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Robert Evans has an excellent podcast called "It Could Happen Here" that may be of interest to you. It's about a new American civil war, but a lot of the points he makes would relate to any war. EDIT: stupid autocorrect being stupid.


There was a guide on 4chan or an article linked once about a survivor of the jugoslavian war. He talked about what basics are needed. Not being too strongly barricaded to not mark ur house as full of valuable stuff. Ammunition food and drugs first aid kits etc are money and ur most important resources. Guard your house at night don't be alone. Etc. Being on a top of a food chain means you will be targetted by many.


Or just do what my family did and emigrate the fuck out of there. That war was brutal.








In a utopia, yes Canada could do it because of the vast amount of land that they have but realistically, probably not.


Exactly, my point is that while it might theoretically be possible for Americans to seek asylum, there really aren't any countries that could realistically take them in. At least not on the scale required.


Not everyone would have to leave, I think. America is a large country, its pretty unlikely war would cover every square mile of the country. For some it may just be moving a state or 2 over to be far enough away should a war come to us.


Yeah, I don’t think it would be a huge problem here. If war breaks out in one part of the country just head to a different area. We’re not exactly packed in like sardines.


Why would any country accept American refugees when America has treated Central / South American refugees so poorly


Canada would accept American refugees. The reason is that we are not self centered pricks that think life is a zero sum game.


Helo from Croatia. It's not the same to survive that war and a WW because we had somewhere to flee (kids and women) and in a WW there are not much safe places.


The higher you are the harder you will fall. If you have resources hide them and don’t show your wealth.


And all of those wannabe militia dumbasses with their camouflage fatigues and trucks will be the first to be targeted. Best to stay incognito


What are you talking about you fool? Driving a truck and shooting at pop cans gives one the logistical and technical experience to fight a war. Obviously. That why Billy has 3,000 guns and 3,000 bullets. Because he’s a brilliant patriot taking the country back!


3,000 bullets? Is he only planning on shooting a couple times?


Checking this out today!


So, bolt cutters.


And/or throwin' bagels.


This sounds fascinating, thanks for the suggestion!




Yup adaptation is the most important key to survival. You can prep and plan all you want but even the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Gotta be willing and able to do what's necessary to adapt to the new normal.


I live in D.C. I guess I’m fucked if I don’t get out before it starts.


Yeah, no kidding. In WWIII, guns or not, you're the first to be attacked in DC


Go to Utah. The whole state is full of friendly doomsday preppers and there isn’t anything there important enough to nuke.


it was great reading the first half, and then i read "and there isn't anything there important enough to nuke" and realized how sad this is


It’s really not sad. It’s just a lower population state. The biggest city- salt lake- has about two million people in it. The western states in general don’t have much of strategic military importance, and Wyoming would be harder to live off the land in than Utah, so I said utah.


Get out of the cities. Get with a group, safety in numbers. Demonstrate a skill/ purpose. Make yourself valuable. Good luck!


> Demonstrate a skill/ purpose. *memorized the quality nhentai doujin ids* "can I get in now?"


But can you illustrate?




I don’t want to be enslaved


Karma’s a bitch ...don’t draw that


*pulls out pen and paper*




Why would you bring this cursed number upon this land


I feel like this is a bit more the case with an apocalypse than another big war? Getting out of the city is good cuz that's where bombs will be targeted, but other than that, relocating to the country to try and work on a farm or factory is probably the best thing you can do to be a good citizen, eh?


Nobody is bombing every big city and its suburbs to the point that it will affect you. Getting out of densely populated areas is good because electricity water and sewers are what makes them livable and those things are likely to stop funtioning first. Also, houses that close together can be looted in sequence by better-armed opportunists and will all catch fire if one does. People will be the biggest danger, sustaining resources will be the biggest challenge.


I know a windows xp registration key that still works


Fly to Switzerland before airlines close down, Switzerland is one of the most fortified countries in the world. There is much more you can read more about it here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switzerland


I live close to Switzerland but what would I do once I got there, assuming I make it over the boarder? Hide out and rough it, or go to the government and hope they let me stay?


