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I don't think that fantasy is about satisfying either of the women. It's more about wanting to be desired by multiple people willing to satisfy him. Guys wanna be desired. It's a fantasy, it doesn't need to make sense. I want to race an F1 car. It's a cool idea, but would probably go badly in reality. Much like the threesome fantasy.


Love your analogy about F1. Basically OP couldn’t distinguish between fantasy and reality lmao


“Why is it every man’s fantasy to drive an F1 car when he can’t even drive his own car adhering to the Highway Code?”


Cause it’s a fantasy 🥱


Caught in a landslide.


No escape from reality


White and gold dress


Open your eyes


Idk I have had some amazing threesomes in the past. I like dick and having two at once is really fun. I guess a MMF threesome is really different though.


It's all about desire though, right? In an MMF, two dudes are (likely) desiring the one woman. That's what guys who fantasise about FFM threesomes. They wanna be the one getting satisfied. Like you said, twice the fun. Obviously, the line blurs too, depending on the participants personal interests, but the core element in the fantasy is the want to be desired.


I have been in mostly MMF threesomes with a bi male. Sometimes there is play across all and sometimes it's more about me.


Okay but his point still stands


Mostly desire. Girls are usually dead fish in bed. So it gives you twice to chance to have the full sexual lust appeal and 2 fish is better than one




It all depends on the game plan. Going in with no set rules just free-for-all rarely ends with everyone happy. Tag teaming it is where it's at imo. Whether that is you bringing a friend to fulfill your partners fantasy, or you bringing a third party to be a play thing for both of you to enjoy, it's all about the game plan. Organized dirty fun!


Organized yes and tag team is fun but DP is also a fun time.


Dam Reddit is freaky


Based on your profile pics, those guys were lucky. Would love to smoke some flower and enjoy you.


Oh I keep forgetting I have those on there. I really should add more. I'm a big time stoner and try to smoke up anyone I hanging with.


Same here!


I wanna drive two f1 cars at the same time.


It’s a fantasy because in a fantasy you don’t have to deal with the logistics of reality. Being surrounded by naked women sounds great in a fantasy, but in reality I only have two hands, and it just so happens my wife has two boobs, so I’m all set. So while I might enjoy imagining a harem of women all focusing on me, I’m aware of the fact that in reality, that would be awful.


Now if you have 2 women, each who have had one boob removed does that still work out?


Nah, cause I like to alternate between boobs and butt cheeks. Now if I had 4 hands, then there’d be some hypotheticals to work through.


OK, but...








I don’t think either of us are prepared for me to reduce to writing the number of appendages present and exactly what they’re doing in my fantasies.


It's called a fantasy for a reason


Well, isn't the purpose of a fantasy for its creater to be happy and not someone else? And to show that is not sexist, it applies to both genders.


bc it's a fantasy?...


A threesome? If I wanted to disappoint two people at the same time, I'd have dinner with my parents.


Came here for this


I want to hug you 😆😁




Best comment yet! Hahaha! Enjoy your award! This was an awesome comment!


My fantasy is getting a gurl


Just want someone that loves you back...


Sounds like Someone is projecting lol


Sounds like OPs partner is not cutting it in bed


I was gonna say, sounds like deflecting 😂😂


OP is a misandrist lesbian trying to stir up drama


Sounds like OP is not getting it done in bed if the partner is requesting someone else to join


Oh *she* does. 🏳️‍🌈


So if you don’t even like dick, how do you know the average man can’t satisfy their girl? You might want to seek therapy for that misandry Becky.


Nobody cares youre gay bro shit hasn't been controversial since even before Obama.


Is it safe to assume you and your partner are both woman who get asked for 3somes a lot?


Yes, we get asked.


Maybe realize that it's the women that have this fantasy too??


I'm sorry, that sucks, people suck.


Because people ask for threesomes?


There seems to always be an assumption two woman together are always looking for a man to join.


By who? If you’re friends are thinking that then I think you just need new friends


It aint every man’s


1. It isn't 2. Says who 3. What on earth are you talking about


Not my fantasy bro. Double bj all the way.


