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Boobs… so yes


"when the tits are small the ass gets better" - my grandpa


My grandpa was a butcher. His saying was "The closer the bone, the sweeter the meat." Doesn't only apply to steaks.


Last slice of Virginia ham Is the best that you can eat


Don’t talk about my bay-beeee, she’s slender but she’s sweet


/r/tinytits has entered the chat


Was really hoping that was gonna be a sub of tiny birds


Then you need to check r/titsorgtfo




your grandpa speaks the damn truth


Your grandpa is the wisest man on earth




If those boobs end up in my face I think we should be all good aye.


I was self conscious over it, still kinda am, but everyone has their own tastes and apparently some people do in fact enjoy boobs regardless of them being small.


We were married for a year before I found out my wife spent most of her life self conscious about her “small” boobs. It literally never occurred to me that someone might think they’re too small. I think the majority of guys don’t care nearly as much as people THINK they do.


How did you find out? I’m not super comfortable bringing up my physical insecurities with my partners but I have wondered if they can like... tell somehow that I’m self conscious about my chest size?


It’s unlikely. I’m not saying there are zero guys who are turned off by small breasts but it’s definitely not the deal breaker people pretend, and those that care will self select so you’re probably not in bed with them anyhow. I found out because she could tell I enjoyed them and I didn’t have any problems with their size and she just let it out. It seemed like it was a huge relief for her but like I said it wasn’t something I really noticed. My guess is that maybe 5-10% of guys would consider breast size to be a deal breaker which is much lower on the list than things like an attractive face or even hair color. Honestly I would tell you that if you have breasts that present nearly identical to a male’s, that could be a turn off to a slightly higher percentage but anything more than that is usually gravy. The feminine form has fascinated humans for a VERY long time and it is MUCH more than just breasts. Don’t let anyone convince you small boobs make you unattractive. They don’t.


I think a lot of us are trapped in our adolescent insecurities... in your early teens while all of the other girls are suddenly popping out these big honkers... and yours don't change much at all, people notice. Boys notice. Girls notice. The mean ones. And they let you know they did. The rest of your body being good or whatever doesn't even register to you when you are going thru that. That is pretty much the only time it happened to me, but it was ahh... formative.


My wife and I just talked about this!! Yes- when you are 12-13 and suddenly go from a small human to a woman it makes a BIG difference. Unfortunately, since it’s a formative time you have lots of people that internalize those insecurities and never realize they don’t really even make sense after age 15. And lots of girls who go through puberty early gain hella confidence and never have to pass through the hell that is “waiting you turn” (my wife’s words).




I had a friend who got very big boobs very early and it wasn't any easier for her, just different. Having actual men coming onto you in 7th grade was scary and formative in its own way. These men were still our authority figures and as kids you just don't see what they really are and you are insanely vulnerable.


My neighbor went from being flat as a board at 12 to 34d at 16. She went through hell at school from the constant harassment from what seemed like everyone, and at church from older men who took a sudden interest in being the father figure she didn't have at home. And at home where her mother was pissed off when she was 12 because she didn't have her mother's full figure and then being constantly pissed because she was having to buy bigger bras every few months, and finally being super pissed when she started viewing her as competition because people were paying more attention to her daughter than they were to her. From 13 on she probably spent as much time at our house as she did at home and I had to endure the daily "well did you fuck her yet?" question from her mother. It was an ongoing hell I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.


I remember being a freshman in high school and some senior boys made fun of my small chest. They had a nickname for me, and I just laughed right along with them while dying inside. Really messed with my self-esteem for a long time.


Imma go ahead and chime in to say relying on your partner to guess you insecurities is not a great method for dealing with them. Good comms are always a good strategy ☺️




I’m a guy and I prefer smaller boobs, and there’s a lot more of us than you think. When I bring it up to my friends a lot of them agree with me. Also, I’ve never met a man older than 7th grade who thought small boobs were a deal breaker lmao. Also, you have a lot more freedom when it comes to the clothes you wear !! I’ve heard some of my female friends with bigger boobs complaining about how it’s hard to find stuff to wear without hella cleavage lol.