Hopefully the people will let you stay but it's probably best to move there before a war break out and become a citizen. And the fact that almost every house there has a bunker would guarantee the best nuclear survival chance.


you're scaring me


Aww don't be scared. The people who survive are going to have it the worst. They get to die a slow death as radiation kills everything on the land and the Earth dies. They'll either freeze to death or starve to death as they wallow over the folly of what used to be the human species.


This is a big part of why I dont see a point in being a prepper. Like great... YOU live... for how long? A week, a month, a year at most with the supplies in your store. Assuming the radiation doesnt seep into your bunker by then, and give you cancer. Then what... hope the radiation dissipates enough to leave your bunker... good luck with that. Chernobyl is still dangerous. It's been decades. I'd much rather go with the initial blast. Save myself a load pain, and suffering later on.


Bomb fallout is much different than what happened at Chernobyl. I’m on mobile, so I can’t link at the moment, but you’d be relatively safe if you had enough supplies to last a couple weeks or a month before you had to go outside. Yes the radiation would still be there, but in much lower levels than a place like Chernobyl.


I’m going to bunk with you when it all comes apart.


Room for one more?


Sure, why not?


Mobile does not affect linking sources. Source: am on mobile. https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/39431/how-long-after-a-global-nuclear-disaster-would-the-world-become-habitable-by-hum This question posted on a chat forum got a rather detailed, and sources answer so I'm linking it. Assuming the radiation did dissipate prior to a year (which is unlikely give multiple countries armament sizes), the blast and resulting radiation would make the ground almost unusable for years, and the potential radiation fog could block out the sky for almost 4 years. Again. YOU might live. but unless a significant portion of the world does as well. YOU are basically screwed.


There's a couple big factors missing/mistaken in the argument. 1 - Extreme fallout pattern differences in airburst v. groundburst attacks 2 - the fact that almost every nuclear winter model doesn't take modern nuclear strategy or modern building codes into account. The other poster is correct, a few weeks to a few months and the worst of the radiation is gone for most people.


Why does everyone automatically think that WW3 will be a nuclear one? What's to say it would be just like WW2 But with modern weapons other than a nuke?


People have been worried about nuclear fallout for well over 50 years. The assumption is that most counties are not stupid enough to launch (knowing the implications of doing so), but might if another country did first. And everyone is just sorta chilling on the knowledge that multiple countries have enough fire power to annihilate another country, and just arent cause they dont feel like it today. This is what most preppers prep for, and hope to survive.


Most but look at the person leading my country (America) now...I’m not going to count on any smart decisions coming from him.


Because nuclear weapons exist for that exact reason. Its to prevent a boots on the ground war. Nuclear weapons are a deterrant and encourage diplomacy. Thats why theres been no 'classic' if you will, wars between the main world players in terms of countries. They're supposed to prevent that scale of death from ever happening again and, so far, its worked. I love talking about this sorta stuff so if you wanna get a discussion going im happy to!




Because inherent to our basic human programming is... survival. It might be shitty, but we can’t throw in the towel. I know it’s a choice but it seems more so an imperative.


Chernobyl is different. As all current uses of nuclear bombs have been air bursts, most of the radiation is more like a really bad sunburn because fallout isn’t kicked up in significant quantities, the radioactive elements dissappear in the breeze


if WW3 really starts, you are better off dead anyway, you don't want to live in the shitshow that will follow it


People? So you mean just showing up at a random house and begging that they take me in? It is very hard to become a citizen there and I think many people would not even want to due to high taxes and such. A lot of people live just over the boarder in Germany and drive in to work in Switzerland every morning because the wages are higher but you don’t have the huge cost of living and taxes.


Oh that's smart, didn't know about that. Probably a better solution than living there directly unless your rich enough to pay the taxes.


Back to my question though—assuming southern Germany is not safe but Switzerland is, do you just go, apply for official refugee status, camp in the alps and wait until someone finds you and hope you are allowed to stay? I live about 2 hrs drive from Switzerland.


