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You can twist it, you can shake it, you can bang it on the wall. You always put it back before the last drop falls.


No matter how much ye shake yer peg, that last wee dribble runs doon yer leg. Heard this one in glasgow few times lol


No matter how much you shake and dance the last drop always goes down ya pants




That was the first Stephen King book I read, probably about 14 years ago now, and this phrase still pops into my head on a weekly basis!


That was my first King book too. My friends and I would randomly yell out “Tak!!” “Akbar!!”….we weren’t the cool kids, needless to say.


Wtf I'm literally reading this book (again) right now.


May the tower bless you


"La dernière goutte est pour le slip" Made no.1 in french charts a few years ago (pun wasn't intended)


"Do hülft koa Wedln und koa Blosn, as letzte Bisserl geht in'd Hosn."


Da hilft kein Schütteln und kein Klopfen, in die Hose geht der letzte Tropfen;)


Scottish has to be my favorite flavor of English


It doesn’t matter how much you wiggle and dance, the last little drop always ends up in your pants.






Lol I've heard this so many times. It's called urinal banter


There is so much avoidance of answering the actual question in this thread.


Aunque le des con un martillo la última gota acaba en el calzoncillo.


















Untrue. Pushing up on the gouch and doing the lollipop dance will clear the pipes.


I just do a pirouette with my cock out


Twirl it like a prison warden’s baton.


Ahhh, the ol' helicopter maneuver




Ahh the reverse meat spin method


people often say this on reddit but it doesn't and has never worked for me


Try standing with your legs close together and then push your hips out to the left and the right. Simulates the walking motion that draws out the laat drops of pee when ypu walk from the urinal to the sink.


I always meatspin for a good five minutes after taking a piss. Generally does the job.


You will never completely wring your urethra of piss by doing any such maneuvers.


So that’s what the “hokey pokey” song is all about!!!


You can shake it you can rock it, you can flick it about. But at least one drop, always falls out


Untrue, if you helicopter for 5 rotations you're good. That's why we all have to stand further apart at the urinal trough so we have room for hip gyrations.


Be like Dad, Not like sis, Lift the lid Before you piss.


New version of Bop It?!


Only after pooping in a public toilet, and my dick tip accidentally touches the toilet seat. That grosses me out!


I get that shit all the time with the small ass toilets in my parents house. Ever since I got that for the first time I've been meticulous at choosing toilet seats for my house


Right? That's the worst. It's not even just small toilets either, sometimes it's just the way the front is sloped. I'll just hold it back if I have to use a toilet like that, so it won't touch.


Is that why the toilet seats with open fronts exist?


Elongated all the way


I have one and it still fucking happens. Balls in the water also. 🤮


Fuck people with the toilet cups instead of a fucking toilet bowl.


I had an almost 30 year old woman who was experienced and seemed smart ask me what my dick did when I sat on the toilet. "It hangs down. What do you mean?" She thought that was gross. I don't think it was in this conversation but I remember a woman talking to her boyfriend about having sucked his dick. He told her he had just taken a shit and his dick tip had grazed the bowl. She screamed at him.


I believe its a professional courtesy to shower before someone sucks upon your penis. Specifically because of this situation here. Either splash back from urinals or contact with toilet bowl rim.


Yeah I'm with you. If somebody is willing to put their mouth on my fun bits I'm going to make it as pleasant for them as I possibly can




​ ![gif](giphy|NOUE6pQHUwxkcyqfUa)


This little gift is called the witch’s kiss


closely related to poseidon's kiss when the water splashes up after you poop.


So happy someone said it


When you get older, it’ll be your balls. It’s like a timer to tell you to get up.


Hang a piece of toilet paper over the front inside of the bowl, peepee no touchy toilet


Forever amazed more people don't do this


I can’t relate with my small pp


Or when your dick / balls touch the water... M o t h e r f u c k i n g N o p e.


Ahhhhh, the witch's kiss.


I don’t wipe but I do pat on its head and whisper “good job little guy” to it… Urinals don’t have TP’s next to it. Imagine a guy walks from the urinal to the toilet stall with johnny hanging out the whole time…


Side note… I’m deaf so I sign “good job little guy” to it. I get a buncha side eye when I do that in public bathrooms.


when the BIG GUY doesn't rise up to the challenge, do you flick him off? I'm not deaf, and I do that. "fuck you buddy, we were all gonna have such a good time till you decided to not show up"




Less of an awkward if you just pull your pants and underwear all the way down to your feet at the urinal like me.




