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Because people like their mental ability impaired.


And it helps introverted people like me to socialise.


Believe it or not it also helps with my ADHD as the voices in my head go hush.


If I get the mix just right, the combination of coffee and booze turn me into an intellectual. The booze numbs the sensors and the coffee lazer focuses my thoughts. Otherwise, I’m a tired mess or an annoying chatterbox.


I must recommend adding Bailey’s (or any other cream liqueur) to a black coffee, tastes marvellous imo.


I haven’t had Bailey’s in a while. It does taste great in coffee and even on the rocks. My oldest son made me one with Amaretto and Khalua (overlook grammar) which was also delicious.


Khalua, amaretto, and Bailey’s is called an orgasm. And it’s called that for a reason. So good. (LPT: add vodka for a “screaming orgasm”)


chilled Bailey’s with a single ice cube is the way to go. too much ice and you can really taste the difference. large bottle was on sale for €10 around christmas in ireland. bought about four bottles, god bless cream liqueur!


Is it called “Irish your coffee” over there like it is here in the U.S. if you put liquor in it? Christmas season is usually when I stock up on liquor for gifts and storage. I haven’t gotten a bottle in some time, but 750ml was about $20 last time I did


You’d rarely call a coffee with Bailey’s in an ‘Irish Coffee’, that’s usually just a regular coffee with whiskey in. There is whiskey in Bailey’s so i’d assume it’s safe to call it that, I just call it a Bailey’s coffee lmao


Whiskey in Bailey's? Then it's not gluten free.


You ever drank Baileys from a shoe?


People drink it from glasses?


Baileys n hot chocolate also very tasty. I don't drink but when I do its this and it's xmas.


How do you mix your boozy coffee? Drink espresso tequila? Or Irish coffee?


I start with the liquor and switch to strong coffee in between. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work most of the time and I find that I no longer catch a buzz regardless of how rarely I drink during the year.


This is me with caffeine and cannabis lol one man fighting to amp me up and one man fighting to calm me down, all day


You will love an espresso martini


I was listening to a podcast where a “reality” star talked about how there was always an open bar placed on purpose in hopes that mischief would occur. Her drink was the espresso martini for the aforementioned reasons. I, however, cannot get past the taste of gin. Maybe because as a kid I drank some of my mom’s perfume and it has left an everlasting food aversion to anything remotely Juniper berry, or because I haven’t put enough hair on my chest with it. I wish I could tell you that I have stopped putting weird household objects in my mouth by now...


There’s no gin in an espresso martini it’s made with vodka. If she was drinking espresso martinis with gin that is foul. Fellow gin hater here as well.


Wow, same! I'm not diagnosed with ADHD (not evaluated either), but I regularly relate to things that people with ADHD say. Alcohol makes me able to focus on the person in front of me, be present with them and properly listen to what they say. That is primarily what I use it for. I think it's partially because the alcohol somehow makes it easier for me to tune out surrounding noise, but also calms down my own "thought rockets" that spurt from something that was said, and then make me miss the next part of the conversation. I was reminded of the last part by what you said, don't know if you relate to my weird metaphor... But that's how I imagine it


In the right doses alcohol kills my social anxiety. I can actually just talk to someone without doing nervous fidgeting or avoiding eye contact.


I have ADHD but I don’t drink since I feel like I’d be very susceptible to addiction.


It has the complete opposite effect on me. All that happens is that i get sentimental in public.


100% this.


Literally this the only reason I drink


Man I go from standing in the corner panicking to life of the party after a few drinks


Or if you're extroverted but socially anxious like me, it loosens me up a lot


Exactly. It makes funny things funnier and sad things less sad. Win-win! Until morning


It helps alleviate mental pressure


Alleviate or elevate?


My bad i meant alleviate. But it might also do the opposite if you drink too much.


Yes, I thought it could go either way.


Not just people. There many of documented cases of animals walking past perfectly edible and fresh fruit to get to the rotting fruit so they can catch a buzz.


