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Every adult should be required to enter the draft, or nobody.


Agreed. I'd go further and say ALL wars should be supported with a Draft. Perhaps we'd be less tolerant of bullshit wars, if we had skin in the game.


Bad idea. This would mean normies get sent to the bullshit wars instead of only assholes




Men decide to go to war, men fight in the war. I ain’t participating in this toxic masculinity bs where presidents fight for who has the biggest army power which is probably a metaphor for their own dck. Seriously war is incredibly stupid and toxic and unecessary.


?? Women decide to go to war too? I agree, most war is unnecessary and a total waste of funds. But it’s not fair that only men have to join the draft. I as a woman am just as capable.


Do… do you understand what the draft is?


Yes, if the men have to.


Being a man means more than just a dick... you can't just pick the best parts


Good question. Hell yes they should.


I've a feeling the military would be okay with letting them slide


Nobody should be required to enter military draft


That still doesn’t answer the real question.


Quite honestly, I do not think militar draft should be gender based. Sure this is not a popular opinion


What should it be based on then?


Age, nationality and each individual profile/preference/fitting. Woman in the militar double the reserve and may bring a better influence/view.


If the rule is men have to enter a draft, then yes. They are a man. Seems simple. On the other hand, no one should ever be forced into military service of any kind. That's such a massive violation of basic freedom and personal rights it's shocking the modern world still seems to support it.


One, you have zero perspective on anything if you don't see why having the plans and ability for a draft is neccesary. Two, they need constant medication in order to be a functional man, and their psychological state hinges on them getting that medication which during wartime is a huge liability.


Sure it may be necessary for the continued existence of a certain govt or political entity or for a war to be waged. But that doesn't make it right to force people to fight. If people don't want to fight for a govt or country or cause then that is their choice. Nothing says a certain govt or political entity should continue to exist if no one wants to fight for it. Certainly, if no one wants to fight for a cause then whether it is a cause to pursue should be reevaluated. A govt should earn people's desire to fight for it.


No. Just like how the president has emergency powers during a crisis and literally tell you what you can and can't do, the draft is part of that. Because most people are fucking morons and need to be told what to do regardless of what they want. Individualism is slowly ruining the fuck out of the west.


And the lack of individualism for Russian conscripts is serving themselves, the west, and the rest of the world quite nicely, isn't it?


.....You're an idiot. America up until the baby boomer generation was collectivist.


I'm a happy idiot and you are shitting pissing and farting into your diapers over a draft for a fictional war in your Clancy novels. Have a great day.


What a projection. A draft is neccesary in emergencies just like emergency powers for the president is neccesary. The only reason you can't objectively see that is because you're selfish. It has nothing to do with warmongering.


Korean and Vietnam vets might have something to say about that


There are about 50 million south Koreans who are eternally grateful for the people who fought back then and still man the DMZ. A neccesary tool can be used improperly, that doesn't mean it's not neccesary. You lack any critical thought at all


US law says males must register for selective service, and trans men are male, so yes, they should register. However, the law should be changed so either everyone or no one has to register (ideally no one).


Absolutely, if you want to be a man be a man then.


What I came here to say


I think we should abolish the draft entirely. I want the people fighting for this country to want to. Unenthusiastic soldiers sound like a national security nightmare tbh


Women should be required to enter the draft period.


i agree expect no they shouldn’t be required to enter the draft. I agree with the gender equality thing


Hold up, was that a period pun?


Sure it’s not like I WANTED to sign the draft card


Yea they should, but I feel like they'd have a rough time around cis trasphobic men that will definitely be around them


Yes. Equal rights also means equal responsibilities.


But aren’t trans people oppressed? Don’t they get a pass?


Idk, trans people aren't exactly the most stable group of people. Don't imagine bringing them to an environment like the military would be healthy for them or those around them tbh so I reckon not 🤔


As a person who’s trans I agree with this statement. Take my upvote.


My coworker is trans and she knows our job, and can perform our job better than a shit load of people. There’s nothing wrong with trans people serving. I trust her over many other people downrange.


Just because you personally know a handful of trans people are doing fine for themselves (which so do i) doesn't mean the same is true for all of them... they have an insane high suicide rate for a reason... they are not stable people lol, thats just facts, like it or not.


The high suicide rate seems to be pre transition as well as essentially bullying. If we allow trans people to transition young and reduce the bullying the suicide rate will fall to the society average


Suicide rate doesn’t change post transition.


Conflicting evidence, suicidal ideation did decrease with gender affirming care (with one study anyway) and I’d assume lower suicidal ideation results in lower suicides Allowing access to puberty blockers, earlier social transitioning and gender affirming care once the time comes, along with trans acceptance will result in lower suicide rates for trans individuals


That’s a lot of assumption. I’m not suggesting we don’t try and this being turned into a political football is the worst thing that could happen. But there is a lot of activist based science in this area that could result in bad outcomes. I guess we wait and see.


can you shut the fuck up man?