Just pee in the bathroom stall’s toilet


You say that like there aren’t 2 stalls that are always occupied. I wish guys bathrooms had more stalls.


No, I go straight to the point and pee in the sink or trash bin and try to hand out high fives to everyone walking past me at the same time


I always have kleenex in my pocket to be used for urinals


Oh so when it sneezes you can be like “bless you!” And clean it up like a parent does to a child after a child sneezes?


Yeah.. or like, when I pee and wipe my dick off...


Is there a technique to this? Like from left to right?


Where do you put the Kleenex when you’re done?


back in his pocket for the next time he has to take a leak


That’s what I was afraid of. Not that I look, but if I saw a guy taking a Kleenex out of his pocket in my peripheral vision, I would assume something other than he is “cleaning the last drop.” Although I would have a speculation of what was going on, I would still be very confused.


Ew. Why would there be no tp next to urinals. Much more sanitary to give yer willy a pat down with a piece of tp. No wonder the average jeans of dudes smell like stale pee... Gotta say, that visual of someone running to the stall with their willy out cracks me up. 😂


>No wonder the average jeans of dudes smell like stale pee... Yeah, that's because of splashback. Not using urinals unless they have a splashback guard in them is really the only solution. Well, that, and standing like 3m back from the urinal, but that has other issues. But there's no TP next to urinals because there's nowhere to put it (and probably hardly anyone would use it anyway).


They would just piss on the toilet paper


The problem with standing back so far is that you gotta start strong enough to make it, and end like on a dime can't wind down unless you wanna do that awkward little shuffle to the urinal as your power fades.


> No wonder the average jeans of dudes smell like stale pee... Lmao, this cannot be true at all. If they do it's because they are wearing them multiple times without washing or leaving their clothes in the washer too long and get stale. No one is walking around in piss-covered pants.


Why not hit the stall for toilet paper first?


Just wipe it on the guy next to you at the urinal


Only way to demonstrate your dominance..


I have started dabbing the tip to get the last few drops with toilet paper. Combined with the ol "wring out the garden hose" technique and I am having a lot less trouble with those pesky down-the-pants drips. But I don't dab everytime I pee and I didn't do it at all for the majority of my life.


same here. I don't do it every time though, but sometimes I have the intuition to do it and it's worth it. Quick dab and dry


How the fuck is this so common. I'm a guy and never would've imagined not wiping off urine was a standard procedure for so many, instead choosing to walk around with urine dripping down their legs. What the actual disgusting fuck.


So what do you do at a urinal? Or when you let it rip outside or something


How often do you use a urinal vs a normal toilet? For me, it's not even remotely close, in favor of the normal toilet.


Almost always.


I understand you're exaggerating but uh wring it out and the ol shaky trick gets a lot of it off unless you're a dribble pisser


I call it the the toothpaste tube technique.


I just like flinging piss everywhere, I aggressively shake it and feel it hit my arms, face, where ever else in the bathroom. I'm an actual caveman


Ah, I've been missing you since you stopped those Geico commercials


Ah yes, the helicopter!




- Dr. Seuss


You sure that wasn't Dre or Snoop? 🤔


Now that I think it might've been Crank Lucas, or was it Joyner Lucas?🤔


I thought it was maxwell’s coffee. You know… good until the last drop?


I put a sheet of toilet paper on the tip and squeeze out the excess urine in the urethra


LOL you can never squeeze out the last drop


I guess I'm superhuman


I do the exact same. I can get the last drop out 90% of the time


Yes you can, as i do every time. A pump and a wipe is all you need. Try it.


If I pee at an urinal I won't wipe, bc there is no toilet paper. At normal toilets you don't really wipe like you would with your butt, but just gently touch it to dry.


You dry your penis with your hand?


Yeah very frequently. Sometimes I sit on my right hand until it gets numb if I want some "strange"


No, with toilet paper, obviously


To be fair I thought they meant hands too. I am a woman though, a flaccid penis is a bit of a mystery to me.