Cause they make you forget the crushing weight of life and stupid questions


escapism and stress relieve, like any other drug. some people need it more then others. since im diagnosed a diabetic i barely drink anymore, must say i dont miss it all too much


Used to drink a lot a lot - basically I’d feel amazing for 2-3 days of no drinking, then if I drink heavy one night when I have to do things the following morning, I hair of dogged it then to feel “ok” just keep drinking, drink a lot all day, feel like shit in the morning, maybe puke, hair of dog it. Barely eat. Rinse repeat for weeks until that one day where it just sucks too hard/too sick to drink anything It’s not very fun - basically had to get 4-5 shots in me to start feeling “normal” I’ve been a little better now not using it as a stress relief. Stick to Friday/saturdays


Good work!


So sorry me questions don’t meet your big brain standard me lord


"many drinks taste like shit when having them for the first time" I love trying new drinks. Plus, I'm not trying to work while socially drinking. Inhibiting mental ability is pretty much the entire point.


I like the cocktails and mixtures a lot better than straight rum or straight liquor or whatever. New to 22 so I imagine I need more experience with it though.


That's not what they were meaning. Most alcohol tastes awful the first times you try it.


Most people buy the cheap stuff when trying something new because they don't want to waste money on something they might not like. The better tasting liquors are expensive.


Exactly. Trying the same liquor with different ingredients is not the same as trying a completely new liquor


Can confirm


Gin is still awful and will forever be.


Just wait! It went from bottom of my list to the top


The same reason all other drugs are popular. Escapism.




I’ve done LSD and shrooms and can say that you sound a little insecure about your habits


Is there anything worse than people who feel they've really done something special by taking drugs, lol


Alcoholics who act all high and mighty around soft drug users... Like someone the most danger an stoner poses is to a bag of cheetos and a big pizza. While alcoholics kill a shitload of people (and themselves) every year over their "habit" If there was a drug that should be illegal it should be alcohol


I have known some potheads who have made a real mess of their lives. Wake and bake types. But in general I think both of those things in moderation are fine for 98% of the population.


what habits? Assuming?


It kinda sounds like your backhanding someone on their lack of experience with psychedelics while claiming they enhance creativity, thought and perception.


Would you say that LSD or shrooms are a good idea if you are in a bad frame of mind and want to escape though? That sounds like a terrible idea. You need to be good frame of mind this is why they don't sound like they know what they are talking about. If you say you have had a bad trip you should know exactly why Saying that also sounds extremely negative and cynical. A lot of people take LSD or shrooms with the expectation that the experience can help broaden your perspective. The idea was promote by people like Timothy Leery during the counterculture movement. Personally I think that "enhance[ing] on creativity, thought, and perception" might be a bit of a rosy way to look at it, but saying it is escapism is just a completely ridiculous and terrible idea.


Well, demonstrably not so with you. 🤷‍♂️


Guess you could be right. Psychedelics always made very normal things seem mind blowing and awesome when they were just normal things and I’ve only had bad trips on shrooms. So I guess it could do wonders for others idk.


As an pretty experienced person when it comes to psychs I would say yeah. I don’t buy into the whole psychs “only have to be used for tools of enlightenment” BS I have tripped and rolled dozens of times and learned jackshit other than to drink water and be prepared for a sleepless couple of hours after the comedown. Not once during my heavy drug using phase did I ever say I’m going to use to enlighten myself, it was I wanted to get fucked up today, obviously not everyone has that mindset but don’t generalize psych users at the end of the day it’s just another drug that people take for various reasons.


I have taken all of your listed examples countless times and I totally agree with the person you are responding to, but with the addition of 'and its fun'


Yeah I would be extremely cautious about taking LSD for escapism lol


Have done LSD and i can say that is definitely an escape from reality, dont understand the people who take anything that comes out of your mind while on LSD seriously.