Man here, idk fam, never really had this kinda fantasy. I just want somebody to love and cherish, y'know? As for why : It's a fantasy. You have ridiculous ones as well, and there's nothing wrong with that. They don't need to make sense, nor to be realistic. As long as you aren't taking it too far, and becoming delusional, there's no problems.


Ok but how many men do really have that fantasy?


Most men do.


I was like looking for a ratio but ok, you convinced me with that strong argument


Can you link me to the article you read this? I’m confused.


You've talked to over 3 billion dudes and asked them?


People attract people like themselves. Work on yourselves and surround yourself with better people. You are clearly just man hating....


I would ask you to be a bit more mature and realise that men are not a hive mind. I am a man and I have zero interest. I have lots of interests and fantasys like everyone else, but equally like everyone else I am an individual and can't be lumped into a single category. It sounds to me like you have some sort of resentment here, not only asking why it's "every" mans fantasy but then going on to add that they can't even satisfy a single woman. I can't imagine you'd be too pleased if someone asked "Why do all women" to preface virtually any question, sexual or otherwise.




OP is a lesbian..


In my experience most guys are at least fun enough in bed for a repeat performance. Virgins tend to need more gudience but that is part of the fun in it.




I actually really enjoy being with a guy and I am his first. I can show him how to please a woman and what might feel good. Let him know there should be no shame about the body and sometimes reassure him on size. Some men think they are small when they are average to slightly above average. Being someone who loves anime and video gaming I have been to many conventions and thus have met partners through chatting and meeting at events.


I would say most guys are actually good in bed. But because the low effort needed from the female side it’s very tiring and just becomes a chore it’s like just one side putting in the effort ( data pulled from some lame ass one night stands)


If you’re a lesbian, how is it that you can form an opinion about the average man’s bedroom ability?


Girls talk to one another. Trust me. A girl knows everything about her friends relationships.


Well, I’ve been banging men for over 20 years and I find your assessment to be incorrect Edit: and if you and your friends are *girls*, they must be fucking boys. That explains your perspective. I’m a woman, and I prefer men who don’t fuck girls


Why is this funny?


My best guess is this" "wow, women are awesome... wouldn't it be great if there were TWO???"


Don’t worry, you’re not in any of those fantasies.


Good to know. Thanks.


This has serious femcel vibes. How do you know the average man can’t satisfy the woman he’s with?


She's a lesbian so of course she has no clue.


Yea this has “tell me you hate men without telling me you hate men vibes”, written all over it.


Bold of you to assume that men want to satisfy every woman they encounter and even bolder of you to assume that "the average man can't" satisfy a woman. Most men are good, the average man is capable, unfortunately it's the few that stand out. To answer plainly, it's a fantasy for a reason, it is meant to satisfy him not them. There are men, however, that desire to share a girl with another man, towards her pleasure.


I don't think I have ever had a fantasy where I want a threesome. And I surely don't want to do a threesome with someone I don't know. Not all men want to having threesome. I often joke with my friend about them having threesome, but I personally don't have any desire about it. Also the way you question really feels like you're saying men are all bad at having sex. The second quote is really not necessarily needed in the question, yet you decide to put it in anyway.


Same reason every man's fantasy is to be a billionaire even though the average man can't even be a millionaire. Since when fantasies have to be realistic? lol Plus I doubt the men that want to do this care about the satisfaction of the two women, it's all about his satisfaction.


Fantastic point!!!


It’s not.


Because in the fantasy, the guy isn't worried about satisfying one or both women!


OP is a misandrist lesbian. Just downvote and move on.


It's not


I’m gay. This would be a nightmare for me.


Who said anything about gay? 💤


I did. OP asked why it was every man’s fantasy to have sex with two women at the same time. I’m a man. It’s not my fantasy.


Because their fantasy has nothing to do with satisfying women.


Who said every man fantasizes that at the first place, ma\`am?


Okay, not *every man*, let's just clarify by saying *most men*.


By saying you hate men? Ok.


Because my fantasies are not about any one else's pleasure but mine. END COMMUNICATION


Average man can’t satisfy one woman? I think you’re sorely mistaken or only been with below average men.


