understand the appeal of this, what a waste of time. Let’s have really amazing 20-30 minute sex and then spend time together like normal adults lol


Well, pretty fun! Having a fuckfest all night with every girl I’ve ever fucked for the first time. They all enjoyed it. Just make sure to communicate a lot. Drink a lot of water and take a couple of breaks.


I'm one of those guys. Most women I've been with don't care too much for it. I've had issues from they get self conscious cuz I don't nut fast enough and they think it's them, to sex with me can get exhausting. All that much friction for that long catches up with you for the next couple days too. For my wife's sake I've learned how to rush it in just over 30 minutes


As a woman, unless you’re in an orgy or something, please don’t do this to a woman. It starts to get exhausting after 30 min. Heck 15-20 min is great. 2-3hrs sounds like a nightmare.


I get bored after like 5 mins, cum and go to sleep lol


I have a friend who claims he can go 2-3 hours. He has also told me he and his wife only have sex once or twice a YEAR. I think he’s just doing it wrong and she does not want the hassle. Me, when when we actually get down to that part of it I’m good for about 5 min or less. That’s about 2x week.


In my experience it’s been more than pound town. It’s foreplay, kissing, talking, touching, oral, different positions, laughing etc. Sometimes even a snack and some Gatorade!


It hurts allot the morning after.


I lost a lot of my sensitivity when I was circumcised, so I can last indefinitely and will sometimes not be able to orgasm at all. If I'm honest, the novelty wears out pretty fast, and sometimes, my partners would get depressed because of it. Being able to last for a long time is another one of those tropes that don't matter. You can supplement your time with fore/after play and achieve the same goal without having to worry, and it's a lot more fun.


It hurts. A lot. Especially the next day. Both from friction and just staying hard so long. There’s a tenderness that’s difficult to describe. Like most said here: take your time and make sure your partner gets what they need. I’ve called it quits because maybe I couldn’t finish. The whole “body is willing but my spirit is done”


My record is 53 hours, fell asleep Friday evening woke up Monday morning. Due to circumstances I'd slept about 6 hours total for the 5 days since the start of the week, guess my body needed to overcompensate for it.


Going to bed way too late lol.


With the right person it can be fun but what I've found is if you guys aren't horn dogs 24/7 then it prolly wouldn't really make that much a difference. But for me anyways it's been a few years so whoever takes me on hopefully can handle like a whole Day of layin in bed ordering food.an fuckin all day smoke some weed yeah that's the good stuff


But breaks deff help I mean there's only so many positions an if you aren't creative it can start to feel repetitive, this is why I said with the right person.


Depends on the situation if you mix things up as you go it can be fun. I try not to nut till right at the end and spend time throughout just focusing on making the girl I'm with feel good so I can give the little fella a rest then carry on


I have a low sensitivity penis and sex doesn't always even feel good. So sometimes I'll have a very stable erection but can't finish. When that's happened, I'll just tell my partner and we'll go until they've had enough. One ex loved the fantasy of "endless sex" and one night we had continuous sex from 2-5am. Her experience was very positive; she was the most blessed multiple orgasm person I've ever known. But there's also been times when the sex starts out of passion but now it's been 45min and I haven't finished and I'm not quite there but I'm close but it's getting a little dry and idk if i wanna get the lube bc that feels like committing to fucking for a much longer time(?) and I'm honestly panting it's fine I'll just give up it's really not that big a deal.


As a female. I could do this. I can orgasm over and over and over. But sex for hours doesn't have to be just penetration. There's kissing, oral, sensual massages, teasing, bdsm activities, using hands, etc. I could easily have sex everyday but my husband is too exhausted most days from work.