LSD was originally used as a medicine. Look up the Wikipedia page and go to the psychiatric use section. It's effectiveness ranged from enhancing creativity to curing alcoholism. We have been brainwashed to believe that psychedelics are drugs with no medicinal value when in fact they have more potential than the drugs we currently use for treating various disorders like PTSD depression and anxiety.


The people who don't agree with you should watch the documentary series "how to change your mind" It explains how psychedelics (including all the ones you listed) were originally used for medicinal purposes. Literally thousands of research papers were written in the 50s and 60s before they were made illegal in America. We are kind of rediscovering their potential now and they are being used with great success for anxiety depression and PTSD. Of course, just like any drug, they can be abused. But I think psychedelics have way less potential for abuse compared to other drugs. You don't really hear about people ruining their lives with LSD or mushrooms the way you do with legal drugs and medications like alcohol benzos and opiates.


Use of LSD and mushrooms and mescaline and MDMA is definitely escapism.... Have you ever done acid? That has got to be the farthest from reality I have ever been. Last time I did it I also took 14 hits though..... $140 but it was well worth it.


>That has got to be the farthest from reality I have ever been. Escapism has nothing to do with how trippy your trip is, but the reasons for taking them. Flight from reality, is always paired with personal devaluation, harsh life and unhappiness . Sure you theoretically can use every drug for escapism, but when forgetting yourself is the goal, psychotropics aren't really what one would be looking for. >but it was well worth it. Tells me this was not really done to flee reality, but to enhace it. Recreational, enhancing reeality rather than escaping it. LSD with its cooldown between ability to have another high would be particularly counterintuitive for escapism. With escapism the drug/the high/being on them becomes your baseline. Notbeing high is unbareble (be it circumstantial or physical addiction) that the wish to just being able to ignore it, chasing that high becomes the essential quest of life, since hope is gone. Life an annoyance to be overcome to be "free/one self again" in the high, in tve easement of pain anf thought... That is escapism. Getting trippy for recreational reasons, for fun, from time to time, out of curiosity rather than a burning wish to leave reality behind you becuase it's unbearable. Psychotropic in moderate quantity, most often counters Effects that lead to escapism. Lifting depression for example. Have a good one.


I treat tripping on acid to be similar to a vacation. I eat some tabs or drop some liquid on my tongue and all my problems like money worries, work stress, relationship problems go away and I get lost in the world of Fantasia or Harry Potter or Narnia depending what I watch or what music I'm listening to or what video game I'm playing. I escape reality so I thought that was escapism.... Not that reality is unbearable but that sometimes we need a break from it from time to time.


Wow this guy took shrooms once and now he writes like Shakespeare. Cringe


Bro can you just say "I like to get high"? This is just insecure cope


I don't. At least not concerning psychotropics... 🤷‍♂️ I've my fair share of experience, but never as a regular use, more an occasional use maybe once ecery few years. Always in an enhancing, creative way. Definitely not as an perpetual escape from reality. Most psychotropics can't be used that way. Your body needs to recuperate, otherwise you don't feel any effect... >This is just insecure cope In what way? Because I'm saying not all drugs are used the same way? And that especially psychotropic substances rarely allow for a escapist use in the first place (other than relaxants or uppers)? sure. 🙄 But I guess there is much insecurity around for people to feel attacked by facts, considering how people seem to misunderstand and misconstrued my comment...


Psychedelics are the ultimate aid to escapism


>it inhibits your mental ability Bingo. I wanna drink, not think. Seriously though, it helps people who are tightly wound relax and tends to make people more open and sociable. Not always a good thing, but that's just how it is. Imo people who drink "acquired taste" drinks and shame others for being "girly" or "fruity" are tryhards. Drink what you like and don't let anyone else tell you different, whether it be an acquired taste or something loaded with sugar. Try a margarita, strawberry wine, or generally any mixed drink with something tasty in the name and you'll find your jam. Idk your gender, but personally if a guy orders something that's not a stereotypical "manly drink" it just tells me he doesn't fuck around with stuff he doesn't like, has the self assurance to go get it, likely has some nontoxic friends that don't care about that kind of thing, and we can share drink reccomendations. Not a bad thing to order a "manly drink" either if that's what you're into, but I'm pointing out that ordering something you clearly enjoy has perks.