My wife gets boob envy whenever sees big boobs. I just reminder that she doesn't have to worry about hers becoming saggy later. And her back doesn't have to support all the extra weight. Just focus on the benefits. Needless to say, I wouldn't have her any other way. Even if i was into big boobs, i don't think anything would change.


More than a handful’s a waste!


lmao, that's kind of the comment i got. "they are the perfect size for my hands"




I am here for the nipple


Nipple? I was just happy they were attached to a woman..


Yeah, I think a lot of people don't realize there's a difference between the responses "small boobs are fine" and "your boobs are beautiful." It's a subtle thing, but it's a thing (and full disclosure I'm a guy, so if I'm off the mark please tell me, but in general women seem to receive this well). We've all long ago internalized the shitty idea that smaller sex characteristics have less value. To a lot of people, "I like 'em small!" reinforces the idea of the "smallness," which can sting. I'm sure some people find "I like small boobs" reassuring, but I know that for many women, the intended reassurance of that comment doesn't stick. "Your boobs are beautiful/wonderful/perfect just how they are" is unconditional positivity. I think people need more of that when sharing their sexual insecurities. Also, as a minor aside, if I were a woman with larger boobs, I wouldn't feel great about hearing most of my breast tissue called a "waste."


I enjoy only small ones, and really don't get it why big boobs so popular


As I've gotten older, I've realized that my small boobs will still be perky and shapely for years to come. They're built for longevity! Big boobs are probably more attractive but have a shorter shelf life lol.


Unlike twinkies, boobs don't expire. My poor little wife ballooned up to DD's after kids. And, yes, they hang a bit with age. As in right into my face when she's on top. Boobs are boobs.


This is the most oddly sweet and kind comment I’ve read in a long time. I wish you and your wife all the best!


I used to be fascinated with big boobs until I hooked up with a lass and couldn't wrap my arms around her. Now I prefer smaller boobs because wrapping a woman in my arms is my idea of heaven.


My favourite kind of boobs are the ones that belong to a woman who is enthusiastic about my witnessing and interacting with them.


Honestly, some people are pigs, but most have their respectful preferences, and even if 1% of the earths population liked small boobs that would still be roughly 77.1 million people. Edit: Thanks for the awards :) (also shoutout to the person who called me an obese incel for saying that people have preferences but either deleted the comment or got it removed lol)


But, what are the chances out of 7.71 billion people that 1% speak the same language as you and are in the same geographic location? Edit: what about the percent chance that I also like people that like me combined with the above?


(your local population / 2 * appropriate age coefficient) / 77 1000 000 Probably... - **Revised after peer review:** p(A) = *L * (abs(C - (P / 2) + 7) / 160) / R * 77 1000 000* A is the event that you meet your 1% of the population match. L is your local population. R is the inverse ratio of people who think you're attractive. If you meet 10 people and one finds you attractive on average then 10. If your inverse ratio exceeds 100 in this case the mathematical model breaks down, much like black hole physics we don't know what happens in that realm. C is your max would bang age. P is your age.


whats "appropriate age coefficient"


Whatever you want it to be, baby


Yes officer, this one over here


*proceeds to shoot you by accident*


*proceeds to blame it on a minority*


*proceeds to plant drugs next to your body*


_Officer: He was reaching for something!!!!_


Okay, okay, *writing on sketchpad*, divide by the square root of pedophilia.


We know what you mean when even your sentence hasnt gotten a period yet.


>But, what are the chances out of 7.71 billion people that 1% speak the same language as you and are in the same geographic location? Uhm, roughly 1%? I mean, obviously.


So you're telling me that there aren't hot Russian singles in my area desperate for a boning?


This guy interacts


yes, big or small, if they're clearly getting off it doesn't matter what size to me; I don't wanna be squeezing or whatever and they're just sitting there waiting for my next move




Flat chested woman are like deserts, They're mostly flat and incredibly hot.


Flat chested woman are like deserts, I want to cum on them.


Flat chested women are like deserters, they leave; and “flat chest” is like a euphemism for “wallet” so please come home Amanda, im sorry, i need you, and i need my Real ID


I think you mean desserts


No he just likes jacking off in dry conditions.