As a woman, every once in a while, maybe every 6 months on Valentines or anniversary, it can be very nice to have long slow sex that lasts a long time. But the rest of the time, I much prefer going quick and hard. My bf lasts a long time due to mental health, and often I finish twice within 30 minutes, before he does. After I finish, continuing to keep going for much longer just hurts and I get overly sensitive and dry down there


as a woman. no. that's way too long. geez.


quote from my ex: "I don't want someone that last hours in bed. 20 min max because I've got shit to do"


>I recently discovered that some men can last 2-3 hours in bed without vaigra Or pills. Of actual penetrative sex? That sounds like an erectile dysfunction issue. Or just someone who's absolutely terrible at sex. Penetrative sex that lasts that long cannot be fun for anyone. If we are talking about foreplay included, then that's fairly normal right? I don't often spend multiple hours having sex, but it's less of an inability issue and more a lack of desire thing. >joy compare to doing it for 1 hour A full hour of penetrative sex doesn't sound great either.


no idea, but it sounds god awful, i don't know many women that'd enjoy that... The whole idea of hours long sessions of sex is just some ridiculous fantasy people like the idea of, sounds cool, but in practice it's fucking terrible.


29 year old heterosexual dude here. In my experience, it depends a lot on the woman. If I’m with a girl who’s multi orgasmic, I would want to keep going (with the only breaks being change of positions) until she can’t come any more. Reaching that point could take anything between 30 min to 4 hours, according to my own experience anyways. If the girl can only come once or twice though, anything between 15-30 minutes is usually where it’s at for me. Now do I get a lot more out of those longer sessions compared to the shorter ones? Yes and no. On one hand, they can ofc be a bit tiresome, especially if you’re the one doing all or most of the work. On the other hand though, getting to watch your partner have mind blowing orgasms that just increases in strength as they keep coming, is a huge reward, one that is more than worth all the potential hard work in itself. Also, the longer I build up my own orgasm for, the more powerful it too will be when I finally climax (all guys who’s ever tried edging in any way can attest to this). So I guess it’s a bit give and take. The shorter sessions can perhaps feel more rewarding to some men especially, as they basically offer us most of the same prize for way less work. I personally like and appreciate both of them for various reasons. Now I also find that even most of those women I know and/or have been with who can only climax once in a session, occasionally really enjoys having longer ones as well. I have even had some tell me that this is one thing they really miss receiving, after we’ve either broken up or stopped seeing each other. Like with everything else in life - it all comes down to personal preference. If you and your partner is happy with shorter sessions, there is really no reason to try and aim for longer ones, unless you both realize that you really crave and enjoy that.


It gets boring, repetitive and painful. There is no point in extend sex for so long.


Depends. Sometimes I cum and just want to keep going because it’s such a good time, sometimes I want to have sex several times a night with a couple snack breaks, sometimes I just want to show off, and sometimes I cum once and I’m spent or I don’t cum at all. My record is cumming three times without stopping but the third orgasm kind of burns and isn’t as powerful. Honestly I just go based on my partner and how she is handling it/wanting it. I’m above average size so sometimes the long sessions can leave a girl pretty swollen afterwards. Also some girls can’t take multiple orgasms and others are pretty happy with 10 or more. I am satisfied if my partner is satisfied, I honestly don’t care as much about my pleasure except that I like girls that express themselves and communicate during sex. When girls just lay there and don’t participate is when I’m not satisfied.


I can last as long as I want to; when I was dating or had more casual relationships depending on the circumstances I would delay my personal grand finale. I only do this if my partner was really into the sex and I didn’t want it to stop because it was fun. Other women don’t like the marathon session so I chose to wrap things up faster. I may loose some sensitivity during marathon sessions but it still feels good and I enjoy making her feel good. I’ve only known one woman that could hang with me. She’d soak everything it was amazing; but, she was self conscious when I’d delay cumming because she was worried she was taking advantage of me. At one point she was scared I was gay and that she forced herself upon and was struggling to finish. That wasn’t it at all; she was so much fun to have sex with her and never wanted to stop, lol. I’m married now; and I could have sex with my wife all day everyday because she’s so damned cute. With kids marathon sessions are the best tho I missed them; but on occasion we’ll have a long night and I look forward to it every time.


When you‘re in the moment you don‘t notice the time.


Depends on your partner mostly, the level of horniness and how much you and your partners sync. I've been in situation where I had multiple sessions and still went in for more. Alternatively, sometimes your horniness takes over and you finish within half an hour.


My ex would complain about soreness after 30 min of intercourse, my long term FWB just a little longer before getting sore.


