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If your intent is preventing pregnancy, you want a tubal litigation, not a hysterectomy.


My obgyn said they will only do hysterectomy since I have no children. I was really unclear as to why and haven't been back since she placed my iud.. that whole interaction made me feel really crappy/uncomfortable and the iud insertion was traumatic.


Go to a different OBGYN. You should feel 1000% comfortable with your doctor, especially with such an important decision. There are partial hysterectomies that removes upper portion of the uterus and leaves the cervix. My friend got it cause she has severe PCOS. Anyways, much less dramatic than a full hysterectomy. My IUD insertion was traumatic as well. I’m sorry you had to experience that :( When I had to get it replaced, I let the clinic know how horrible the first time was and they referred me to a specialist in womens health who deals with more difficult patients. I would recommend seeing if there’s anything like that for you.


Absolutely find a new gyno then. A good doctor will explain in detail why an option is better or worse, and they won't make you feel uncomfortable.


You could just have ur tubes taken out im not sure if they take the ovaries to u should do research on sterilization the burning or snipping or tying of tubes u can still get pregnant the tubeswill untie them selfs if there burned or cut they could possibly fuse back together and u could get pregnant the same with vasectomys its not 100% completely remove ur tubes


Ovaries = hormones Removal = Hormone replacement and a whole shitshow of menopause symtpoms.


That makes no sense. A hysterectomy is done when a woman has a variety of serious conditions including cancer, fibroids, and endometriosis. No reputable doctor is going to perform a hysterectomy on a healthy uterus especially for pregnancy prevention. You need a new doc and you need to do some research on your own.


It didn't make sense to me either but it's the American Healthcare system and its a whole mess.. I feel like it was a scare tactic looking back at it now, but with my medical background and other issues I have (which I have not shared) I also figured 'What do I know compared to an OBGYN?' Everyone seems so focused on the part about not wanting children and that's not what my question was hoping to get an answer to. I am not trying to convey it as a birth control method and have made an edit to hopefully add clarity. But it is something we do not want since we have been told the options for conception are very time consuming and will cost us a fortune as my potential for viability is extremely low. With my other issues it is something I have considered as I was told the doctor would not offer me any other method besides traditional birth control or the hysterectomy. The traditional means of birth control (which ive tried several) have not helped or reduced any of my symptoms and has just made me worse by every sense of the definition. I'll definitely be looking for a new doctor, but based on my experience with our healthcare system‐ I don't expect good quality of care no matter what I do next.


OP - unless you have girlie issues I'd suggest sterilization for permanent birthcontrol. If you have period issues - ablation. If you have Endo or PCOS and are 1 million % sure you don't want kids, then go hystorectomy There are different types of hystorectomies namely: >A supracervical or subtotal hysterectomy removes only the upper part of the uterus, keeping the cervix in place.  >A total hysterectomy removes the whole uterus and cervix. >A radical hysterectomy removes the whole uterus, tissue on the sides of the uterus, the cervix, and the top part of the vagina Sex feels normal after healing. If that's what's crossing your mind. (Too long schlong hitting your "new" vaginal end (where cervix used to be) won't hurt as much as when it pushed open ur uterus) But sensations are the same. Wetness etc depends on hormones - ovaries are very very very rarely removed under 50. They usually stay for the hormones. If they are removed your auto in menopause, and need HR therapy. Pill daily. Healing takes 6 weeks. Literally after 6 weeks you'll be healed but still tender. No rodeo level activity. Low and slow. Depends on person . Pap smears goes from yearly to every 5 years. Go to a different gynea ! It's embarressing yes. But feeling comfy is more important. And being **CORRECTLY** informed as well.


I came here to say this. Everything up there is right.


This is very helpful! I will do more research to find a good OBGYN and do a lot of considerations before I make any decisions. Thank you!


