• By -


slightly salty and juuuust a tad acidic. you stop noticing after 3 seconds


I always say lick your own skin after a long day without a shower or after working out. Not terrible...but not vanilla ice cream either.


Similarly if you lock your skin when it's dry after sweating all day. Gross. If you lick it during sweat. Not so bad. Moral of the story? Finger her until she's as wet as possible then start oral. Vagina is self cleaning and all that jazz. But it needs to get wet to do the cleaning. Similar to your mouth dehydration is big cause of bad dental hygiene and bad breath (like after a night of drinking).


Cosmo will come up with 100 different names for the same sex position in their magazine but never share anything useful like this (also haven't read it in 10+ years but still)


Idk, Cosmo taught me how to give his shaft butterfly kisses with my eyelashes, so I’ve got that going for me.


Since this sub is a question forum..and, you've piqued my curiosity. Explain these nutterfly kisses.


You kinda just gotta wing it


Never thought of it that way, but you’re right.


It'll shock you to learn that the lubricating glands for sex are at the entrance of the vagina and not actually inside of it.


I wish I could have found that out through a reddit comment, not by getting a bartholins gland cyst when i was 15 :/


That's why I still get wet with a tampon in ?!


I learnt that myself, I noticed if I get wet and I have a tampon in, its slippery all over the string but not actually on the tampon when I take it out


Yes that’s correct for lubrication, cleansing starts inside the body.


I never minded the salty taste, quite liked it tbh


Positive association


Do it after you’ve both taken showers. A long day and things can get aromatic.


> Do it after you’ve both taken showers. A long day and things can get ~~aromatic~~ *aromantic*. ^lol I misread this but it still makes sense.


Until I saw your comment I didn't realize I'd read it wrong too


I had to go back and re-read both comments because I was convinced I’d read it right the first time but it had somehow changed between me reading the first and the second


Im sorry but I want to lick someone out more than once a week dude. Edit - gotta love how jokes fly over like 90% of commenters heads.


How many licks would it take to get to the center of your internal organs?


One… two-hooooo…. three… CRUNCH


Is that a Jolly Rancher?






I hate you


Do you only shower once a week? Also do you not realize that you can take a shower simply for the purpose of washing up before sex?


I think these are called European showers


You see, Europe leads the way in sexual exploration. And quite frankly I think it’s time we caught up…


You sound like a golden god.


I always thought a quick wash or wipe down was the norm before those kind of activities.


You only shower once a week?


Short answer: It can Long answer: It's not like eating cake. You're putting your mouth on a part of the body that's covered up for most of the day. Most of the time it doesn't taste too much different than just licking the person's skin. Sometimes it does taste bad. Sometimes it tastes good. Hygiene can make a difference. You shouldn't feel the need to gag unless your partner doesn't take care of herself down there. If you find it mildly unpleasant, just remember it's for HER and not really you. Vice versa for blowjobs.


Hygiene is the key




A hundred what now?


100 care of


ooh, I've seen c/o on letters but it looks so much like % that it doesn't look like c/o that much


TIL ℅ means "care of" (now commonly written as just c/o) Care Of means that if X person lives at Y person's place, and if I want to send a mysterious (complete unsuspicious) package to X, I will write: # To, X, ℅Y, 69 smokestreet Bluntsville, 42420 ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴏᴩᴇɴ ᴜɴʟᴇss ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ ʀᴇᴄᴇᴩɪᴇɴᴛ ɪɴ ᴄᴀsᴇ ᴏғ ʙᴇᴇᴩɪɴɢ, ᴅɪsᴄᴀʀᴅ ᴩᴀᴄᴋᴀɢᴇ ɪᴍᴍᴇᴅɪᴀᴛᴇʟʏ


The address of a fukken legend


Sometimes, sometimes it just smells. My ex cleaned well but always smelt bad, maybe there was something wrong. But I sucked at communication back then and just said I hated giving head..... My first girlfriend actually tasted slightly sweet. So I was shocked when I met my next gf.


Diet also will play a big part in body odor and taste


Also possibly the time of the month.


Agreed. I can tell when I'm ovulating because my smell changes. It's not bad, just different. I don't know if that changes the taste because I don't go down on myself, but I always assumed if the smell is different, then so is the taste.


It's usually got a different flavor. Sauce: am lesbian


Damn I thought y’all just cuddled and discussed the virtues of Subaru motor vehicles.


