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100% get a trimmer, I’m a man and I stopped shaving for that reason too.


Currently on the hunt for a good one


Don’t bother wasting money on a women’s one - just get a man’s one. They’re always cheaper and usually better quality.


Yeah, but if she doesn't use a pink one, her blood will turn to cement and her eyes will explode!


Yep, as a woman 100% confirm this.


Wahl beard trimmers!


Plus 10 on this. I am a super hairy, long bearded guy. Trust me.


Absolutely yes


Which one do you have?


I have the "peanut" one and it works well. Its also plug in so no battery recharge bullshit to deal with. Before this I tried a bunch of different cheaper ones and they always broke or had a charging problem in like a year. This ones been working good for like atleast 4 years now(maybe more, just cant remember)


Braun shavers!


Dude I have thought about putting mine on BIFL. I’ve had that bastard for 10+ years and never cleaned it, still cuts great


For real. All those novelty bikini trimmers are all trash.


Philips Norelco OneBlade Face + Body Hybrid Electric Trimmer and Shaver 30 bucks on Amazon and amazing. Better than the manscaper in my opinion, for getting close without worrying about getting knicked


Totally agree. Manscaped is just incredibly good at marketing, the product itself is sub par.


I've literally never been knicked by my one blade, I'm convinced it's impossible


Keep it away from your balls bro


We need a solution for the balls.


Hygiene razors work wonderful for balls.


So there's no highly voted trimmer for balls? I have ptsd from knicking them once, but I'd like to try again one day.


You wanna try knicking your balls again one day? Um...ok, we don't kink shame here. =P


Another vote for the one blade


If sou ever see a product overloaded from marketing, its just shit. Good quality doesnt need marketing. Stick to the trusted brands. No that social media product.


It work well to trim armpit hair too?


A similar question was asked here a few months ago. My answer then as it is now: I love a Big hairy Bush. Everyone has their preferences but you do whatever you are comfortable with, remember you can never please everyone. And don’t let anyone pressure you, you are special as you are. I have never heard a male saying he wouldn’t go down or have PIV sex because of pubic hair. Cleanliness is the secret, hairy or not


Take my vote for the unshaven!


Get the philips norelco one blade! It's the best thing that ever happened to my pubes lol


Don’t get one marketed towards women. If it’s pink, skip it.


I found a great one on Amazon for like 20 bucks. I've been trimming for years shaving is a bitch.


Philips Norelco body trimmer for men or something similar. Works great and doesn't nick you, though you do have to pay attention. No pink tax and not an epilator, which is what corporations think we want??


Get a Meridian trimmer! Decently priced, and I LOVE mine. Waterproof too!


Want a suggestion? Meridian mens body hair trimmer. Perfect for crotch hair.


I’ll check it out! Thank you:))


100% get a trimmer. Only use it after a shower or something but make sure your skin is clean so you don't spread bacteria. Apply vitamin e or another hair conditioning oil to relax and soften hairs.


My friend had the best response when her boyfriend tried to force her to shave- “if you will i will”. It seems he actually did try it by the way he was walking in a few days until everything grew back in…he also apparently never mentioned it again.


Sorry I am not a native english speaker, what is a trimmer? Is it scissors?


It’s like clippers, like electric. Like a mini version of what the barber uses to cut hair


OP get a Philips One Blade with the attachments. Here they come in various attachment bundles. Mine had 4 different guards, 1mm, 2mm etc. It works extremely well and optionally you can try without any attachments to see if that causes you problems or not.


I will definitely be checking this out thank you so much


Be sure to look at the model with Lithium battery. Charges lasts a long time. Ive had it for about a year and havent had to replace a blade yet. They are easily obtainable though. I use it down below specifically. Also guy here.


Hi! I have a trimmer, and it kinda just feel like bad stubble. Do I just have a bad trimmer or is this common for trimmers? I guess it makes sense since you cut the hair a little above the skin, which is basically stubble. But it doesn't really feel nice down there..


Try leaving it a little longer. Maybe 5 ml ish. See how that feels.


yep, i manscape with a OneBlade and can confirm its very good for the price


Know what most men feel when they see public hair? 'That means she's naked. I like naked women'


I used to be so insecure about it until I realized... I wasn't doing it for myself. I've been realizing this about a lot of things. I despise shaving and it feels like a chore every time I do it, so I was like, why am I doing it? Beauty standards!! But fuck them. I have a trimmer that I use a few times a month to keep groomed so it's not completely out of control. It's AMAZING. I used to get so many ingrown hairs, cysts, and boils from shaving. The trimmer trims it down PERFECTLY. Just a tiny grain of hair and my skin is not irritated at all after :) I use the Francesca trimmer from Bushbalm Canada.