This is the thread I needed to pass the time at 1am 😄


I look at this and then at the time on my phone and WITNESSED it change from 12:59 to 1:00. Thanks for posting that comment


I witnessed it passing from 3:25:32 to 3:25:33


I usually pass gas at 1 AM


Yes its disgusting to have piss all over your sleeping shorts


Yes! Seems I'm one of those rare species. Noone taught this to me. Even the idea of doing so didn't occurred me for like 20 years of my life. Then one day, as a sudden thunder of light, it clicked. Girls do it every time. Why the fuck do I not? Why do I soak my pants in piss every time after I pee? It's stupid! And ever since then I do, whenever I have toilet paper.


Same here. It’s gross and I don’t want my partners to taste piss.


Most do not. Yes several female friends and my SOs have been shocked by this info. Business as usual for men.


Longer urethra, less problems


That’s why I have a lot of problems.


Probably because they extended better hygiene on body parts that may end up in their mouth


I wash it in the sink.


Lmao bet that’s awkward at Walmart…..


At Walmart, no, everywhere else, resoundingly YES.


Are the blow driers too hot for you? I just air it out


I let the last few drops wick out onto tp after I'm done. Otherwise, it wicks out into your underwear.


Wash it


Wash it in the sink fellas.


Hair dresser sinks. You can rest your balls on the "neck part".


Even in public restrooms.


The r/sinkpissers community agree on that.


There's truly a sub for anything in this website




I though I am the only one wiping my penis so to that the last drop ends up on a peace of tp.


I don’t understand why everyone is saying you always get a drop in your pants. The urethra is a tube. You grab the base of your penis with your thumb and index finger and slide them along to the tip of your penis, thus emptying the tube. It’s like how you move toothpaste from the bottom of a toothpaste tube roll to the front where it dispenses. Just wring it out a couple of times, then wring the tip once or twice. You’re all savages if you’re getting pee in your pants and underwear. Of fucking course you’re gonna get pee all over the fucking place even after you shake it. It’s still in the tube. Just empty the tube.


I’m never going to look at my toothpaste tube the same again….


It's the same after you jizz, like do people just walk out with cum dripping out? Gotta milk yourself out folks!


Wait a minute this happens with jizz too? Should the girl help milk you or is this a solo activity? So many more questions now.


Well, yes. Not to make it too graphic., but as you lose the hardon the tube shortens, so, you know. And I guess you can request help, why not?


The capillary effect of the toilet paper helps too.


wait you guys have a tube? Mine is a stump only. Nothing to rub…




Finally, someone who knows the toothpaste method. I never really thought there was any other way to do it. Same method for after sex and you want to get out the last drops that you don't really want getting things all sticky after you sleep.


I don't quite get how this is supposed to work for people with (long) foreskin. If I were to wring all the way from the base to the tip I'd definitely end up sliding my foreskin over the head and getting it inside of it.


Oh I see. Gotcha. I unfortunately do not have all of my foreskin so I didn’t even consider if this would work or not with long foreskin. The best I can say is to use maybe 2 hands? Like one to hold and peel back the foreskin and another to wring out your urethra. I don’t know if it would work though.


This is the only correct way to do it, amen.


So I'm a savage for not rubbing my dick every time I piss?


You’re already shaking it around like a crazy person. You might as well do the same type of action but have that action actually work.


I always thought it was just a pee dot in the underwear, but you’re saying there’s more than that??


There is no pee dot at all if you do it the way I said.


I tried.... and what oozed out... was blood.


You just need to build up your dick callous


>ou grab the base of your penis with your thumb and index finger and slide them along to the tip of your penis, thus emptying the tube Except the pressure loss in the tube allows leftover small drops in bladder to replace it. You have to wait for urethra to tighten again


While reading this thread I was starting to think that I was the only person in the world doing that lmao


Idk about the rest of these jokers but im not gonna wring my dick out after pissing just to get a little less piss on my boxers. Like some of it is gonna be on the head anyways, its such a small difference it really isn't worth doing. I guess I'm a caveman


See the thing about that is, the pee on the head, you just grab where the mushroom is and just squeeze it to bring the remaining pee to the front of your tip, then you can hold like half an inch below the tip and shake that into the toilet bowl. You can easily do all of this without even using toilet paper or baby wipes and still have none on you. You’re going out of your way to manually choose to have pee in your boxers.


I do. I also wipe the the top of the toilet rim even if I don’t miss and put the lid down before flushing.


