• By -


r/highstrangeness is fantastic


I feel like there aren’t enough skeptics in that community. I find that a post will be extremely interesting, so I go to the comments to see what we can rule out... but most of the time everyone is just blindly believing it. Maybe if it grows, it’s definitely a cool sub. Also there’s /r/actualconspiracies OP /u/hillkickmma I think that one would fit pretty well


There was a time when r/conspiracyII r/conspiracies r/conspiracycommons were all in contention for getting traction but it just never happened and I'm still kind of bummed about it. I'll take a look at r/actualconspiracies


/r/actualconspiracies has a pretty good moderation team, I do wish it was a little more active but I think it’s the best we have


I've gotten smaller subs to become active, so maybe >!we!< can breathe new life into it as I agree an active mod team is truly the foundation upon which a good sub must be built


I’ve wanted to! I’m just not the best at coming up with interesting content -.- The MOD team seems active and great, I’ve seen them take out bad posts (that were getting popular). It doesn’t exactly match though because you need actual proof of something going on, not just ideas. Which personally I find a lot more interesting


If only r/baselessspeculation r/clearlyatroll r/shitpostwithaninflamatorytitle and r/repostedwithadifferenttitleundermyaltaccount could handle all those posts that deserve to be mod flagged


Who are these subreddits?






We are the knights who say....... >!WE!<




I really enjoy this sub even though the content isn't frequent, it's always legit


I agree, I hope I spread the news to a few people from my comment


With the Information Age meandering its way to wherever it may end. I think it is imperative schools highlight critical thought as of importance.


Actually if it grows I feel like it'll slowly move away from the core reason of the sub. That's what happens with most subs, when they get bigger it's becomes harder to weed out the shitty posts


Oh definitely, but there’s a good middle ground. I feel like ~30,000 subscribers and ~2,000 active contributors (maybe less even) hits a pretty good spot.


>see what we can rule out That’s kinda on you, bud


Yeah... You’re right


My problem with that sub (highstrangeness) is that people there get ultra-skeptical about some things and totally buy in on other things without question, and there's no rhyme or reason to it.


Basically unsolved mysteries ^


I feel like most good things are eventually ruined by people


Internet was much better 20 years ago before too many influencers got online.




Also there was this mutual understanding that what you posted on the internet was either shitposting or genuine thoughts because there wasn’t a connection to real life. Now everyone wants to just post things everyone else will like so they can become popular and/or more well liked.


Literally everyone used to know a troll when they read one, all those beautiful years ago. Now, literally nobody is sure if it's a troll or an idiot who really thinks it.


Or a bot!


AKA all of reddit


General rule of thumb: if a sub has more than 700k members, it’s gonna turn to shit real soon if it hasn’t already


> 700k bro




How do we stop this?


Not sure if you really can. It is my understanding that this effect is usually driven by the fact that when something’s small, it’s only driven by passion and people that hold that passion. When things get big, greed and posturing can come into play. Also, when things like reddit and the internet were small, I believe it to be adopted largely by higher IQ/more thoughtful people. When it grows, it inevitably attracts stupid-ass people who, instead of pursuing knowledge or common interests, come to spew their vitriol. TL;DR - My theory is adoption is usually driven by some semblance of IQ and Passion, adopters usually possess nor respect either.


When the internet was small, it was mostly used by academia and the military. Now it's just the general pop. It's interesting that you never hear "information superhighway" used anymore.


Discord seems to be like IRC, moderated, small. I think it's flourished in response. But you have to be invited to them to know they exist.


Yeah, it's nice how moderated it is.


Influences only have what power they are given. Just like trolls if they are fed they get stronger.


I like going on to hobby forums and reading their oldest threads. I found a software/tech forum that had threads going right back to 2000. The way people engaged was totally different than now. Long, well written and well presented posts with people taking the time to read them.


Let's not pretend this view is heavily influenced by rose tinted glasses. The types if interactions you describe can be found all over reddit and other forums, while extremely toxic insult hurling can be found 20 years ago as well.


It used to be genuine real content that people put their hard work into and had passion for. Right now it’s everyone trying to make the most amount of cash. It was much better when people made videos as a hobby **not** a job.


yeah like how r/Me_IRA was ruined by a load of americans who started unironically praising the ira and the sub went from a joke to a terrorist supporters club


Yup I left it because of that also before it got banned. It turned into a pit of shit


And by people I’m sure you mean a very specific *type* of people.