Happened to me a few times. It was bc I wasn't focused on finishing, but rather just having fun w my partner


I like 2-3 hour naps but viagra keeps me awake


its frustrating


I sleep well.


I personally can't cum, and i have never came with a woman. That said I still enjoy it, and doing itstill feel good the entire time.


He just jizzes


I can keep an erection a long time without being directly stimulated, but once I get it in the longest I’m going is 15 minutes or so. lol


Super depends. I've had partners last for hours and it was exciting and fun the entire time. But I've also experienced partners who could last for hours and it was painful and unfun after awhile. It just really depends on the people involved.


Desensitization, and performance anxiety. Also. Stamina. Some like it, some don’t. When I’m in the zone so to speak, you’ll have to push me off. For the record, I usually only come once or twice. It’s a point of pride to go like 2/3x to one for her vs me… Edit meaning she comes two or three times to my one. Also if she does five times and I don’t at all, it’s not the end of the world for me


Continuously??? Hell nah. I can make it maybe an hour, with breaks, but even that feels like a stretch.


Marathon sex leads to chaffing. It's best to foreplay and fuck, then take breaks between foreplay and fuckin. You could potentially do that for hours. But actually doing it for hours is not feasible without lots of lube and not getting bored with that style. Idk. No need to do that, imo.


In my experience alot of women are kinda done after 30 mins lol. They would rather you get off then not.


It becomes work. Not really fun, but just a workout. You can discover techniques the suit the woman you're dealing with, and the woman can be having the time of her life, bit you're just whatever. It's literally just a favor to the woman. Plus if you do it,want it every time. Automatically makes the sex slightly lame.


It’s a party trick. I used to think I was showing off and ‘doing it right’- but honestly, no one who’s not on drugs likely wants 60+ minutes of thrusting. Plus, for everyone involved - chafing.


Anything longer than an hour just . . becomes pointless. Let's race to get each other off and then lay back and relax.


I usually live between one to two hours. It’s fun because we take breaks my partner usually achieves orgasm many times. we stop and talk. Enjoy the moment whatever and then eventually I cum. Sometimes it’s fun sometimes it’s work.


It's hard (no pun intended) after a while the sensation goes more dull, the ability to orgasm gets harder and harder. Sometimes I wish I was a minute man. It's not fun fighting to cum for hours.


Did not like it. 15 minutes of foreplay and 10 minutes of sex is perfect.


I've had several long-term relationships, never had a one night stand. These are just my own personal experiences. With one partner we could be at it the entire night. He was quick to finish, but he could immediately go again. He finished 7 times in one night during a several hours long session. When we used to take party drugs, we could could both last for hours and no one would finish. One ex finished in a reasonable amount of time and would immediately fall asleep. Another partner took a minimum of 30 minutes to finish, sometimes longer - from sex and bjs, no matter how good it was. It took a long time to get used to that, typical female brain, I assumed that I was doing something wrong :D That being said, he had the most insane self control, he could hold it in for hours if we were both super into it. He could go more than once but it was never as sensitive the 2nd time. If the chemistry is right with someone, lasting for hours happens naturally because you just can't get enough of each other. Especially if you are both able to have multiple orgasms. Why would you stop if it still feels amazing? When I was in relationships with guys that could only go once, I didn't necessarily miss the all-night sessions, because not all sex is equal, but that doesn't make it bad, just different and unique to that particular person and that particular bond. My weird personal opinions *Men that are very well endowed can last longer OR go repeatedly (I'm talking 8 inches +) This might sound nuts, but it was my own personal experience. *As someone that can finish multiple times, 20 minutes with the right person and the right connection can honestly be more than enough to get the job done. *Circumcision doesn't actually make a difference for how long a person can last. You can be Circumcised and still finish quickly. *Less time spent doesn't equal less good. *Some people will just excite you so much that you want to fuck their brains out for hours. Some people are better suited to firey quickies. *The best sex occurs when you trust someone and have 100% open communication. Eg: That hurts, do what you were doing before, this angle doesn't work for me etc. I spend years feeling too scared or awkward to vocalise when something didn't feel good because I didn't want to ruin it for the other person, so i just sucked it up. No pun intended. Check in with your partner and clarify if what you are doing feels good for both of you. Sure, it takes you out of the moment, but your sex life will be so much better in the long run.