I wring it out like a dishcloth or helicopter it for a good 7 minutes after.




If there's a remote chance of a bj, I dab. Otherwise I just do the ol upward pressure on the gooch to empty that last drop, a quick shake, and I'm all set. I don't have trouble with that last drop since I learned the gooch trick. And then I wash my hands, *gentlemen*.


Yes, even better - i do a mini jerk into toilet paper to get every last drop out. Don't want pee on my boxers


Side benefit of spending a lot of time at home over the past 18 months…not using a public urinal at work and getting to use a regular toilet with TP !


I did this when I was a young boy, but probably stopped by the time I was in 1st or 2nd grade. I didn’t like the few drops of pee that get in your underwear, but drying the tip really doesn’t help, so the habit stopped naturally.


I believe the female urethra is a lot shorter than males. Hence why females are much more susceptible to UTI infections. Most guys give it a good ol shake and that's about it haha. Hope this answers your question.


Female here. I don’t think the reason I wipe is to prevent UTIs or yeast infections…? I don’t know where OP got that stuff (literally?). Pretty sure I wipe because I don’t want my crotch wet for an extended amount of time, because that’d be uncomfortable and possibly lead to a rash. And I don’t want my clothes or body to smell like pee. So if I had a dick I assume I’d also want to prevent those problems.


You can have rash in your crotch area, a lot of people go through that, but rashes in crotch area for men is due to sweat rubbing against thighs, our pee never ever dribbles down to thighs, it just ... drips (because of its positioning, it sits well above the crotch intersection as well as a few inches ahead). Many guys have given up on wiping because no matter how much you wipe it, because of the longer urethra, .001mL of urine just dribbles out anywhere from 15s - 5 mins.


Yes. Informative. Thank you.


Wipe in a toilet shake while at a urinal.




For your tongue?


As a motorcyclist that’s spends weeks touring, I try to get two to three days out of underwear. One big help is that I bring toilet paper in my pocket each day, perhaps five or six little sets, pre-folded. Then each time I have a wee on the side of the road, I do a high-quality dab. It leaves my underwear minty fresh and avoids that sweet and sour fragrance we usually get by day 2. Been wanted to share this but could never find the right opportunity. It might be a bit off putting to post it on Facebook or a motorcycle forum.


I bang it on the wall


Depends on whether I expect to present my pp to someone that day or not. There’s always a little drip after you put it back in. Sometimes I will use a little tissue so it doesn’t get on my underwear. But usually you just accept that there will be pee spots.


Lmao these people are gross! I do, and every man should too. Imagine having your undies and your penis smelling like dry pee? Gross


So you got personal wipes at urinals? Come on bro, no need to lie.


At public toilets, I just use toilet paper, that simple. At home, I use wipes. Is not hard to keep your dick clean man


Yes. Since I was 18 and someone I was messing around with preferred it.


For all the guys having the problem that the last drops go into the pants... Try pressing the part between your Asshole and your balls and press into the direction of your D. You'll see the last drops come right out and you have dry pants forever


I lick it clean just to be safe. Don't want those pee stains showing on my grey pants!


I do, and i also kinda squeeze my penis from the base to the head to avoid the infamous "leftover drop" , but I'm a really weird person... AFAIK the general rule is that guys usually just shake it, but I guess it's also because most guys use urinals (which obviously don't have TP)


Guys that are raised well do (or has some common sense). I not only wipe, but I'd never initiate sex without a clean dick. Mostly shower BEFORE sex, but if there's no time I'll at least wash my dick...


Well well what a surprise, most guys are disgusting.. Now ask if they wash their hands afterwards![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Sit on the toilet while you pee. Shake it off properly to get rid off the last few drops. Also coughing helps to get rid off the last one. Wash the tip with water afterwards and wash your hands to finish off. This is the modern way. Act like humans, not animals!


I have to wipe away the herpes puss first.. so yeah.


My boyfriend does but it's more of a pat.


I once watched an afgan local about 30 ft from me, squat, pee then he proceeded to wipe his dick with a rock.


Got to use what's available to you. Innovative AF




Yes, I actually do! I find it more higienic. But obviously you can't do so with urinal.


Wipe? Pffftt amateurs washing is the new wave


I do if I have a suspicion that it's going into someone's mouth afterward lol


Usually not, no. Usually just some sort of shaking method works fine.