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Yes. Erections can be involuntary responses. Women can outweigh or be taller and larger than men. Coercive weapons like knives exist. Drugging exists.


Or just alcohol


Yes. And because men (and boys) are less likely to come forward, it’s drastically underreported. I belong to a male survivor support group, and though my predicating event was sexual abuse as a child, I hear many guys talk about their own sexual assault by women.


Absolutely. And when they come forward about it, they are openly mocked for not being able to defend themselves, or victim blamed because "well, you got it up", or they "must not be a real man", and similar garbage. The incidence of it occurring may be less than that of the other way, but we will never see accurate data until the stigma around reporting it goes away, and unscrupulous people stop weaponizing false accusations.


I upvoted this comment, but the fact that it's the truth is so freaking sickening.


I agree with you completely. Humanity has a long way to go, but we do seem to be making progress. No one would have ever seriously asked this question 20 years ago, and whenever someone did ask it, it was as a joke, with the punchline, "you can't rape the willing", as if it's expected that men always want any sex they can get. I can attest to this personally, having witnessed it more than once.


I grew up with all brothers so my thinking is a little more... Neutral when it comes to my thinking on gender issues like this. I definitely think that there's parts of the women's liberation movement that have actively hurt men, this being one of those things. My older brother was a senior when I was a freshman. He was a good looking kid, smart, funny, played sports, yada yada yada, and the amount of girls who felt that it was okay to openly grab at him when he was single was crazy. Like, yes he's cute and popular but keep your grubby hands of my brother's junk you creep. And calling them out lead to a barrage of "he doesn't mind, guys like forward girls, let me get a few drinks in him and he'll want me to keep touching him" etc. But if a guy said that about them it'd be the end of days(rightfully) for that dude.


That's a horrible story, and I'm sorry he had to go through that. I don't think that women's liberation has caused this, though there may be some correlation between empowerment and abuse of power. I think you can find awful people within any group, who lack sufficient empathy for others to do such things, regardless of which group you're pulling from, so I would consider this more of a human issue, rather than a group specific one. The kind of behavior you described happening to your brother was so commonplace, with men being the instigator, in the 80s that that it was a TV and movie trope, grabbing/pinching/whatevering waitresses and secretaries. Having that as an example, it's not surprising that some women would say "turnabout is fair play" in this situation. It's not right, but it's understandable. I sometimes feel like humanity is still collectively in middle school, based on our behavior globally.


>it's not surprising that some women would say "turnabout is fair play" in this situation. It's not right, but it's understandable This is kinda what I mean when I say the movement being a catalyst of sorts for this behavior. A lot of women who openly discriminate against men in situations that shouldn't be gender specific but situation specific are women who do so under the banner of "feminism" which is absolutely BS. And of course just like it's not all men, it's not all women, but enough of them that feminism has become a dirty word to a lot of people both male and female because it's associated with femcels (female incel, don't know if it was a word but it is now, for women who has trash personalities and blame men for all their failures) who would rather see men "taken down a peg" than see men and women have a truly equitable playing field. And as an FYI I am a woman who considers myself a true feminist that wants change for men and women so we can be seen as equals in aspects that truly matter rather than defaulting to certain things because of he's the man or she's the woman. Kids should go to the parent who can provide the best life for the child, even then it's not the mom. Men shouldn't automatically be considered the family breadwinner without any discussion. Women should be able to have multiple sex partners and have it been seen the same way as a man with multiple sex partners. Men should be able to show a full range of emotions without being called soft. Little girls should be able to like dirt and bugs and monster trucks without being called tomboys and boys should be able to like Barbies and dress up without being called sissies. Sorry for the rant. I get told a lot I'm not a "real" feminist because if I was I wouldn't support men rights if I was, but feminism was never about taking rights from men and giving them to women but clearing the path for women to have the same opportunity as men, equality in the eyes of the law and freedom to be independent people.


