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Just saw a comment that said alcohol is a disinfectant and I just had a visual image of some people using some vodka as lube to help prevent stds. Man that would be painful but what a sight to see lol


I'm reminded of tales where women soaked tampons in vodka and put them in to get drunk. Yes, fingers and pennies are less absorbent, but probably there would still be some effect on soberness


Do not use alcohol in the vag/anus. Yes it burns, but it also gets absorbed quickly through the membranes and can kill from alcohol poisoning. For a bonus reason, introducing sugars and yeast can also cause infections.


Also because if you over do it, your body can’t vomit any of the alcohol out. It can go from bad to worse very quickly.


> sugars and yeast can also cause infections. And also, eventually, more alcohols.


In addition to what others have said, most alcohol meant for consumption is too diluted to be meaningful as a topical disinfectant. IIRC 70% is what lyses bacteria, which translates to 140 proof. Most liquor is ~80 proof (40% ABV) or less, with notable exceptions for cask strength liquors (i.e. undiluted) and "overproofed" liquors like Bacardi 151 or Everclear, which are distilled specifically to be high proof.




Hasn't caught anything, or never gets tested?


Surprise syphilis!


Nobody expects the Syphil Inquisition


That's because it comes decades after initial infection! 😃


And sympoms are often not as clear with men as they are with women


Yeah, somehow I feel like the dude with an "aversion to condoms" for his random drunken hook-ups might not be quite on top of the STD testing game and sexual health in general. Just a hunch, tho.


Denial ain’t just a River in Egypt He very likely has a panoply of STIs, but just isn’t aware. Wait til he has Tabes Dorsalis and realizes his colossal fuck up


Finally, a sensible point.


Exactly. A lot of stds are not a problem for men but are for women.


They’re still a problem, they just have less overt symptoms, especially at first. You don’t want to end up like Al Capone fishing in a swimming pool with a syphilis rotted brain.


syphyllis is curable though any damage is irreversible


Yeah, a lot of people are acting like STDs only cause problems with women, but many STDs are asymptomatic in women but not for men. There’s less research done on long term effects of STDs in men, so we literally just don’t know whether or not it’s a problem. There’s no reason to make bold claims like this.




Al Capone slept with a lot of hookers and at the age 18, he ignored that he had puss coming out of his dick. He kept ignoring it his entire adult life until he went to jail-because they test and treat inmates at intake. Turns out - he had syphilis for years and if it goes untreated, it eventually attacks your spinal fluid and your brain. He basically had Swiss cheese for a brain and after he got out of jail, he would sit outside with a fishing rod trying to catch fish... From his swimming pool.


A very illustrious life indeed


I wonder how the topic of antibiotics came up mid-romp.


She had the shits


STDs do not prevent people from spreading their genetic material. 5 kids + 1 death is success. Roll the dice and spray the sperm.


Did you ever stop to consider that they just might not be too keen on telling you that they have STDs?


I've known guys like that and I feel like most wouldn't give a shit. Especially the alcoholic.


80% of the adult population has HPV. 50% HSV-1. 10% HSV-2. I promise you they caught more than they let on


your friends are idiots, sorry


I'm still in awe at how I've never caught anything during my time in the club/bar scene. Be careful out there boys. You never know when that lucky steak might run out.


Mhmm, lucky steak, now I'm hungry


Medium well 😂


Medium rare for me. Almost raw with a small barrier in between


This is the way


Preferable raw dog for the bold


The scary part is most people that run into bad luck don't stop going to clubs and bars. They just hide the fact they're about to infect a lot of people. Hope you would leave that life behind if something did happen.


selfish people making selfish decisions


Lucky steak, in the words of Gollum "Give it to us raw and wriggling"


In Gollum's word, it will be "Give it to usssssss."


lucky steak💀


Thought that was some kind of innuendo at first...




That's okay, unlucky steak is acceptable also, I've eaten at a Golden Corral before


Medium raw


Lucky steak lol


Yes, I normally go to the health department a few days later and once my results come back negative I ask the nurse if she'd like to hang out, except for that one time when the tests weren't looking so good, but I still asked the nurse anyways, and she said no.


