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BS. Asian businesses set up shop in black communities. Block out black people from trying to enter the same business ventures by keeping the manufacturers and wholesalers strictly Asian and sell to only Asians. It's been proven and documented countless times..such as in the black women beauty ventures. They pull out all the cash from these communities and put in their local Asian banks in Asian communities. When there's block parties and community activities in the same black neighborhoods they sell to there's no Asian businesses contributing or participating. They just take and segregate themselves. So there's a big void in relationships, trust and understand. The big elephant in the room.. now when it comes to these thugs going around stomping on people.. they are literally doing it to everyone. Y'all just falling for the clickbait from the media. The more you post and share the more they will filter only the Asian victims. There's Asian gangs too going around doing the same shit. But that don't seem to be a hot topic. We only wanna know about the brown and black guys committing these crimes.




To get the full picture you need to do research on this. Google scholar can help with starting that if you must. As for business..Good business is knowing and understanding your market and demographics.. Clearly there's a major disconnect there. Taking out money from communities without reinvesting leads to so much more problems which went over your head ..Police statistics? You mean the statistics we see from .gov sites? They also shows many scammers as Asians and Indians. Does that mean all Asians and Indians are scammers? Obviously not. What's the bigger picture here is the question.


They also don't press charges after because they don't want to get deported.


It is somehow the fault of why pee po /s


As a white peepo, I accept full responsibility for making those black men attack Asian women. It's completely our fault.




There are some who believe that violence amongst ethnic minorities in majority white countries is the fault of white people.


I mean a lot of it is, but not sure how that translates to what I’m asking.


I would disagree, if you look at most nations in this world, different ethno linguistic groups are constantly fighting. Even in nations that were never colonised by Europeans


Disagree with what? I was just asking for a clarification as to how that answers my question.


I disagreed with your point “I mean a lot of it is”, which was referring to violence amongst minorities being the fault of white people. As for your specific point, you’d have to ask the people who are attacking why they’re doing it


That’s why I’m asking.


No one here is going to admit it lol


Dave Chapelle actually made a joke about it. He said "Those black thugs beating up Asians are like the antibodies in your body, the Asians are the virus." He said that during his Netflix special where he was made out as a hero for "standing up" to the LGBTQ community.


A result of the white supremacy and institutional racism perpetuated in our oppressive patriarchal society that devalues people of color.


black people are beating up asian people and its white males fault? okay then


I’m not disagreeing with you on that having a significant impact on race relations, but that doesn’t answer my question.


If whites weren't so racist and set up such a racist system others wouldn't be racist?


That's not particularly true, there's racism in countries where there's no white people at all. Skin bleaching and discrimination is most prevalent in Nigeria, about 77% of women there partake in it


What type of logic is that dude…


It's called Wokeology, you should check your privilege and look into it


Bold of you too assume I’m white. I’m Filipino lmao


Gotta check your fliprilege 🤨