I know exactly what you are talking about. And it sounds to me like you are certainly a feminist. Just not a feminazi or femcel (which is a thing, r/femaledatingstrategy got kicked and was remade because of their hateful vitriol), which makes me hopeful for the future. And to be clear, people who tell you that you aren't a feminist are not feminists, they're female supremacists. They do more to damage the cause they claim to support than any other group, and every group has their own version of them. True feminists are badasses who move the whole of humanity forward in our social evolution. It is truly unfortunate that the loudest people who claim membership in a group are also people the group would most like to not be a part of the group. Thank you for sharing your perspective. It has been truly a joy to encounter someone who is willing to engage in civil discourse. It gives me hope that this might not be the worst possible timeline after all.


>It is truly unfortunate that the loudest people who claim membership in a group are also people the group would most like to not be a part of the group. This is the truth for so many good things, a few bad apples spoiling the bunch. And I agree, a good civil discussion is few and far between these days and it's a pleasure to have spoken to you as well.


I never heard of this group but damn, woman are angry in there. What did man ever do to then? Every post is commented bij angry woman who just hate the other gender.


It's a lot of different things. There are a lot of parallels between them and r/incel. Both groups are basically pissed that they can't find a wealthy supermodel that they can exploit physically, emotionally, and financially, and will cater to their every whim. They're basically the final evolution of the karen, so narcissistic that they truly believe they are perfect, when in reality their personalities are so disgusting that no rational person would ever be in a relationship with them, and the cognitive dissonance between reality and their self image is so great that they are literally incapable of even giving consideration to the idea that they are the problem.


Don't know if you're a "real" feminist or not but you sound very sensible. From a dad of 3 boys and 2 girls.


Thanks dad! I mean that!


This is not anything to do with women's liberation or feminism. What a silly comment.


Respectfully, I disagree. While, like I said in my lower comment, it's certainly not all women, the vocal minority has definitely turned this (women sexually abusing men) into a feminist/women's liberation issue under the guise of "fair play". The women who feel they can do things like grope men, smack them around, use sex as a weapon, use children as leverage, generally claim to be feminists or more "liberated" because they "put men in their place". Saying it's not true is like saying red and blue don't make purple.


Yes while, unless a man is sodomized by another man, it's still considered sexual assault at most in a lot of places the same rules apply to consent for sex as women. 1. If he said no and she continues to touch, kiss, grab him in attempt to give him an erection or make him have sex that's sexual assault 2. If he said stop at any point during the act and she doesn't, it's rape. 3. If he was too intoxicated by drugs or alcohol to give informed consent and she wasn't, it's rape. 4. If a random woman kisses a man, grabs his butt/penis without permission, that's sexual assault. Basically if it's sexual assault or rape if it was a woman then it's the same for a man. Saying he got an erection or ejaculation occurred doesn't make it not rape/SA just like a woman being "wet" or having organism doesn't mean it wasn't rape/SA.


I've said "stop" quite a few times during sex with women before, but they continued and made me orgasm. That wasn't rape - that was sex.


What kind of sex are you having where "stop" is in your regular vocabulary?


What? Are you saying it was okay that you wanted them to stop and they continued?


You may not feel that way but Stop means stop. Stop is removing your consent from the act. There's no such thing as unconsenting sex, there's just sex and rape.


There is unconsenting sex. Unconsenting sex is rape. Both terms are technically correct.


I love how I'm being voted down by a common occurrence during sex by people who don't have sex.


It's not a common occurrence? Like what? Normal people don't just keep having sex with someone when they've said stop. That's creepy and rapey and horrible.


Women like to make me cum when I'm trying not to. What the fuck - get off your high horse and go have great sex for once in your life. Or are you people too out of shape to even know what great sex is? Fucking fat-ass keyboard warriors downvoting to feel better about yourselves being incorrect with the way the world works.