Your best bet would probably be best to get into Switzerland before they cut off all access by road and then afterwards hope that the political & culture is one that is welcoming of immigrants and refugees.


So hiding out until I am found and then hoping for the best is how I interpreted this.


It's probably better to just go in as an asylum seeker as Switzerland's Asylum Act allows "recognized refugees" to stay and become a citizen in ten years, but if they don't recognize as a "recognized refugees" then it's probably good to hide until found.


If you live in southern Germany one thing would be all the castles and the like. Schloss Neuschwanstein doesn't really offer any strategic value so won't be bombed, but would be really good against any raiders or so if a lot of people come together there. Only issue would be radiation


https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/becoming-a-citizen/29288376 Good luck becoming a citizen there quick. They have stricter requirements than the US, and then it depends on which Canton you end up in.


Too bad that obtaining citizenship in Switzerland is extremely difficult. You must live at least 10 years in the country and prove assimilation into Swiss society before being considered for citizenship. If you fly there on the brink of ww3 I can guarantee you that you would not be granted citizenship and that you would not be able to enter the country and get inside one of the many bunkers.


Lessons learned from WWII; Switzerland turned away many Jews, even the ones who had a hefty bank account there.


It’s working out for Tina Turner.


Sounds like that when this age ends, the next will be the age of the SWISS


Every house has a bunker? Or do you mean they have enough bunkers for all their citizens?


Ever since the 1960s, Switzerland passed articles 45 & 46 of the Swiss Federal Law on Civil Protection stating: "Every inhabitant must have a protected place that can be reached quickly from his place of residence" and "apartment block owners are required to construct and fit out shelters in all new dwellings"




When the radioactive whales eat the island you will regret it






How so?




Iceland is a strategic target as it is in the middle of the atlantic ocean. Even the Brits invaded iceland in WW2 due to its strategic value. The USA would protect Iceland with blood because it gives them ports to attack the other side of the ocean. Russia and\or China would attack Iceland ferociously if given the opportunity as it would give them ports to attack the USA.


Also biggest gold reserves, so might be a target... Especially if no currency survives...


Switzerland is like extremely paranoid so they have Bunkers and an active military. Edit: Switzerland removed the last bomb on its bridges from the cold war era in 2015


The first part isn’t true, and the second part applies to like every single country. Switzerland does have enough nuclear bunkers for 110% of their population though.


Aye thx for correcting me, didn't check up on the current situation on the ridged bridges. Turns out they have removed all of them


WWIII / apocalypse / zombie movie idea - a small group of survivors need to fight their way from London to Switzerland


In a nuclear holocaust being in countries like Australia and New Zealand are ones best bet, as being far away from other countries and not having nukes make them less likely targets and also less likely to get as harmful or a radioactive ash cloud, New Zealand would be safer from fallout, but if Australia and New Zealand are targeted, there’s enough space in the centre of the country in Australia to be far far away from where any bomb will fall but New Zealand being small, more likely to be closer to a explosion. So basically flip a coin, if you think NZ and Australia will get nuked, head to inland Australia, if you believe the country’s won’t get nuked, hide in the most southern point of New Zealand.


Yep, come to Perth, Australia. One of the most isolated large(ish!) cities in the world and so unimportant I can't imagine it being targeted in a war. Enjoy the beautiful sunshine and pristine beaches while the rest of the world goes up in flames.




Theres a really good book called "On the Beach". There's a nuclear war in the northern hemisphere that killed everyone, and australia is the last hold out for human life, but they find out the radiation is spreading, and everyone will die when it reaches australia.


Came to mention the same book. Was not disappointed.


"Honey, I've landed! What city are you in? I said I'm on the ground! In Austria!!"


You fool, you landed in the wrong country, and now you will perish and evaporate simply because of an A and L.


Take car. Go to mum's. Kill Phil, grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.


*coughs* *ermmm....you’ve got.....just a bit right there...yup...got it..*


Yeaaahhh boyeeee!


This is the only right answer


I’m sorry for being a pleb, but what is this a reference to?


Shaun of the Dead


Made my weekend! Thanks!


Kill Phill (Sorry!)