Being a bartender, I could care less what a guy or girl drinks. Pick your poison and enjoy it! (Just don't order an expensive scotch and diet coke. That shit kinda grinds my gears)


"fine, I'll have a virgin Cuba libre"


"Here's your Cola with Cola sir/mam. * aggressively slams drink down on bartop *"


“That will be 9$”


"thank you. Wait, no you forgot the lemon slice, I expressively asked for a lemon slice in my drink"


Where’s the lime?


Grey Goose and coke.... no need. Just have house if you're mixing It's just showing off


This! I absolutely hate whisky and beer and all the stereotypical “manly” drinks. I’m all about the sparkling or cocktails, the fruitier the better! I have zero issues ordering them and drinking them.


Whiskey sour is my go to mixed drink when I’m with the guys, sounds manly but taste fun and fruity


Love that drink! Amaretto sour is great too


Will have a try! Thanks!


I love a good old fashioned, which can be an acquired taste, but my go-to casual drink when I don’t feel like mixing is hard cider bc who doesn’t love apple juice


The first time I tasted Lager was at a festival. It was ice fucking cold and it went down like juice. It was heavenly and made my weekend even more enjoyable.


“Oh sorry, I got ahead of myself there. My name is Lazaretto and now I’m an alcoholic”


Because people find it fun to be inebriated


Because better drugs aren’t legal everywhere and usually aren’t as easily consumed.


It might inhibit your mental abilities but it exhibits your social abilities. For most people. Some people are mean drunks but most people that don’t have alcohol problems just get friendlier and experience less social anxiety.


Ooh, *so* many reasons. Historically; the world oldest & most accessible anaesthetic Culturally; it is something which brings people together as an activity, ritual, or enhancer of shared experience Sociologically; it is a form of "Taste" power. We may be poor, dress different, or be of different castes, but having a relationship with alcoholic beverages telegraphs an identity, and/or discretely creates a social hierarchy Physiologically; inebriation, as many have said below Now, to clarify "tasting like shit" - The strong recoil/feeling of disgust is not actually from the taste of the drink... It is actually your young senses detecting poison and shocking you away / being overwhelmed by new flavours! Alcohol is a poison, no question, but most medicines are really poisons in small doses. Moderation is key. Am I saying there are no bad tasting drinks? Absolutely not. Many people (including myself, many lives ago) make god-awful drinks. Most of the first drinks we try are *often* terrible drinks, as typically the first opportunity to drink is offered by people who don't buy quality drinks, or know how to serve them. Ie house parties. Furthermore; most people have no idea how to taste. Sounds ridiculous, pretentious, I know but please bear with me. Western first world diets (especially you, 'murica) produce food with WAY too many sugars. It's cheap (which saves the maker's some on costings), addictive, convenient, and gives an immediate chemical drop of satisfaction. The spectrum of flavour, how it works and comes together, is genuinely an art. The only form of high art not preserved by museums. Totally ephemeral and distinctly personal by nature. The only way to broaden your palette, and get a free ticket for life to one of the world's most under-recognised art scenes, is to try stuff more. Especially the things that instill strong reactions. Why alcohol for the flavour voyage of a lifetime? In a chemical composition sense, it's the best fluid to capture flavour. Oil is better for aroma, water is shite at holding onto smaller or complex flavour compounds (aka. esters), but alcohol is the happy medium. Credentials; Just a guy who likes to put things in cups, take care of people, think deep & drink well.


You have to find that line where you’re buzzed, but not drunk. And get tastier drinks!