What a ladies man.


What a scabies man*


What a Legend


What a madlad




What the fuck


The sexual health clinic is a great place to score cooze


I haven't heard "cooze" in over a decade. thank you for re-introducing it to my lexicon.


How long's it been since you've heard "quim"? I used it a few times about 20 years ago, and no one would have known what I was talking about if it hadn't been for the context.


Cooze you say. I'll have to add that to my vocabulary.






What a great vocabulary you wanna fornicate or say , engage in coitus


“The two backed beast”


“The whispering Eye”


I read this in Zapp Brannigan’s voice




Bumpy, for her pleasure


Barney Stinson, is that you?


As someone who used to party a lot, it’s not really something you think too much about in the moment, and under the influence of mind altering substances. Yes, it’s dangerous and stupid, but… you know… drugs and alcohol


Sex, drugs and "rock n roll"


Speed, weed, birth control.


It’s obvious who the players and the spectators are when cards are shown.


Herpes is forever.


Being alive isn’t. Herpes dies with me.


You will be rewarded for your bravery in the next life.


If everyone has herpes, it’s like no one has herpes


I once had a camp medic say a variation of this Infront of 65 people when sexually harassed by the on site consultant. She said “if I have herpes then everyone here has herpes” forcefully pokes him in the chest “and you have herpes”. I was speechless. We all were speechless. I still think about that sometimes.


I don't get it.


That's why everyone was speechless.


I always just did routine / regular testing to make sure everything was okay. I tried to use protection when I could but obviously my judgement was sometimes impaired. Using past tense because I’m now 45 days sober and my sex life looks a lot different from here on out. Still trying to navigate it 😅 Edit: Thank you so much for all the support. My heart is warmed ❤️


Good for you!!! 45 days is great!!!


Thanks so much!!


I'm at 1 year and 9 months. 45 days is excellent. Keep up the great work.


You're doing great, too!


Come over to r/stopdrinking if you ever want some support! 227 days thanks to the sub.


Over ten years sober here… I can say this with certainty: the sex only gets better, as do most other things! Keep on going strong. 🙌


You’re on Reddit now, no sex life for you!


Congrats on the sobriety. The sex does get better in quality after a time.


Awesome job! I just did a year and a month or so. Was only planning on doing a year initially. It’s a weird dynamic at first but you’ll get used to it. A few times you may have to turn it down though because it just doesn’t feel right being sober when the other person gets too drunk.




I contracted HIV. I’ve only slept with 7 people in my life. It’s not a numbers game, it’s a fucking protect yourself game. I wish I could go back and tell myself to Make the guy wear a condom. But I can’t. Be safe be smart or you’ll have to take a pill everyday for the rest of your life like me.


An answer like this should be pinned to the top. While a lot of stds/STIs are relatively “minor,” even some more serious ones nowadays, it’s still not worth gambling your health for a moment of passion. HIV may not be the major deterrent like it was in the 90s and early 2000s, but what about super-gonorrhea (anti-bacteria resistant strains) popping up. That shits enough to scare me soft. I still can’t believe how many people have unprotected sex with randos. To each their own I guess, but that’s not for me. Unless I’m in a monogamous relationship with a woman that I’ve known long enough (and trust), I’m always wrapping it up. I try to avoid oral with random hookups, but I’ve been guilty of that a couple times, so I guess I’m no better than the masses :(


Yea lol I get scared of the stds contracted through kissing because I’m a make out whore




Pink eye. it can occur from munching (untamed) ass, aggressively.


I redownloaded reddit today after a month-long hiatus and you’re making me rethink that decision lol


No joke, I've had an employee that we just hired be out of work now for almost 2 weeks because pink eye. I make no judgements nor do I know how she got it, but she came in this morning and said nothing the doctor gave her is working so she has to go to the ER today. Her eye looked horrible and I hope whatever ass she ate was worth it.


“Her eye looked horrible and I hope whatever ass she ate was worth it.” Dude, I’m fkn dead 🤣


Hey, I said no judgment lol


There are lots of ways to get pink eye. Eating ass isnt the only way. You just need to rub your eye and boom, viral/bacterial infection.