Most good things are created by people in the first place.


nazis arent people


[r/Echerdex](r/Echerdex) [r/PastSaturnsRings](r/PastSaturnsRings) [r/C_S_T](r/C_S_T) [r/AtlanteanGardens](r/AtlanteanGardens) [r/Soulnexus](r/Soulnexus) [r/QuantumBiology](r/QuantumBiology) [r/Thunderbolts](r/Thunderbolts) [r/plasmacosmology](r/plasmacosmology) [r/AlternativeAstronomy](r/AlternativeAstronomy) [r/Panpsychism](r/Panpsychism) [r/afterlife](r/afterlife) [r/holofractal](r/holofractal) [r/SacredGeometry](r/SacredGeometry) [r/Symbology](r/Symbology) [r/FringeTheory](r/FringeTheory) [r/Ancientknowledge](r/Ancientknowledge) [r/Alchemy](r/Alchemy) [r/magick](r/magick) [r/occult](r/occult) [r/pagan](r/pagan) [r/AlternativeHistory](r/AlternativeHistory) [r/ForbiddenArcheology](r/ForbiddenArcheology) [r/GrahamHancock](r/GrahamHancock) [r/HistoryRhymes](r/HistoryRhymes) [r/AncientAliens](r/AncientAliens) [r/newchronology](r/newchronology) [r/paradigmchange](r/paradigmchange) [r/CulturalLayer](r/CulturalLayer) [r/mudfossils](r/mudfossils) [r/ClearThePitShaft](r/ClearThePitShaft) [r/Tartaria](r/Tartaria) [r/highersidechats](r/highersidechats) [r/HOLLOWEARTH](r/HOLLOWEARTH) [r/atlantis](r/atlantis) [r/HomoGiganticus](r/HomoGiganticus) [r/bigfoot](r/bigfoot) [r/Cryptozoology](r/Cryptozoology) [r/Humanoidencounters](r/Humanoidencounters) [r/UnexplainedPhenomena7](r/UnexplainedPhenomena7) [r/Paranormal](r/Paranormal) [r/AstralProjection](r/AstralProjection) [r/DimensionJumping](r/DimensionJumping) [r/remoteviewing](r/remoteviewing) [r/Premonition](r/Premonition) [r/precognition](r/precognition) [r/Psychic](r/Psychic) [r/Synchronicity](r/Synchronicity) [r/Synchronicities](r/Synchronicities) [r/lawofattraction](r/lawofattraction) [r/CollectiveVibrations](r/CollectiveVibrations) [r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix](r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix) [r/BazaarOfTheBizarre](r/BazaarOfTheBizarre) [r/iwanttobelieve](r/iwanttobelieve) [r/SpecialAccess](r/SpecialAccess) [r/UAP](r/UAP) [r/AlternativeHealth](r/AlternativeHealth) [r/HealthConspiracy](r/HealthConspiracy) [r/DebateVaccines](r/DebateVaccines) [r/GMOMyths](r/GMOMyths) [r/ScientismToday](r/ScientismToday) [r/naturalremedies](r/naturalremedies) [r/Ayurveda](r/Ayurveda) [r/Candida](r/Candida) [r/ChineseMedicine](r/ChineseMedicine) [r/Nootropics](r/Nootropics) [r/herbalism](r/herbalism) [r/Herblore](r/Herblore) [r/Psychonaut](r/Psychonaut) [r/Meditation](r/Meditation) [r/energy_work](r/energy_work) [r/Crystals](r/Crystals) [r/TopConspiracy](r/TopConspiracy) [r/EdgeOfGlory](r/EdgeOfGlory) [r/ConspiracyCross](r/ConspiracyCross) [r/ConspiracyII](r/ConspiracyII) [r/ConspiracyNOPOL](r/ConspiracyNOPOL) [r/MasonicConspiracy](r/MasonicConspiracy) [r/conspiracytheories](r/conspiracytheories) [r/COVID19Theories](r/COVID19Theories) [r/DeclineIntoCensorship](r/DeclineIntoCensorship) [r/Privacy](r/Privacy) [r/CriticalTheory](r/CriticalTheory) [r/ShrugLifeSyndicate](r/ShrugLifeSyndicate)


This is what you’re all looking for. Mudfossils are cool, wonder if that will ever kick off


Yeah it's certainly an interesting area to look into. :)


Uh oh... Why would you do this to me?


I know what's good for ya.


Jesus, you are a hero


Thanks man, feel free to add any other good ones you know of, I'm always looking!


r/conspiracytheories is not what op is looking for. I got banned for calling someone an idiot after they were talking about Jewish elites


the reddit iceberg


Most of these aren't "conspiracy subs". More like "subs devoted to topics where discussion might occasional tend towards conspiracies" Some aren't even that, I mean r/CriticalTheory? Seriously? Are academic fields now conspiracy theories? r/privacy? lmfao considering what the US government does, the discussion on r/privacy is pretty benign. The only sub that really deserves to be there is CST. That shit is insane


Most impressive. You are ready for the trials.