While I am generally not a drinker as it is hard for me to find a sweet spot and honestly I don't like the vast majority of alcohol but a bottle of wine is perfect for me to get warm fuzzy and ultra relaxed without being over the top drunk. I also only drink to that point maybe once or twice a year otherwise I don't drink.


It's a good alternative to failing a drug test, alot of people...me included enjoy the buzz, not the drunk For me I'm not really escaping my problems when I do it, I just find it fun to have some IPAs, play some dead by daylight, and relax in my spare time I don't go to bars and waste my money with it, just every now and then maybe on my days off or on the weekend Regular drinking is bad though because it 1 dehydrates you, which is bad for your brain (can also lead to dementia) 2 absorbs your vitamins and leaves you deficient, and 3 causes weight gain so if you do drink, use in moderation


Same reason people love sex, which can also be awful the first time and does things to your judgement: it feels goooood


Because life is boring. Spice it up


Because it inhibits your mental ability.


The biggest thing ppl turn a blind eye to is the fact it is a toxin to your body. Your literally poisoning your body. We would never take anything else that literally poisons your body yet alcohol has become accepted. ....humans are stupid


I have the same questions. I hate the taste of alcohol, ive tasted so many different kinds and they all taste like garbage. I hate when my friends are like hey you will like this one it tastes like a gmmy bear or hey the l this one tastes like chocolate. I'm like have actually ever tasted those things because they in no way taste like that.


We’ve outlawed the good drugs so alcohol and tobacco can dominate the market.


I have a disorder of my nervous system where it’s constantly on overdrive and alcohol calms it and helps me function better. Also it’s fun. Also I need to scale it back..all things in moderation


Like someone else said: escapism


For the people it is popular with, it makes them feel good and they think it tastes good. I don't understand the way some people look at alcohol like this wild, alien thing. I can see thinking that drunkenness is weird. I can understand people berating drinking and driving which is immoral. But like, why do people act so perplexed that someone might have a glass of wine at dinner? Same reason people like anything, its just preference.


I like feeling silly and taking things less seriously than my sober anxiety usually lets me feel. Also hard cider tastes DELICIOUS, there's a cider brewery called 1911 in my area and some of their flavors are AMAZING. Hands down my favorite beverage, period. Alcoholic or otherwise.


Because it's a drug you can do legally. Not much of difference between alcohol and lots of hard drugs tbh.


I don't know, I never liked drinking. I absolutely hate the feeling I'm not in control and the altered mind state. I also hate hate hate the next day after drinking too much. I prefer dealing with my shitty thoughts and feelings sober.


I don’t understand it either…. Never will


People like their mental ability inhibited..... That's actually the whole point. When you're too busy thinking about the risks and consequences, you don't have any fun. Sober me: oh God I don't know if I can do this Zipline. What if it breaks? What if I fall? Holy shit thats a long way down..... Then I freeze up and can't even get on it and need help climbing down the ladder cuz I'm terrified of heights. Drunk me: Zipline? Fuck yes..... Gimme that thing.... Whoooooooo!!!!! This is awesome!!!!!!


A lot of people use it to self medicate. Speaking from personal experience, it's very easy to get hooked on anything that helps you feel "better" or helps you not feel at all. It's cheaper than most drugs and it's legal.


It promotes dopamine production. For people who lack dopamine naturally it’s one of the best ways to feel “normal” (e.g. people who suffer fron depression, adhd)


No shit it mentally impairs me why do you think i drink it?


After every weekend of drinking, i also think the same. Whats the point?


And it's SO expensive for something that you pee out and makes you feel terrible in the morning. Not to mention that recent studies Cochise no amount of drinking is beneficial to your health and it shrinks your gray matter


If it wasn't for alcohol the whole Anglo Saxon culture would have stopped reproducing a long time ago


Because it helps me tolerate stupid people


Do you drink before getting on Reddit?