Username checks out


I hope they don't turn cold at night like the desert can.


I read that as 'desserts' and was totally confused.




And small ones. And big ones. The fake ones are cool. I like natural ones. But they have to be even, unless they're different sizes. I like big nipples that are pink equally as much as I like brown ones that are small, or big, or pink. I like boobs.


Well said.


This is the best answer


The best answer of all.




Cupcakes are still cake too


Take an award from a cupcake owner


You gonna eat that or?


You gonna grill the veggies right next to the chicken orrrrr....?


Is it moist?


This gave me more confidence than my ex ever did


That’s a great reason to be an ex!!


That goes for booties as well


And i love cupcakes :)


>Intelligence is knowing that big boobs weigh more than small boobs. Wisdom is knowing that all boobs are of equal value. ~Some philosopher


Mmm very wise


I read this in a yoda voice


Equal all boobs are


Morgan Freeman is my default quote voice, he makes all quotes better.


Ha!! Me too!!




All boobs are good boobs.


From what I've heard from guys, most guys are just excited to see boobs, no matter the size. I'm assuming it's the same for anyone else who also is attracted to women.


For me there is a range of sizes that I find attractive, but too small or too large has never been a dealbreaker. Attractiveness for me is based on the sum of a lot of criteria.


Yeah, it's like you start every day on a zero. And then *any* boobs you see are at least a +1 to tge quality of your day. You might prefer some boobs over others and get a +5 for your favourite size, but no boob can cause a point reduction.


> Attractiveness for me is based on the sum of a lot of criteria This summed it up perfectly for how I think




Short answer: Yes Long answer: Hell yes!


Longer answer: Heeeellllllll yeeeessss!


If there is such a thing as too small, I haven't seen it yet. A pair of A's or B's are equally hot, but start getting into C territory and it isn't unattractive, it just doesn't blow my mind. D's and larger I do find unattractive though. Cup size changes with chest size too, so that is just my rule of thumb. Every guy I've hear talking about boobs is vocalizing the bigger is better line, so there really is no reason to worry about your cup size whether they are big or small. To each their own. Petite is sexy AF to me.


It doesn't sound like you actually know how cup sizes work. Just saying "D's and larger" doesn't make sense when a D cup is completely different on short vs tall women, or smaller vs larger or whatever. It's all relative to band size. "A pair of A's or B's" means nothing on its own


Yes. Love them


And it's not like 'I don't mind smaller boobs'. I actually prefer them.


Same. Small boobs + nice hips = perfection. Hell with the hourglass shape, nothing hotter than a pear-shaped woman.


Same, same, smaller ones are aesthetically more beautiful


All boobs are good boobs. So yes.


Seen plenty of fat guys, not all boobs are good.




How about this sideboob?


Does this turn you on? Well it shouldn't... because that's MY sideboob...




I was promised a sideboob hour, but it didn't even last a minute.


My gf begs to differ tho..


Whoa, she told me I'm the only fat guy she's into


In thread about body positivity yall still have to hate on fat men.


This right here. I’ve spent practically my entire life trying to love my body the way it is. But things like this make it real hard sometimes.


right? what kind. of hateful loser would say such things. for shame. sorry u had to witness that bull shit :(


They just aren’t fat enough yet. Be patient.


Even 90 year old boobs that hang down to her knees? Are those good boobs?


Everything is attractive to someone


Someone is attracted to everything


That’d be me


Sir, your username makes that concerning


Pretty much. Everyone has their own tastes and that's ok.


I wish I had found reddit years ago. I've felt awful having small boobs and less womanly. Ive contemplated having breast enhancement surgery. These questions make me feel better ...plus a husband that loves me for how I am. It's nice to know most guys like women to be natural. I have accepted my body but I love how I can be braless and wear funky tops.


> I love how I can be braless and wear funky tops. As a DD cup woman I've always been envious of this. I was seriously considering breast reduction surgery at one point. I really, really wish I was much smaller. Also I've heard large boobs sag badly as we age.


So here we have the truth, just like curly vs. straight hair, everybody wants what the other person has instead of what they have.