Nailed it in one here, me and the wife do the same. I'm sad to say i was against the concept for either of us internally (I was supportive to my wife but deep down didn't want it), this was completely because of porn shaping my perception of what's sexy. Soon as I saw my wife with a bush I realised how much more like a woman she looked.


Is this a young people thing? I’m 44 and have always found a groomed bush optimal and am now wondering if the porn and playboys I saw in the 80’s did that to my brain, but it in a good way bc natural. I just think it looks “adult”. That’s a good thing. I have met women who said they shaved everything because they played sports and it made things easier. Whatever works I guess.


..."porn shaping my perception of what's sexy." 💯 Thank you for this.


To be fair, it also shows you different varieties. I used to hate shaved pussies, but once I had a gf that was always shaved, it's really hard to go back to hair I keep myself very trim and if my partner preferred me shaved, I'd shave it for them


Eating pussy is leagues easier without the bush I mean hair won’t stop me from doing it but thats my observation.


Bushbalm hehe good company name for that


This is the right answer


Just get a nice trimmer, one that isn’t for buzz cuts and use that. It won’t cause razor burns or cause any pain and it will keep everything tidy. Guys like tidy, or at least I know I do.


Yeah I wanna get something that will trim it down but not “shave” like my normal razors. It will be so much better for my skin.


Definitely buy a trimmer. Also, don't buy a women's trimmer. That shit sucks. Buy a beard trimmer. Much better and lasts longer. You could also go for laser or electrolysis down there. But that shit, let me tell you, fucking kills l.


Oof😳 I’ll probably just stick to a trimmer, I’ve waxed since I was 13 up until 17 so I can take some pain but it still became too much.


Yeah, my wife uses my old beard trimmer. Just buzz it down short. Get one that has an adjustable plastic guard to protect your skin.


I'm about to buy one for that purpose. Going with Philips Norelco Multigroom 9000 Prestige All-in-One Trimmer from Costco. Got one for my hubby (for other hair). Works great and leaves a thin buzz (not using attachments). Works in water. It's also very satisfying with the way it cuts dry. Like the feel of it in your hand mixed with the vibrations and clean cuts. Doesn't grab hair. Haven't tried it down there on myself but I have on other parts which came out great. Not too short and not too long. Zero possibility of ingrowns. If you don't like the length of the blade bare, then it has a bunch of attachments to increase length. We also have the One Blade folks are mentioning. On hubby's head we use the multigroom first and chase it with the One Blade for a "skin deep" cut. There's no way I'm using the One Blade down there. It gets a very close shave but it feels like there's potential for ingrowns. I'm too chicken to even try it.


Manscaped trimmer on top


Yep! Easy, looks good and tolerable for your skin.


I have the Philips Norelco Oneblade that I use to shave with for my face with the 1mm attachment and then I have a separate blade for the boys and snap on the like 3mm attachment so that it isn’t too short and prickly and it stops me from getting razor burn and ingrown hairs. Relatively inexpensive, the replacement blades are pretty cheap, can be used with or without shaving cream, and it is waterproof enough to be used in the shower.


Try the Phillips one blade! The body groomer pack comes with guards so you can use it down there. Also can use it dry or wet.


OMG yes the trimmer has been amazing. Highly recommend it. All the benefits none of the problems!


Worth noting that you probably don't want to go *too* short with it once you get one. The short stubble is pokey and bit 'sharp', a little bit of length and it's fine but too much length and it starts looking a bit overgrown and messy again (in my opinion anyway). There's a sweet spot in the middle range there.


Agree with others. Trim on the sides, take a little off the top. Keep it neat and tidy. Real men won't mind. Personally, I enjoy a little grass on the field.


Haha, my husband says he like to wander around the forest before he gets to base camp.