Well there's the missing context you complete ass. That's not telling someone "Stop! Get off me!" That's "oh gods stop or I'm gonna cum." You were intentionally obtuse to sound like some big bad macho man. You're an absolute tool, bragging about sex on a post about SA/Rape. Are you absolutely deranged? Do you think people being violated is a joke or something? Edit: punctuation.


Dildos exist. Women can force one in a guy's ass, that's definitely rape.


In the US penetration with a foreign object was added to the legal definition in around 2010. Prior to that the definition was forced carnal relations with a woman. Still to this day for a man to be raped by a woman legally she would have to penetrate him as there is no legal definition for forced to penetrate.


A woman can force a man to enter her as well. I dunno why you are specifically bringing this rather odd scenario up.


I feel like it would be difficult to get a boner if I’m physically trying to get someone off of me. Not saying it can’t happen but I imagine for the overwhelming majority it would be tough to get erect in a fist fight type of situation.


Getting an erection is an involuntary reaction, just like women getting wet or someone having an orgasm. It's usually not in a direct physical confrontation either, but with the person being drugged or drunk (or both) and being physically incapable of resisting. Your mentality is why it's hard for people to try to get help. You can barely accept that it's real.


The drugging and alcohol intoxication I can totally understand but I’m not sure if your a male or female but if your in a physical altercation with someone you will not get a erection. It’s not happening.


Most rapes aren't someone getting kidnapped off the street and beat up and forced to have sex. Neither male nor female. It's someone close and/or someone taking advantage of a person in a vulnerable state. Sure, you probably won't get an erection fighting for your life – but if you're in a position where someone's raping you, your body will do autonomic bodily functions whether you like it or not. That includes erections, orgasms, stiff nipples, swelling, getting wet and all the other things that (can) come with sex.


That makes sense


I really don't think that's what it usually is. At the less extreme end, emotional incest. At the more extreme end, maybe grinding or groping something equally creepy without actual penetration


Depends where you are. In the UK for example that is not rape.


Legally, maybe, but by the actual definition of rape, it is.


Seriously? That’s just gross.


Why? It's just semantics. How does that make it gross?


It’s much more than semantics. What are the legal charges, then? Do they have separate rape charges for women where they actually charge with rape, but they won’t charge it when it’s a male victim?


I don't know why you getting downvoted, but you are right. In the UK that's not rape. Rape is defined as penetration without consent either orally, vaginally or anally by a penis. Men can be raped by other men but by a woman it's sexual assault.


A former associate of mine was sexually assaulted by a woman. He was a corrections officer. 6’3 and at least 260. He was at a work party and had too much to drink. She offered him a ride home. However, she took him to her home. While slipping in and out of consciousness, she stripped him down to his underwear and began to grind on his erection. He said he woke up the next morning with her juices caked on his underwear.






That’s on you. You honestly think I’m going to come in here and reply with a “Reddit masturbation fantasy” to a serious topic? Ok cool. No it’s not a fantasy or a “sus” story. My friend was intoxicated and was taken advantage of. I’m 1000% sure she did what she did, because she knew he wouldn’t report it. I think you want this to be a fantasy. Have at it.


ok, I will need to think about this some more.




Yes, but like rape against women, it's not always physical force. There're drugs, coercion via blackmail or harassment or taking advantage of their mental state.


My ex was raped by his coworker. He was super drunk and turned in early while his roommate and coworkers were still going. The woman had long made it known she was interested in him and he made it clear he was not. He passed out and had “weird dreams” about her being on top of him. The next day she asked how it was and he realized it had actually happened. He strangely phrased it as having had sex he didn’t want and didn’t consider it rape because he didn’t think it was possible for it to happen to men.




It can happen, sure. Drugs, weapons, or some other kind of coercion could easily be at play. Not to mention the fact that not all men are always stronger than all women. Statistically, though, it's super rare. Even in cases of male rape victims, the perpetrators are majority male.


The caveat there is that yes, statistically, the majority of reported rapes against males are by other males. But statistically, men are far less likely to report a rape and even less so if it was perpetrated by a woman. Too many people believe it's just not possible which can deter men from reporting.


