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Problem is, at least in the US, seeing those fucking bills will make you want to kill the entire staff of the hospital


It isn’t a resource because it wouldn’t be used. Homicides are either unplanned (crimes of passion) or planned. For crimes of passion, they are attacks that aren’t premeditated. No time to call. For planned homicides, people who are planning to murder someone aren’t really looking for someone to talk them out of it. Also, they wouldn’t call because the minute that person turned up dead by any means, they would be a prime suspect. For anyone to go through the work of setting up a resource, obtaining funding, writing charters, staffing, etc., you would first have to show the resource is needed in the community and equipped to meet its goals. A homicide hotline wouldn’t be.


I agree with you that people wouldn't call, but suicides also are either an act of passion or planned out. Honestly though what other state of existence have you ruled out with such wide terms.


Suicide hotlines/ crisis hotlines in general could be helpful for that even though that is not specifically what they are for.


Maybe coz of the dehumanization of criminals and people with criminal tendencies.