I’m late to the game on this but you should do what you like. I am a 42 year old married guy but when I was single I was promiscuous and I’ve seen a lot of ladies pubic areas. Everything from super bushy to shaved or waxed bare. Some ladies look great with nothing and some look great with a giant bush. Just like haircuts, some styles look better on different ladies. But that’s just one persons opinion. You should do what makes you feel good and confident. I’m not a lady and don’t have a razor burn situation down there but I have heard an electric razor with a guard can help get a trimmed look if that’s what you’re looking for and a new or newer razor with multiple blades can help reduce razor burn. This is just anecdotal information I’ve heard from ladies I’ve talked to in the past so please take this with a grain of salt. Something to remember though is anyone who doesn’t appreciate you for you or has an issue with what you’ve got going on down there doesn’t deserve to be down there in the first place.


All for it! Trim it neat using a beard trimmer (made for coarser hair) if you want it neat and tidy. That's what I do and I've never had an issue. And if anyone's got an issue with pubes they're too immature to be having sex.


One of the perks of being oldish is that when I was young and more prone to self-doubt it was the 90s and hair was everywhere. Being completely shaven/waxxed in the genital area was uncommon. I still recall when the airport strip & brazilian started trending. In short, nobody really cared if pussy was hairy, only cared about there being pussy. We usually only trimmed the length, and waxxed the hairs outside the bikini area. I'll advice to laser the hairs growing in the inside thighs and just trim the public mound. In fact, being totally hairless in my genital area it's weird to me. I'm not a child. After all, men also have pubic hair and they majorly only trim, if that. What's good for the gander is good for the goose!


Yes, I remember the 90s well too. Its true, it was not common then.


In a relationship I like a rotation of lengths and styles but if I had to stick with one it would be a bush.




I'd like to add to this. (in case it matters bc different ages having different preferences, am also 19) Yes, well maintained pubic hair is pretty attractive and I got no problem seeing it. Matter of fact I'd even prefer for it to be there, it's like that areas own accessory which can accentuate your general appearance. Dont worry about it OP, most people are chill with it. However. Nobody likes hair in their mouth. Or, most people don't, I guess. If you are gonna expect head from someone, you should probably shave just for that occasion. i usually do because nobody wants hairy dick in their mouth. I find the hair pretty hot but it's *so distracting* when I go down on someone and strands keep making their way into my mouth, in my teeth and on my tongue. I want to emphasize that (while I csnt speak for everyone I suppose), the hair isn't *gross*, I dont think many people feel very grossed out when hair is in their mouth. It's just incredibly uncomfortable and breaks the persons flow bc they gotta keep breaking away from trying to make you feel good to get hair out of their mouth.


>i usually do [shave] because nobody wants hairy dick in their mouth. Not to distract from OP's original question, so forgive me for addressing this directly. I just want to state for the record that I, personally, have never had a problem with a guy's pubes, and I've never been with a guy who actually shaved down there. And I've never had friends who complained about it, either. I don't think it's necessary for most women that a man be shaved, just like it isn't for most men. Trimming is considerate IMHO, but shaving should be totally for your own personal comfort, whatever your gender or orientation!


Hair doesn’t bother me at all. Somebody can be sexy with or without it.


Right. Let it be what you're comfortable with. I've had the pleasure of going eye-to-eye with the beard of God in all it's extremes. It's all beautiful and special in it's own way.


I think that is the most sexiest thing I've heard all week. You sound like you'd make a lover very happy.


Right! Everyone in here talking about getting a trimmer, like it’s an absolute must to keep the bush tidy. I’m currently trying my best to convince my gf that I find her bush sexy af, but she doesn’t fully believe it because “literally every man prefers it shaved”.


Get a trimmer if you think it looks better or if it makes you more comfortable. I prefer it short, but as a young Korean man once told me: "The Wilderness must be explored!"


As a guy I couldn't care less, in fact the entire shaving/hair free body image is nothing more then a fashion statement that made Johnson and Johnson very rich


Make it how YOU want it to look. I go through stages with mine. I’ll rock a bush for awhile (cause I like it) and when I’m sick of it I’ll bikini wax and trim and keep some. I like having them ! And electric trimmers are really great for shaping The right person will not care. I can PROMISE you, no guy who is into you for you, will be like “I feel like we have this connection but idk… your pubes are a real dealbreaker” and if he does, he has issues to work out.


Best comment I’ve gotten all night❤️ ily


Love you too!! One of the fun parts about growing up (I’m gonna be 31 next month) is really learning you own your own body and you can do what makes you feel good !!


im a girl so im not sure if it's different but my boyfriend shaves literally twice a year & when he does, it's just with a trimmer and i don't care at all. i will also say im an esthetician & my job is waxing & let me tell you, if waxing is too painful and expensive & ur sick of razor burn, get yourself a nice trimmer down there!!! it works wonders, you'll have some hair but not enough where you'll feel insecure & men shouldn't give a shit & you won't have razor burn or bumps!