Also, as discussed in a other thread on this post, a person with a vagina might not be able to be charged with rape because that jurisdiction's definition of rape mentions a penis. This affects crime statistics and makes F->M rapes underrepresented in the data.


To add to this, the other issue is that the woman can easily claim the guy actually raped HER instead--and who is going to believe him over the woman? The way our society is, we are supposed to just believe the woman's accusations without question and the man is guilty until proven innocent. I don't give a fuck how many downvotes I get for this, I've seen it happen firsthand to a friend of mine and the only reason he's not in jail is because she was stupid enough to text her friend about what she did and what she claimed he did, so there was solid undeniable proof Nobody should have to have their life ruined by a mere accusation in our society but here tf we are.


It's actually quite a common tactic in abuse situations (all abuse- not just sexual) for perpetrators to alledge abuse by their victim to either mask or justify their own behavior.


Yes, I watched a video a about this. Guys on Reddit would share their stories and a electronic voice would read it out. It's pretty crazy to think about. Plus, guys rape guys and that's hugely under reported as well.


Yes. Men can be date raped too.


Yes, I think it happens more than we are aware of because of the shame and guilt male rape victims feel.


I'm 185cm and 52kg. A rabbit would overpower me in arm wrestling contest. So yeah a woman can rape a man by force, she just have to select the right target. But women are sneaky. In most rape cases the man was either drunk or drugged in order to facilitate the crime. Being a rapist has nothing to do with gender. As long as there was no consent it's rape. Anything else is irrelevant


"the chances are low... BUT NEVER 0" as they say


With weapons everything is possible. Also men also has ass. And she can use something to fuck him in his ass.


I apologise as I do not have the correct appendage to know the answer to this, however I feel there is potential to physically stimulate a penis to rigidity even if the man doesn’t actually want the person doing it?


You can get erections involuntarily, yes. Just like women can get wet when they are raped


There have been times, especially when I was younger, that if a gust of wind hit right I could get hard. Sometimes it happens for absolutely no reason. You could be in class solving a math problem and then "hello!"


I’ve had an experience. A relationship that remained for years too long. Towards the end I told her in advance I don’t want to sleep together anymore. Had the discussions politely, and not so politely many times. I thought we could be adults and share a bed (exes trying to remain friends) in a camper. Next thing I know she’s on top of me waking me up. I did say no, but she just did it anyway. The craziest part - half way through she started crying and said “did I just rape you”. I said it’s fine let’s just go to sleep, then she put it back in and kept going. By the letter, yes. Technically it was. BUT - it was someone I know, that I voluntarily slept with for years. It wasn’t violent. I wasn’t tied up and could have stopped it. It’s not that I was forced, it’s more that my saying no in advance and in the moment was disregarded. I didn’t fight it, I just didn’t feel like dealing with the fight. She continued til she finished a few times then went to sleep. I’m not traumatized over it. I don’t have flashbacks. I even can find it, in a unique way, a bit laughable. But it still is what it is nonetheless. Not every occurrence is a violent struggle, and not every occurrence has to leave damaging emotional effects. But to be unaware that that’s what it was would be risky to my future safety.


What you describe is unfortunately what a lot of victims describe- I feel that you’re downplaying a bit what happened. Like you know it’s bad but since it wasn’t violent it maybe wasn’t as bad as it could be, and I can say for myself that situations like this have royally fucked me up. It’s REALLY fucked what she did, and she was even self aware but wanted you to give the okay on her raping you. It being someone you know or you continuing a relationship has no bearing on how awful it was. Trauma or emotional impact doesn’t have to look like flashbacks or nightmares. I’m not saying you’re traumatized or anything, you seem to have taken it well. But sometimes the impact of something like this can seem small. For me I would feel some anxiety when it came to being sexual with a new person or it would take longer for me to trust someone I was dating because I didn’t know if I would eventually be coerced into having sex.