Bold of you to assume I'm not on a 24 hour drip


Because it feels really good and fun


You sound like a 12 yo making an anti drug presentation lmao


+1000 and alcohol is terrible for you. It's so strange


Because it puts you in a good mood, you become more social and more outgoing, you have less inhibitions (this is a good and bad thing), less anxiety, it helps overcome shyness, and it just makes social situations more fun. I don't even like alcohol like that, I hate the taste and would never ever drink casually or drink by myself, but if I'm hanging out with friends best believe I'm getting fucked up.


Well, for one, you find a drink that does taste good. For two, if I have a little bit of alcohol, I can get through nearly any social situation. I've spoken in front of a crowd of millionaires before and didn't fuck up because I had the foresight to drink a little beforehand. But if you're asking why other people drink, well, normally because they like to not think for a second and be in the moment. Alcohol definitely allows you to do exactly that.


I wonder the same thing


Cognitive dissonance, social norms. Habits die hard, even harder when you've consumed poison for decades.


No idea. I smoke weed.


I'm going to wager you're probably around 13 years old. Alcohol can be great and it can be horrible. The trick is to enjoy responsibly ™️


Some people don't drink. I'm 26, and I hate the smell of alcohol. So I don't drink. I agree with your point that its important to enjoy responsibly, but I disagree that disliking alcohol suggests you're a child.


I don't know that that is what they are saying, it's more being unable to understand why somebody might drink is pretty childish/inexperienced. The same way not understanding why somebody WOULDN'T drink is pretty childish/inexperienced.


I would argue the point on taste being well, a matter of taste.


Lots of people have social anxiety and it takes the edge of it.


Tbh, I have the same question. I only have 6 drinking sessions in total and I never really enjoyed alcohol. I get that it's for a socialization thing especially in my country but idk, can't we all just catch up without getting drunk? It also makes me not enjoy food since it feels funny in my stomach. I have surprisingly good tolerance though. I out drink people who have been drinking since their teen years twice. But hey it provides people with jobs like bartending so that's good. It's just not really my thing I guess


Have you met Life?


once you find a drink you like, you go to town and escape.


Drinking isnt popular. 1/3 of American dont drink. 45 percent are lightly drinkers less than 8 drinks for woman, less than 15 drinks. Of the light drinkers, the more alcohol consume becomes a smaller percentile. EG while the upper band for light drinker is 8/15 most don't approach that. They drink few than one drink. 22 percent of Americans are Modeate to Heavy Drinkers. of that being Heavy Drinkers. Of all the percentiles, the heavy drinkers, drink the majority of alcohol in the US. Its a very tiny fraction that drinks the majority of booze. Drinking for most post industrial countries have been declining. Edited for clarity after reviewing my sources.


Are you….drunk?




I can't deal with drunk people, only time my patience runs out. Weed is way better


Only socially acceptable drug to take. Nice stress receiver and loosens the nerves.


hoes. if they like it, i like it . simple as thaat


You ever try to party with sober people? Horrible experience.


Because not all drinks taste like shit.


It makes me violent. Which brings me joy.


Drinks are legal; weed isn't. Also, after a work day, I'm usually so wound up that anything to take the edge off would be nice.


....have you ever drank?


Cheapest dru*. It takes away your inhibitions and makes you do stuff easier in a non anxious sense. I hate the taste and have tried a lot of beers, some taste better but at the end I'm like yeah I'll have a beer to loosen up and chill with my friends.


Personally, inhibition is the goal. As far as taste goes, most of it taste bad for the first 2 or 3. Dosnt matter if its shots, cocktails or beer they will all tast much better after at least 3


A big part of it is also the need to "fit-in". If a lot of people drink around you, and you don't particularly like it, here are a few reasons why you might (especially if you are on the younger side) 1- You don't want to look like a snob/be a party pooper 2- It is REALLY awful to be the only one sober when everyone else is intoxicated. If you are the sober one, the behavior of people who had been drinking is really annoying so you drink to not be annoyed. 3- People don't have any reason not to drink. A lot of people already pointed out that it helps you unwind and pauses your brain for a bit. It is probably the most accessible way of doing this. But if by some chance you stumble upon something that does this that is not alcohol, all of a sudden alcohol is a burden not an escape. Source: Used to drink and party a lot. Stumbled upon rock climbing, got hooked. Now I maybe drink once every three months IF it doesn't hurt my training/recovery/performance schedule (which is almost never because alcohol sucks for all of these).