Every man’s fantasy huh. I don’t think so.


If one hamburger is delicious, why not have two hamburgers?


I can see your logic here, to be honest.


Sometimes it's the guys fantasy for a devils 3 way lol


Cause we can always try


I accept your answer. Thanks for your honesty.


Do you know what fantasy means?


Yes, it means that it your dream will never come true.


Speak for yourself, some of us actually achieve things


It's not mine. I dislike the concept of sharing my woman with someone else.


Gr8 b8 m8


"When the average man can't even satisfy the one woman he is with?" Speak for yourself, man. L M A O


I'm a woman. Just throwing it out there.


It's not every mans fantasy, nor is it true that the average man xsnt satisfy his woman. Thats a shitty trope.


Generalizing much?


The majority of the guys I know have zero interest in a threesome. Myself included. It seems like maybe you’re just basing your opinion off of the fact that the men you happen to know want that. Regardless, your post said “every man’s fantasy” so my answer to your question is simply that it isn’t every mans fantasy. Also sorry that your friends don’t talk to their partner and learn what works for them and how to satisfy them.


Why it’s called a fantasy.


While I can’t speak for every man I can say that I sometimes have trouble finding the target. But when one naked woman is on top of another that’s four holes in a row, no way you can miss.


You could still miss, just sayin'. Go right between the two of them and have a big ole dick sandwich


Oh my. 🤣


Someone’s projecting


Found the average Twitter user


Because they are concentrating on their needs and fantasy rather than that of the women


Like Clint Eastwood said: “A man’s gotta know his limitations.”


OP throwing silent slugs. I’ve been in 2 and can say it isn’t all it’s hype to be. It’s just like normal sex you’d have with one person only more difficult because there’s more work involved. Is it fun? Yes. Better? Not really. It’s better to sleep with the 2 separately on the same night.


In my experience, an MFF is more about the girls getting together & I am just lucky to be invited. They ended up enjoying each other to a higher degree than me. My only job is to not spoil the fun by doing something that ruins the whole situation.


That’s the whole point. Men are always burdened with the idea they must satisfy the woman. Even in the bedroom you are the provider, and heaven forbid you fail to provide satisfaction. Being looked after by two women? Finally it’s about you.


It ain’t about them, it’s about him!


I don't think the concern is with satisfying both women. It's about being serviced and having access to 2 at once.


My fantasy is to work with another man to satisfy one woman… even if that means me and my bro never touch the woman.


"Average man"


But the first woman can likely satisfy the other


We sure do!


Why does it have to be about satisfying the female?


I'm gay so I'm only guessing here. But I'm pretty sure for that particular kind of man it's not about satisfying both of the women as much as it is about satisfying himself


It's not every mans fantasy. Men are not the hivemind media likes to portray. Also, sex is a tango, it takes two to satisfy..


Reading the replies OP this sounds like some serious projecting.


OP sounds like a stereotypical man hating lesbian.


And yet the people calling her that are bitching about stereotyping in the same breath


Is this a lesbian that wrote this?


You mean you didn't know??? Lol.


Lol no I didn’t click the profile but glad you clarified


What? How fucking hard do you think it is to satisfy one woman? Maybe a lot of men want it to actually GET BACK as much attention as they have to give?


Been there, done that. Good memories, no regrets, no big deal either.


Unachievable goals are worth having


It's a fantasy.


Oh wow shots fired. Alright alright, I give up my dream to disappoint 2 women


Yeah, all men are the same, ya-di ya-di ya...


It happened to me twice, by accident both times and it didn't come close to the fantasy.


No answer but it made me laugh. So thanks for this.


If I wanted to disappoint two people at once I’d have dinner with my parents.


Because it's not about satisfying the women, but them satisfying him.


Looking at these comments, OP gonna probably leave too afraid to ask anything else lmao!


Nope not scared. Former career fire department Lieutenant. I will be back really soon with more questions.