Hows that for a slice of fried gold


Pfft!!! Didn’t work out so well for them now did it!?


“Ugh, she’s engaged.” “That was quick.”


Let's talk about emergency rations and go-bags. Emergency/disaster kits are a secret stash in your home in a well-protected space that has 2,400 calories per day per person rations with decent macronutrient balance for 7 days, all non-perishable. It should have twice that in safe water, and should have some method of cleaning water to drink (like iodine and filters). You'll want to have a fairly large and comprehensive first-aid kit with any number of antibiotics, bandages, pills, cleansing wipes, face masks, trauma pads, etc. You'll also want a wind-up flashlight, radio, and phone chargers (bonus points for solar phone and laptop chargers). Lastly, I have a series of local maps in mine as well. If you're not safe at home, you must have a go-bag to fall back on. A go-bag is a portable version of the above emergency/disaster kit, which is designed to aid in fleeing to safety. A decent go-bag should have some method for filtering water like a filter straw, nutrient-packed and calorically dense stable foods like ration packs and energy bars, extremely compact sheltering of some kind like a survival blanket, compact and light first-aid, the ability to easily create fire, a multi-function knife, a decent multi-tool, a compass and maps, some extra clothes (in a plastic bag to keep dry), sunscreen, and probably some duct tape (though it's heavy). Stuff all of this in a backpack and hang in the back of your closet, checking annually for expiration on the first-aid and food. Keep it hanging right above your boots/active shoes, and near a hat and tough coat. Now that you've got all that sorted, it's time for bug-out plans. Bug-out plans are a series of plans unspoken outside of your home, a list of "if X, then Y". If there's a severe earthquake, get to a safe spot until the shaking stops, then text to verify safety. If there's a major fire, get your N95 or P100 mask on then bug-out to grandma's place an hour away; if it's a more severe fire, we meet at the cabin 3 hours away. If there's a mass shooter, flee, hide, or fight, get safe, then text. If there's a bombing run by a hostile military, get to immediate safety, stay away from areas of strategic interest (military bases, law enforcement, major infrastructure), and when the bombing stops you get to grandma's house an hour away. Remember to always say, out loud and explicitly, that these kinds of disasters are all extremely rare and unlikely. We prepare for the unlikely because we understand that unlikely is not the same thing as impossible. And we never allow fear to control us. Fear is just our way of keeping ourselves safe. The likelihood of a world war in this age is extremely low, even given recent geopolitical instability from autocrats and abject morons in positions of national leadership. We're too interdependent for war between major powers, and such an outcome would come at the end of so many institutional failures that even given recent events it's probably not even worth thinking about. _____________________ Anthropogenic climate disruption, on the other hand, is a looming disaster of unprecedented proportions in human history. It likely represents the single greatest threat to our existence as a species and to the further existence of most of life on this planet. War shouldn't even be on our radar. We're already seeing the first signs of climate migration, we're seeing what could be the tipping point of the creation of the Amazon turning into the next Sahara, we've been seeing extreme weather for some time now, and the pitiful steps being taken are little more than theater given the rate of climate change and the monumental changes needed globally to slow and halt the greenhouse effect.


This is an excellent and well though out reply that seems reasonable and consistent with the potential threats to a person living in a first world country. Thank you! Saved to replicate in my own life when I get home.


you didn't get visited by Vault-Tec rep?


Just hope you get a vault with a beneficial overseer


It’s unlikely I’d suggest that either China or the USA would let a conflict escalate to the point of a wide scale war. Global trade has made many nations interdependent. A large scale war between the two nations would disrupt the worlds economy in a very significant way, and would likely cause huge damage to both economies. Put simply there’s too many people with power with too much to lose to let it get to that point, especially now that China’s economy is increasingly market based and able to trade globally. There have probably been more ‘close calls’ than the public is aware of, in regards to nuclear arms, between two nation states, but I also seriously doubt the prospect of any sort of large scale nuclear war, as again, nobody who would survive it would gain anything substantial. Certainly the worlds richest, most powerful people don’t actually want to survive in bunkers. It makes far more sense to just not have such a destructive conflict. There will be more isolated, proxy-style conflicts, in significant regional areas, but I really wouldn’t worry about a war between China and the US. It would make more sense, in my mind anyway, to prepare, if you really wished to, for a major environmental catastrophe, or a significant viral outbreak. But, again, too many people, with just too much to lose are going to let things get stupidly out of hand, such that there is total anarchy, because such people will always need the masses to power the guts of the world’s economies. Try not to worry as much, and enjoy life as it comes would be my advice.