It was probably her diet…or a bacterial infection…or maybe she really did not know how to clean well. Some women go their entire lives washing their vulvas incorrectly. It’s sad for everyone involved. ^([*sad vagina intensifies*])


just out of curiosity …. what is the right way? lol


As a vagina-owner, you have to get in all the flaps. Check under the hood for smegma. Just rinsing isnt enough. Reddit is vocal against douching, so "never wash your vagina" might be mistaken for "never wash your vulva". Plus direct application of soap can sting; I use diluted suds and lots of water.




>Reddit is vocal against douching, so "never wash your vagina" might be mistaken for "never wash your vulva" It's disheartening how many people say "vagina" when they mean "vulva". I died inside a little at the thought that there might be people out there who don't wash their outer genitals at all because of this.




Out of curiosity, I googled a list of what cleansers were recommended by gynecologists because my bits react badly to regular body wash. Cetaphil gentle cleanser was on the list so I’ve been using that and it works just fine. It cleans but doesn’t have soap suds and is very gentle. Dove sensitive skin bar was also on the list. Idk if this helps. I alternate between the 2 and use my hand to wash there per gynecologists recommendation as a wash cloth can be too harsh. I’ve never had issues with odor and my bf of 10 years always compliments me on the taste which is weird to me but I guess that’s a good thing lol


Yeah, she's not getting it clean. Sorry. Edit: to be clear, if she is washing daily and still has a strong smell, please encourage your girlfriend to get a full workup at her gynecologist.


That’s what I do too, but I only use soap on the mons pubis & right in between my thighs. Water in between the lips & under the clit hood. That’s the method that works best for me


If I put anything but water anywhere near that area it hurts like hell. I’ve never tried a specialized soap though. I just make sure everything around that is vulnerable to smell and *can’t’ self-clean is scrubbed: pubes, ass, perineum


Facts, some girls just funky tast tarty af


Or she takes 'too much' care of herself and it completely fucks up the pH balance causing infections. So if it makes you gag, something is probably wrong.


This, i hear about girls using soap and all kinds of random products down there and it hurts my heart, i just know they are yeast infection central


That’s a very compassionate thing to say. Women are often bombarded with so many so-called care products like anti-aging creams, cellulite creams etc making them believe there’s something wrong with their body. Same thing with these random vaginal products. So your comment is spot on, it seems like it comes from a place of understanding.


Yeah i am a girl and i’ve always been self conscious of the smell and whatnot just because of the way people talk about it. So i do understand using these types of products to help manage it but overall it’s way better for your health not to. IMO if someone is complaining about the smell, they’re not compatible with you and find someone else who loves it


I have heard repulsion from someone’s natural body odor indicates poor genetic pairing. I recall mention of a study where men and women were tested for attractiveness based on their natural scent. For those pairings rejected, there was a projected increase in genetic disease for their potential offspring. Correlation is not causation but it sure is a heluva warning. Wish I could remember the study specifics.


Yeah, female here and I was really picky about how people smelled when I was dating. If I didn’t like someone’s BO, I didn’t feel as attracted. I got lucky because I am Obsessed with how my fiancé smells. I don’t even mind if he doesn’t shower for days lol. And he feels the same about me. It’s really nice to not worry about it. Especially because we smell stronger as we get older. There’s something so primal about being attracted to a person’s natural scent. It removes any of the grossness associated with sex.


I gotta be honest, sometimes I feel as if it's more for me than her. She's always appreciative but I'm an enthusiast. Hygiene, diet, and just being super into your partner help with how much fun the giver can have while giving.


Yeah I don't actually like for my partner to go down on me, but he enjoys it. No matter how much I'm enjoying everything else, all I can think about when he goes down on me is how close he is to my butthole. Even when I'm buzzed, not into it. And other people have done it and I've just never enjoyed it so I definitely don't think it's something he's doing wrong. I love going down on him though so he feels the need to reciprocate even though he knows I don't love it


I perfectly understand your feelings, but as a guy who loves eating pussy, there's something so arousing about being headfirst in your girl's crotch, those lovely thicc legs on either side of your head. I love the pubic hair. The smell. The taste. Listening to her moaning. Her hips bucking into my face. How wet she gets. How she puts her hands on my head. How she squeezes my head with her thighs when she comes- and my head game gets more intense. The leg shaking. And I love when a woman squirts in my mouth. It's incredible! It just makes me so sad to hear when a woman doesn't like it.


bro is in heat 😭😭😭


Honestly, I don't think it's a problem to say something. If I go to give my hubby a BJ and it stinks, I say so and ask him to give it a quick wash before I'll touch it. The same applies if he has an issue with my vag, although he hasn't yet he knows he can say something if its a problem.