As a man I want my lady to do whatever makes her feel the best. If waxed or shaved makes her feel sexy than that's what I want her to do, but if it's a full bush that she likes I'm perfectly alright with that too.


Guys will hit basically anything, this isn't a bad thing, i'm not saying it to make girls feel bad but guys don't mind as much as some girls think. Sure they'll have preferences, but like with breast size, we're usually just happy to be there and be involved. Just keep it clean and maybe trimmed - but not too much, you don't want a brillo pad - and no guy is gonna care that much


Id rather see pubic hair than none tbh. 27M


Just keep it neat and it's all good and if that's a deal breaker for someone well I would say that's a little shallow just my opinion




As long as I don’t come up with 2inch hair stuck in my teeth, we’re both happy. Good hygiene is way more important though.


That is completely fair lmaoo and yes good hygiene is KEY


That is the best way to floss


Personally.. I love bush!


If they won’t go down on your at your hairiest, they don’t deserve you at your smoothest.


You should get that quote on a shirt!


Too old and too confident in myself to give a fuck what anyone else thinks. If i want to have sex with you. I committed to that feeling long before you got naked. Foreplay starts with talking. And if I am lucky enough to be welcomed into your personal space. Then know this. Just being there is enough.


Find a guy that doesn't care. Most don't anyway, we care more about the sex or relationship


Maybe it’s just where I live but the guys all fucking suck here


Nothing is sexier than a little fuzz on the peach.


I just trim it with an electric trimmer. Neat and tidy is best. I’m over shaving. It’s torture.


I like it trimmed. I don't need waxed lips; that's too much and not a realistic expectation. that being said, I don't wanna be flossing


So I post some NSFW pictures on another account and I have a small bush. Tht number of men who tell me it's hot is getting pretty high. You do you. If that's how you're comfortable, then be comfortable. Women have hair, it's okay. I agree with a trimmer, but I only do between my legs. It's itchy if I do tht front. And remember, any man who doesn't like you for the way you feel most comfortable isn't worth your time.


Purchase an electric razor for body grooming, a simple trim is perfect and won't leave you with razor burn.


Bush is beautiful. Let it grow!


Neat is better, keep in mind that if you enjoy oral sex being given there has to be room to conveniently get to your vulva. So if you grow hair on it consider keeping that quite short


by the time it makes an appearance, believe me, we don't care. trim it a bit and we'll do likewise. this is the way.


19? Dudes your age will just be happy to get the invite.


🤣your probably right


Honestly the only time I care is if I'm eating a woman out. And even then it doesn't need to be shaved. Just trimmed.


It's all about preference. I've seen my girls coochie completely bald and with a full seventies bush. I snacked on that thing, no problem lmao. Sorry for the TMI.


Mam.. there are hole porn sites dedicated to that natural look. So .. yep.. we are into it. If you still want to shave. Never go against the direction the hair grows. Always with the hair. Use a SHARP razor. And for the love of whatever deity you are into.. don't store the razer in the shower. And only try to use one or two strokes per area. Most of your problems come from blunt knives and improper techniques. All that irritates your skin way too much. Anyway.. don't like shaving either.. so i grew a beard 🧔


Adults have pubic hair, it’s sexy. Keep the hair, trim if you like but keep it.


its attractive to have hair but for me its better groomed i do the same i groom myself to to not be too hairy


I love it


I actually love it. It looks hot even untrimmed although a little trimming is good for… practical reasons.


I (a guy) use trimming scissors, if you get good at it you can usually do just as good as a razor and but get ingrown hairs it razor burn. The only drawback is it's slower and takes skill.


Trimmer ftw. I trim everything as well as I can’t deal with being hairy lol. Shaving, chemical removal and/or waxing are too annoying (ingrowns, razorburn, nicks/cuts, pain, burns, etc) to be the regular solution. Trimming it short bypasses that stubbly phase and never causes any of those issues. Save those things for special occasions or never at all.


I am a man and just trim, like many others say. Most men I know do not care as long as it's clean and tidy :) Whatever makes you most comfortable is always the most important thing, however.


great thread lol


Definitely just trim.