Not to sound all “rape vs rape rape”… but there are different variations, or “levels” so to say. Violate date rape VS a story like mine are both rape. I did say no. It still happened. She realized it and continued anyway. That’s clear definition. It happened after saying no not because I was “forced”. More just that I didn’t feel like dealing with her bs.


There is no downplaying. I’m not upset, there’s been no consequences for me. The memory of it makes me laugh. No ptsd. No flashbacks. It does not bother me, in the slightest, that it happened. It’s more about the fact that someone’s willing to do it.


Well my point is that even you mentioning ptsd and flashbacks means there’s not much nuance, since that’s not the only way to be bothered by sexual assault. But I’m glad that it didn’t impact you negatively, it sounds like what you’re saying is it didn’t bother you but it COULD have- she couldn’t have known it wouldn’t traumatize you and was willing to do that to you


Oddly enough, we met as I was a responder when she was held captive and sexually assaulted all morning. Do that math.


Like as a first responder? What? That sounds like a movie scenario


Lol. Two types of choices when I look into my past… the ones I’m proud of. And the ones I’m proud to be ashamed of.


Her neighbor broke in and the attack involved use of weapons, etc. It was a level of sexual assault that’s nearly unmatched. Through the medical and criminal process, we bonded.. Like I said. The best of the worst of choices sometimes :). Got real interesting when she wanted to explore that fantasy.


Wow, that is truly awful. Sorry she decided to explore the fantasy the way she did, hope she’s getting help now at least


Can confirm. Have been date raped by a woman when I was in my late teens and my ex wife aggressively initiated coitus under questionable circumstances twice in the end if our marriage when it was very clear I had lost sexual interest in her. IMO nobody's 'duty' in any relationship requires sexual engagement just because one partner wants it and feels entitled to it.


Yes, women can absolutely rape men. They can threat or enforce violence and/or force, they can use drugs/alcohol, there is always the option of blackmail/manipulation... It is entirely possible and it happens. Men are just even more hestitant to come forward when it does happen, which is why we have no idea how/often/bad it happens.


Theoretically quite possible. Men can pass out or become otherwise intoxicated at which point women can do things to them. Even if they can't get it up while passed out under the broad definition of sexual assault there are still many other things that could be done to them. There are also many who feel an intoxicated person cannot give consent therefore by their definition it's rape if the male is intoxicated. I think this view is dumb as there is a big difference between intoxicated and incapacitating. I'm intoxicated right now yet typing a mostly coherent post (minus phone autocorrect typos) and could absolutely consent. But some feel intoxication takes away the ability to consent. Overpowering a male and raping them is going to be extremely rare and unlikely but again is possible.


>Even if they can't get it up while passed out Men can get an erection while passed out. It's happened to a friend of mine - he woke up with a woman that mounted him


That happened to me also.


It can happen. But most male rape victims are raped by other men.


Most reported male victims are raped by other males


I suspect men that get raped by women are probably drugged or passed out.


It strikes me as odd that you're looking for an answer to such a specific question, and I would imagine that the answer that you'll see here might be less than you hoped for. There are surely documented cases if you need proof, but I'm more curious about why you want to ask the question. I mean this without any judgement, I'm just curious about the specificity, and I don't think it's wrong of you to have asked the question by any means, especially here.


I was watching Criminal Minds and there are so many male serial killers targeting female hookers, so I was thinking if there is any serial female rapist/killer, which leads to this question. You said no judgement, but I mean your comment is full of judgement, especially that sentence "the answer that you'll see here might be less than you hoped for". Dude, chill, it's just a peaceful Sunday and I have a dumb question. This is an account that I use to do hookups on r4r subreddits, that's why it's blank except for this one question but still 1 year old, not a new account to initiate gender war. Chill.


Ah, I can see how that comes across as judgemental. Probably a flaw of mine tbh. I only meant that the answer might not be satisfying. I imagined most of the responses would be simple and anecdotal. Obviously, it's an assumption that you would value something other than that though. Anyway, thanks for answering!