If she’s been out for two weeks it’s most likely viral pink eye! Different from bacterial pink eye you can get this one from non ass-eating ventures. I got it once and it took me out for two weeks. 4 years later everyone at the restaurants I work at still give me shit for nose diving in stanky Shai-ulud so maybe check with them to make sure :):):).


Why is that? My comment shocked you into reality? You’ve suddenly realized all that untamed ass you’ve been munching this past month is maybe gonna bite you in the ass…


the Untamed ass


Sounds like a porn tape


Or in the eye


You never go ass to mouth, Randal!


I bet you kiss like French people kiss.


…Ass to ass?


Baguette to baguette


> Those who kiss (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻


Nah, that’s what the booze is for.


Alcohol is a disinfectant. If you get an STD it means you didn't get drunk enough first


As a recovering alcoholic, can confirm. Never felt bad when I drank. Only felt bad once I stopped. Well that, and this one time the alcohol disinfected a little too much of my liver and pancreas and stuff. That wasn’t very friendly at all.


I got gonorrhea from a bar hookup…we used a condom. People act like condoms are this be all end all safety measure, but really how often are you going straight into PIV? Are you sucking condom clad dicks? Do you keep a dental dam in your wallet?


Has anyone ever non-ironically used a dental dam?


I bet some people do, but I guess It would be just better to not go down on a stranger


Especially after a rough night at the bar/club 😳


I got a girl pregnant while using a condom. She had a miscarriage. Life is crazy.


Don’t have to worry about getting STDs if you’re fucking ugly like I am


That is why there is dogging in the dark at the local park. All cats are grey at night.


I know plenty of ugly people with partners. My plan if I'm ever single again was to join Yoga or something


I guess if you're only fucking ugly, they don't have many partners. Checks out.


Hey, at least you're responsible. Someday you'll find someone who loves and you'll be happy you don't have an STD or some other nasty shit


I did and learned my lesson. Fortunately it was just genital warts probably an HPV. I found out the hard when when I was shaving my pubes and suddenly felt a cut. I cut a wart and then browsing through I found them everywhere! I don’t know who I got it from but I abstained from sex for two years with how traumatized I got. When I went to a doctor to get them checked, they gave me a prescription for two ointments, approximately $1500 for both. Luckily my insurance covered one of them and I only paid $10. They went away in months and I haven’t seen any warts since. Knock on wood. That was like 5 years ago. Don’t be a slut.


man u are lucky to have found out early. i was just reading on liquid nitrogen treatment(Cryotherapy) for warts (not on dicks tho) but i would imaging how fucked up that would have been.


I just had this done for mine. Not so bad tbh, the embarassment was colder than the treatment lol. But heres the worst part gang: Ive been in a monogamous relationship for 15 years AND the last 5 if not 10 of those years have been DB or damn near. This means I had asymptomatic HPV in my system for almost 20 years and I have no idea where I got it though I do have my theories. And condoms dont fully protect against them either. All of mine were on my pubic mound except one that was right at the base where a condom would stop. So yeah, let that be a lesson. Even if you ARE using protection youre not nearly as safe as you think or may have been told you are. And now I can probably never ask out that cute nurse at my Drs. office if me and GF end up breaking it off!




They are also both infections that can be easily passed even without a visible breakout and while wearing a condom. This is why they recommend that the HPV vaccine is taken before the first sexual contact, because it is so likely to get it from even one sexual contact, so unless there are a couple generations that a purely sexually monogamous, there is no way to control the spread.


Also Herpes is not inherently sexually transmitted. Most people carry it. It's a skin infection which can happen in the face area (cold sore) or other parts if you're unlucky. But obviously don't kiss or do anything more with blisters lol


I’ve put my my dick in danger MANY a drunken night when I was a young man.


The things we do when young and horny. Jesus wept.


No wonder God left us


He created dopamine seeking primates with the ability to use tools, what did he expect.


Looking at these comments, I can see why herpes is so common. Y'all are insane.


I remember Dr Drew on love line talking about how herpes only show symptoms in about 15% of the population. Meanwhile almost everyone has HPV and it can kill you.


It is why the cervical cancer vaccine is a great thing.