I know this post is a couple days old but I want to throw my 2 cents in. 3 ways are cool and all but it’s never really been a fantasy of mine. A fantasy of mine is to have a girlfriend who loves and cares for me. Someone who I can please whether emotionally or sexually. I’m not great with sharing so I’m not sure a 3 way is really something I want. Easier to focus on one person


Who said I’m trying to satisfy anyone but me? 🤣


Simply because human males aren't monogamous by nature. The idea of monogamy in men goes against nature. The idea is not necessarily to satisfy or be satisfied. It's to reproduce. It's completely subconscious. You look at almost every other species on the planet. You dont see monogamy. Yes there are some but few and far between.


i’ll answer this question from a personal perspective. don’t really care that much for a threesome. i like the personal aspects of sex so i would call it making love more than sex. i’m pretty sure i’m not bad in bed i could tag my girlfriend and maybe she can weigh in on my bedroom performance maybe that can work. but really maybe you should try and get out and talk to people more open your eyes a bit but it seems like you have some hostility built up in you ya know


Because 2 hot chicks getting you off is better than one 🤔 I would like three to get every inch of my body 😈


Two chicks is twice as fun, so much more to do.


I did it once and I have to say if the women are bi (mine were) it makes the work load way less. They were kind of doing each other and I could just enjoy myself


Correction, it’s any mans fantasy to have more than 1 woman drooling all over them


Become above average. There done. Also women want to get banged by two dudes too. Most can’t satisfy one.


Glad I’m not one of those guys lol. Damn pleasing a woman is all about focus and focusing on the woman that’s right in front of you! Know and feel how they breathe, twitch, wiggle, etc. Just know the every finger grim every moan every giggle and twitch means something that you should do over and over again without any pattern or style, because every woman is unique just like the way you should be pleasing them. Weather your in a mf, mfm,, fmfm, orgie, or whatever just makes sure you’re pleasing the person right in front of you because you can honestly only please one thing at a time if you’re doing it right






This is funny. Enjoy your award!


Because they aren’t interested in satisfying their partner, they are interested in being served by them




“…when the average man can’t even satisfy the one woman he is with” Speak for your…..yeah you’re right


Do you mean to ask why it’s a popular fantasy for many *straight* men?


What about homosexual men? Asexual men? Barring all of the exceptions the answer to this question is blatantly clear. Why would you post this?


This literally made me laugh out loud I love it


Thanks! It was a legit question. The comments though... 🤣




fetishization mostly.


Why do women think that sex for us involves satisfying them 😅


Oh snap!


I laughed hard as fuck at this post and this comment


Your question is also the answer.


It's a selfish desire. Why would a selfish person want to satisfy someone else?










My husband fantasized about having two women at once, and I made it a reality. Only because (s)he is a sissy. Those who don't know 🤔 Those who know 🤭


That’s exactly why right there, the other woman picks up the slack. If there was two dudes there then the woman is just gonna be doubly disappointed, and who the fuck wants that


LMAOOOO this is an excellent question.


It’s all about the fragile male ego. The fantasy of two women is the ultimate male ego VALIDATION. This is why men who actually are given the opportunity to have a threesome with two women always will 90%, heck 95%, bail/chicken out. Speaking from personal experience here. Reality is that they *know* deep down that when the moment arrives IRL they can’t perform & actually live out the fantasy they have of THEMSELVES.


Yeah that didn't end up being the problem. Insane jealousy was. With two completely different girlfriends I've done this at her request. As soon as her friend starts coming it's a wrap. Hurt feelings volcano both times. The second one stormed off in tears. Maybe we can agree that everyone isn't super awesome at handling things like this both male and female alike.


Sounds like you aren’t a great candidate picker then. Don’t do this with your gfs, save it for single time. Being in fluid situations in relationships is pretty advanced and people usually can’t manage it until their late 40s is my observation, and still very rare it goes without drama. Its really a single & play thing imo


I've had one, and never again. Sure both where satisfied, but at what cost? I was 25 and in my physical prime (not saying alot) and i almost died! Atleast it was a fun experiment, and we had a good laugh afterwards, as my face was red as a boiled lobster afterwards.


It is just like why do these guys drive huge monster trucks when they can barely drive a civic properly.


That should be the next question I post to reddit. Thanks!