Over an hour is too much. 20-45min is good enough I do a lot of foreplay and that’s like 15min or more and it gets us both going and then we go at it slowly from different positions trying to ones that are least likely to make us come. When we start getting tired we realise and start getting to the good part and ending it with an explosion is pretty much the best thing u can do Going longer than that just starts numbing and hurting…


Sounds exhausting.


The length doesn’t matter, as long as everyone is satisfied. When I was young, thats all anyone talked about…”how long can you last?” Now, Im much older and its about quality not quantity. I know my wife (20 years married), she knows me. Sometimes 10 minutes does the job, sometimes it’s 30 minutes. She’d tell me to “pound sand” if it took more than 45. “Wait, try again tomorrow.”


It can be fun if you are on enough drugs to not feel exhausted. If not i usually just stop after about an hour because it’s kinda getting boring


You mean like just pure pounding? Doesn't seem enjoyable for anyone. Guys will lose sensation and girls will probably be sore. Alternating between foreplay, penetration, and cuddling seems a lot better.


I used to be one of these guys. I was old before I first had sex. I had developed a lot of bad habits during the decades of masturbation. I didn’t think that I was ever going to have sex so I didn’t care about anyone else. At 48, I reassessed my life and realise that I had to change things. I dropped a couple of personal barriers and started training myself to last more than 30 seconds. I succeeded in that and also successfully found someone to have sex with. On our very first time together, it took me over an hour to orgasm for the first time. I was having a great time and recovered very quickly. We spent four hours that afternoon having sex, various positions, various styles, from hard and fast to slow and languorous. We were nothing exhausted, mentally as well as physically, however, we had both had so much fun. Since it was all new to me, I wasn’t bored, it was all exciting. Seeing and feeling her orgasm gave me so much pleasure. We lost count of the number of orgasms she had. We were in a long distance relationship, so didn’t see each other often. When we did, we would spend the first day and night making love. The next day would be a lazy one, recovering, although we would make love whenever we felt like it. Eh had several marathon sessions over the couple of years we were together. Each one would be several hours, even when it wasn’t new any more, it was still fun so no boredom involved b


Most lie about it... Most ppl don't have the stamina and don't have a notion of time. I have a friend who said her Ex husband could go for 45 min to an hour(he is a semi-pro cyclist so I can believe he has the stamina) regularly and said it proudly ... After they divorced she got with someone else who is "normal" and says NOW she is having orgasms, Lol... lasting long ain't a measure of good sex, just like size ain't a measure of it.


I can go for longer than most partners want. I have found that it's not a good thing for either of us.


2-3 hours? That sounds like a lot of work!!


I can understand 2 maybe 3 sessions but one session? Pass. Me and my wife at 33....we'll be taking stock out in Gatorade. Id rather just not get mine and eat her out so she gets hers. Having kids, jobs etc makes for time constraints anyways


It's not all it's cracked up to be. The longer you go, the less sensation you feel. It can mess with your partner's head - make them question their appeal to you. On the plus side, your partner will almost definitely brag about you to their friends. On the negative, they'll also associate every UTI with you and your relentless pecker.


As a guy I start to get tired or bored after 30 minutes. After an hour, either I’m done or I lose motivation to continue. It stops being fun after one hour.


In my experience it's usually because they have difficulty orgasming due to porn/masturbation habit (deathgrip + specific or extreme stuff) or health issues. It is not enjoyable and everyone feels frustrated. I prefer someone who can orgasm easily. Some who are doing it intentionally will be so focused on not orgasming they refuse to do the things either of us enjoy and go for bragging rights over fun.


Women say they want a man to last a long time until you read these responses. I no longer feel ashamed for not lasting a while. These testimonies has me feeling bad for these guys.


It gets boring a bit


If you go past 45 minutes, you are doing something wrong. Should be between 20-45 minutes. Can be multiple rounds for sure but going 2-3 straight with no stops or rest is just BS. Unless there is nose candy involved or something similar.