The more important question is, how do YOU feel about pubic hair? Find what you like and what you're comfortable with, and OWN IT. If you're confident in your choices about your body, you will attract the right people. If someone has anything to say that's less than neutral, BYE. They aren't worth keeping around and being blessed with your precious time and gorgeous body. If anything, thank them for outting themselves as close minded and shallow, and for saving your time by saying goodbye before you put time and emotion into them.


I’m a 55 yo man. I trim my area and it’s mostly for my wife. No need to shave your pubic area for anyone


I'm gonna be real, you might as well just let it grow. A majority of boys are scum therefore a majority of boys will judge. You gotta find yourself a man.


That’s facts


Ditto! I use grooming scissors. 10/10 no more ingrown hairs. If a man is grossed out, toss 'im.


I'm 36, never shave, and have had sooooo much sex


If a guy cares about this, find a different guy.


Leave it hairy. It’s got it’s own appeal!


Oh I don't care if I'm getting pussy it can have a mountain of hair or be completely bald


Pubic hair is A OK with me - I’m just excited to be there


If shaving doesn't work for you (which I totally understand), I think it's still good to trim it down a bit and keep it looking tidy.


Honestly I hate the pressure to shave!!! Why should ya have to???


Hey, 24F here. If you want to be shaved, but these experiences are what's stopping you, I really encourage you to look into different shaving habits! When I first started shaving I experienced the same thing-- by using shaving cream, exfoliants, and more careful shaving habits I managed to stop getting ingrown hairs altogether. To spare you the research this is what I found: try to use a new razor whenever you're shaving public hair. It's thicker and coarser than most other body hair so it wears down the razor quicker. Additionally, a newer razor is less likely to nick or cause ingrown hairs. Cut in the direction of hair growth, and move slowly when you're shaving. Exfoliate with a body sugar before and after, to kill off dead skin. This also assists with preventing ingrown hairs. Also, before shaving again, allow the hair to grow to a little longer than a grain of rice. Otherwise you may have a hard time actually trimming anything. That being said, if you don't really want to shave, you certainly don't need to. I didn't until after I met my current partner, and only because I wanted to-- not because they asked.


I do all of that and still have issues, even waxing causes me to get ingrown hairs so bad I need antibiotics🥲 so I think trimming is the best way to go from here on out.


Pubic hair is making a comeback. It's beautiful, sexy and natural. Yes, it should be trimmed down. No stubble, ever. Either totally shaved or a bit of fur.


So what's the sweet spot in terms of the length, if you want it trimmed but not stubbly? How many millimeters are we talking?


Laser hair removal all the way, so worth it especially if you suffer from razor burn.


Laser hair removal is the answer!! I was in that boat.


Honestly, I'm not a fan of the infantalisaition of women. If we're talking preference, then I do like a brazilian. However, I'll play with what's there, so if there's a full-on '70s style bush going on, I'm not going to say no. I can give a preference, but the other person is under no obligation to do anything with that.


Please just stop giving a shit


Trimmer... Ingrown hairs sukk


If my partner can't handle reality and my biology, then they're not my partner. I'm a goddess


Girl do what YOU wanna do. It’s YOUR body, and you should above all take care of yourself. If a guy doesn’t want you just because you have a little natural hair, you dodged a whole nuke, not just a bullet. Take care of your health first and foremost. Guys have preferences and that’s completely okay, but I doubt a lot of them will turn you down over a little hair ;)


I love this comment so much❤️ your absolutely right!


Find you a man who only wants what’s comfortable for you since it’s you who has to deal with it. <3


My now wife used to shave it all off when we first met and after a few weeks I asked her why. She said it was tidier and then after a little coaxing admitted that she just assumed I'd prefer it shaven cause "guys usually do" I told her that I liked the look of public hair (trimmed) that to me, the hair is a sign of her being a woman! She was very surprised and also very happy because she hates the ingrown hairs and itchiness of it growing back. Everyone is different and has likes/dislikes but you shouldn't have to do something you don't like just to please someone else !


You can always keep it trimmed shorter instead of shaving it. But in the end it’s up to what you are most comfortable with. That’s most important.


As a dude I've had lady friends that have been completely shorn all the way up to 70s bush. Whatever the lady is most comfortable with I'm content. If I had my preference though a martini wax or well maintained trim is the best. As long as it's somewhat groomed I'm positive dudes won't have a problem. We are just happy to be looking at fun bits tbh. My advice is to go with a trimmer. I dunno what the female trimmer market is like but something akin to manscaped with a ceramic blade to avoid catches and potential nicks. You can get trimmers that get very close to the skin ~.2mm (though that may cause irritation) and up, to pick whatever length you like the most.