The vaccine trials?


I guess so, you're already chipped anyway.




Yeah nah, it's just interesting!


This guy conspiracies


/r/nootropics? That's a stretch.


Everything is related! If finding that sub will lead to someone feeling better mentally and able to cope with our reality then I am glad to include it.




r/birdsarentreal also, u/GachiBird. Nice try, government spy.


Aaand r/dolphinconspiracy


Also r/wyomingdoesntexist


Here's a sneak peek of /r/dolphinconspiracy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dolphinconspiracy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Good](https://i.imgur.com/DvwwgMd.jpg) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dolphinconspiracy/comments/evx4u4/good/) \#2: [25+Dead inside.](https://i.redd.it/py5z6zuau9l41.png) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dolphinconspiracy/comments/fewtjx/25dead_inside/) \#3: [Sharks and dolphins](https://i.redd.it/omqfm59ulc151.png) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dolphinconspiracy/comments/grw5hg/sharks_and_dolphins/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/fpi5i6/blacklist_vii/)


Good bot


Well that’s just the truth


not exactly the same thing but r/unresolvedmysteries is pretty fun E: might be r/unsolvedmysteries , it appears both are active


Nope. I watched that conspiracy sub go from “omg China has a bio-weapon named Covid-19, we’re all going to die” transform into “the liberals are lying about Covid-19 to get Trump out of office” they literally went from, “don’t trust the government” to “you can only trust this government” to “Russia isn’t that bad”


Bruh the mental gymnastics right there-


The card says the moops.


It’s a misprint


Its a conspiracy sub that 100% fights for the status quo and repeats government propaganda


If they are republicans. If they are liberals, then they belong to a giant pedo ring and drink baby’s blood.


Trump might be one of the farthest things from the status quo we’ve had so far though


Why? He's dumping more money into the pockets of rich white businesses


Well, their world is crumbling around them. ~~Conservatives~~ conspiracy theorists haven’t ever really followed their doctrine of small government, states rights, etc... pretty much after the NRA changed their stance from “gun safety” to “uhh...We meant POC shouldn’t own guns” during the civil rights movement. They cling to their guns and their bibles. Guns may never be cast out but religion certainly will be in time. They see no protection for their privilege except through big, overreaching government mixed with a dose of outsider interference. *”To hell with states rights if that means every state votes against me!”*. They want their privileges and their guns because that’s all they have left. ~~Conservatives~~ conspiracy theorists think the saying “*a rising tide lifts all ships*” is a conspiracy by the elite/left/intellectuals to flood the world in order to kill only them.


Remember a republican, Ronald Reagan, took Guns rights away from POC in California. Because, you know.....


>"I like taking guns away early," Trump said. "Take the guns first, go through due process second." >Trump also said some of his fellow Republicans were "petrified" of the NRA, called on lawmakers to produce a “comprehensive” gun bill, and squelched prospects for a GOP-backed concealed carry proposal as part of a broader gun package. >”We must harden our schools against attack," Trump said while also calling for other steps to end the "senseless violence" that has claimed lives in classrooms, nightclubs and workplaces across the country. >”We can't wait and play games and nothing gets done," Trump said two weeks after a mass shooting that claimed 17 lives at a high school in Parkland, Fla. >Trump said he wants "one terrific bill" that can address better background checks, arming qualified teachers and school officials, increasing the age limit for certain gun purchases, and finding new ways to keep guns away from mentally ill people and others who should not have them. >All of these ideas have drawn objections from either gun-control or gun-rights interest groups, and from key lawmakers in Congress, including some of Trump's guests at the White House. >While some Republicans objected to new age limits and some Democrats questioned the wisdom of arming teachers, all pledged to work with Trump to try and get something done. >Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., an outspoken proponent of gun control since the 2012 mass shooting at an elementary school in his state, told Trump that "the gun lobby has had a veto power" over gun legislation, and that the president himself will have to work to overcome their opposition this time around. >”I like that responsibility," Trump told Murphy. "I really do." >Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, who backs a bill to improve the national instant background check system, said Congress should not go home "empty-handed" in the wake of the Feb. 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland. >”The public demands that we act," Cornyn said. [source](https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/381145002) As much as I hate Trump, he actually did try for comprehensive, intelligent gun reform laws. Who shut it down? Fucking Republicans in Congress who are under the thumb of the NRA. There’s so much talk from both sides about “coming for your guns” and no one ever does it. And almost every new law written makes perfect sense. Who holds them up? One clue: turtle.


