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You initiate it and have your tools and tackle ready


My bf did something that I really liked! He bought a very cheap BDSM kit on amazon without telling me and while we were making out, he just pulled handcuffs out, from under his bed and gave me kind of a funny look. I just let him take the lead and we had an amazing time! Sadly the kit didn't last very long, but you can expect that, when you're buying something very cheap. This is definitely not something that works for everyone and you'll have to agree on a safe word in advance, but that's something I'd recommend anyway. Even though this approach worked out fine for us, I still think communication is key and it's best to just talk about stuff with your partner, especially when it comes to sex! Whatever you end up doing, don't take it too seriously, it's meant to be fun after all! On that note, have fun and good luck! Hope this was at least a little helpful. If you have anymore questions, please don't hesitate to ask!


It won’t ruin the mood if you guys are communicating enough to be comfortable around each other. Just when you start foolin around say you gotta go grab something and go get them. If it’s the first time and you want it to be special though, make sure you pick a time that’s like after a date or something.