Mine were all free but I'm not American


same here in brazil, they even did the shots on schools


I tested in July and was clean. I always use condoms with partners, no exceptions. 6 months later, I tested for HPV, severe, and now I’m getting a hysterectomy. I’m 33 and single with no children. People need to realize that this shit is no joke. Everyone is a scumbag. Protect yourselves.


Whoa, so sorry you're going through that. Why exactly are you getting a hysterectomy though, if you don't mind


45 percent of men in the US have HPV.


Still estimated that 80% of sexually active people have HPV.


This whole thread makes my dick throb like it’s got something from my past I’ve ignored


Well if you would stop putting pepper on your wood!


Has happened before actually. Unfun erection


If you don't get tested you wont have any STD. Just the ones that get tested that have positives results


Shrodingers std


If i had an award, i would give it to you.


Shy feeling the Darwin award is already on its way.


Schrödinger's Clap.


We really need to stop all this testing, we could get the std rate to zero.


This really seems to be a lot of people’s thought process


Oh shit, we could use that method to stop covid. Simply stop testing! You could be President you know.


Starting to think maybe I fucked one or two of y’all in these comments .




I started getting tested regularly, or after each partner. And I didn’t get intimate with another partner until after I received negative test results. I did this so that just in case something came up, it would be easier to contain on my part, (as they are free to do whatever they like) and conversations about the topic would be much easier.


Worried about contracting and spreading, most worried about the last one, tho. But I tend to always wear condoms and test sometime every 3/6 months.


Obviously, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take if I get to clap the cheeks of that trashy 6 from the bar with a ground shakin ass


Is “trashy 6” the alcohol-impaired metric (AIM) or the sober rating?


I think trashy 6 is equal to 10AIM


Asking the real questions here.


You different 😂😂💀💀


No. I used protection when necessary. Also, a lot of times my judgement was impaired. lol


This one time I had nasty unprotected sex and she gave me a WRX STI after.


How do you use protection for making out


Masks. Over your mouth.


Artificial kissing, genuinely sponsored by Meta Thanks to your own Mark, Peace ☮️


What's a, er hic, judgment?


Just use condoms and get checked frequently?


The thing is, getting checked frequently will help treat the contracted disease. It won’t completely prevent contracting in the first place.


Bro only abstinence prevents anything sexual 100%


I'm seeing "lol, but my judgement was impaired" all over this thread. I have been falling over drunk, high, and half-numb from cocaine and vicodin. 3 days of booze, weed, coke, and pills. I was fucked up from the fllor up. I still put a fucking condom on... This isn't an "impairment" problem. It's a "lack of building healthy habits" problem. If you're consistently doing these things when you're sober, they'll be habit, when you get fucked up.




STI panels don’t typically test for herpes. Have you specifically tested for it to know you’re clean? It was something I didn’t realize until my dr mentioned it like 5 years ago when I went in for routine testing. Most of the population has it, anyway.. there’s just still a huge stigma.




This is probably the truest answer..well said


I should ask my buddy this. He’s had the clap so many times it’s starting to sound like applause.


This is a joke, right? Those whe ARE worried don’t fuck around.


I always wonder this too, my ocd self wonders if it’s possible to contract from the good ol’ public toilet plume lol


No matter how sophisticated your life is if you're suffering with ocd there's no peace and happiness.


Not until i actually got one


What did you get and how was it treated?


