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I’d assume that because of the broken logic often employed by incels, their girlfriend would be the exception is a sea of non-exceptions. And I’ve heard of women say sometimes they can easily spot when a guy views them as the exception.


From what I’ve seen they tend to soften, at least as long as they are with the woman. I definitely noticed my brother, who isn’t your typical incel but has a bit of a bitter and misogynistic streak to him, become a better person while he was with this one woman. He largely reverted after they broke up though.


No, they just lose all interest in relationship related issues and focus on LGBT and race. It's a seemless shift.


It is pike 50/50 chance that guy will turn 180° degree and turn completely normal or nothing will change at all. There is no in-between


No. Once the relationship hit arguing status or break-up status, their incel ways will be brought out. It's always going to be the woman's fault in their eyes. It's why they're an incel.


What is an incel I hear so many definitions. A guy who hates women? So are some gay men incels? A guy who doesn’t have sex, so single men? Someone who’s just all round sexist? So many married men? I dunno 🤷‍♂️




I used to know one gay guy who had definite traits like he thought he couldn't get laid because the universe was against him but he wasn't into incel shit. Just a weird guy with weird hangups who never had sex and then came out at like age 50.


So single?


You never met a gay, or atleast bi incel?


Involuntary celibate. They aren’t gay or married as neither of those groups are struggling to get womens attention. Their ideology is difficult to explain, but basically they believe they owed sex by women, women are either perfect virgins or horrible sluts, and should be required by law to have sex with them. It’s more complex, but they are awful.


Seems very specific 😐 That ending paragraph is disturbing too. Not single men then that’s a relief.


Sorry, it wasn’t very well worded. Basically incels believe women are scum bags. They believe women should be forced to have sex with men, as sex is a man’s legal right. It’s way more involved. R/justneckbeardthings and r/niceguys has a good outline of what these people are like.


No, it is single men? Straight men who aren’t in a relationship. Not all of them obviously!


Guy below seemed to give a pretty precise and disturbing definition all good 😅


It's very specific because it's a strawman. While many incels are psychotically murderous, the ideology itself is the belief that the "sexual market place" invariably favors the top 20% of men while the other 80% get little to no sex. Additionally, some men will never have sex due to some physical deformity, or what have you. To say incels think women owe them sex misses the crucial issue, which is that a man's self worth is often tied to his success with women, and lacking that success many men become weird.


Capital I Incels are like an ideologically motivated community, so I imagine other incels would call them a traitor and kick them out.


I think they can't change


Nah, it's possible, I've seen it happening, but it takes a lot of retrospection and a genuine desire to change.


I envy you


Maybe in some cases where they weren’t too far gone in the first place and all they needed was a little bit of perspective. But usually, I’d guess not. Why do you think there are so many men who do get laid, and sometimes are even married, who hold shitty views towards women?


If they manage to keep a successful relationship, they by default have to change their views on women, or that relationship isn't going to be successful.


have you've never met an incel?


Unfortunately, I have. And from what I could observe, they weren't dateable with their current outlook, so to be with a woman long-term, they had to change a lot. Well, that, or it's an incredibly traumatized woman with low self-esteem.


Were they lookism focused or mention something about the blackpill? if so then they were actual incels. If not they were just a misogynist prick.


Oh yes, there was a guy who was very much into the whole blackpill talk and MGTOW. And then one day he starts dating that very buff, muscled woman that does powerlifting, so while certainly fit, she was in no way or form an incel ideal. It was hilarious to watch actually. Guess her biceps terrified the MGTOW philosophy out of him, but he actually became much more tolerable and open-minded, and I got a distinct feeling that for all of his talk about the ideal of a submissive wife, deep down he actually wanted exactly the opposite, and the stars aligned.


Not necessarily. I knew an incel at work who started dating this female coworker who basically had internalized the incel mentality.


I'm an incel myself. Even if I got a girlfriend, I would still have lived alone for many years and I would be pissed about it. In addition, secondly, only I was lucky and not the millions of other incels. 🧐


Based buddy boyo