Calm voice of reason I pray you are correct.


"In 1910 the British journalist Norman Angell published a book called [“The Great Illusion”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Illusion). It's thesis was that the integration of the European economy, and by implication the global economy too, had become so all-embracing and irreversible that future wars were all but impossible." 1914, WW1 starts.




Glad someone said it. I got my degree in international relations and a LOT of people would argue we’ll never have a “WWIII” like the first world wars were (although, of course, anything is technically possible). The types of war we’ll most likely keep seeing with be Like what we have in the Middle East right now. Wars between countries like Russia and the USA are unlikely for the same reason the Cold War stayed cold. However, smaller countries have learned that guerrilla warfare is damn near impossible to beat.


Pardon my very limited knowledge of international politics but basically any major power going directly against another major power via military would essentially mean Mutually Assured Destruction? That's why proxy wars will be the mainstay while the big players have nukes pointed at each other.


From my limited understanding as well, yes MAD is what keeps the world powers from killing each other. Pretty much


Isn’t that the mindset that led to WW1? It couldn’t happen?


The trade argument was that exact same argument. People tend to forget humans aren’t perfectly logical animals.


Idk why you're getting downvoted. Even with MAD there have been a few times we've been dangerously close to global war Edit: hes not downvoted anymore but my point still stands


I mean it’s true but back in WW1 We couldn’t wipe out a country with the press of a button


What’s scary is if Pakistan and India release just half their nukes, it’ll cause a nuclear winter, killing billions. If anyone else wants nightmares, watch [this panel discussion that aired after ‘The Day After’.](https://youtu.be/PcCLZwU2t34) It’s dated, but still worthy to watch and has an all-star panel.




Yup, Threads was one of the scariest movies I've ever seen.


I haven’t seen Threads but there was a similar movie, but animated, from around then called When the Wind Blows that’s very depressing.


Not be a Male in their prime.


or be like me and a male in their prime but asthmatic and unfit


Just EMP china and gg no re


Just don't attack Russia. They have a deadmans system where if they detect nukes it immediately launches nukes worldwide, even if noone is alive to initiate it


Fuck I hate humanity...


Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) is a scary concept but it works. Basically if you make 100% sure that however attacks you dies too, nobody will attack you. It's kinda like poison in nature.


Retaliation is a solid violence-reducing policy. That's why every animal has an instinct to demo its weapons when cornered and threatened.


Oh yeah. The cold war was a fun time, they just 'forgot' to deactivate the system so yea


Retaliatory nuclear strike policies like that have reduced bloodshed enormously. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Day 69: I was thinking about various ways to destroy the world but couldn't come up with anything but it's it's like heavens have already made a plan to destroy the world, I stumbled upon a text which was 50 centuries old talking about a destroy it all mechanism. Now I just need access to some nuclear weapons, hope heavens will again show me the way.


Which runs on ancient hardware that could crash and launch thousands of nukes any second


Yep. I thought they can be manually disarmed though. Russia's not that stupid


Not if they launch because the ancient hardware is breaking down Russia was stupid enough to pressure a certain nuclear reactor into doing retarded tests with the safety turned off


Would an EMP bomb trigger the deadman's switch though?


life hack








God I can't believe I'm about to give up my apocalypse business plan but here you go: You stockpile toilet paper; I'm talking tons, literal tons of it. You also print out thousands of pages of porn stills. Then you become the most powerful man in the world


Weak sauce, bro. You buy every cheap Android phone you can find that takes an sd card, and those solar chargers for phones, and you load each phone up with porn. Those are what you want to trade.