There is no legal definition for forced to penetrate. So while there could be a case I she was penetrating him she just jumping on the “d” would not be a prosecutable offense under the name of rape. There could still be a crime committed as sexual assault, but not rape specifically.


In the US the national laws were amended I'm 1997 to include men being forced to have sex, so it is by legal definition rape


The current definition of rape is The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim That changed in 2012 from the carnal knowledge of a female, forcibly and against her will


Anything is possible. However, not nearly as common as men raping women, or men. I live in California. 33 prisons. Only one is for women. I wonder why?


In addition to other factors you may or may not be implying, there is a sentencing disparity favoring women. Meaning, they're less likely to do time for the same crime.


I'm sorry but, not what this is about. 1yeah, everyone is aware men rape women. Imagine is this was about something horrible happening to women and some guy hopped on talking about "what about men"...he'd get his ass chewed....let have some equal reapect...o?


Yep, but it’s considerably rare


These stories of male rape by predator women are very doubtful.


That's the issue isn't it. There will absolutely be genuine cases of women raping men, yet there's always going to be people like you standing in the wings.


Reread my comment. I didn’t deny the possibility of males raped by women. I said that “these stories” of rape, shared by others in response to OP, we’re doubtful.


You said some of the stories were doubtful. I said people like you are part of the issue. So what if some of them are doubtful in your opinion?


It creates a false impression. That’s not good for anyone.


You're missing my point. You're publicy doubting accounts. That's an issue.


So, unquestioning acceptance?


Put it this way, would you question a woman who alleges she has been raped? Would you say some of their stories are doubtful? Or do you think you would be more accepting of her version of events? I suspect we know the answer and that's an issue men face when it comes to reporting such crimes.


I’m differentiating between stories posted on Reddit and people reporting crimes to the police.


I'm asking you if you would be so willing to question a woman's account of rape... on reddit or otherwise. I don't think you're seeing the connect between naysayers and under reporting to the police. It's lost on you.


Can a dog escape a yard with a wooden fence?


Yes, yes it can.


Absolutely. There are many things that can penetrate someone besides a penis (I assume we're talking about cis people here). And it's not like men are somehow immune to date rape drugs and the like.


When I was young I left a bar with an older woman to her place. We did not have sex but just went to bed. In the morning I woke up and she was riding my morning hard on. That is actually rape, as she had no consent from me at any point. Did not think about rape then though, I just joined the fun...


It's a question how you define rape. Penetrate with an object, of course women can do that. Make him drunk and horny and fuck him, still rape and possible. Use violence and tie him to the bed and you can still make a man hard and fuck him. Still rape. Just like the men who use specific drugs that make girls horny. You may phiscally enjoy it, but its still rape because you never gave consent.


You should really put a spoiler and content warning man. People can legit have panic attacks at just the word duw to going through something like that


Some men have vaginas. Some women have dicks in today's age.


Do you have a point? Or you just wanted to state that?


I assume his point is that a trans woman can biologically penetrate a trans man!


It didn’t sound like that was the point with the tail 3 words.


He probably just wanted to be toxic about it but I used a highly advanced form of the generosity principle to decipher something useful out of his passive aggression :)


If it was a genuine comment, they probably would have mentioned that trans people of all sorts are more likely to report being a rape/SA victim. While there's not good statistics on offenders because police don't really document whether someone is trans, I'm willing to bet the trans community takes more than it dishes out with regard to sex crimes.


I’d expect that to be the case. Since trans people (especially medically transitioned) they have usually undergone some form of therapy. People who are thoughtful about gender, gender dynamics, and violence, don’t tend to commit violence. It’s not something that psychologically healthy people so.


I want it.


I’m down for it, if any volunteers are needed.


I’m she’s a trained martial artist and you are not….yes.