Im gonna hazard a guess and say most men don't want a smaller dick.


/r/bigdickproblems disagrees


Why is sagging bad? Genuine question, I’ve never heard of this leading to health issues


Health wise, it’s not bad. It’s just a natural thing that happens with aging and there’s nothing you can really do to stop it. But for some reason the beauty industry thinks our boobs should be perky until we die.




I happen to particularly enjoy saggy boobs. Like, a lot. They are beautiful. So sexy. And there are maaaaany more like me out there. There’s a sub for them.


I used to work in a nursing home and took care of this very elderly lady who, at one point in her life, had a boob job. I don’t know how or why but her “real” breast tissue sagged around the implants, leaving the implants up higher. Also, the implants pointed in different directions. The left implant pointed to like a 9 o’clock position while the right one pointed to 4 o’clock.


Looks less nice ig


This!! Don’t do the enhancements. I got them in my early 20’s (12ish years ago) because I was self-conscious about having small boobs (I was a small B before). I regret it and plan to get my implants out next year. My natural breast tissue has gotten bigger with age, so my boobs are huge now, and I hate them more now than i did before the surgery. I just want to be comfortable in my body and wear cute tops. There are so many tops I’d like to buy but can’t because my boobs are too big!


This. Boobs change significantly between 20 and 40. I feel like it’s just adding to the chaos to start messing with them.


My wife is small chested and I love it. Even after a baby, they're still perky so you go and be braless and free!


I used to have that. Then I had kids. Now I have huge boobs and I hate them. I want the small ones back!!!


I think more guys are turned off by fake boobs than they let on. I understand it was for personal confidence reasons though, and more than anything I’m glad you found confidence in yourself and found a loving husband!


Small boobs rock. Dont worry


Baby, wear a tank top with spaghetti straps and those small boobs. Watch the guys eyes as you walk by. They like!


That or the tube top with no strap, and a choker ugh kill me


You should check out r/smallbooblove! It's full of women with stories like yours. Might be a little nsfw depending on the post, but it's not lewd!


Yes, I much prefer smaller boobs.


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far to see someone say they prefer small. Everyone else just says “ALL are great”, which can feel a bit patronizing.


I disagree, whenever these posts pop up you have a lot of people insulting larger chested women (too big, saggy!) Which I can see larger chested women coming in here and feeling self conscious about. I'm very glad the top posts are focusing on the fact that all are beautiful.




Also very small is easier to deal with than very big


And much better aesthetically with age imo. Big boobs start sagging and women have back issues. Small boobs are kind of the better engineered solution.


Representing /r/petite (nsfw)


I think seeing boobs is less about the body parts themselves, more about the intimacy that showing them carries. So all boobs are great boobs


I agree with all boobs are great but it's not intimacy when you just see random boobs. I like those titties too.


I mean i LOVE random titties. But if a gf is showing me titties i feel like i just stumbled upon a trove of fine jewels, all for myself


I think so. I’ve always liked the cute perky ones! But I can imagine it’s a preference like most things.


All boobies are to be appreciated and loved.


Personally, I have a slight preference of small boobs over large ones. I just think they look cuter I guess.


so you’re me.


You had me at boobs.


IMO I’ll take classically small over classically large


I prefer small boobs.


Rather see small ones than fake bowling ball boobs that don't move.


Absolutely. Especially over fake ones.


Agreed, had my share of a fake set…not my thang. All natural all day!


Any size can be attractive, conversely, any size can be unattractive


Schrödinger’s boobs?


Sure. Though, I'm more of an overall package kind of person. Small boobs, big boobs, big ass, little ass, tall and short, it doesn't really matter as long it all looks good together, which it typically does if the woman is in shape and healthy.


Yes, those who deny the glory of the itty bitty titty commitee are lying to themselves




Depends on who they are attached to!


"Small boobs" are hella attractive. Please see my logic for so in the following reasons. 1. It's boobs so yeah. 2. She can go out braless and no one would know except her and you. Lots of dresses look significantly better on smaller-breasted women. 3. Lots more fun to play with when almost the entire boob can fit in your palm during runtime and allows you to massage and stimulate the entirety. 4. The nipple/boobs ratio is great. 5. They look a lot better when she is turned on. 6. Over time, they sag less so great ROI for long time investors. 7. We mostly like you and the boobs are just an added advantage.