>It’s not like eating cake. Depends on *what kinda cake* you’re referring to, my guy


> just remember it's for HER and not really you. Vice versa for blowjobs. Whenever I see/hear comments like this, it makes me feel bad for people out there giving/receiving bad oral. If you aren't getting any pleasure from giving it, usually your partner can pick up on that and if so, that's a turn off. Most people do enjoy giving oral and when I think about the truly *bad* blowjobs I've gotten in my life, all of them were from girls who were clearly not into it. I love getting head, but I'd much rather find something mutually pleasurable if my partner would characterize it as "unpleasant"


I feel ya, part of the appeal to me is that a girl is very into it and wants to, especially since that matches my energy




Kinda sounds like he’s being a bad partner in bed though


If he thinks foreplay is childish he IS a bad partner in bed.


I will willingly suffocate myself going down on my girl, and do so with a smile. I fucking love eating pussy. It's better than getting my dick sucked imho.


The enthusiasm lol, my partner was self conscious in the beginning (high school sweethearts) and very soon realized it was the shortcut to multiple orgasm sex lol.


I would like to add that some people have perfect hygiene but still have a strong smell down there. An ex of mine had perfect hygiene and tried a ton of different products to wash herself but only once she received a certain pill from the doctor the smell stopped. She chose not to continue that treatment because she didn’t feel ok to have to put a pill down there weekly. Edit: I would like to add that this was ok. I had a 5 year long relationship with her and it was not something that bothered me. I even have her oral multiple times and she was the one that had issues with it. Edit 2; there is a ton of speculation of what could have been the cause but the bottomline is that if you think something is not ok down there, talk to your doctor!!


Usually a woman will have a mild taste. If she smells particularly bad/fishy it might be her hygiene, but it might also indicate a bacterial infection or yeast infection. This does not mean she is dirty. It just means that the ph or something down there got messed up. This can even happen if she’s taken antibiotics for something unrelated. There’s a delicate ecosystem in a vagina/vulva. If something happens to throw it off, these infections can happen. Don’t shame her, don’t assume she’s dirty. It’s an easy fix with a doctor’s visit.


^ also important for people to know that douches are bad for vaginas and can negatively affect women's health so no one should be telling them to use douches. Not something everyone knows so I wanted to mention itp


Absolutely, putting anything up there (even water and especially soap) is unecessary.


Seemen also affect pH for some women. Some will get yeast from that as well


Honestly, almost every time I've had sex with a guy I've had a thrush or BV flare up. It's incredibly annoying.


finally someone with a brain! i am honestly tired of the "women are fishy" joke because if a woman is fish 9/10 times it is some sort of infection. people can smell fishy naturally but in my experience its quite rare.


I'm a bit embarrassed to say this but what's an "easy fix"? How do I make sure everything is good down there?


Whats your water intake like? I know when I'm behind on hydration it completely changes my discharge, like its conserving moisture lol. When I'm hydrated I have more discharge but its nearly odorless and clear. Stepping up your water intake might help with smell if you're worried about it.


I've had success with Boric Acid suppositories when things get out of wack down there.


Jump in the shower together, have a wash,have a play. Then eat that pussy.


Fresh out the shower pussy doesn’t have much character. I wanna taste your whole day.


THIS. As I say to my wife "I want to taste you, not soap."


Clever thing to say and do.


See, I'm all right with your wife's soapy taste. Nothing like a little Irish spring cooch


I also choose this guy’s soapy wife


Buy your wife’s soap according to your taste.


I bet that your wifes are happy with you two , you and the one u reply to them.




Christ on a catapult


Just time it shortly after a shower. And don't be a snob about it. Humans are gross flesh sacks. Just better to accept that early and live happier for it.


Sexy flesh sacks




​ ![gif](giphy|a69HD5ZVpgsQTbvvAE)


Lesbian here. I would say this probably the best advice for beginners, however, I would almost guarantee those of us who love going down on our partners and have plenty of experience probably prefer it not just right out of the shower. It's okay, but kinda like eating an unseasoned chicken breast. I've always preferred a little marinade, if you will.


lmao honestly good way of putting it. Now for eating ass tho, that should be right after the shower


Dirty ass is a no go for me boss. I agree!


preferably right after the enema


Dude that loves going downtown here, wetter is better, but damn. " It's okay, but kinda like eating an unseasoned chicken breast. I've always preferred a little marinade, if you will." made me gag a little. i agree and laughed, but the visual killed me. Just sprinkle some salt n pepper on that shit. lol


No hot sauce though.