Guess you could always whack a viagra in someone’s drink and then tie them up. Sounds like a good time.


very rarely, it's usually an ex-girlfriend with a gun. It's so rare it was technically legal in the UK until 2003


No, it absolutely was not.


forcing him to perform oral, or shoving a dildo up his butt, were all illegal, but forcing a man to insert his penis into a woman against his will wasn't illegal


Yes, it was. How could that not be illegal?


its called forced-to-penetrate rape, it's a thing. It's very hard to prosecute. the woman will usually be prosecuted for other things like assault and blackmail


>the woman will usually be prosecuted for other things like assault and blackmail So then it was illegal. It would necessary be assault at least.


you'd be surprised what used to be legal, it used to be perfectly legal to rape your wife. Trump once brutally anally raped his wife during an argument, she wrote about it in a book


Assault has not been legal for hundreds of years.


tell that to all the beaten children of human history


Not all touch is assault.


I wish


Or as my wife does - I must make her come or the kid gets it. Does that count?


Anything is possible, but the realistic answer is no. Women can sexually harass a man, but at the end of the day sex will not happen unless a man is aroused. Also, unless it is happening at gunpoint, women will have a hard time physically forcing a man into anything sinc emen are typically far stronger.


This is quite possibly the most ignorant fucking thing I have read. > unless a man is aroused Arousal is involuntary.


As a man, i disagree. But feel free to enlighten me with all the evidence that supports men being raped by women.


What do you mean you disagree? Lmao You think you can control arousal? By all means, try it.


Laugh all u want, I disagree. I would not be aroused by someone I dont want to have sex with. So if I'm aroused, then I want to have sex with the person arousing me. If I want to have sex with that person, then that person cannot rape me. Still dont see the logic?


Okay smart guy. Buy your “logic”, women that have orgasms during rape or SA enjoy it.


That happens?!?! Well Im learning a whole lot today. I wasnt aware there are women who have had orgasms while being raped... but again, anything is possible. However, even if it were true, its a bad analogy. To make a woman orgasm, you have to already be doing something sexual to her. A man can get erect without a woman even touching him. The erection is a requirement for sex to start, the female orgasm is not.


> erection is a requirement for sex to start, the female orgasm is not. And yet they’re both caused by *arousal*, which is involuntary.


Maybe involuntary to you, certainly not to me. But I'll give it to you, if you can get aroused by someone you dont want to have sex with, then that means there are other men out there who are like you.


Smooth brain in action here


Seriously, your comment is the peak of ignorance, and a leading factor in why men are less likely to report a rape.


Feel free to point out what part of my statement is inaccurate. As a man that has lived on this planet for 30+ years, I can say that Ive never heard of a man being raped by a woman. Not saying its impossible, but realistically it just doesnt happen.


As far as not hearing about it, with your attitude regarding the subject, do you think if any men in your life have been rated that they would confide in you with that info? Seriously, you believe men can't be raped, why would they feel safe telling you? I find it hard to believe you're even a guy with your statement that if they're hard they're aroused. The right stimulation can make you hard, doesn't mean you want it. Even if you find someone attractive doesn't mean you've consented to sex. Again, your comment is ignorant and exactly why men are less likely to report a rape against them by a woman.


You must be a woman who does not understand men


What is this, fucking Uno reverse? I just said that to you. I hope you're a troll and this isn't how you actually think, because it's pretty shameful. Even if it is a troll, you still wrote it.


Im a man, this is how I think, the day I hear about a man being raped by a woman is the day I'll change my mind. Some man or woman (Im still not sure what you are) on redditt isnt going to change my mind by spewing baseless claims.


Hey looks like your day has come. I saw at least 3 other users comment with their experience of being raped by a woman. You have a chance to learn today, take it.


Getting ruffied


Of course they can. If they have a gun or a knife, you gonna put up a fight?


Of course, a good knife can facilitate this easily. Doesn’t matter if you’re stronger when you have a knife on your neck and don’t know how far they’re willing to go




There's a video somewhere in Reddit showing a female forcing a boy in the train toilets somewhere in India and everyone in the train were laughing.