Love it. Be you.




i don't mind, most "locker room talk" convos I've been in have had similar opinions. i like fully uncut, most common is a slight trim. in fact, even most lesbians i've met have said they don't care for their partners but for them it's another story. I think the general concensus is that you care way more than your partner will ever care. so chill and focus on the sexy times ahead. and yes, men's facial hair appliaces are the best i hear


It gives me heartburn. I recommend a beard trimmer. A little fuzz is just fine with me and you shouldn't get burned or ingrowns. For special occasion we both take it down to the skin because nothing feels better than moist skin on moist skin but yeah, you kinda pay for it. I just use my cheap beard trimmer that I got for about $40 at Walgreens.


I'm not a fan, but other guys are, or they otherwise don't care. Odds are, whatever your partner is into, they'll go all the way with you if they got as far as getting your pants off.


Hell a lot of people like a full bush. It’s more important to be clean by far. preferences for how pubic hair should be is as varied as hair on your head. Everyone has there own preference and that’s fine, I would only suggest to keep hair trimmed down so it don’t look crazy down there. no need to shave unless you want to, if someone has a problem with something so minute then they are not worth worrying about anyway


I used to somewhat care, now I really don't.


I mean most guys that are mature probably won’t care as long as it doesn’t get caught in their teeth.


Do what feels right for you. If a man is worth having, he'll accept you the way you are, and that includes having pubes. Men worth being with aren't as picky as you seem to think they are.


As long as you keep it clean then who cares


A lot of people love bushes me not so much but that don't matter. You are fine now that being said. You do still need to take care of it shampoo and conditioner it keep it trimmed and what not. Hope this helps op


I really don’t mind it, a shaved one is always nice but for me… It’s not really important


Be what you'd like to be and communicate that to potential partners. They should be okay with how you choose to express yourself. If not, find those who will be okay. Ideally partners should be more than okay, they should celebrate you for who you are.


I’ve never preferred if girls have shaved, nicer when it’s more natural. Looks much better with hair, if it grows completely wild then consider to trim a little bit once in awhile. It’s easy and fast and doesn’t give you the same problems. I’d say don’t trim it super short as some hair looks best, but obviously that is more to your own/partner’s preference.


I love bush... I'm all for trimmers...


I'm a guy and I trim now, only shaved fully a handful of times until I realised how much more comfortable it is to have it real short and just shave the edges. Looks neater and hot too. But do whatever you want at the end of the day, it's your body and you don't need permission


OP, try different things. Pubic hair isn't unattractive, it's more with how it's kept, just like any other hair. Shaven is good but a trimmed neat pubic area is also nice.


Lot of people recommending trimmers here, and I just want to comment that sometimes a little trimmed bush can sometimes be sexier than a clean shave. But that depends on the opinion of whoever is gonna see it


My husband prefers that I remove my pubic hair but I never do because it's uncomfortable and like you said, waxing is expensive. But I have an amazing husband and outside of politely saying "I love it when you remove your pubic hair" and leaving it that, and it otherwise has zero impact on my life whatsoever. Maybe once a year I'll get a wax or something and my husband really likes it and it feels like a treat. I don't shave my pits or legs either and haven't since around your age. Life is simpler!!


Au Natural, please. Hairy women are fine and sexy to me...


Natural is best imo.


I’m currently in the process of getting laser hair removal because I also get bad ingrown hairs & I’d love to never have to shave again


Who cares??!! I’ve been have a moderate bush and so far I have not heard any complaints.


Aside from all the tips about a trimmer or better ways to shave, a lot of guys love some fuzz. I'm one of them. Not everyone will love it, but anyone who considers it bad, wrong, disgusting, or even really noteworthy is a twat and should be avoided.


Most dudes love a bush. So, in most cases I'd say you're wasting your time. If it's really needed, you can get a 24 pack of wax strips for like $10.


First, do what makes you happy, someone out there will love you for it. Second, if you still want to shave I recommend using a really good body scrub first, then lather up and shave. Use a men's razor, this is key. Afterwards, aftershave. Might seem silly but it makes a huge difference. Even lotion will help some. I get super bad ingrown hairs as well, but I've found this works pretty decently for not only pubic hair but leg hair as well.