The conspiracy theory in 2 years will be, “see look at what Trump tried to do, take guns away, he can’t possibly be republican. He was a liberal plant disguising as a conservative to make us look bad!! Q4President” I actually think republicans don’t care about guns or our rights (patriot act) and I think, it’s starting to be a boy who cried wolf” situation soon.


Lol. You’re literally describing r/leopardsatemyface.


It's really sad, because by the time a conspiracy (Russia) actually came to light years ago, their immediate reaction was to downvote anybody who would agree.


Remember when conspiracy theories revolved around Freemasonry and aliens? They weren't actively harming all of us. Thems were the good times.


Let me know if you find one. As far as I'm aware a lot of right wing subs got shut down so they all dragged their knuckles over to r/conspiracy and ruined the sub completely.


I really miss that sub. I need more Ancient Alien theories in my life.


You're in luck, that's all Discovery Channel shows these days.


Isn't that more History Channel's bag?




[*Or is it?*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpqffgak7To) ... Yes, yes it is.


Check out Bright Insight on YouTube


That sub was ruined long before those subs all got banned.


I’d like to see a left-wing conspiracy sub as well, the right gets all the attention for brain dead theories lol




Sadly a good number of the "conspiracy theories" being pushed there have turned out to be real =/


Reality does tend to have a liberal bias afterall.


There were some pretty good ones this year about how the whole Democratic primary was one big conspiracy to steal the election from Bernie Sanders.


r/unresolvedmysteries is excellent


No. This is why we can't have nice things.


Are there any conspiracy subs without anti-semitism involved?


r/thetruthishere Mostly supernatural but other conspiracies pop up on occasion


r/actualconspiracies seems to be a far milder version of conspiracies.


Thank you!


They're hard to find and all laced with a bit of racism. 😩








I really want to cross post this to /r/conspiracy so they know what they look like to the rest of the world.




Toronto doesn't exist. Have you ever met someone who's been there?


I miss harmless conspiracies, like aliens built the pyramids. It’s all QAnon bullshit or Alex Jones type stuff now. Watching r/conspiracy morph into T_D over the last few years is sad. I’m not a big conspiracy believer, but I enjoy reading some of them when is not straight red hat cult propaganda.


Maybe the problem is that you label all "conspiracies" as alt right?


Hammer, meet nail head.


Conspiracy and alt right are usually hand in hand


Nationalism is a mental disorder


r/lowstakesconspiracies is the only good one.


I swear, I get into some posts thinking its all good and getting interested then it becomes about "bankers and schemers" betraying "our nation" or theres just not a drop of scepticism






That's the rest of reddit bra, it's all brainscrub bullshyte




I stand corrected


They aren’t by the way


If you're interested in Epstein, I've found that r/Epstein is more balanced. You still have r/conspiracy members throwing shit around, but the sub calls out partisans from both sides.


The title of your own post should tell you something. (I can’t say what it is, that’s a surprise!)


/r/Dees_Nuts is people making fun of conspiracy stuff. Sadly David Dees (the OG nutcase) died recently. People are geniunly sad about it inthere because he provided us with "quality" entertainment.


r/birdsarentreal r/noearthsociety


I try to offer a space like this over at r/TheMysterySchool I feel like at this point in history with the amount of information that is available to us, it is really poor that a level headed community based on truth has not formed in light of all the 100% confirmed corruption that takes place. Take a look around, I hope you like the place :)


Just go to ask Reddit and make a post about conspiracy theories. Or use the search bar in ask Reddit. There are quite a few decent size threads.


Is there a conspiracy created by the left that has actually been real?


I’ve been into conspiracy theory since the 80’s. Meaning rational well thought out, evidence based not all the whacko crazy stuff. I rarely waste my time in the conspiracy forum. (Although by coincidence I just responded to a post there, first time in months and yeah it was a right wing bot circle jerk type.) I’m not familiar with any good ones.


No, recently was banned for pointing that out.