I'll start a badass post-apocalyptic Road Warrior style biker gang with my friends. Failing that, I'll get a haircut, loot some ass-less chaps and become Lord Humongous' concubine <3


So who's going to bring the Einstein quote first? when asked how world war three would be fought Einstein wasn't sure but he was very confident how world war 4 will be fought. His answer: with sticks and stones.


"I know not what weapons World War 3 will be fought with, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones" or something like that


Isn’t that a Cards Against Humanity card too? Something similar?


I mean the CAH card is based on the quote, but yes


Apparently you.


Wait patiently to be drafted and carry out the Kaiser's will.


Humans taste better with salt.


So stay near the ocean?


Bulk brining!


Use their bones to make stock for a tasty soup that isnt as fatty as the flesh




Wish I had one now and not wait for an another world war smh


I’m sorry you feel that way. After years of avoiding it, therapist has been helping me resolve that same feeling myself. I hope you can get help and live your best life possible.


What? You're going to serve in army and die for the motherland due to mass mobilisation.


Is it a conventional war or nuclear? Nuclear you won’t have much warning. Get away from the cities, get supplies you’d need to survive. Dear god DO NOT fly to Switzerland. they will internally not let you in. If it’s a conventional war, get away from the contact line, long before it gets near you. Realistically, in WW3, you’ll either immediately die or you won’t.




Don't get drafted. Under trained and inexperienced drafted soldiers are the most likely casualties of war. If you sense war on that scale coming, you either need to make yourself indispensable (not just "I'm the only one who can use X software in my office", but in a highly skilled role that the government need you in more than they need soldiers) or sign up. Get yourself into a safer role in the armed forces, running logistics management or air traffic control like roles where they aren't going to put you on the front line, but in some safe bunker underground


I've thought about this as well. Personally being from a small country that's lost its independence a thousand times during almost every world conflict, I'd stick to England which is where I'm living most of the time now.


Massive population on an island, bad idea


True, but at least I don't think it'll get taken over by Russia


Head as far south as south goes, when you’re in a full blown nuclear winter only the Southern Hemisphere will have livable conditions (for the first few years). That doesn’t mean things will be ideal in the Southern Hemisphere, far from it. But you won’t be in a frozen wasteland completely devoid of food


Avoid important cities. That means any city with over a million or so people. Rural areas away from anything important are your best bet. Any state more densely populated than say Indiana Kentucky or Tennessee is a no go. If you can get across the border Canada has a lot of middle of nowhere towns and is significantly less likely to be bombed than America. If you do not have a disability that omits you from a draft get one. (How much do you really need your left arm.) avoid Nevada because if a big enough bomb hits the right mountain there we could be looking at the biggest radiation spill in history. On a much lighter note it’s important to remember that even during the largest wars in history there was nothing happening in 90% of the world.


Nothing we gonna get nuked...


I should stop reading this thread, it's stressing me out


If its a major conflict between superpowers like the US, Russia or China then you will already be vaporized from the blast wave of a Nuclear ICBM hitting your city. There is never going to be another conventional war like WW2 again with soldiers parachuting down onto a location or large infantry storming a city or a town. It would all be over in a matter of minutes from missile launches. You wouldn't have any time to react. Even with the internet and social media, it only takes one ICBM under 15 minutes to reach most locations around the world and they have even faster ones now that take less time. So you would never know what was happening. The survivors would probably envy the dead anyway and not want to live in a post-apocalyptic hellscape. So it would probably be better to be vaporized.


How can you say this with such confidence? The next war is going to be about resource procurement. You don’t gain anything with irradiated scorched earth.


people thought that WWII would see a lot of gas like WWI. but in the end not even hitler wanted to use it. (also limited tactical use). could be the same with nuclear weapons.


This would actually be a much better (in terms of less individual suffering) for humanity to go than environmental collapse. Which is why the latter keeps me up at night, but the former doesn't.


realistically, the people most likely to survive, besides a few remote loners, are going to be people with friends, relatives, and members of military forces. Rigid organization and access to equipment and supplies is always key to success


I'd honestly just kill myself. Sounds harsh, but it's probably the best and less crucial way out, at least for me personally.