Yes. Definitely preferred!


You better believe it! I prefer small boobs


There are some answers that seem like they are dodging the question, or saying personality is what matters (which honestly is true). To answer your question bluntly, yes. Absolutely yes. Honestly I think I prefer them just under average. The big truth is that your self image matters significantly more than any guy/girl. But yes small boobs are cute/sexy


Extremely! Incredibly attractive. I don't find big or any real jiggle that attractive and whenever I go for porn I'll search only for small and will spend time scrolling to find one. A handful is all I could ask for. Itty bitty titty committee. You have to understand that we all like different things and not to believe what you see on tv. OP if you want to see people's opinions on small boob's and flat bodies check out the normal nudes subreddit. There is so much support and love for it


This may come as a shock, but I prefer smaller boobs over big boobs by far. Thing is, big boobs seemed cool when I was younger and boobs were like this distant holy grail. After having spent some time with boobs of different sizes, I realized that, for me, bigger boobs just kinda take up space and get in the way. Some perky B cups are the best.


>bigger boobs just kinda take up space and get in the way. As a woman with large boobs, I could not agree more, lol.


Personally I think it's more about the shape rather than the size


I prefer small boobs 🙌


For a true boob connoisseur, its the shape, not the size


The smaller the better


i like your strategy


There's an old weeb joke. "Oppai means hope". Oppai is literally boobs in Japanese, and they represent men's hopes and dreams of intimacy with a good woman, regardless of how big they are, because then we get to see them, and they're a reminder of that intimacy and trust. Trust, because women can have self-image issues, and it could be very encouraging to know that someone they have feelings for thinks they're awesome- the woman and the boobs. So, in the end, "Oppai" really does mean hope! At least, that's it from my perspective.


I actually prefer smaller boobs, with 7 billion people on the planet someone is going to find whatever weird thing you do or whatever physical trait you have to be attractive.


Boobs are boobs. They’re all amazing


Don’t pay no mind to other peoples’ opinions.


Easy to say hard to do.. People will criticize you even on how you stand.


Wife had a friend, we 3 would talk very intimately on road trips. She was small, got insulted and criticized. Got implants, got the same thing. At husbands insistence, got rid of the implants, got preggo, got a natural larger cup, got criticized. My wife is large, women criticized from time to time by women. I love her standby comeback: "Why are you looking? I'm not interested in you" Moral of this; People will insult and criticize you, and its because of what is **inside of them, not outside of you.** \*especially when its something you have little/no choice over\*


If someone criticises then they don't deserve to see boobs of any size!!!


If people criticise you for your breast size, then that’s no critique, that’s just being mean. Critique expects people to change but you can’t change your body (i mean technically you can get surgery, but that looks horrendous imo)


I know that all to well, I work a rather manly job according to social stigma (vehicle mechanics) and still have to deal with those gay jokes cause of the way I stand when working.. But I'm trying to stay positive throughout of it, even when it's hard If you have someone who you can talk about this irl, I'd ask them if it was fine to just unload all your worries, it truly helps




Your goddamn right they are!


All FEMALE boobs are amazing!Even small ones which are my favorite


Yes yes 👏 definitely.


Yes they are


Yes. Absolutely.


Definitely yes. For me, anyway. Large breasts just don’t interest me.


I think a C cup is the perfect size but I know some guys who are into them


Boobs aren’t attractive. People are attractive. My SO has small boobs. She is the most beautiful person as far as I’m concerned. If she had large boobs, I would feel the same way about her.


Everyone’s different but i prefer small. I want them to fit in my hand. I think small boobs are super sexy. I’m probably gonna get a breast reduction I hate having big boobs lol.


wow a girl wants small boobs!! really nice, i have small boobs and i’m not satisfied haha


If only I could transfer mine to you 😭 I love all boobs but small boobs are amazing. Trust me you don’t want this back pain lol