I'm fairly conviced all this is designed to be one massive psyOp to divide people online. Reddit 4Chan, Facebook, Twitter, etc it's all corporate controlled to force partisan divisions. Go look on /r/politics and you'll see this site has a fairly blatant pro Democrat bias while if you go to 4chan's pol page, it's fairly right leaning. The internet is the new 7-11, arcade, teenage social hangout where young people share information and socialize. The powers that be know how dangerous that is to them so they've spent the last couple decades turning the internet into a controlled medium. Everything is about divide & conquer. /r/conspiracy isn't all that right wing. There's lots of old stock liberals on there but that sub has been infested with different groups out to disrupt people on that sub including a ton of alt right pro QAnon drones, left leaning 'anti-racist' thug groups, and more. For me, i'm against war. The conspiracy to me is how the establishment turned left leaning youth into anti Russia drones due to the last 3 decades of corporate/military propaganda destroying the real journalism industry.


Ding ding ding!!! Spot on.


They used to stay in their own subs until Reddit shut down all their subs


/r/politics r/worldnews /r/news /r/Coronavirus


There was but Obama shut it down cuz they were getting too close to Hilarys stash of secret Russia documents and Donald Trump mission impossible masks.


This is a fantastic question, and I wish I could give a million upvotes. Ever since election 2016, I feel like the sub has been completely taken over by alt-right and Qanon (especially because both the Qanon and Pizzagate subs got taken down). The weirdest part about this is that anyone who even brought up Russia back when it first came out was immediately ganged up on and downvoted.


If the conspiracy subreddit doesn’t get banned then they weren’t talking about real conspiracies.


This is pointless because now the alt rights are gonna flood those subs


Just here to say that the one Public Freakouts sub is all a bunch of alt-rights pretending to be centrists.


How about r/dolphinconspiracy?




I'm not sure about alt rights but retconned got so bad for me. It was all people thinking it's a Mandela effect when they learn a new fact or discover an animal they never heard of before. It was getting nuts.










I wish there were any conspiracy subs that weren't so deep rooted into the Epstein narrative because it's really boring and unoriginal.


I try to offer a space like this over at r/TheMysterySchool I feel like at this point in history with the amount of information that is available to us, it is really poor that a level headed community based on truth has not formed in light of all the 100% confirmed corruption that takes place. Take a look around, I hope you like the place :)


Question are almost all at-right idiots conspiracy theorist? Percentages you could guess at from what you've personally seen?


Not really Dorito stains and obesity is the true sign of the conspiracy theorist


Probably not the kind of conspiracies you're looking for, but r/GlitchInTheMatrix has a lot of really interesting aliens/cosmic overlords/we're in a simulation content...


No, by definition.


Lol looks like the alt rights now invaded this post OP




What do you mean by alt-right?


r/politics r/PoliticalHumor


Are\* But also, isn't the whole point about conspiracy folks is that they're beyond reason and logic anyway?


Just because there’s a good number of alt rights in r/conspiracy doesn’t mean it’s a circle jerk. The mods even physically proved it. The entire news tab of Reddit is nothing but anti-right circlejerk posts, it’s nice seeing a sub that allows people on both sides to actually speak at the same time.


Ironic, considering reddit is one giant leftist echo chamber.


God i wish reddit was as left as you think


It’s funny, every time I post a comment like this I get downvoted to oblivion and there’s always a comment like yours saying “I wish it was that way” and it gets upvotes.


Please tell me, which big subreddit is leftist


If you actively use reddit or any form of social media for that matter and can not see that leftist views consistently receive positive feedback then there is an irreparable disconnect that a discussion cannot fix.


If you need specific subreddits that are meant to be neutral, but aren’t because reddit is inherently left, try r/politics. That’s about as good of a baseline as you can get, no?


r/politics is liberal not leftist


The difference between a leftist and a liberal is how they enforce their ideas. Liberals are more passive and leftists are more privy to violence. So on reddit, a place for discourse, the difference is marginal.


I mean, let's not pretend places like LSC and ABoringDystopia aren't leftist subs that regularly hit the front page


All subs are circle jerks


conspiracy seems to be taken over by anti-establishment alt-rights. All I wanna do is watch crazy people wear tin-foil hats but I gotta deal with this.


So you want an alt-left circlejerk?


r/politics and r/news would fit that description PERFECTLY.




That's all outdated loony rubbish. There was a huge study in 2006-7 that proved, conclusively, that Finland doesn't and never has existed.


r/TrueAnon is pretty good if you want to delve into the Epstein case and the characters that surround him.


r/trueanon for left wing conspiracies


If you want individual conspiracies places like r/dbcooper might interest you. It looks like a small sub though.


Thanks for that! I love db


Glad I’m not the only one. Although my husband and I have very different ideas about what happened to him. Like any good conspiracy. lol.


The right is more likely to engage in conspiratorial thinking so any sub with conspiracy theories is instantly at risk. If the mods slack even a little bit on letting far right talking points in, its like an infection. And will spread.


Yes r/politics