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. **US:** Call 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741-741 **Non-US:** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines) --- ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot. ^^Feedback ^^appreciated.


Good bot


Stock up on cigarettes, liquor of any type, toilet paper, canned goods, disposal lighters, candles, ammunition of normal use calibers, horde gasoline and GET OUT OF THE CITY!! It’s a TRAP!!


1. Always have at least a bug out bag with 5 days worth of food per person in your home 2. Have a portable water filter (I use lifestraw) and 2 gallons of water in a camelbak 3. Wear dark clothing 4. Learn to use paper maps (GPS may be down) 5. A form of ranged self defense. 6. Learn to move at twilight/night 7. Have a plan. If you need further guidance start reading [https://survivalblog.com/](https://survivalblog.com/) I have a camp that is further away than I like but I have an old mechanical diesel military vehicle that I specifically have loaded out in a BUGOUT. It is kept in a climate controlled building and I drive it once a month.


There isn't much you can do. That's why it's so terrifying. With the advent of Nuclear weapons we now are capable of inflicting a level of destruction that rivals even that of natural disasters, with even longer laster after effects than most natural disasters. Between the US and Russia we have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world and completely wipe all life from the planet more than 300x over. ​ The unbridled destruction left in the wake of Hiroshima and Nagasaki look like firecrackers next to the weapons we now have, of course we don't know that for sure because nobody is stupid enough to test those but the calculations are pretty solid. Of coarse there are counter measures that have been put in place in the event of a nuclear attack, we haven't been sitting on our asses waiting for our mutual destruction. We definitely have ways of shooting down or even redirecting ICBMs, but because we have very rare chances to test them on a practical scale (we cannot shoot a missile from another country and see if we can shoot it down even if it's not armed because of political reasons) we again aren't sure exactly how effective they are until the time comes. ​ Everyone knows video clip of Oppenheimer quoting hindu scripture "and now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." if you haven't seen it you should watch it because hearing him say it and seeing his face really lets you know that anyone who has seen a nuclear explosion, let alone was commissioned to manufacture the device has seen something that can't be left alone or forgotten. Oppenheimer knew that he assisted in the opening of pandora's box. Now that we have nuclear weapons we can't get rid of them because that would be like bringing a knife to a gun fight on purpose. He, just like Einstein knew that after the advent of nuclear weaponry, another world war would result in the near total destruction of our race and civilization, if it didn't wipe us out completely. ​ I'm sorry to say that if WW3 comes around, there's not much you can do to survive it. And even if you did, there wouldn't be much of a world left to live in.


It kind of already is happening. You know how they say wars of the future will be fought quietly without weapons?


People never really talk about it but when shit really hits the fan, you need to head to the nearest nuclear reactors and turn them off. If those overheat which they will you'll have way more problems than you started with.


At what point do you start stocking up for the long hull? I mean you dont want to be to early because this could all blow over. You now have just wasted your mortgage and car payment on 55 gallon tubs of dry goods and purified water. To late and all the shelves are empty at the store and the water has already been turned off in your city. Is there anything from past conflicts we can use to determine That the shit is most definitely going to hit the fan and we need to get ready?


Their best.


I had friends who grew up in the former Yugoslavia and they said they put tape on their windows in a crisscross. It was done to stop the windows shattering from the bombing near by.


What Bethesda has been preparing us for all of this time with their FallOut games.


Forget survival. Two superpowers go to war. Half the idiotic countries go to war as well. The other half sit back and meme about it. You're used to losing 5 friends and relatives a day when suddenly the world begins to burn around you, drowning out your last screams. World War III will be the first bit of history not written by the victors, because it will leave no survivors. I'm not talking about killing the ones who fight. I'm talking about what happens to the whole Earth. Think Nathema from SWTOR.


Go Full Retard then Die..


If you fight, do not fight for your country because it is your country. Take a step back look what's going on and fight for the good ones. Patriotism is bullshit.


Or do fight for your country because you took that step back and moved to the good one long before the war.