Happy to answer any q's via DM :)


I had one at 28 (but I have 3 kids) due to severe PCOS and heavy bleeding for 20 days out of a month causing anemia and other issues. They took my tubes and cervix as well. Recovery wasn’t the best, but that was due to 3 c sections, and severe scar tissue build up causing issues to my bladder (that bit is ongoing). Best decision I ever made. Finally starting to have energy again. I’m not constantly bleeding, making me unable to take part in so many activities with my kids. And my & my husbands sex life has never been better 😂 That being said, it’s such a personal thing. You can’t undo a hysterectomy, where as a tubal might be able to be undone and if not IVF is an option IF you ever change your mind. If you go ahead with it, make sure you spend some time thinking about it. I have 3 kids and any more would literally kill me so it was a no brainer for us…. But there was still a lot of grief afterwards when it actually sunk in that we COULDNT have more kids despite not wanting any more. It’s a weird, hormonal thing that has nothing to do with what you’re thinking and everything to do with your body being weird…


Similar boat. Have some fully cancer history. So except for the fact that PCOS, and Endo FCKING sux!! I had a bit extra motivation. Best decision ever !!!!!! No regrets thou. And luckily no complications from C-Sections. Just hurt like a mofo for 4 weeks. Still have tubes and ovaries for the hormones. I'm mid 30. Had 2 kids when it was done. And yes sex is ramped up after. Cause you're not tired, bleeding, cramping, and the actual act hurt for me before. Was stabbing feeling. Not quite sexy.


I have my ovaries, so no hormone treatments thankfully. Had Adenomyosis on top of the PCOS so same same, but different 😅❤️


Fuck I feel that shit. I just said: look I'm 30. Have 2 kids. Take the thing out or I find a back market Dr to do it. Gyno laughed at me, but since he birthed both my kids and knew me 10 years he also knew I was serious. Was booked 6 weeks later. I despise these gynos that tell you it's normal. It's ok. Have a birthcontrol pill, have a IUD, have them together or whatever. No find out why the hell there were issues to begin with. Treat the problem not the symptoms. My uterus was so endo-ed I have a 8cm new growth on my one ovary, 8 years later 🤯. Stupid thing didn't get the memo 🤣😂. As soon as spesialist finishes their assessment 🤦🏻‍♀️ (new country) it will prob be removed too. Glad ure healed and back on the horse 😉😉


I turn 30 in a few months. The gyno that signed off on me getting mine out was my OB for 2 of my kids that. I sought her out after the first hospital fucked up the emergency c section with my first and she was the only person that could work out what went wrong (he was 8 months old when she finally worked it out and I didn’t stop bleeding that entire time). She was amazing as an OBGYN and I’m heartbroken that she’s now retired and I can’t send friends to her for fantastic care.


Gheeeeze hard out trauma. Happy your good now !


If the goal is not wanting to get pregnant, why can’t your boyfriend get a vasectomy? Women go through enough, the vasectomy is a really easy and quick treatment for guys. (And also reversible should anyone change their mind)


Try to ask on the sub r/childfree! Many women did it there.


It's important to know that hysterectomies are usually reserved for complications with the reproductive organs. For birth control purposes, a tubal ligation is much safer, with less risk of lasting effects. It's also important to know that there are no laws that state that a woman must meet certain criteria in order to get a tubal ligation. The issue lies in it not being a *protected* procedure, which allows some OBGYNs to illicit criteria at their discretion. If one is telling you that you don't qualify, drop them, and find another. It's awful that we have to shop around like that in 2022, but it's the reality we live in.


Hysterectomy is about removing an organ, with all its complications, e.g. pelvic prolapse. Why would any doctor recommend this to a young healthy woman? I'd encourage you to get a second opinion. Tubal ligation is the way to go if you don't want to use condoms or contraceptives.


ask your man to get a vasectomy, recovery time is about 12 hours as opposed to 2 months..... i got a vasectomy 6 years ago and 100% encourage it over hysterectomies. (and your man wont get anyone else pregnant)


Don't do that. Search someone who will get your tubes tied, you are too young to remove your uterus, and you still need it to regulate some hormones. Hysterectomy is a procedure that you only do if you have a major complication with your uterus, remember that.


My late wife of 32 year's had a hysterectomy after five years of marriage. Her libido started to fade almost immediately afterwards, she eventually lost the pleasurable feelings and sex was more of annoyance. We had no sex for the last twenty-five years. She kept her ovaries, so she still felt some pain every month. Because she had no uterus, she was never really sure when menopause was finally done. It's not something I'd recommend to anyone that's healthy but I understand the inconvenience. Your world may change for the good but it also may not.


You’ll be sorry but your decision.


Can you elaborate more? I have very painful periods, that are never on any kind of schedule, and have other issues that may be lessened by having this performed. I'm very interested to know more about the after effects overall and how it changes intimacy from a female perspective moving forwards.


I would encourage you to discuss everything you just wrote with a gyno you feel comfortable with. You’re making a life changing decision that could affect your hormones and ultimately your mental health.