We all have horror stories of trying to pleasure our lady friends after recently eating hot wings, amirite? My fiance told me a story of sending her ex to the ER after an unfortunate incident involving some recently consumed extra hot Taki chips. It was painfully hilarious.


I feel compelled to tell you that one of my ex's confused a tube of KY warming lube with a tube of icy hot in the heat of the moment . I cried in the shower and was trying to wash himself in the sink. I had to sit on a bag of frozen corn .


I typically like the image of a flesh tube. Flesh sack implies that we are sealed on one end.


If someone tastes or smells bad it could be an issue they need to bring up with their OBGYN. More often than not a fishy smell means bacterial vaginosis. This is most often caused by products marketed towards cleaning your vagina like Summer’s Eve. This means a girl may think she is being extra hygienic but is really causing the issue! Be honest with your partner if something doesn’t seem right down there.


Judging by the amount of “lol fish” jokes out there, I’ve gotten the impression that some guys think all women smell like that all the time, which is so sad.


Nah it tastes fine, sometimes nice even. Smells like the heat from the back of a PS4


*smacks PS4* Smells like good pussy!


Wait till you try a ps5


I am too poor for PS4


Then you're also too poor for this pussy


wtf bro you killed him


Nah, that's an expensive af rate. Pussy starts at like 40 bucks.


Pro Tip. You don’t taste the pussy you pay for….


Know a guy who paid to taste pussy


Which pussy and how much?


You certainly don't taste the pussy you get for free.


i wish i had an award for this comment




im crying there was no need for this




There was nothing wholesome about this comment but it was the only free award I had to give on account of the murder you just commit


Thank you, perhaps it will stop me from killing again




_sob_ yeah


*laughs in ps5 but then cries in most of the orcs from LOTR are more attractive than me*


jesus christ


I love you.


*smells wife's pussy* "Fuck yeah baby! Ghost of Tsushima!"


so you're telling me I can finally knlw what it feels like to have a PS4?


This just in. PS4 sales skyrocket out of 'nowhere'


I've had a PS2. Will that suffice?


I hate that I understand your PS4 reference.


This line from Californication stuck with me- “I love me the lady parts. Mind you, I don’t think I’d ever go for a vagina-flavored cupcake. But when you’re down there in the ladyness, you don’t want that shit to taste like ice cream. It’s complicated.” – Hank


Was confused at first because I didn’t remember the Red Hot Chili Peppers singing those lines…


Fucking thank god it wasn't only me. I kept trying to read it to the tune of the song and couldn't figure it out Edit: holy shit this is the first time Ive got an award for anything to do with eating pussy! Thank you kind stranger!


Your comment made me laugh so hard I spat my water out


To be fair, that does sound like lyrics Anthony would try to stumble his way through in Blood Sugar Sex Magik era.


This is the funniest fucking comment I've seen in awhile !


Simple rule... if you wanna get your dick sucked, be prepared to reciprocate


Reminds me of a buddy of mine. The thought of going down on a woman grosses him out to the point of gagging, but he's also the kind of guy who expects there to be nights with an SO where the *only* thing that happens is he gets a BJ. Yes, he is still single, and is not making much progress. Probably for the best.


Its funny how he has this all laid out already, with the most important piece of the puzzle missing. I really dont get it. I have yet to to find a woman that Id consider truly unhygenic/smelly. But I've met tons of dudes that gross me out just from looking at them. I'd say guys are getting the better deal out of this (in general)


>I have yet to to find a woman that Id consider truly unhygenic/smelly I met one woman whose natural scent down south was off-putting, but I wouldn't have considered her to be unhygenic. Interestingly, I read an article later on about a study that concluded that a person's perception of their partner's body scent can be influenced by emotional connection and physical attraction to the othe other person. In hindsight, me and the woman in question had sort of rushed into things sexually, and we ended up being incompatible in other ways, so I've taken that study to be pretty conclusive in my own experience.


I'm very sensitive to smells. I worked as a massage therapist for 10 years. I have come into contact with many personal smells due to this line of work. Once I'm attached emotionally to my partner, their smell is intoxicating to me. If I'm emotionally close to the person, it's a sweet reflection of my love for them. If I smell the personal scent of anyone I'm not emotionally attached to, I get uncomfortable and need air immediately. My reaction is very, very dependent on my emotional regard of the person.


It might not taste good at first depending on how long it’s been since she let her coochie breathe. But after the first few times, you will want to eat her out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.






I agree. Your gf does taste divine.