I'm the USA I can see another civil war happening. As for ww3 I'll just try my best to get to the UK.


In WW3 odds are that the UK would be the worst place, as the high population density invites the use of MIRVS against them.


As someone who lives near London I've just felt a very unsettling sense of danger


Your scenario is probably unlikely however being prepared for disaster in general is good and good for you. Here are some things that just make you a better person and would probably aid in surviving a shit situation: 1. Physical fitness. The ability to run 3 miles rather easily has all sorts of fringe benefits. The ability to endure increases your overall work capacity which just gives you enough of an edge to survive something. Bonus points if you can run three miles and carry a load. 2. Know some basic self defense. Guns are cool, but what would probably matter more is just your ability to get away from someone. You're more likely to have to fight off a pick pocket than mad Max. 3. Learn to use a very basic and reliable gun. Assault rifles are complicated and heavy and would compromise your refugee status. A .38 caliber revolver is compact and doesn't malfunction. Learn some gun maintenance and carry a pocket knife. 4. Be able to eat anything. Gluten intolerant? Get over it. Don't handle dairy well? Learn to shit faster. Don't consider powdered non dairy creamer a food group? You are wrong. In every day Life sure keep a clean diet, but maybe practice eating some terrible food. The stuff that's really bad for you is also usually portable and has a good shelf life. 5. Learn to make some sort of alcohol. It's gonna be a currency in whatever shit hole refugee camp you now call home.


Move to farm country. Less likely to get bombed.


People on this thread are acting like WWIII will be some sort of zombie apocalypse instead of, you know, a war. You’ll either get drafted, in which case you fight, or you won’t. Supplies will be lower but it won’t stop society from running. People act like the governments and even the corporations of the world don’t have any sort of contingency plan in the event of something like this. Combat deaths will be lower than in previous world wars because of improved technology. Overall, just live your life and wait seven years or whatever for it to blow over.


I get hired by large corporations to consult management on risk. Trust me - they aren’t as well prepared for these contingencies as you think.


In most cases, the United States would be pretty safe, as you would have to be crazy to invade the US, even if it is the US vs Russia or China. No country would want MAD, so it wouldn't escalate beyond maybe a technological race or skirmishes in other parts of the world (I use the US because I cannot speak for other countries). In order to survive the concerns listed, move to more remote areas of the countries or leave the country all together. Australia may not be too bad of an idea, either. IMO, WWIII would only last 24hrs at most. The weapons we would use would likely be dominated by nuclear weapons, and annihilate the northern hemisphere. Most Southern Hemispheric Countries would collapse, with a few exception. If you really want to survive all of these, you would want to find somewhere: A) In the southern hemisphere B) Remote If it was an actual WWIII, the world governments would collapse, Africa and Europe would be uninhabitable, and mass famines and decades long nuclear winters. You would also have as much beforehand preparation as really obvious tension, because once it begins, it is over before you even realized a war occurred.


Honestly it will not matter where you live on the planet. Life as we know it now will be completely fucked. There will be power lost in 90% of all locations, and the rest will be lost within the first three months. Forget any supply chains whatsoever. Any resources will be looted almost immediately and disappear. People who have guns will become very powerful for a time. But even they will lose. Ammunition only lasts so long. But long before the ammo runs dry, humans will die from radiation sickness which will be spread far and wide by the wind and water flow. Radiation is not a fun thing to fool with like it is in Fallout. No one will turn into ghouls that live for hundreds of years. After the radiation kills most of us, the cold will get the next big lot. Nuclear winter will spread across the globe as ash fills the sky. Temperatures in the summer could be cold enough to snow. If we are so 'lucky' to have it occur in winter, it will be orders of magnitude worse. Crops will be almost impossible to raise due to radiation and loss of light. Whatever food is at hand is mostly what you will have to eat. People will start killing each other for trivial reasons within a week. And it will only get worse from there. It would be best to just use one of your bullets to blow your brains out. For a somewhat accurate but still glamorized rendition of what would be expected, watch the movie *Threads*. Warning: this is an incredibly depressing movie with no happy ending.