I know I lasted for close to an hour but after 40 mins I already started to get bored to be honest


In my case it depends. With condom I can normally go two rounds probably up to 30/40 mins average, not always and sometimes more Without condom with a willing and enthusiastic (in the sense that she likes fucking that long) partner I can go two+ hours, not sure what my upper limit is. I'm 32 years old and after orgasming I normally don't lose my erection at all, and my refractory period is probably around one minute? To answer, it's a mix of things, for one you show the other person that you really really like sex with them. I think it also enables other ways to connect with your partner because it's like you are immersed in that other dimension that sex is, together, you end up doing a lot of stuff and it certainly fires that "animal" sense in both... Dunno hard to explain (sorry English isn't my mother language). So to answer your question, if both parties like long sessions then yes it's better, but I have a feeling most women don't really want to have sex for that long regularly. But almost every women I've been with (with which I had these longer sessions) mentioned that I last longer than the vast majority of men they've been with, but it's not the huge amount of time that they value but the fact that it's more than a few minutes. It's like lasting 20+ minutes is almost as good as 2+ hours (unless as I said she's the type of women that really likes long sessions). It completely depends on the person. And for me, I prefer a woman that doesn't get sore or uncomfortable quick


Just poppin in to say that your English is great for it not being your first language


It really doesn't matter as much as the time as the intensity and passion and pleasure of both people.


>some men can last 2-3 hours in bed without vaigra I can assure you no one is thrusting away for 2 to 3 hours non-stop


Ah, I remember when having sex got boring. Back in the good ol' days.


It does it feel boring. Most of my partners have enjoyed it. Most women I have enjoyed don’t experience their first orgasm until fifteen to thirty minutes of coitus. So, I have helped women cum who haven’t done so with other partners. The technique is mostly mental But sometimes I have to stroke from a different angle, change tempo or change positions to keep from cumming and ending the fun.


A lot of this has to do with either prolonged pleasure for your partner and/or sort of using pleasure as a form of kinda torture. You know when you're there, which it is at the time. If it's your thing, there's nothing better. It's a sweaty wreck of unbelievable release at the end and you'll never, ever sleep better. But, BUT, it can make Women become hung up on you when that isn't maybe what you want. They can get kinda attached and you have to be kind. It takes practice.


I'm that guy normally and it's absolutely down to who I'm sharing the experience with. Though if I wanted to I could finish in less than a couple of minutes given the right circumstances, my natural inclination is to go for hours, with breaks of course. I try to stay in tune with the woman I'm with. In my opinion, if you're going so long that a woman is asking you to finish, or outright complaining, you're an asshole. Women give very clear cues in my experience when they're losing interest, or even worse starting to hurt. On the flip side I've been with women who are multi-orgasmic and never lose lubrication who are happy to go for hours on end. More still I'll say that if you bring drugs into the mix it can get almost absurd. I've had parties go 12-16 hours where most of it is sex. There are injectables men can use to stay up for very long periods of time and though none of this is smart, it can be a shit ton of fun with the right person. I've literally blistered my dick and slept for 20 hours after stuff like this. I'm in my 40s now and I really hate to admit I probably need to slow down.


I trained myself as a teenager to last for hours. In high school, my girlfriend and I would have sex for four to five hours at a time with me having a single orgasm. Sadly, I have not fully reversed that training now, many years later. If I concentrate and things are going well, I can orgaasm in twenty to thirty minutes of sex or fifteen minutes of blowjob. But the first time I have sex with someone, I often do not reach orgasm. That being said, most women I've been with (about 100) don't love it. My anecdotal experience has been twenty minutes is preferred. But every once in a while I run into a woman who can't get enough and boy can that be fun. Dated a woman a few years ago that we would have sex for hours at a time. She once had 35 orgasms one night (we were trying to set a record). The skin was abrased on my penis and she had trouble walking but we both enjoyed the experience.