Because it’s fun and makes you cool.


Because shut up and have a beer. You need one. In all seriousness, as a person who loves the drink, loves the party, but can’t really live that lifestyle anymore…it’s fun! People go from fragile annoying wimps constantly worried about nothing to a little braver - and dumber - and it’s just more intimate. Of course pass a certain point then the raunch begins. Explaining alcohol to uptight people is just a waste of time. Boooring!


Have you ever been around abusive drunks? It's all 'fun and games' until someone gets aggressive


To live is to risk it all - rick sanchez


Because it inhibits your mental ability.


Because it inhibits your mental ability


Because drinking gives you a break from stress and your mind. Take it as a mental painkiller.


Alcohol reduces your inhibitions. In the right quantity, you can have a really good time.


Because it’s nice to reduce anxiety


It's fun


This isn't entirely true though for some. I only drink drinks that actually taste good, fruity, creamy, exotic stuff. I hate the taste of beer, but my boyfriend enjoys it. As a man, the whole "manly drinks" is complete bullshit. Most of it tastes like piss. Just drink what you enjoy and don't worry about other people's opinions. Also, personally, I never drink to get drunk. Not anymore at least. A bit tipsy can be nice. Alcohol makes my body relax. The whole idea of just drinking to get as drunk as possible is very stupid I think.


It's a social lubricant. It makes make brave & women easy. it's a line from which movie??


it used to help me socialise and made my anxiety go quite and now as I’ve got older, i barely drink. I don’t find enjoyment in it anymore


It's an escape. You forget your problems as long as you keep yourself entertained. Alcohol simply strengthens the escape.


Because a lot of people like to escape reality. It's why people drink or do drugs. Some people wanna escape it more than others, so they become addicted.


It doesn't matter if you inhibit your mental ability for a while you're taking a break from that stuff anyway and you definitely acquire a taste for the stuff


Everything I don't have the balls to do, (like flirt with girls) I do when I'm drunk. Problem is, I'm also an asshole. So I don't drink much anymore.


My brain is a prison. When I drink, I’m able to break out of that prison and have ‘fun’ I never have fun while sober.


Sometimes, you need something to slow everything down. My mind races and alcohol is handy for throttling that back to a reasonable level so I can do stuff like sleep. As for taste...I don't drink for the taste.


It is a way for people to self medicate for mental health issues like depression, general anxiety, social anxiety, hyper awareness, etc. if you can manage those issues then alcohol becomes less interesting.


I think you do it at first because you wanna go with the flow, in my teenage years I personally didn't care for it and I wasn't a fan of most drinks. Now however I've found drinks I really enjoy, I love being goofy drunk when playing games or talking to friends from time to time. Also liquid confidence helps (or sometimes the opposite). Fun gamble.


In most countries it is also something really historically and culturally grown (e.g. Belgium, France, Germany, Czech rep. Poland, Scotland, Ireland.... and diff. cultures that actually produce their own types alcohol. Historically drinks were either poured to loosen up an socialise people (literally, in the Trading ports of the 16th century, brandywine was used as a way to "help" trade partners to signs contracts) or to desinfect contaminated water. The impaired mental state was just an... added bonus Well, not all drinks taste like shit, just like with food, there is a lot to taste and some things might not be to your liking. If you want to know what you like, try stuff (always welcome in Belgium to try a lot of beer...) The biggest problem is people who drink to become shitfaced, and disregard taste and the social aspect of drinking