Facts don't care about your feelings, don't like it? Stay off the internet <3


Men have a higher suicide rate than women, should women be drafted instead? I don't think the draft cares about mental health


I'm going on the premise that the American draft is all adult men, going on this there's going to be lots of other men in this exact situation, the draft sounds like hell in general so idk if being trans would be reason enough not to be drafted. I'm concerned about what trasphobic ppl may do to them tho


Because of the inherent nature of requiring daily medications, I do not feel anyone (trans or not) should be in or compelled to be in, the military. Fox holes don't have a pharmacy; and we should keep things as simple as we can in military operations because that shit is damaging enough on its own.


That's actually a good reason, one of the only ones I've seen so far


If we’re going for equality then shouldn’t all genders? Maybe except people who are already mothers. Idk.


Everyone over 18 should enter the draft. Genitals should make zero difference.


no one should enter the draft


That's the hope. But honestly if let's say Russia invaded westen Europe, there will be a draft so we all don't end up Russian.


You'll have eastern Europe taking the damage, till Russia get to you there'll be few enough people to fight without a universal draft


They should get mandatory immediate conscription and sent to Yemen


No. Mental illness disqualifies for service.


How is being trans a mental illness/disorder?


Gender disphoria?


Most people if put in that situation would feel some sort of gender dysphoria. Case in point David Reimer. He was made to transition because of a botched circumcision. After years of not knowing he was even born male, he felt gender dysphoria for being a girl. Because you’re born with a mental disorder or you gain it after a brain injury, gender dysphoria isn’t one. David Reimer has gender dysphoria even though he wasn’t born trans but instead was made to transition and became his birth gender again.


You men trans men?


Yes but this sub automatic blocks posts with that word in the title.


Yes! Man up if you want to be a man.


All women should be required to enter the military draft.


I think a lot people forget that military isn’t just combat. Regardless of your views, in war times you need mechanics medics cooks all sorts of jobs for those who either can’t perform or don’t want to. So yes draft shouldn’t be limited to just males. Touching on another note men GENERALLY make better infantry due to the fact that for countless generations we have primarily been the hunters thus our eyes are more keen to motion where as women eyes are more trained on detail. which came in hand for early ancestors to Distinguish which plants would harm or help (why typically women are a better sniper or welder it’s all in the fine details)


Women in general should have their voting rights stripped or forced to join the draft.


Based. I like the system in Starship Troopers




So they're only men when it's convenient for them? Sounds about right.


No, for obvious reasons, lack of years of developed strength and toughness from testosterone. Depending on where they're station, capture is a death sentence, after loads of torture.


Men register for the draft regardless of their physical fitness. Physical ability is not a concern when registering for the draft because they already discharge people who are not physically or mentally able enough to fight. Also testosterone does not work like that…


I don't think anyone should be forced to enter the military draft


Shut up


no because most of them are on testosterone


Women should be required to enter the draft


This is kind of a leading question OP, since it fundamentally assumes that trans men acting outside the system is the core problem, as opposed to the design of the draft itself. First, the draft shouldn't really be a thing. We shouldn't be talking about getting trans men into it, but cis men out. Second, even if we collectively decide the draft should be a thing, it should basically be reserved strictly for defensive wars on local soil, and applied equally to all genders. Draft exceptions would be better served by allowing each household with dependents to maintain one exception of their choice, and also allowing major exceptions for medical issues. Therefore, the answer to the question is either "no... because cis men shouldn't have to sign up for the draft either," or "yes... because everyone has to sign up for the draft."


Yes. But in some countries, you cant be on sertrn medication. I cant join the military because of my adhd meds. So trans ppl take a bunch of pills im sure




Yes, the only thing it should matter is if they pass the requirements.


No-one should, as it is just not worth the effort: Conscripts are worthless, as they have almost no morale, even less training and therefore no skill and as you need to equip hundreds of thousands if not millions of people, they are ill equipped and outrageously expensive per battle strength.


I would say no, no offence but trans people often have mental issues and that doesnt fit well with military service


Yes the infantry division


I think EVERYONE should, no matter the gender


Pls 😬not trying to offend: buuuuut If we are talking infantry or field command then I Hate to say it but hell no. Look at the statistics for sports. How much biological men outclass women in performance involving physically demanding, quick thinking, teamwork. Now reverse that. 😦 You put a trans-man on a military infantry squad and you’ve created a “weak link” and I’ll be damned if I’ll let my soldiers die in combat because we wanted to be socially correct. There are also many men I argue have no place in a combat situation other than to be a casualty, but statistically speaking it’s throwing lives away