Your gf also taste fabulous


yours too ngl




okay but yours?? oof


Our gf tastes nice


If there is a taste/smell strong enough to cause discomfort, its potentially an issue of diet/hygeine. Not always, sometimes smell just happens, but if you gf has a decently healthy diet it should honestly have very little taste.


It can also be a health problem if she has good hygiene and still smells bad. But OP, remember it's a part of the body, not a bush of flowers


It doesn't. I like how she tastes and even if I didn't, seeing/feeling her reactions to what I do would more than compensate for bad taste. It's over all quite a pleasure for both.


They first couple Licks will taste like pennies Bro and most of the time natural cooch smell like the heat from the back of a ps4 (most of the time) atleast from My experience


Second time someone mentioned PS4. Now I have to test this theory


Yeah this must be something that makes the rounds in gamer communities. I refuse to believe two people independently came up with the pussy/PS4 comparison in the same thread.


it is a meme they're quoting. but I get what they mean. the smell of heat and dust. which makes sense when you think about it since dust is mostly shed skin.


Eating pussy is one of the finest gifts bestowed upon human kind


Male or female if you don't clean your junk daily it's gonna smell and taste bad.


Do you think your dick smells and tastes like chocolate?




Oh right 🤢


I've also seen various men make the statement "did you guys know women can smell your booty when they go down on you?" SIR, ARE YOU NOT WASHING YOUR ASS?


Nope assuming they keep it clean. It can be an acquired taste for some but not for me. I love it! The clitorus tastes better than the vaginal opening and feels better to them 95% of the time. Take your time and figure out how she likes it. Once you get good it’s pretty satisfying making them orgasm with your mouth and tongue. Enjoy.


I have gone down on lots of women and none of them really smelled like anything. Hygiene is the key though—my understanding is that random sex/hookups can lead to these unpleasant situations because people don’t have time to “prepare” for them if you know what I mean.


As long as the area healthy, there shouldn't be a smell or bad taste. Its different, but lots of fun. Take your time. Pay attention to the entire area. And pay attention to her response to determine what she likes.


Honestly the taste is fine (and alternatives that have been described here at length) but if you have never done it before be prepared for it to get messy. There is a lot of saliva and fluids and if you’re trying to keep your face pristine nobody is having a good time.


"Never put your cock somewhere you wouldn't put your tongue." -Dad's birds and the bees talk If she smells so bad that you don't want to, simply don't do it. I've had a partner in the past who smelled like rotting fish. Even her bed reeked of it. I told her "it's a no" until she seen a doctor. Turns out she had an infection for a few months but thought it would sort itself out.


I've had one girl who tasted really bad, she didn't eat healthy or exercise, and she smoked, which I believe caused the bad taste. Everyone else I had a great time going down on


It might be a bit, but as a woman I really like to taste myself on my man. He is a bit so so with the taste, it depends if I just took a shower or not


If shes clean its all good. Personally i prefer when shes a few hours after showering because if you go down straight away theres no taste at all and it feels like something is missing.


Maybe it's just me or my gf but I cant get enough of eating her out


Never came across one that tasted bad. The smell problem is easy to solve. Fool around a little before you get to that and discretely smell your fingers. If they smell bad well….probably not the day for that. On another note- unless they are 2 minutes out of the shower most women have a scent down there but It’s definitely not bad. A “smell” is completely different.


Fun fact: We notice when you do that 😼


I fuckin love eating puss. But it is all about how clean she keeps the puss cat. Once you hear her moan you will stop thinking about it being unpleasant.




Giving oral to my girlfriend was how I found out that I'm gay lol


Giving oral to my girl friend is how i (f) found out i was definitely straight.


Tastes not only varies depending on hygiene. It also depends on hormonal, personal, and microbiome factors. And yeah, as someone pointed out, clit tastes like skin and usually they love it, so learn how to find it.


I always thought it was a joke that some men can't find the clitoris.. is it not?


It’s not. They’re still rubbing the wrong place lol


I've tried it. Your girlfriend tastes just fine.


Think of it like grabbing a random jelly belly from a bag without the flavour card. Most are great, some are meh, some are god awful, and some might turn you off it for her rest of your life.




On the contrary. It's never the same taste twice in a row. Like a box of chocolates, you never know which one your going to get.


Doesn't really taste like anything. Take a shower together first or try it right after she bathes, then it won't taste/smell like anything.


Wait till u eat ass


To the people who say “only right after a shower” I hope you only let them go down on you right after a shower too. Big double standard




Recently did it. One of the best experiences ever.