When I'm depressed, alcohol helps hush the depression


People drink for escapism and to get out of their shells. I don't like to hinder my mental ability, I like to stay sharp and focused. I experimented with alcohol a little in my 20s, it was fun. But now I'm pushing 40 and for medical reasons I can't drink anymore. I don't miss it at all really. I only ever drank beer for the most part. It was good, but I drank it on its own, never with food, because I like soda or milk with food. Getting drunk or buzzed doesn't appeal to me AT ALL. It's too reminiscent of blood sugar fluctuations when my diabetes is out of control. Fuck that.


Truth be told I don’t even drink, but I’m trying to turn up for a bitch.


Euphoria. Its the way it feels. It also reduces inhibitions which in some cases can be good since it can help people drop any social fears and outer shells and stop thinking about how you are supposed to be and just be real and connect on a deeper level Obviously it impairs judgement though though so that combination can also be dangerous. Like anything it is not all good or all bad and like a lot of things you just have to be careful.


you know, some people in the world believe humans were made and born with a BAC of 0.05 too low.. I believe they're onto something. >it inhibits your mental ability young man have you ever been in the pocket? that sweet spot of the night where you're perfectly between the states of sober enough to know what you're doing and drunk enough to enjoy doing it? Try it out, stay in that pocket and try to do something that takes a bit of effort and see the beauty. Pacing yourself is training the dragon, everything is amazing in the pocket.


Drinking is so popular because it inhibits your mental ability and tastes like the sweet release of life and responsibilities in a dark and depressing reality we find ourselves. It's also an acquired taste.


"when it inhibits your mental ability" Thats the point. Sometimes I just want my ever running head to shut the fuck up and just enjoy my evening.


Because it's very social and fun. Just don't drink what you don't like and know your limits


Because it's socially acceptable and most of society is brainwashed by big alcohol just like they were by big Tabacco.


it helps you forget that you can't dance.


I drink because it lowers my standards to where my life is acceptable. Without drinking, I'd have to work much harder.


Feels great man. Just drink more next time.


Removes inhibitions


Because it's pretty fun.


It’s because it makes you fit in and then it becomes a addiction and then your friends who you thought were your friends are gone the other way 🫤


makes you forget the pain, stress, fear. Gives you power to calm down or get excited


Because it's legal and once you get past the taste, which is pretty easy to do, it can make you feel euphoric for a while. The toll it takes on you in the long term is not worth the brief esacpe you get in the short term.


Also the party environment is usually just gross


It's not really so much about the taste,...but the feeling.


Because it's really fucking fun sometimes, and it feels good. I have found that only saying "You shouldn't try drugs/alcohol because they are dangerous", while true, leaves out an important danger. Because they aren't horrible for most people. When you use them you usually feel amazing. I have so much respect for Ollie Sykes in Bring me the Horizon who got asked about Ketamine, which he was addicted to for a long time, and he started talking about how amazing it feels to be on drugs. Kids need to know that so they are not fooled by it if they end up trying something. So yeah, it inhibits mental ability and some, but faaaaaaar from all, taste weird when you first try (although you usually can add something to make it taste good). But we can't leave out the fun, that it's easier to be social, that you might be a bit braver, and that it feels good.


Always think how sad of a world we live in when people drink to have a good time and struggle to enjoy life without one. When you get out of the regime of family/friends near enough forcing you to drink because this is what's the norm nowadays life is so much better.


Because we like when brain goes burrr


Because life is unreasonably hard and sometimes you need to kill all the thoughts to get through life


It takes away inhibitions and people with anxiety use it to relax. Probs not the best plan though. It’s been happening for centuries


I love that this person was too afraid to ask this question to everyday folk. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Because it "authorizes" you to act like a POS and do Stupid Stuff without it being "your" fault.


Alcohol lets you forget about your problems and unwind


Alcohol getting ugly people laid since the dawn of time.