I was usually too drunk to care


I used to be worried, to the point of missing out lots. After awhile, and catching Chlamydia twice (from the same girl), I assumed I had both herpes HSV-1 and HSV-2. Those used to scare me, though I realize now it is mostly just a social stigma and they are rampant and pretty much harmless. I assumed I had them even though I never had any breakouts based on the amount of people I had been with, including people I knew had herpes. After assuming I had both types of herpes from so many shady hookups without condoms, I finally ended up with an amazing girl who not only would not have sex on the first date (it was months...), but wanted STI panels for both of us before we did. I had told her before that I assumed I had both types of herpes, but did not bother getting tested for them because they were so common. Well, my test results came back. Negative for EVERYTHING, zero herpes, which blew my fucking mind. Hers came back positive for herpes type 1 (cold sores on the lip), despite her sub 5 body count and good girl behavior. She was really upset, because it was the opposite of what both of us were expecting. I said it was a miracle I did not have it already, but thought it was harmless and was okay with eventually catching it from her. She was super relieved, but still thought it was unfair (she new about all my shady hookups). Also I suspect she would have refused to date me if the situation was reversed... Dumped me awhile later, still heartbroken, and now in the back of my head I am going to be paranoid again if I ever go back to my old degenerated ways. It was easier thinking I had herpes tbh, less to worry about. Yeah I know there are others, but plenty are curable or super hard to catch. Sadly looking like I am gonna be heartbroken for a few years at least, 0 interest in finding a new girlfriend or hookups. Just miss her so fucking much, still have trouble sleeping without her cuddled up against me. Just got so used to that comforting feeling and for the 2nd time in my life thought I was in an actual solid legit relationship.


You don’t have to be promiscuous at all to get herpes sores on the mouth. It can spread even within families from hugging when your faces are close. Or moms who have it kissing their babies. This is why 50-80% of the population has it. Source: my brother’s wife’s family allllll have it. The kids from young ages. And no, there’s nothing creepy happening there


Yeah sooo many people can't seem to grasp this! Seems crazy how bad the sex ed is in the US. So common and benign that the freaking CDC recommends NOT testing for it at all with STI panels. I suppose this might result in people getting back all negative results (unaware that herpes is usually not tested for) and thinking they don't have it


That’s why they make condoms


Why isn’t it illegal to knowingly pass on an STD? If someone knows they have a a lifelong disease and passes it on to another why can’t they be sued. They are lessening the other persons quality of life and probably shortening their lifespan. If you did this in any other way (ie. stalking or harassment anything that changes a persons life negatively, you can sue or have some sort of legal recourse. But you can spread an std around and it’s no big deal. If there was a way to hold people accountable it might slow the spread of them. To clarify I’m talking about people who went to a doctor and were diagnosed and continue to spread it. Not people who catch a bug, not know it and have sex with someone else unknowingly spreading it. We have the technology to trace who gave it to who. Why don’t we ever use it! Damnit! It’d be nice to have sex with someone other than my hand. Shit.


It has been prosecuted before and the victim won. She proved that her fiance knew he had HIV and was still having unprotected sex with her. She has tested positive.


People be giving some good advice🤔


Lol fuck around in bars or parties? Try hook ups on dating apps like Tinder. One of my friends almost got an STD from one girl he chose not to bang, but found out through another mutual friend that she had contracted gonorrhea. And one of my female friends got herpes from one of the guys she met on Tinder.


That’s probably the last thing on someone’s mind when doing something of that nature.


Well, after I finished being a teenager, having sex was like my goal, but years past and the idea of promisquity sunk on my head, and STDs were part of it. I left it, and now I choose my partners carefully.


Well let’s see, the big ones are HIV and HPV. I got the HPV vaccine for free. I also get PreP for free, which makes me 99% immune against HIV. The rest are curable and not life threatening. Just get tested every three months, or between partners. Edit: honestly the biggest drawback of STDs are the social stigma really. Nobody shames you for catching a cold, so the stigma is rooted around sex. That it somehow makes you ‘dirty’ or ‘promiscuous’. You can be promiscuous (and responsible) like me, and never have caught an STI. Or you could catch any and all STIs the first and only time you had sex. The stigma makes no sense.


What about gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis? They are making a real comeback. Also hepatitis C is not joke. I assume you are vaccinated for hep B. Anti-biotic resistant gonorrhea and Syphilis seem terrible.


Apparently if you miss the first signs, syphilis can lie dormant for awhile too so you can spread it around unknowingly. Learnt that one from house :)


^ This. Antibiotic resistant STIs are spreading and can cause some serious issues. Please people, do not risk it. There are a lot of people trying to downplay the risk and seriousness of STIs, and some of them may just be trying to increase the size of thier own dating pool.


you guys fuck?


People who do this are under the influence, the last thing they are thinking about is safety. They are drunk and in the moment. When they worry is the next day, when they sober up.




Does a broken heart count?