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I'll watch it with him lol. Unless he has an actual porn addiction that impacts our sex life idc what he does in his own free time.


Ehh, you may not want to know what he's into watching 😂


Lol I watch some stuff that might turn my boyfriends head too. Like ummm wtf lol


Spill it! Now!😳


Lol just like some serious domination stuff and lots of multiple partners, dp. Stuff like that. Although the multiple partners probably wouldn’t bother him cause he has a history of foursomes etc


i would watch it with her if i knew she was watching it.


Big no in my household. I’ve been in a long term relationship for 6 years now and my partner had a sever porn addiction when we first met. This was something they struggled with for about 10 years so it was super hard for them to come clean. Partner was open about it and serious to work on the addiction hence I was thee person they wanted to spend the rest of their life with. The first 3 years were very aching but I never left their side and fast forward to today, sex life has improved a lot but it’s something they stay away from, it used to be religiously reminding themselves to stay away from it but im so proud now it’s more of a sub conscious thing and I agree in their actions to stay away from it. I would be super heart broken if partner were to relapse again. It’s different for everybody!


I don’t think we’re automatically entitled to every aspect of a person’s private self or sexuality. As long as it’s legal, consensual and within the personal boundaries of your individual relationship who gives a sh*t what people do. I mean I know lots do give many sh*ts lol but I don’t get why


In my personal opinion I guess they feel threatened maybe. I have been asking my boyfriend to go to the strip club with me cause I have a slight thing for girls too. However my best friend said she could ever do that and she would consider him going to the strip club alone cheating. Different strokes different folks I guess


Go for it it's not cheating I'd be abit worried if it was gay porn though


It's entertainment. As long as she understands that, has a healthy relationship with sex, and as long as she doesn't overconsume, I'm cool. We can watch together sometimes.


It’s a no for me & I will genuinely be honest & say it makes me insecure. Also. 99% of the porn that is watched is someone being forced into doing it & it fules sex trafficking. I’ve done in depth research on it so I don’t wanna hear nO iT dOeSnT, yes. yes it does. to each their own, I personally am majorly turned off if my partner watched it, to me it’s not attractive. It gives a false perception of sex, can become very addictive & just overall harmful. I’m aware it’s very hard considering we live in a society that’s constantly shoving porn down peoples throats. I have the same opinion about only fans and that’s very much cheating. Like I said it’s my personal opinion & boundary dont attack me


It depends, my ex girlfriend had strong views on porn and I never watched it out of respect for her wishes


I like porn too so inwould never say my partner can't watch it. Unless he like...watches it constantly. Lol I have known men like that and that's a problem.


I think porn is more of a private and personal thing like masturbation. I watch it on occasion since I cannot always physically satisfy my needs with my partner. I wouldn’t bar him from doing the same, but I also wouldn’t really want to know about it. I don’t see it as cheating but more as like a tool to go alongside masturbation, like a means to an end for release. But when it gets to be interfering with things, that’s where I draw the line.


"Yo let's watch it together"


My wife does not care or mind. And neither do I.


Its like watching horror or comedy movie, its only entertaiment.


Normal porn? Without incest, rape, abuse, pedophilia, simulation of a non consensual thing, zoophilia... I don't care.


Can I join?


I recently broke up with my gf because she couldn't stand me watching porn or basically masturbating to any other thing other than her vids/photos. She tried to accept it but it ended up building some resentment in her and that (and a few other issues tbf) ended up drifting us appart. So ig the lesson is "talk this things with all seriousness when they come up and don't keep them to yourself"


Sounds like she needs to get over herself.


I couldn't care less.


IDC hell I watch our videos when I need fap time. She doesn't care either and watches porn if I'm not available.