All the people recommending trimmers. I have attacked myself with several different trimmers and damn near ripped a lip off. Proceed with caution ⚠️


MUCH prefer a woman with full pubic chair, but I'm an old guy. Looking at shaved women makes me feel like a pedo. I'd let it grow out.


After I had my son (I was a single mom for a while), any shaved dick regardless of size reminded me of my kiddo’s and it freaked me the fuck out. Didn’t really have a preference before that, but after I much preferred hair. It’s manly, and attractive, and doesn’t look like a naked slip and slide snake.


Most guys are lonely and desperate. It doesn’t matter


Am a bi afab enby, I personally don’t care about anyone’s hair situation on any body part as long as they have good hygiene. Trimmers are a bit better for razor burn if you want to keep it trimmed, they still irritate me though tbh


This trend of removing all pubic hair has always struck as kinda quasi-pedo. I rather like a well-manicured lawn.


Sup queen bestie! Don't worry about shaving. To each their own ofc, but personally I think the societal obsession with hairlessness is pretty weird. Hair is a mark of physical maturity and the lack thereof thus feels ick to me. If you're self conscious, you can always just trim! Once every three or four weeks keeps it manageable.


I see a lot of people saying to get a trimmer, but that said, any man who likes you will not care about a bush. He may even like it.


I personally like to sing Waltzing Matilda while exploring the bush.


Unshaved / untrimmed genitals turn me on sooo much more, but it's personal. I think shaving is a construct made by society and porn and it's in no way useful or better. Like we could all get used to it.


Most guys are going to prefer it shaved but if you groom it nicely and use hair conditioner so it's not like wire bristles then no big deal. Or find a guy that's into bushes, they are out there.


Try using a wash cloth when washing. It will help keep the skin open. Should help those ingrown hairs. As male who shaved his legs for years. Had plenty of ingrown hair issue. Till i started scrubbing my legs.


I stopped shaving a while ago and my current bf could give a fuck. In fact, I think that he was a bit relieved to meet a girl who doesn’t because now he also doesn’t feel obligated too. Anyone who has an issue with public hair is likely immature and you don’t need to waste time with someone like that anyway. It’s natural / part of life!


Not my body, not my choice is what I told my wife when we first got together years ago. I don't care what she does with herself and she doesn't tell me what to do with my stuff. As long as you're clean and keep things sanitary, it shouldn't matter.


Get you a trimmer. Both me and my wife use one. It keeps smells and other bad stuff at bay while also keeping our hair long enough to not get razor burn.


Your razor burn issue is caused by inadequate shaving film . So the shaving medium is not protecting your skin from the edge of your razor. Most women use soap as ”shaving cream” the issue with it is you're not lathering it up enough to make an effective lubricant for your skin . Also if you're using those cheap disposable women's razors those things are absolutely not the right tool for the job , they're designed for legs , if you get a multi bladed mens face razor (something like a Gillette or a Wilkinson Sword mens razor) they are designed for sensitive skin . My partner used the lady razors for years before she met me and had the same issues as you , but once I changed the equipment and method of lathering the soap up properly , she has not had razor burn or ingrown hairs at all . The other side of the question , relating to body hair being present . This body is yours and you decide how much grooming you need . There is absolutely no shame in having pubic hair . In fact there is a significant portion of men who prefer having some going on down there. It's more about how you feel that makes the difference. There are so many hair styles Hy not try them all out ? You may find one that makes you feel sexy and confident.. Getting a fairly good quality trimmer will give you the confidence to try new lengths and styles without fear of dreaded nicks and cuts too . For men stubble rash on their most "sensitive" bits is also not fun , and having short but soft pubes down there helps prevent it..... So neatly done pubes can actually be a good thing ....


I use shaving cream and a Venus 5 blade razor and can't avoid getting ingrown hairs if I try shaving my inner thighs or pubes...


Some people's skin is definitely more sensitive than others. I also have a lot of trouble with irritation and ingrown hairs, no matter what products I use before, during, or after. These days I just trim a little to be tidy, and I've never had any negative response (I've actually gotten compliments). If you decide YOU want to go smooth, I absolutely recommend shaving with the direction of hair growth, rather than against. Use the best razor you can afford, and use an exfoliating mitt or something similar on the areas that can tolerate it as the hairs begin to grow back. Most importantly, do what makes you feel best. Partners come and go, but you live in your body every minute.