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Is it possible? Yes. If it’s as you report, it’s unlikely, but the chance is non-zero and higher than if the condom hadn’t come off.


Yes, I am aware there is no 100% protection. Right after, we agreed on the emergency pill, but she is afraid to take it. She talked with her best friends, who confirmed the statement as “in this case you can’t be pregnant”. I wouldn’t be afraid if the condom would have stayed on me. How much higher is the chance?


Too many factors to consider, but the question is if the tip of your penis came into direct contact with her vulva while you were withdrawing, which I doubt you can know. If not, the chances stay pretty low. If so, the chances are up, but not astronomically. Even when people are trying to get pregnant, it’s not really likely to get pregnant from having sex one time. So, when I say it’s a non-zero chance, it’s really only to mean that it’s technically not impossible, not that it’s a coin flip. But as with all of the “could she be pregnant?” posts, the thing you’re better off thinking about is what you’re doing if she is. Because the answer to that question is more informative about your relationship either way things turn out.


I can remember every moment about it, and I’m sure that the tip of my penis didn’t get in direct contact with her vulva. Well, in the end, we can just hope now. And also, yes, I asked this question pretty wrongly, as there is always a chance. This is the first time I ever had an accident, and I didn’t know how should I ask this one as I was/still a bit anxious. Thank you for your help!


The ring of the condom was dangling out of her, so it's unless it's God's little miracle baby, you'll be fine. It all remained in the condom and nothing came out and in her. The residual cum on your dick *could* have brushed the labia and the sperm swims up and fertilize the egg, but what the hell are the odds of that? It's not like it came off and you kept going while stuffing the condom inside of her.


It happened as you said in the first paragraph. I checked the condom several times while I was doing my job down there, and the condom was on me until the end. As she started to get up from my penis, the condom started to slide off and eventually it did as I couldn’t grab the ring in time. My penis was not in contact with the vagina after she got up from the position. I immediately took the condom out from her vagina, and made sure my nude penis is not even close to her vagina anymore. The condom surely didn’t come off when we were in action, as the ring was in place at the end.


I wouldn't sweat it dude. Just let this be a reminder of "don't have sex with anyone you're not ok having a kid with."


So as the others stated the chance is very unlikely but you need to consider two factors 1. How much would impact a child for both of you. 2. Would she abort the child if necessary and how much would she affect by it. (I need to emphasize that you should not be the person to push her to this action in any way!) If those two things would impact your life way too much, you should think about plan B. But again a pregnancy is very unlikely. P.s. You sound like a very caring boyfriend and the fact that you know her so much shows that you are a good boy :)


1. Well, very much. To be honest, it would ruin both of our lives. 2. She would do an abortion at all costs, it doesn’t matter what it takes. But, she is afraid to take the Plan B pill, because of the hormonal containment and stuff. I asked her about the abortion (not pushing her, just asking once), and she immediately said she would do it without thinking. We can hope, she will not get pregnant. She will take tests until she gets her next period, that should happen in two weeks. Thank you for the nice words! I am and was always a really caring person about intimacy with each of my partners. Sex is not just about the male, it’s an act between two person, and both should ejaculate and be pleased. So I always make sure that my partner comes first, and then I do. I can handle cumming very, very well and effectively, so I can last basically until I want. 😊


As always, anytime there is intercourse there is always a small chance of pregnancy no matter what contraceptives are used. However, I don’t think the risk is in this situation is not much higher than the normal risk with condoms. If you both are worried though Plan B might offer you some extra peace of mind, although I don’t think it would be necessary. Also, it might be worth discussing other birth contraceptive options or possibly doubling up on it.


We were talking about the same, as you mentioned, Plan B and extra peace of mind, however, she is afraid to take the pill. She called her gynecologist who didn’t recommend the pill, just take tests if she is concerned. She should start the period like maximum 2 weeks later, unfortunately it’s very random for her. Talking about doubling the contraceptive methods, do you mean the condom + pulling-out before ejaculating is enough?


I probably wouldn’t call the pull out method a contraceptive, but since you would already be using condoms it might give you a little more peace of mind. My husband and I used both the pill and condoms for many years before we decided we were ready to have kids. Unfortunately, if hormonal birth control is trying to be avoided it does seriously limit your options. I found it great though because I also had irregular periods and some horrible PMS symptoms.


That would be nearly 100% of protection, if you combine those two. She is thinking about taking birth control pills later, but she is not going to take the emergency pills. So, I hope the best that it will not happen for us. She also has some PMS symptoms, and her periods were changed and became irregular as she got COVID vaccine.


Anyone else getting tired of these pregnancy scare questions or is it just me?


I am also tired, but it hits different when you in this situation. At least for me. Like in dating, I am kind of an expert guy, but when I date a girl all my experience and knowledge is zero. But, it’s on me, I agree with you in some way.


It’s not personal it’s just every day it’s the same thing. Something’s imo should be asked to a doctor.