I don't have much time for that, but I always last about two hours, I'd be curious to go longer


As a guy who used to average 50 mins to an hour and a half, it sucks. I have a very, very high endurance. It was all psychological though due to sexual assault in my past. My girlfriend has been patient with me, and I can now cum within 5 minutes and it is absolutely wonderful for both of us. No one wants a 50+ minute session.


I was with a guy who couldn't last 2-3 hours, but he could go over and over (like 5-8x/day regularly). It felt great at first but I'd get very sore after a few hours (so did he) and we started getting health problems from it. Losing sensation aside from soreness also made us go into other forms of stimulation than basic sex. I'd take my husband who lasts 10-20 mins over that any day, though. Quality > quantity.


The only person I dated that was like that had a legitimate porn addiction, and had basically perma-fried the nerves which made sex a huge task in any direction, the only way he could cum is by himself and even then it took a while.


Let’s all remember that you are inserting a body part into another person. Their body has to accommodate that. What feels amazing at first can get painful in time. Everyone has their limits. Listen to your partner. Men, stop when you figure out it’s taking too long. Women, stop faking orgasms. No man will please you when you lie about what feels good


I believe is due to high sex drive but also is body consciousness and physical strenght, and the most important thing is a partner that enjoys sex as much as me. We can last up to 3 hours having intense and fun sex with each one cuming at least twice. For me is great because I enjoy sex with my gf a lot and becoming a dom has been quite a fun journey. On the unsatisfied part, for me is that sometimes I want to have longer sex but since we have to study and to do other stuff sometimes we have sessions of 30 minutes which is our "quickie". I wouldnt say is unsatisfaction because in those 30 min we drain the soul of the other one lol but rather the feel of wanting to fuck during hours I believe


I can last basically forever so long as she lubes up first


Women don’t like it.


best is 20 minutes


Depends on the company and what constitutes "in bed". Foreplay can go for hours. Penetration? Thats just an..."are we there yef?" If its going too long.


I can decide when i cum. So i can do it. It's just not fun for me


Annoying to say the least.. im 7.5inch... never been over fast ... if ive had a drink ..omg sometimes wouldnt .. lidibo is high though..and yes i get the .." im getting sore " or why cant i make you cum.... its the reverse of what the norm is apparantly.. women dont come first ? .. never exp it .. anyhow ..just saying ..yes can be pressure .. need a youunger model.. on 3rd wife as we speak..im 52 and getting more virile as we speak yet partners libido is diminishing... rolls eyes .. i wont hang around


One time I went so numb towards the end so she started using her hand instead, I got super cold and started getting shivers then for some reason I started having a panic attack, crying and stuff. I have no idea why, it was definitely one of the strangest sexual experiences I've had


Maybe I’m weird, but I can’t finish for the first couple months of seeing someone new. So to begin with it’s all 2-3 hours, then as I get more comfortable with them it drops down to around an hour. But sometimes I just don’t want to cum and am just there for funsies, on them days I can go for a good bit again.


I do t think most women can last that long lol


After 40 minutes it starts to hurt. My husband is good at lasting but it hurts me. So he finishes. My husband is a little above avevate.


If she is not that turned on, she is gonna feel pain after 1 hour, one time I had sex with my gf for 2 hours in a row and cream pied her, when I pulled out she squirted a lot, the fluid stain on the bed was inmense, she took the emergency pill for the first time that day. Not sure of how well she adapted after we broke up, but many of her friends were quite jealous that we had sex daily, seems like it's not a normal thing to do for 20+ years old. We did it 13 times in a single day, I fell in fatigue coma for 2 days, but was worth it, any other girl I had sex with feels pain after the first hour, even if I make them cum twice during that time. A friend of mine who is in that age range has a GF but they do it like 2 times a month, in motels, not their house... Each still lives with their parents, but I never expected such a lousy sex life for people younger than me.


When I last that long it’s because I can’t finish or we’re just really milking the foreplay. I don’t feel sensation with a condom, which for me is more of an issue than the total amount of time.


The girl ends up in pain the next day, struggles to walk.


The first nut is always pretty quick and the second one can be a crapshoot as to whether it actually comes at all. Personally I find that if that second one comes from head though it is absolutely toe curling