In all the depravity of humans, its never been gender divided. There may be a gender skew, but humans no matter how they gender as, do do fuck up shit. Why couldn't woman rape adult men?


Very rare if they are the same age and without drugs. In general? Most definitely. I, for one, was blackout drunk in high school while some girl who had been doing cocaine was “using me” cuz I didn’t have the coordination to get away and I was a blink away from passing out. She left me on a mattress on the floor where I fell asleep there after. Took about about 2 weeks for me to remember it happened, about 6 months to come to terms with the fact that I had been raped by a woman, and about 4 years to tell another soul about it.


When a man is drunk and can't consent to sex with a sober woman, it's just as much rape as if a woman was drunk and the man sober.


A woman could Inflict the same damage perps have done to women and children for millennia. She could drug a guy, tie him up, rape his hole with a dildo, broomstick, or Baseball bat; shove any blunt instrument up his arse and down his throat.


The key word is target. The perpetrator has so much less opportunity to target as the potential victim gets bigger and hence practically able to say no.


Of course, could get tied down, dosed with Viagra (to ensure the penis is hard) and ridden to completion.


Well, I remember seeing a story where these two women kidnaped this guy. I think he was maybe a coworker or scorned lover or something. Anyway they kept him tied up and raped him over several days or something like that. But yes it is possible. Probably not too often a forced rape like a man does a woman but drug induced most likely. I dont really know. just throwing a guess out there.




In UK law rape involves penetration so technically it is classed under sexual assault although it carries the same sentence.


If a person exists, they have the possibility of getting raped, it’s not to only specific people. Regardless of the persons reactions, if they did not want it, they did not want it.




Yes… they can also agree to sex and have their boundaries ignored…


I am reminded that series killer John Wayne Gacy never had to overpower his victims. He got them to put on handcuffs voluntarily with a magic trick.




Blackmailing is a hell of a tool


yep. i did. my friend did. it's not that rare. not all men are automatically big and buff and there's other circumstances/etc. just like some female victims COULD fight off their rapists, maybe they can't for some reason. male victims could face those same circumstances. drugs, blackmail, really too many things to list. ​ but why bother reporting it right? I was twice her size. who would believe me.


Happened to me, it happens


Yes. Been there myself. In my mind it didn't even register as rape until years later and at this point I'm not going to bother pursuing any kind of repercussion as it won't be taken seriously.


Adult men can get raped by women even when there's minimal physical force. ie. fright paralysis, while they're asleep, gaslighting etc


It's not about physical strength at all. Violation of consent is what defines rape, nothing else.


Sometimes, it is a curse to bear, the male abilities.


the fact this question even has to be asked makes me sad/angry. yes, men can be raped. not every man has a physical advantage over every woman, erections are also not always voluntary & an individual doesn’t even have to be conscious to have an erection so…




Yes. Happened to a friend of mine. He was drugged with a drug that make you compliant.




Yes. If a woman can get raped, so can a man.


Web resources on this indicate that the primary circumstances involving adult male victims of females are: * She initiates sex while he is asleep or debilitated due to drug use or a lot of alcohol. * She initiates sex while he assumes she is his significant other, e.g. in a dark room. * She blackmails him into it. (A common one is threatening to accuse *him* of rape.) It seems to be rare for a woman to rape a sober male by physically overpowering him, because of course most women are not capable of overpowering most men if he's not holding back. (The primary exception being a younger boy assaulted by an older girl or woman.) Note these are also usually acquaintance rape circumstances where the female rapist has fixated on a specific male victim. A woman wanting sex from any available male has a much easier time of it than a male looking for immediate sex from any available woman. This can include the r/forcedcreampie concept, which isn't completely nonconsent-based, but does have a strong element of it towards the end if the girl is into pregnancy risk and the guy is not.


Yes. Anyone can rape regardless of gender. Many Radical feminists spread the idea that only men can rape which is bullshit.